US places Eritrea under fresh sanctions for military deal with North Korea
By Martin Plaut Washington imposed sanctions on the Eritrean navy after Asmara was found to have purchased military equipment from the North Korean regime – and not for the first time. Eritrea’s dealings were revealed in a
By Martin Plaut
Washington imposed sanctions on the Eritrean navy after Asmara was found to have purchased military equipment from the North Korean regime – and not for the first time.
Eritrea’s dealings were revealed in a UN Security Council Sanctions Committee report dated 17 February 2017.
Read More: US places Eritrea under fresh sanctions for military deal with North Korea
adhanom April 1, 2017
Any sanction is always welcome. However, our resistance, resolve and action both violent and non violent are the only potent tool to end our misery, sufferings and pains in the hands of the tyrany.
k.tewolde April 1, 2017
Sanction the Eritrean navy for real? what are they doing there,building a nuclear submarine or upgrading their flotilla of carriers,the regime is taking their nick name ‘the African North Korea’ seriously,aren’t they? May be they should be working on lifting the human power sanction they put on themselves by driving the most precious asset out of the nation- the youth, and see how the country’s woes dissipate both domestically and internationally.
PH April 2, 2017
K. Tewolde puts a challenging quation “what are they doing there “?
It is a precious question that, every body should answer it.
In fact, the HGDEF regime is highly trained to use RUT puzzle (sneak and hide ) , the military hardware , software, gold and fish, let be apart. Un SHAME FULLY smuggling Humans for his satisfaction.
andom April 2, 2017
UN arms embargo if implemented strictly is more effective than usa unilateral sanction for one segment of the army. This is just symbolic and has no effect. Does that mean eritrea can buy munition from any other country contrary to UN arms embargo? Any way Iseyas will continue his song that the usa is the enemy of eritrea although eritreans are singing another song that iseyas his identity crisis and ignorant generals are their onlyenemy.
adhanom April 3, 2017
From what i read the target of this sanction is north korea and not eritrea.the us sanctioned eritrea only to prevent eritrea from reselling usa equipments to north. Korea.