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ህጹጽ ሕሹኽታ ካብ ኣኽርያን ሮበርት ሙጋቨን ናብ መራሒ ስርዓት ህግደፍ

ኣብ ታሪኽ ኣህጉር ኣፍሪቃ፡ ምዕላው መንግስቲ፡ ብስም ዲሞክራሲ፡ መሰልን ናጽነትን ምሒልካን ጥሒልካን ህዝቢ ኣሰሊፍካ ሰውራ ወይ ለውጢ ምክያድ፡ ስልጣን ምስጨበጥካ ዝኣተኻዮ መብጽዓ ምጥላምን ኣብ ኮረሻ ስልጣን ንዘደየበካ ሓፋሽ ምርጋጽን ልሙድ’ዩ። እዚ ኣብ ኤርትራ፡ ዚምባብወ፡ ኡጋንዳ፡

ኣብ ታሪኽ ኣህጉር ኣፍሪቃ፡ ምዕላው መንግስቲ፡ ብስም ዲሞክራሲ፡ መሰልን ናጽነትን ምሒልካን ጥሒልካን ህዝቢ ኣሰሊፍካ ሰውራ ወይ ለውጢ ምክያድ፡ ስልጣን ምስጨበጥካ ዝኣተኻዮ መብጽዓ ምጥላምን ኣብ ኮረሻ ስልጣን ንዘደየበካ ሓፋሽ ምርጋጽን ልሙድ’ዩ። እዚ ኣብ ኤርትራ፡ ዚምባብወ፡ ኡጋንዳ፡ ደቡብ ሱዳን፡ ዲሞክራስያዊት ሪፓብሊክ ኮንጎን ኢትዮጵያን ዘሎ ግዕዙይ ምምሕዳርን ህዝቢ ዝደኸመሉን ህይወቱ ዝኸፈለሉን ስልጣን ምጭዋይን ድማ ከም ኣብነት ክጥቀስ ይከኣል። ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ዓለም ዘርከበቶን ን37 ዓመታት ዝተኾደጫ ዙፋን ተሓዲጉ ዘሎን ሮበርት ሙጋቨ፡  ሰውራ መሪሑ ንህዝቢ ዚምባብወ ካብ ምንጋጋ ባዕዳዊ መግዛእቲ ስለዝገላገሎን ኣብ ፈለማ ዓመታት ጽቡቅ ነገራት ስለዝገበረን ብዝበዝሕ ህዝቢ ዚምባብወ ፍትዉ’ዩ ነይሩ። ነዊሕ ከይጸንሐ ግን ብስልጣን ስለዝዓወረን መብጽዓ ህዝቡ ረሲዑን፡ ናብ ዲቅ ዝበለ ውልቀ መላኽን ገባቲ ሃብትን ተሰጋጊሩን ብህዝቢ ዚምባብወ ተፈንፊኑን። ኣብ መወዳእታኡ ድማ ናብ ታሪኽ ጉሓፍ ተደርብዩን ነበር ኮይኑን። ስሙ ካብ ሓርበኛ ተጋዳላይ ናብ መላኽን ገፋዒ ህዝቡን ተቀይሩ። ሰብን እዝግን ክሳብ ዝጸልኣካ ዕድመን ስልጣንን ኣይሃብካ። መራሒ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስን ሮበርት ሙጋቨን፡ ብዙሕ ዘመሳስል ታሪኽን ጽዩፍ ተግባራትን ኣለዎም። ሰውራ ምምራሕ፡ ንነዊሕ ዓመታት ምግባት ስልጣን፡ ንተቃወምትኻ ምእሳርን ካብ ስልጣን ምብራርን፡ ንብረት ሃገርን ህዝብን ኣብ ውልቃዊ ረብሓኻ ምውዓል ክጥቀስ ይኽእል። እንተኾነ መላኺ ኢሳያስ፡ ካብ ሙጋቨ ኣዝዩ ዝኸፍአን ዝሰይጠነን ጠባይ ስለዘለዎ፡ ክሳብ ለይቲ ሎሚ ንኢሳያስ ዝወዳደር ዲያብሎስ መራሒ ኣይተወልደን።

“ጭሕሚ ብጻይካ ክላጸ ጭሕምኻ ማይ ልኸ” ወይ “ድሕሪ ኣቦኻ ሞት ግዴኻ” ከምዝብሃል፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ለባምን ወስተውዓልን እንተኾይኑ፡ እዚ ንሮበርት ሙጋቨ ኣጋጢምዎ ዘሎ ውርደትን ስዕረትን ኣብ ዝባኑ ከይዓለበ ወይ ኣብ ድርኩኺት ቤት ጽሕፈቱ ደበኽ ክይበለ እንከሎ፡ ብኣታሃድማ ዕቡያት ስልጣኑ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከረክብ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝምእምኦ መራሕን መንግስትን ክመርጽ ከፍቅድን ሕድሪ ስዉኣት ከኽብርን ይሕተት ኣሎ። መላኺ ኢሳያስን ተሓባበርቱን ላዕለዎት ካድራቱን ጀነራላቱን፡ ስቃይ፡ መረረን ምግሃስ ሰብኣዊ መሰል ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዕሽሽ ምባል እንተመሪጾም ግን፡ እቲ ብ31 ጥቅምቲ ዝተወልዐ ንጣር ቁልዒ ተደጉሉ’ምበር ከምዘይጠፍአ ክግንዘቡ ኣለዎም። ምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ንመዋእል ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከደናግር፡ ከፈራርሕ፡ ምስ ሓይሉ ክነብር ከምዘይክእልን ንጭቡጥ ኩነታት ኤርትራ ብግቡእ ክግምግምን ክርዳእን ግዚኡ ኣኺሉ’ዩ። ህቡቡነትን ጽቡቅ ሞያን ህዝባዊ ግንባር፡ ኣብ ሰብዓታት. ሰማንያታት ተስዓታት ኣይኮነን ዘሎ። ድሕሪ ናጽነት ብፍላይ ድማ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ 15 ዓመታት ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ኩሉ ተግባራቱ ናብ ጨካን ኣራዊት፡ ነብሰይ ይጥዓመኒ፡ ምዕናው ሃገርን ህዝብን ስለዝተቀየረ፡ ክብርታቱ ክንቲት ደርሆ’ዩ ኮይኑ።

መጻኢ ዕድል ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ኣብ ኢድ ህዝብን ሰራዊትን ኤርትራ ስለዘሎ፡ ነቲ ከም ቁርዲድ ደሙ ዝመጽዮ ዘሎ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ብስሙር ቅልጽም “ይኣኽለካ ካብ ርእስና ውረድ” ክብሎ ኣለዎ። ሰራዊት ኤርትራ’ውን ሕጊ ክነግስ፡ ድሕነት ህዝቢ ክረጋገጽ፡ ጉሓላሉን ገበነኛታትን ኣብ ፍርዲ ክቀርቡ ታሪኻዊ ሓላፍነት ኣለዎ። ህዝብን ሰራዊትን ኤርትራ፡ በትሪ ኣብ ኢድካ ተመን ኣብ እግርኻ ስለዘሎ፡ ብቀጻሊ ትርገጸሉ፡ ትእሰረሉ፡ ከም ካልኣይ ዜጋ ትቁጸረሉ፡ ናብ ስደት ተምርሓሉ፡ ንብረትካ ትዝመተሉ፡ መቅዘፍቲ ደቅኻ ትርድኣሉ፡ ብሓለንጊ ጥሜት ትግረፈሉን ብሕጽረት ማሕበራዊ ኣገልግሎት ትሳቀየሉን መዋእል ከብቅዕ ይግባእ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ቅድሚ ሰብ ተፈጢርካን ብጽቡቅ ተሰሚኻን ከተብቅዕ፡ ድሕሪ ሰብ ትተርፈሉን  ብሕማቅ ትፍለጠሉን ግዜ መኸተምታ የድልዮ’ሎ። ክሳብ መኣስ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ “ማሕበረሰብ ዓለም እገዳ ገይሩልና፡ ልኡላውነትና ብኢትዮጵያ ተደፊሩ” እናበለ ከታልለካ። እዚ ተሕልፎ ዘለኻ መዋእል ኣካሒዳ፡ ምረት፡ ጓህን ምስትምሳልን ተውዲኡ መስተርሆት ከተንግስ ዓቅሚ ከምዘለካ ብግብሪ ከተረጋግጽ ኣለካ። ንጉዳይካ ልዕሊ ንስኻ ካልእ ኣካል ክፈትሓልካን ብጸሎትን ክትረኽቦን ክትጽበ የብልካን። ውልቀ መላኺ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ሕሹኽታ ናይ ኣኽርያን ሮበርት ሙጋቨን ኣብ ኣእዛኑ ኣትየን ኣለዋ። ነየንአን ይመርጽ፡ እቲ ውሳነ ንመላኺ ኢሳያስ ዝግደፍ’ዩ። “መውረድ ጻሕሊ ቀያይርካ ጽብሒ ኣይምቅርን” ከምዝብሃል ግን፡ መላኺ ኢሳያስ መሻርኽቱን ንይምሰል ኢሉ ቅዳሕ ናቱ ኣብ ሰልጣን ኣደይቡ፡ ብድሕሪ መጋረጃ እከይ ተግባራቱ ከይቅጽል ጥንቃቀ የድልዮ። መሰረታውያን ጠለባት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ መሰል ሰብ ይከበር፡ ብዘይ ፍርዲ ምእሳርን ምቅታልን ጠጠው ይበል፡ ህዝቢ ወከልቱ ክመርጽ ዕድል ይወሃቦ፡ ናጽነት ምዝራብን ምጽሓፍን እምነትን ክህሉ፡ ሕግን ፍትሕን ክነግስ፡ ሰብ ሰሪሑ ክንብር፡ መንእሰይ መኣዲ ፍልጠት ክረክብን ተሓታትነት ዘለዎ መንግስቲ ክምስረት ጥራሕ’ዩ። ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ እዚ ዝተጠቅሰ መሰረታዊ መሰላት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምስዘማልእ ጥራሕ’ዩ ሓልዮት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከምዘለዎ ዝምስከረሉ።

ጽላል ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ 25 ሕዳር 2017
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  • k.tewolde November 25, 2017

    Well,in a nut shell the message cannot be conveyed better than this for the oppressor and the oppressed.Go storm the palace and disarm the junta and their capitano, put them in house arrest waiting for trial for another day, secure the nation,maintain calm and order and call for general elections and hand over the power to the people.Simple.Without you the people and the children conscripted in the army,if we strain the entire nation,the bad ones who are reeking havoc upon us are very few,they are so few we can place them in a pen with the sheep ab edga hamus awaiting their fate from the Eritrean people.Thanks Tsilal for your concise and to the point advice.

    • Gezae November 26, 2017

      Do not criticize unconditionaly. We/everybody know/s history is the collection of all the good and bad events which have happened during the past and created change. History never repeats, but we can get experiences from it to manage our future because it is the treasure of the society not every single individual… but the society as a united body. However, not all history is based on true people opionions so yea alot of it is fact making it true, some sources may be bias creatin an inacurate. Anyway history is not a political propadanda seperating negativites from positivities. Thus all we have to do is to learn genuinely from the experiences silmuntenously or coinsidently to make a better future. Because in all cases, true history is integral to a good understanding condition that allows to build, and reform or change, upon a secure foundation. In a nutshell, history is not just useful, it is essential. History is inescapable, so understanding the context and starting points of the linkages between past and present is absolutely basic for a good understanding of the real condition. Any way to my understanding the stablity of any regime is/was not the legitimacy of that particular system of domination, but would say the presence or absence of preferable alternations.

      • Kalighe November 27, 2017


        You want teach an ex-Tegadaly Eritrean history ?
        While you were eating humberger, drinking beer and enjoying licking the ass of white women in the west, K. Tewelde was doing history in Eritrea.
        In bad times as this small men like you are trying to lecture others on what is Eritrean history and what is not.
        This the ugliest part of Higdef’s abhorring legacy.
        What a shame !!

        • k.tewolde November 27, 2017

          I am humbly flattered by your comment Kalige, I made it out of the killing field safely,the company who carved out the history with their flesh and bones and paid the ultimate sacrifice where left behind scattered in shallow graves,some with a frozen smile gazing into the heavens,some comfortably napping knowing their job on this earth is done.Yes,today the ones who are talking the loudest are the ones who were not there.As a matter of fact you don’t have to be there,just speak the truth and don’t desecrate the fallen.

          • Kalighe November 27, 2017

            Brother K. Tewelde,
            I appreciate your contribution to our struggle for independence and freedom.
            I would be morally reprehensible to keep silent while those who have contributed the best years of their life are being abused by mercenaries employed by a bloody junta.
            Thank you brother for what you have done for Eritrea.

        • Gezae November 27, 2017

          I always say think twice before you speak once. Before you dish out criticism, pause and consider whether you really need to say anything at all. I understand some people don’t think twice before criticizing someone else, because their tolerance level for ideas that are different from their own is practically non-existent, making them argumentative and easily angered. But, the truth is, there will always be differences between us. We know that we’re all different, have our own opinions and everyone is never going to agree on everything. Having said that, the bottom line is as it always has been. If you can’t say something nicely, well, you know the rest…

          It is obvious, when you throw negative energy at another, you are trying to hurt him or her, whether you realize it or not. However, at the same time, you are throwing negative energy out for yourself. What you put out is what you get back. This is logic. Would you want someone to do or say something to hurt you? Of course not! So be wise. Be mature. Let’s not forget the Golden Rule. When you make derogatory statements about others, the centered people in the room know exactly who you’re really talking about! When you lash out at another, it could be a defense mechanism. But your behavior is a product of feelings and issues you are trying to cope with that have nothing to do with the other person. It is behavior that makes you appear less than
          Really I don’t know you. and I don’t know K.Tewelde either. But to some extend I understand he was from Asmara and I assume or anticipate we were both at Hailesselassie Comprehensive High School in the end of 60th. Now I read from you that he was also a fighter for independence. Good!!!. I comprehend, oftentimes, being critical results from how you’re choosing to see a situation. But before you judge me as a bad person do you have any knowledge of who am I was too?

          I sense oftentimes, critical people have a tendency to personalize events that occur around them. This can bleed out into personalizing the actions of others. If someone gets on your nerves or makes your life difficult, you may feel the urge to criticize that person. However, remember other people have their own separate lives and struggles. If someone did something to bother you, the majority of the time their actions were not directed at you.

          Any how for you awareness: I was also a member of ELF since 1969. If you were a student at Hailesellassie Comprehensive High School all the pamphlets dispersed in the school compound at different times or pasted in the rest rooms most of them were by me. I joined the army struggle in the end of 1974 and stayed the organization driven to Sudan. In Sudan I was a member and one of the founder of Sagm. I was a member of the leadership of Sagm until I was detained and deported to Kenya in 1998 by the Woyane regime. I think these are enough for now.

          • Gezae November 27, 2017

            Correction: joined the army struggle in the end of 1974 and stayed until the organization was driven to Sudan. In Sudan I was a member and one of the founder of Sagm

  • Aba thimmer November 27, 2017

    Dear gezae, i am not sure if you were the one commented negative comments against eritrean interest on past posts which were totally destructive. If not, with respect tell us more. For instance, your contribution to eritrean cause equal or more of k. Teweolde has done gives you credit by mine but could you permit me to ask you sincerely! First, why weyane was able /want to deport you to Kenya in 1998? And where are you now? Are you a real man for change? We need you!

    • AHMED SALEH !!! November 27, 2017

      I followed your comments for long time but recently I was suspicious about the stupid commentator who use participants name in disguise to confuse this forum .
      ASSENNA NEFAHITTO attempts finally reached his target .
      Now we know the same coward is behind it .

    • Gezae November 28, 2017

      Part One

      I do not have detectable reason why!!!. The only thing I know after 29 days of my imprisonment in central police station. and I stayed 34 days at Shegali concentration camp brought Toyota Land Cruiser accompanied with armed soldiers and deported me to Moyale Kenya asked me to sign not returned back to Ethiopia any more for security purpose. . .
      I am residing in the USA..

      I am not a member of any group of the so called justice seekers what so ever, but I am always stand for democratic change from the very begning differently the curious outlook that have being precipitating.
      Dear brother, my understand and believe is even though the biggest political intolerance in Eritrean history happened was during the Ethiopian annexation that accomplished through the force of arm. Be that as it may, the roots of this political intolerance vestiges and scars permeated deep aren’t complitely eradicated till now. Of course, much has been cut down since the advent of Independence. However, never be so extravagant to claim that the prejudice has been replaced in extent and scale. Such that, not surprisingly, during the past 26 years, we experience anxious even beyond politics.

      Concequently, to days we are living in an stage of dishonesty, hatred, distrust, and more busy in hurling accusation, and stereotyping the community for the bad deeds; rather than understanding the reason why these happens. Instead the worst thing, on contrary, is the small scattered groups, confused bunch forces of evil manipulating the political landscape. However, while the coercive measures are clear and precise, time and again seeing the mini- scattered paid groups inexorable march to calamity deep down our fight for democracy reform to have lost its true direction.

      Bearing in mind how vaguely these acts are, the current crisises are not complete fault of the one party, the PFDJ/PIA government. It is the mini-disspated groups to be blamed for; henceforth, if we have percieved that these damn groups are sinful we too share equal persona in it. For this reason, I am . You are. We all are to be blame too; because most of us do not properly educate ourselves to become serious, virtuous as well as critical, and constructive citizens.
      Cuz, we can’t insult only the PIA government for we are collaterals the cause of political dysfunction to whom the great people of the”all is possible nation”. Especially those residing in the Western World, I mean, those with the least scars, arguing democracy as physical provocation instead of understsnding the inbeded turbulent of the past and rectifying the expectations of imperfect people. So before we proceed to any kind of change, we have to liberate our own fear, and we have to believe in ourselves, and we have to liberate our judgements to be able to tolerate more. And above all, we have to liberate ourselves from our own poor mentality countered to democratic principles.

      • Gezae November 28, 2017

        Part Two
        I know that the PFDJ-PIA government has always resist the campaign of the Western political democracies because believes Eritrea would be weaker if this type of system is occurred. Absolutly, I conced our independence that comes from a costly sacrifices should be jealously guarded; however, I believe the people’s freedom cannot be taken away, the painful cost of the independence the people paid for should be experienced equaly and should not be selfishly exploited. Thus I accept the society contepororly politics. Underlying that, whether the PFDJ government drives on the left or the right side of the road, as long as an ideal, society should be treated accordingly to uphold democracy. Thus I do not believe democracy in either way to be a concept devoid social justice, social reform, politico-economic empowerment of the majority and seek to defend the status quo at all cost .
        No State is really strong unless its government has the full consent of at least the majority of its people; and it is difficult to envisage how that consent can be obtained outside democracy. That why unquestionably, our post-independence era eloquent testimonyed that the call for a fair and just society. However, I conclude that the one-party PIA government would not do it alone. Thus, though PFDJ/PIA government has considerable burden, engendering democracy, as well as a fair and just society in Eritrea’s context, is not indebted to this one part government leadership; every citizen is/was indebted to it.
        The struggle for democracy is primarily a political struggle on the form of governance, thus involving the reconstitution of the state. No one can claims that democracy means and aims at social emancipation. Rather it is located on the terrain of political liberalism so, at best, creating conditions for the emancipatory project. For this reason, I wish the PFDJ government has to hold dear inalienable idea that people have the right of shared citizenship, respect and commonality to build a progressive democratic nation and a fair and just society ready to act, but act wisely.
        It is now time to conclude. In this, rather long-winded, I have tried to argue that the democratic struggles of the Eritrean people expressed in their independence and national liberation movements remain incomplete.

        • k.tewolde November 28, 2017

          This is not the first time you wrote this ambivalent ,ambiguous and detailed post,where we were ,how we got here,who and what got us to where we are and what we need to do to change our situation for the better,by now I think it is clear for every prudent Eritrean who seeks a genuine change.I don’t want to spend time interpreting every sentence you jotted above,however you are saying if we don’t have a viable alternative lets support the regime we have in Asmara,you even went further,it is through this regime only the mechanisms of democracy can be utilized and won.You agonized that the PFDJ regime bears considerable burden engendering democracy,for real! My friend it is ok to be a regime supporter,hold your ground.but don’t play the political grandpa who is trying to broker his feuding children or try to mix brutal dictatorship and democracy like a crafty bartender and serve us ‘dicmocracy’. People are being displaced,lost,cleansed ,dying everyday because of the blood sucking goons you betting on.

          • Gezae November 29, 2017

            I thing we are now coming closer. I either look for prudent Eritrean/s who seek/s a genuine change, but our concept and interpretation genuine change may be varied or mixed. Here is my perceptual understanding of a genuine change/reform in Eritrea:

            .Although the perception and implementation of democracy differ globally, it is generally accepted that democracy is a relationship between a responsible citizenry and a responsive government that encourages participation in the political process and guarantees basic rights. Democratization is a political process; however, the evolution of democrazation is never a one-way-road. There have been different interpretationsand conceptualizations within and outside Eritrea about.
            The challenges of developing genuine democratic practices and institutions in these types of political transitions alike require constant vigilance. Interestingly, while the concept of each democratic system will take on different forms based on its history, culture and traditions, there are common principles shared by all democracies. These include respect for human rights; a free and robust media; a vibrant civil-society; strong, effective, and democratic political parties, including a constructive opposition; the rule of law, an independent and competent judiciary; a representative parliament, in which women and men can legislate effectively and can hold the executive to account; a responsive government.
            However, one essential thing we need to comprehend here is the sheer fact that the growing demand for a shift from the one-party to a multi-party system is not an automatic guarantee that Eritrea will simplly experiencing a change towards a democratic system. The number of political groups/parties are merely a form and not a substance of democracy. Eritrean people need the attainment of a substance of democracy.
            So the transition towards multi-party democracy in Eritrea calls for the necessity of solving two related problem: firstly, is the problem of conceptualisation of the genuine form of democracy that is relevant to the conditions in Eritrea, while at the same time embracing the universal principles of democracy; secondly, is a strategy for establishment of this genuine form of democracy in Eritrea.
            I believe concerning the problem of conceptualising the genuine type of democracy relevant to the Eritrean conditions requires three thoughts: While democracy is an integral part of any socio-economic development process, the Eritrean masses need a social democracy that places emphasis on concrete political, social, and economic rights, as opposed to an extrem liberal democracy that emphasizes abstract political rights; a democracy that puts as much emphasis on collective rights as it does on individual rights; a democracy which entails decentralization of power to local democratic formations and empowerment of these local governance institutions; a democracy which is as inclusive as possible. The legislative bodies should in addition to national groups, have special representation of mass organizations.
            Thus, the development strategy derived from such a people-driven democratization process should be based on the following values and principles: a popular development strategy in which the people have to be the agents, the means and the end of the developmental process implies self-reliance that practiced at all levels, i.e. household, community, regional and national. I understand self-reliance requires much confidence and lack of confidence is a serious problem. It may well be the greatest obstacle to the development of Eritrea and democratic Eritrea, but no alternative to it.
            See you later.

  • Tesfom December 1, 2017

    ቅሩብ ሓሳባ ክድርቢ ኣብዛ ኣብትሒ ጽላል እትብል ጽሕፍቲ። እዚ ጽሑፍ እዚ ፓሎቲካዊ ትንተና ክትብሎ ኣዝዩ ኣሸጋሪ ኾይኑ ረኺበዮ። ብሕጽር ዝበለ ዝተጋነነ መረረን፣ ዝሰሓነ ዉልቃዊ ጽልኢ ንምግላጽ ዝተጻሕፈ ጽሑፍ ምኻኑ ንማንም ዝስወር ኣኮነን። ጸገም ናይ ዝምባበን ናይ ኤርትራን ነንበይኖም እዮም። መጀመርያ ነገር ናይ ዝምባበ ህዝቢ ንመራሒኦም ከም ቀዳማዊ ጸላኢኦም ጌሮም ኣይራኣይዎን። ሞቱን ስቅያትን ኣይተመነይሉን። እቲ ዝሓትዎ ሕቶ Power sharing ኮይኑ እዚ ዝተዓዘብናዮ ለውጢ ክኽሰት ተኻኢሉ። ብኣንጻሩ ደለይቲ ፍትሒዶ ዋላ ተቃወምቲዶ እናበሉ ዝጽዉዑ ሰባት ብሓቒ ናይ ተቓወምቲ ባህሪ የብሎምን። ህግደፍ ክጠፍ ኣለዎ ከምኡ እውን ኣዝዮ ኣነዋሪን ዓሌታዊን ዝኮነ ጸርፍታት ከተንዝቡ ጥራይ ኢኹም ትርኣዮ ዘለኹም። ብሓጺሩ ንህግደፍ ቀዳማይ ጸላኢኹም ጌርኩም ስጋብ ዘቐመጥኩሞ ህግደፍ ክወድቕ እዩ ኢልካ ዘይሕሰብ እዩ። ምክንያቱ ቐዳማይ ጸላኢ ብኣፈሙዝ ጥራይ ስለ ዝስዓር። እሞ ንስኹም ኣብ ወጻኢ ዘለኹም ተቓወምቲ ዓዲ ኣቲኹም ንመንግስቲ ክትቅይሩ”ከከከከከ ኣየኸኒ”። እዚ ጽሑፍ ናይ ጽላል ብኽልተ ቃላት ምገለጽኩዎ፣ ኑሱ ድማ ” ነዳይሲ ናይ ልቡ እሓልም”።