The extreme tyranny against every Eritrean in Eritrea makes the alliance of all religions in Eritrea (Christians and Muslims) against the tyranny in Eritrea to end all injustice in Eritrea.
Alem Goitem of Meskeremdotnet and Semere Tesfai of Awatedotcom should be advised not instigate divisive and civil wars.
The extreme tyranny against every Eritrean in Eritrea makes the alliance of all religions in Eritrea (Christians and Muslims) necessary in order to stop tyranny in Eritrea and to end all injustice committed against every Eritrean in Eritrea.
Our people should act immediately to put sense into senseless people, like Alem Goitem of Meskeremdotnet and Semere Tesfai of Awatedotcom who should be advised not to instigate divisive and civil wars politics.
Yes every one must stand up against this criminal regime,Christian highlanders who are the most victimized, and heading to extinction must also show solidarity with this victims for their own good..
Shame for the hungry and over used security forces who are getting enslaved in this modern age., to accept unjust order time and again to the detriment of the suffering people.
The slaves need to free themselves , and join with who ever opposing the criminal gangs.
Death to the bloody dictator and his yes men.,
Eritrea is experiencing the most cruel and oppressive colonizer in its history.
Victory to the Eritrean people
When the abused people’s anger gets worse, they feel like pushed to get their anger off their chest. That’s what history tells us about what the French people did in 1789 to free all innocent people who were thrown into the state prison by orders of the king. The angry people stormed the Bastille prison in Paris and that day became the first taste of freedom that led to French Revolution.
Oct 31, the Eritrean students’ storming of the streets of Asmara has removed all the fears that controlled the subjects of the tyrant in Eritrea. Once the streets stormed and fears removed, the whistles have blown signaling the end of the tyrant. It expected all the churches and mosques to jointly storm the fortresses and prisons of the tyrant to free all prisoners and declare end of the oppressive and tyrannical regime in Eritrea.
YOU are right TESFITHAGOSof ERITREANS ARE DIYING LEAVING THE COUNTRY AND IMPRISONED.IF THEY WHERE ERITREANS they would have realized they could not lead and resigned ,they do not have any consciousness they believe they are destroying the Eritrean race ,.They look they are succeeding .all ERITREANS EVEN THE ARMED FORCE IF YOU ARE REALY Eritrean it is high time to destroy this foreigners ,ERITREANS STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT REPLACE THOSE FoREINERS WHO HAVE BEEN KILLING AND DESTROYING OUR PEOPLE OUR CULTURE .IF WE WAIT SOME MORE YEARS THERE WILL NOT BE ANY PURE ERITREAN .IT IS TIME WAKE UP ERITREA
YOU are right HAGOST .AND WORSE OF ALL THE LEADERS ARE NOT EVEN ERITREANS that why they do not care when thousands of ERITREANS ARE DIYING LEAVING THE COUNTRY AND IMPRISONED.IF THEY WHERE ERITREANS they would have realized they could not lead and resigned ,they do not have any consciousness they believe they are destroying the Eritrean race ,.They look they are succeeding .all ERITREANS EVEN THE ARMED FORCE IF YOU ARE REALY Eritrean it is high time to destroy this foreigners ,ERITREANS STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT REPLACE THOSE FoREINERS WHO HAVE BEEN KILLING AND DESTROYING OUR PEOPLE OUR CULTURE .IF WE WAIT SOME MORE YEARS THERE WILL NOT BE ANY PURE ERITREAN .IT IS TIME WAKE UP ERITREA
Z. Hagos November 1, 2017
The extreme tyranny against every Eritrean in Eritrea makes the alliance of all religions in Eritrea (Christians and Muslims) against the tyranny in Eritrea to end all injustice in Eritrea.
Alem Goitem of Meskeremdotnet and Semere Tesfai of Awatedotcom should be advised not instigate divisive and civil wars.
Z. Hagos November 1, 2017
Reposting, it should read:
The extreme tyranny against every Eritrean in Eritrea makes the alliance of all religions in Eritrea (Christians and Muslims) necessary in order to stop tyranny in Eritrea and to end all injustice committed against every Eritrean in Eritrea.
Our people should act immediately to put sense into senseless people, like Alem Goitem of Meskeremdotnet and Semere Tesfai of Awatedotcom who should be advised not to instigate divisive and civil wars politics.
መፍቀሬ ኢየሱስ November 1, 2017
ኣማን በኣማን ረዚን እዋናዊ ዘረባ። ኣብ ልብና የሕድሮ`ሞ ኢድናን እግርናን ድማ ምስ ትርግታ ልብና ዝቃዶ ይግበሮ።
ንኤርትራውያን ስንፍና ኣእትዩልና ዘሎ ዝኸፍኤ ነገር፡ ኣፈላላይን ሸለልትነትን ኢዩ። ኩላትና ሓቢርና ክንብድህ፡ ክብረ መሰላትና እውን ክንመልስ ብሓባር ክንምርሽ የድልየና።
ሰላም፡ ፍትሒ፡ ራህዋ የውርደልና። ነቶም ጠበንጃ ዓጢቖም ዘለዉ ወተሃደራት ኤርትራ ልቦናን ሓቦን ይሃቦም። ዓድኻ ክዝመትዶ ዓይንኻ ርዕመት!
Berhe Tensea November 2, 2017
Yes every one must stand up against this criminal regime,Christian highlanders who are the most victimized, and heading to extinction must also show solidarity with this victims for their own good..
Shame for the hungry and over used security forces who are getting enslaved in this modern age., to accept unjust order time and again to the detriment of the suffering people.
The slaves need to free themselves , and join with who ever opposing the criminal gangs.
Death to the bloody dictator and his yes men.,
Eritrea is experiencing the most cruel and oppressive colonizer in its history.
Victory to the Eritrean people
Z. Hagos November 2, 2017
When the abused people’s anger gets worse, they feel like pushed to get their anger off their chest. That’s what history tells us about what the French people did in 1789 to free all innocent people who were thrown into the state prison by orders of the king. The angry people stormed the Bastille prison in Paris and that day became the first taste of freedom that led to French Revolution.
Oct 31, the Eritrean students’ storming of the streets of Asmara has removed all the fears that controlled the subjects of the tyrant in Eritrea. Once the streets stormed and fears removed, the whistles have blown signaling the end of the tyrant. It expected all the churches and mosques to jointly storm the fortresses and prisons of the tyrant to free all prisoners and declare end of the oppressive and tyrannical regime in Eritrea.
jommy November 4, 2017
November 4, 2017
YOU are right TESFITHAGOSof ERITREANS ARE DIYING LEAVING THE COUNTRY AND IMPRISONED.IF THEY WHERE ERITREANS they would have realized they could not lead and resigned ,they do not have any consciousness they believe they are destroying the Eritrean race ,.They look they are succeeding .all ERITREANS EVEN THE ARMED FORCE IF YOU ARE REALY Eritrean it is high time to destroy this foreigners ,ERITREANS STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT REPLACE THOSE FoREINERS WHO HAVE BEEN KILLING AND DESTROYING OUR PEOPLE OUR CULTURE .IF WE WAIT SOME MORE YEARS THERE WILL NOT BE ANY PURE ERITREAN .IT IS TIME WAKE UP ERITREA
jommy November 4, 2017
November 4, 2017
YOU are right HAGOST .AND WORSE OF ALL THE LEADERS ARE NOT EVEN ERITREANS that why they do not care when thousands of ERITREANS ARE DIYING LEAVING THE COUNTRY AND IMPRISONED.IF THEY WHERE ERITREANS they would have realized they could not lead and resigned ,they do not have any consciousness they believe they are destroying the Eritrean race ,.They look they are succeeding .all ERITREANS EVEN THE ARMED FORCE IF YOU ARE REALY Eritrean it is high time to destroy this foreigners ,ERITREANS STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT REPLACE THOSE FoREINERS WHO HAVE BEEN KILLING AND DESTROYING OUR PEOPLE OUR CULTURE .IF WE WAIT SOME MORE YEARS THERE WILL NOT BE ANY PURE ERITREAN .IT IS TIME WAKE UP ERITREA