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Voice of Assenna: Our Lives – Dr Afewerki Paulos, USA – Monday, Nov 21, 2016

Review overview
  • Berhe Tensea November 22, 2016

    Excellent interview, as usual we listed to it in Toronto”s people friendly cafe.
    Thank you.

  • Teclay November 23, 2016

    Dr. Afewerki P
    In my opinion you are better than most of your generations.
    1,,Instead of involving deeply in the Ghedli’s branch in N-America , you preferred continuing you academic carrier —Very wise .
    2,,You started asking questions about democracy in 1993 …Late but better than the rest Drs. who used to wear on Sandals to show their full submission to Ghedli .
    3,,Most importantly,you share the blame of your Generation .It was wise to say that ” we have to discuss about ,where did we take the society ”
    But still,too little .Simply i can’t grasp ,how a master or a PHD holder who used to live in a well developed countries such as the US convinced to support ,the secession of a small peace of land from its historical brothers ,only because the Italians wanted to .

    • meg November 25, 2016

      teclay The good Ghedli gave us free Eritrea regardless what is going on. We Eritrean proud of our Ghedli. God bless our Eritrea!

  • Tinsae November 23, 2016

    nice interview akoy mearey i proud of you