I listened to a broadcast on assenna radio based on a commentary made by “Wedi Bashay”. The first part of his commentary was the usual blaming of the Eritrean regime for all the internal turmoil the Eritrean Orthodox Church is going through.. I don’t want to contest Wedi Bashay on that for fear of becoming the devils advocate. My contention is more or less on fact check. than anything else. First up, Wedi Bashay claims that the Orthodox Church has suffered the most by the interference of the regime in its ecumenical activities more than any other religious institution.. To the best of my knowledge, the Orthodox Church belongs to the list of faith based institutions that the Eritrean regime has allowed to remain functional. The Jehovah witnesses, most non denominational protestant churches, and the Adventist Church have be.en .outlawed by the regime and most of their pastors are rotting in PFDJ’s notorious detention camps. The Jehovah witnesses have been stripped off their citizenship and have fled Eritrea to find a country that would accept them as decent human beings. We have not seen anything close to that happening to members of the Eritrean Orthodox Church. How is it that Wedi Bashay asserts that the Orthodox has suffered more than any other religious institution. Not true. . Wedi Bashay does not say whether or not the followers of the Orthodox Church have any blame to share for enabling the regime to infiltrate the church and cause all the divisions that has plagued it. He does not even mention the fact that followers of the Orthodox Church have been complicit with regime’s cadres in weeding out the Jehovah Witnesses and non denominational church members. Wedi Bashay goes on saying that “some small religious organizations”‘ are serving as regime agents to regiment diaspora youth. Not true. This political space is dominated by Orthodox Church members who are touting their solidarity with the regime appointed Patriarch in Eritrea. I want Wedi Bashay to come back to us on Voice of Assenna to clarity and sort out his facts if we are going to give him the benefit of the doubt that his motive was not to serve the truth PFDJ way… . . .
Betri Haki November 26, 2017
I listened to a broadcast on assenna radio based on a commentary made by “Wedi Bashay”. The first part of his commentary was the usual blaming of the Eritrean regime for all the internal turmoil the Eritrean Orthodox Church is going through.. I don’t want to contest Wedi Bashay on that for fear of becoming the devils advocate. My contention is more or less on fact check. than anything else. First up, Wedi Bashay claims that the Orthodox Church has suffered the most by the interference of the regime in its ecumenical activities more than any other religious institution.. To the best of my knowledge, the Orthodox Church belongs to the list of faith based institutions that the Eritrean regime has allowed to remain functional. The Jehovah witnesses, most non denominational protestant churches, and the Adventist Church have be.en .outlawed by the regime and most of their pastors are rotting in PFDJ’s notorious detention camps. The Jehovah witnesses have been stripped off their citizenship and have fled Eritrea to find a country that would accept them as decent human beings. We have not seen anything close to that happening to members of the Eritrean Orthodox Church. How is it that Wedi Bashay asserts that the Orthodox has suffered more than any other religious institution. Not true. . Wedi Bashay does not say whether or not the followers of the Orthodox Church have any blame to share for enabling the regime to infiltrate the church and cause all the divisions that has plagued it. He does not even mention the fact that followers of the Orthodox Church have been complicit with regime’s cadres in weeding out the Jehovah Witnesses and non denominational church members. Wedi Bashay goes on saying that “some small religious organizations”‘ are serving as regime agents to regiment diaspora youth. Not true. This political space is dominated by Orthodox Church members who are touting their solidarity with the regime appointed Patriarch in Eritrea. I want Wedi Bashay to come back to us on Voice of Assenna to clarity and sort out his facts if we are going to give him the benefit of the doubt that his motive was not to serve the truth PFDJ way… . . .
ዘይሓልፈላ ዓዲ November 26, 2017
Thank you for standing up for the truth!!!!!
ዘይሓልፈላ ዓዲ November 26, 2017
ወዲ ባሻይ፡- ድኹም ከኣ ሰራም ስብከት፡ ናይ ጰንጠ ድዩ ጂሆቫ …. አዚ ሲብከት ካለአ ሕቡአ ሂግደፋዊ ኣጀንዳ ከምዘሎ የብራሃልካ፡ ብምባል ኣብ መግለጺኻ ን ጰንጠን ጂሆቫን ከይሓፈርካ ከም መሳርሒ ሂግደፍ ኪትከሲስ የምሕረልካዶ? ዶስ ታሪኽ ዘፈልጥ ወዲ 14 ዓመት ኢኻ? ከምኡውን ኣማኒ ሚኻንካ ካብ መፅሓፍ ቑዱስ ጠቒስካ ኣለኻ፡ ሃይማኖትካ ቑኑዕ ሙኻኑ ናይ ጰንጠን ጂሆቫን ስብከት ግን ህግደፋዊ ሚኻኑ ሚግላፅካስ ነቲ ትኸሰሉ ዘለካ ገበን ተመሊስካ ባዕልኻ ምፍፃምዶኽ ኣይኮነን?
ን ኑኡሳን ሕብረተሰብ ፍትሒ ዘየምፅእ ደላዩ ፍትሒ ኸ ካብ ህግደፍ ብኸምይ እዩ ዝሓይሽ?
ህግደፍ ወጽዓ ሕብረተሰብ ኪጂምር ከሎኸ በዞም ከሲስካዮም ዘለኻ ዶ ኣይኮነን ጀሚሩ?
አዞም ከሲስካዮም ዘለካ ክፋል ሕብረተሰብ፡ ኣብ አዚ ህሞት አዚ ኣብ ኤርትራ ኣብ ከመይ ዚበለ ኩነታት ከም ዚርከቡ ሓበረታ ኣሎካዶ?
ነዚ ሕቶታት ኪትምልስ ተዘይኪልካ ኪትጽሕፍ ኣይምተገበኤን፡፡
ዘይሓልፈላ ዓዲ November 26, 2017
ወዲ ባሻይ፡- ድኹም ከኣ ሰራም ስብከት፡ ናይ ጰንጠ ድዩ ጂሆቫ …. አዚ ሲብከት ካለአ ሕቡአ ህግደፋዊ ኣጀንዳ ከምዘሎ የብራሃልካ፡ ብምባል ኣብ መግለጺኻ ን ጰንጠን ጂሆቫን ከይሓፈርካ ከም መሳርሒ ሂግደፍ ኪትከስስ የምሕረልካዶ? ዶስ ታሪኽ ዘይትፈልጥ ወዲ 14 ዓመት ኢኻ? ከምኡውን ኣማኒ ሙኻንካ ካብ መፅሓፍ ቑዱስ ጠቒስካ ኣለኻ፡ ሃይማኖትካ ቑኑዕ ሙኻኑ ናይ ጰንጠን ጂሆቫን ስብከት ግን ህግደፋዊ ምኻኑ ምግላፅካስ ነቲ ትኸሰሉ ዘለካ ገበን ተመሊስካ ባዕልኻ ምፍፃምዶኽ ኣይኮነን?
ን ኑኡሳን ክፋል ሕብረተሰብ ፍትሒ ዘየምፅእ ደላዩ ፍትሒ ኸ ካብ ህግደፍ ብኸምይ እዩ ዝሓይሽ?
ህግደፍ ወጽዓ ሕብረተሰብ ኪጂምር ከሎኸ በዞም ከሲስካዮም ዘለኻ ዶ ኣይኮነን ጀሚሩ?
አዞም ከሲስካዮም ዘለካ ክፋል ሕብረተሰብ፡ ኣብ አዚ ህሞት አዚ ኣብ ኤርትራ ኣብ ከመይ ዚበለ ኩነታት ከም ዚርከቡ ሓበረታ ኣሎካዶ?
ነዚ ሕቶታት ኪትምልስ ተዘይኪልካ ኪትጽሕፍ ኣይምተገበኤን፡፡