ጋዜጣዊ መግለጺ ሰኑይ 12/09/2016 ማህደረ ትምህርቲ ሑመድ ነበራይ – Hummed Neberai Scholarship (HNS)( Read more for English and Arabic version)
ዎሎዶ ሓጅ ሑመድ ኢብራሂም ነበራይ (هللا رحمه(፡ ብስም “ማህደረ ትምህርቲ ሑመድ ነበራይ (HNS)” ዝፍለጥ፡ ኣብ ናይ አካደሚካዊ ትምህርቲ ጽብላለን: መሪሕነታዊ ዓቕሚ ምዕባለን ዘተኮረ ማህደረ ትምህርቲ (Scholarship) ሰሪቶም ከምዘለዉ ክሕብሩ ይፈትዉ። እዚ ማህደረ ትምህርቲ: ዓመታዊ US $10,000
ዎሎዶ ሓጅ ሑመድ ኢብራሂም ነበራይ (هللا رحمه(፡ ብስም “ማህደረ ትምህርቲ ሑመድ ነበራይ (HNS)” ዝፍለጥ፡ ኣብ ናይ አካደሚካዊ ትምህርቲ ጽብላለን: መሪሕነታዊ ዓቕሚ ምዕባለን ዘተኮረ ማህደረ ትምህርቲ (Scholarship) ሰሪቶም ከምዘለዉ ክሕብሩ ይፈትዉ።
እዚ ማህደረ ትምህርቲ: ዓመታዊ US $10,000 ምጽዋት (ሰደቃ)፡ ንዝኽሪ ኣቦናን ኣቦሃጎናን ሓጅ ሑመድ ኢብራሂም ነበራይ ከወፊ ተዳልዩ ከምዘሎን: ተጠቀምቲ ኸአ፡ ኩሎም ናብ ላዕለዋይ ትምህርቲ (university level) ተዋፊሮም ዘለዉ ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ምኽዋኖሞ ንሕብር።
ሙሉእ ሓበረታ ብዛዕባ ክማላእ ዘለዎ ቅጥዕታት፡ ቑጽሪ ማህደረ ትምህርቲ፡ ከምኡ’ውን ካልእ ኣገዳሲ ሓበረታ፡ ኣብ ክፍሊ “ሕቶን መልስን” ናይዚ ዝስዕብ website ይርከብ። http://www.neberai.com/ ነዚ ጋዜጣዊ መግለጺ ብምዝርጋሕ: እቲ ሐበሬታ ንዝግቦኦም ብቁዓት ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ንኽበጽሕ ክትተሐባበሩና ንላቦ።
ምስ ምሉእ ክብሪ:
ኖራይ ኢብራሂም ወኪል ነበራይ ፋውንደሽን Norai@neberai.com
Press Release Monday, September 12, 2016
Hummed Neberai Scholarship (HNS) For Academic Excellence and Development of Leadership Skills The descendants of the late Hajj Hummed Ibrahim Neberai of Keren, Eritrea, would like to announce a scholarship fund that is dedicated to academic excellence and the development of leadership skills among Eritrean youth.
The Hummed Neberai Scholarship fund, amounting to US $10,000 per year, was established as a perpetual act of charity in memory of our father/grandfather after whom it is named. The scholarships will be awarded annually to deserving Eritreans seeking higher education.
Eligibility requirements, the number of awards to be availed annually, as well as other relevant information can be obtained in the Q&A section at http://www.neberai.com. We respectfully request your cooperation in disseminating this press release and/or the information therein as widely as possible, so that eligible candidates do not miss a potential opportunity.
Very respectfully,
Norai Ibrahim Neberai Foundation, Spokesperson Norai@neberai.com
تصريح صحفي اإلثنين، 12 أيلول، 2016 منحة الحاج ُح َّمْد نبراي الدراسية المخصصة لتحقيق التميز االكاديمي وتنمية المهارات القيادية. يسر ابناء واحفاد الحاج حمد ابراهيم نبراي ان يعلنوا لجميع االرتريين عن انطالقة مشروع منحة الحاج ُح َّمْد نبراي الدراسية لتحقيق التميز االكاديمي وتطوير الكفائه القياديه للشاب االرتري. منحة الحاج حمد نبراي الدراسية، وقدرها عشرة االف دوالر امريكي سنويا، هي صدقة جارية تخليدا ألبينا وجدنا الحاج حمد نبراي، والتي ستمنح لمستحقيها من االرتريين الساعين للتحصيل الجامعي المتميز. يمكن الحصول على كل المعلومات المتعلقة بشروط القبول، وعدد المنح، باالضافة الى معلومات اخرى، فى صفحة االسئلة واالجوبة www.neberai.com االلكتروني للموقع مع خالص االحترام norai@neberai.com ابراهيم نوراي المتحدث الرسمي باسم مؤسسة نبراي com.neberai.foundation://http
Berhe Tensea September 17, 2016
Why is Assena allowing Assena allowing offensive comment, why can’t it control the content of posts and ban counter productive and ignorant ones.
Freedom of speech must be used responsibly otherwise the end result can be dangerous to Assena itself.
Berhe Tensea September 17, 2016
Why is Assena allowing offensive comment, why can’t it control the content of posts and ban counter productive and ignorant ones.
Freedom of speech must be used responsibly otherwise the end result can be dangerous to Assena itself.
AHMED SALEH!!! September 17, 2016
Well if assenna staff couldn’t step up to take control of their website credibility . we can
not blame nobody for negative consequences except for shown negligence .
ኣርዓዶም September 19, 2016
where is the offensive comment you are saying, but Assenna was keen to allow such individual people to advertise their racist and expansions of religious dreams,
They only support for muslims, they can not allow for christain, so where is the offensive here while they are wholly offensive and a breach of trust themselves..
thanks Assenna anyway but please do not allow such individual people again.