Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
“A NATION'S GREATNESS DEPENDS ON ITS LEADER To vastly improve your country and truly make it great again, start by choosing a better leader. Do not let the media or the establishment make you pick from

To vastly improve your country and truly make it great again, start by choosing a better leader. Do not let the media or the establishment make you pick from the people they choose, but instead choose from those they do not pick. Pick a leader from among the people who is heart-driven, one who identifies with the common man on the street and understands what the country needs on every level. Do not pick a leader who is only money-driven and does not understand or identify with the common man, but only what corporations need on every level.
Pick a peacemaker. One who unites, not divides. A cultured leader who supports the arts and true freedom of speech, not censorship. Pick a leader who will not only bail out banks and airlines, but also families from losing their homes — or jobs due to their companies moving to other countries. Pick a leader who will fund schools, not limit spending on education and allow libraries to close. Pick a leader who chooses diplomacy over war. An honest broker in foreign relations. A leader with integrity, one who says what they mean, keeps their word and does not lie to their people. Pick a leader who is strong and confident, yet humble. Intelligent, but not sly. A leader who encourages diversity, not racism. One who understands the needs of the farmer, the teacher, the doctor, and the environmentalist — not only the banker, the oil tycoon, the weapons developer, or the insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyist?
Pick a leader who will keep jobs in your country by offering companies incentives to hire only within their borders, not one who allows corporations to outsource jobs for cheaper labor when there is a national employment crisis. Choose a leader who will invest in building bridges, not walls. Books, not weapons. Morality, not corruption. Intellectualism and wisdom, not ignorance. Stability, not fear and terror. Peace, not chaos. Love, not hate. Convergence, not segregation. Tolerance, not discrimination. Fairness, not hypocrisy. Substance, not superficiality. Character, not immaturity. Transparency, not secrecy. Justice, not lawlessness. Environmental improvement and preservation, not destruction. Truth, not lies.
Most importantly, a great leader must serve the best interests of the people first, not those of multinational corporations. Human life should never be sacrificed for monetary profit. There are no exceptions. In addition, a leader should always be open to criticism, not silencing dissent. Any leader who does not tolerate criticism from the public is afraid of their dirty hands to be revealed under heavy light. And such a leader is dangerous, because they only feel secure in the darkness. Only a leader who is free from corruption welcomes scrutiny; for scrutiny allows a good leader to be an even greater leader.
And lastly, pick a leader who will make their citizens proud. One who will stir the hearts of the people, so that the sons and daughters of a given nation strive to emulate their leader’s greatness. Only then will a nation be truly great, when a leader inspires and produces citizens worthy of becoming future leaders, honorable decision makers and peacemakers. And in these times, a great leader must be extremely brave. Their leadership must be steered only by their conscience, not a bribe.”
k.tewolde September 4, 2016
Beautiful! Do we have a character like this among us?
rezen September 4, 2016
The noble ideal ends with a ‘closed’ quotation mark; where does the ‘opening’ quotation mark starts?
memhir September 4, 2016
The opening quotation starts with the sub-title just below the rising sun.
Berhe September 4, 2016
At the beginning. Have a look the title. The whole article is in the quotation.
rezen September 4, 2016
Berhe and memhir
I see it now! Time to visit the optometrist!
Thanks, Guys.
ተባዕ ድምበዛናይ September 4, 2016
ምስ ሙሉእ ክብረት እቲ ተመራሒ እውን ኣሜሪካን ኤውሮፓን መጺኡ ዘይቅየር ህዝቢ ኣሎ።ናይ ህዝቢ ዓይነት እውን ኣሎ።መንነቱ ዝጸልእ ህዝቢ እውን ኣሎ።….ንሓው K.Tewolde ፈልየ ዒላማ ክገብሮ ኢለ ዘይኮንኩስ፣ግን ክእለት ዘለዎ ኤርትራዊ እንከሎ ዝበሎ መርትዖ ንርኣዮ።ነቲ ሓበሻዊ መንነት ኣልዒለ ነቲ ራቢጣ ኢስላሚያ (ሕብረት ኣስላም) ዝብሃል ናይ ኣስላም ፓርቲ ዝወዝዕዎ ሽፍታ “Idris ISIS Awate,ንኤርትራ ኢሉ ዘይኮነ ተኵሱ እቶም ኣብ ካይሮ ኮይኖም ዝወዝዕዎ ኣብ ኤርትራ እስላማዊ መንግስቲ ንምፍጣር እምበር ንኤርትራ ኢሉ ዘይወጸ ወራዳ ዘራፊ ከም ዝነበረ ናይ ኣደባባይ ምስጢር እዩ ኢለ ገሊጸ ኔረ።ናይዞም ራቢጣ ኢስላሚያ ዝብሃሉ ዝነበሩ ፓርቲ ኣባላትን ኣማኸርትን ደቂ ግብጽን ፓኪስታንን ማሌዥያን ኔሮም እዮም፣ምኽንያቱ ድሓር መዔሸው ክስታን ኤርትራ ዝብል ስም ተሓዊስዎ እምበር ሕብረት ኣስላም ኢዩ ኔሩ።መንነቶም ብምጽላእ ትግራውነቶም ዝኽሓዱ ደቂ ዓስከር ጣልያን ዝነበሩ ናይ ኣቦታቶም ምጕምባሕ ኣመል ኮይንዎም 12 ዓመት ዝተማህርዎ እቲ ኣቦታትና ኣብ ኣኽሱም ዝፈጠርዎ ዜሔብን ቋንቋ ኣምሓርኛ ኣይንኽእሎን ኢሎም ምምሃሩን ምዝራቡን ክኣብዩ ከለዉ ሱዳን ምስ ኣተዉ ግን ኣብ ሳልስቶም eg.”እቲ ቢጣቓይ ኣብ ርእሲ ተላጃ ጌረዮ ኔረስ ጅዋፋ ፈሲስዎ” (እቲ መፍለይ መንነተይ ኣብ ርእሲ መዝሓሊ ኣቐሚጠዮ ኔርስ ጽሟቕ ቱፋሕ /juice ፈሲስዎ) ንምባል ፍርቁ ብቛንቋ በደዊን ብምግላጽ ዝኾርዑሉ ከምቲ መንነትና ሓበሻ ብምዃኑ ብዅርዓት ብምግላጸይ ሓው K.Tewolde… ” Only the student of the TEMBENAY WEDI A’ABIYI ADI can regurgitate this filth against a prolific national symbol of sacrifice” ዝበለኒ እንታይ የመልክት???እቶም ኣቦታትናን ኣዴታትናን ህዝቢ ትግራይ ጽቡቕና ዝጸልኡ፣መንነት ህዝቢ ትግራይ ከም መጽልእን መፋራርሕን ምጥቃም ኣብ ሓው ክ. ተወልደ ዝተወሰነ ኣይኮነን፣ሓው ክ/ተወልደ ኣእምሮ ዘለዎን ኣዝዊሩ ክሓስብ ከም ዝኽእልን ካብቲ ካልእ ርእይቶታቱ ስለ ዝተገንዘብክዎ እየ እምበር ፈልየ ዒላማ ክገብሮ ኢለ ከም ዘይኮንኩ ክግንዘበለይ ተስፋ እገብር።ብዙሓት ትግርኛ ዝኽእሉ የመናውያን ኣለዉ, ንምንታይ ንስኻ ናይ የመናውያን ወዲ መዝሙር ኢኻ ዘይበለኒ ፣ምኽንያቱ ኣብ ድሕረ ሓንጎል ክ/ተወልደን ካልኦት ኤርትራውያን ደቂ መሬትናን ዘሎ ውሻጣዊ እምነት በደዊንን የመናውያንን ኣሕዋትና, ትግራዋይ ግን ክፉእና ዝትምነ ተመን ምዃኑ ናይ ደቂ ራቢጣን ፕሮ ኢታልያን ባርያዊ ኣተሓሳስባ ዝተላዕለ እዩ።
ተገንጸልቲ ሸፋቱ ኤርትራ ነዚ ሽፍታ ኣቡኦም ንኤርትራ ምስ ወላዲት ሃገራ ኢትዮጵያ ብሓይሊ ስለ ዝተሓወሰት ኢዩ ተላዒሉ ይብሉና።እስከ ንመርምሮ፣…ሽፍታ ኢድሪስ ኣይሲስ ዓዋተ ናይ መጀመርያ ንቓልሲ ኤርትራ ኢሉ ዝተኰሳ ጥይት ኣብ መስከረም 1/1961ኢያ ኔራ ኤርትራ ምስ ወላዲት ሃገራ እንደገና ዝተጸምበረቶ ግን ሕዳር/1962 ኢዩ ኔሩ ፣ገና ኤርትራ ኣብ ፌደሬሽን ከላ ዓመትን ወርሕን ከላ ምእንቲ እስላምነት ኢሉ ዝወጸ ሓራዲ ሽፍታ እምበር ሕብረት ጓልን ኣደን (Ethiopia & Eritrea)ተቓዊሙ ከም ዘይወጸ ዕለታት መርትዖ አቕርብ።
ሕጂ እዚ ንመስተውዓሊ ሓው ክ ተወልደ ኣሽሙር ወይ ሕርቃን ንምውጻእ ዝገበርክ ዎ ከይመስል እንታይ ድ ኣ እዚ ናይ ብልሕን ትምህርትን ዋሕዲ ዘይብሉ ሓው እዚ ርእይቶ እዚ ካብ ሓዘስ እቶም ሳዕሪኦ ዘይበልዑ ኣብዑር ደቂ መሬትና ድ ኣ ክለመይ ክሓስቡ እዮም ማለት እዩ።እዚ ርእይቶ እዚ ድማ ኣብ ሩባ ዓንሰባ ወይ ኣብ ኣኽራናት ናይ ሳሕል ኮይኑ ኣይኮነን ዝ ህቦ ዘሎ እንታይ ድኣ (ጌጋ ይኽልኣለይ)ኣብ ነጻ ምዕራባዊት ሃገር ኮይኑ እዩ።ስለዚ ሓው ክ ተወልደ ከም መስተውዓሊ እንከሎ ዝጋገ ዘሎ መምዘኒ እምበር ንዕኡ ፈሊካ ዒላማ ንዘይምግባር ምኳኑ ይብርሃለይ።
ካልእ መስተውዓሊ ሓው እውን G.Simon እዩ(He asccuses me for loving MAMA ETHIOPIA)፣ እዚ ሓው እዚ ህዝብና ካብ ሓምሊ ኣድግን ኩዕንትን ምብላዕ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ኣዴና ከይዱ ከም ዝማዕበለ ናይ ዓይኒ ምስክር እዩ።..ኣነ ኣብ ሳንድየጎ ሓው *G.Simon ኣብ ቤይ ኤርያ ንቕመጥ መዳሕንትና ኣብ ካሊፎርንያ ስለ ዝተቐብረ ኣይኮነን፣እንታይ ድኣ,ደቅና ዝምሃሩሉን ንሕና ብኤኮኖሚ ንዓብየሉን ሃገር ስለ ዝኾነ ሃገርና ኢልና ንቕመጠሉ ኣለና፣ነቲ ኣቦታትና ዝሃነጽዎ ሃገርን ናይ ብሕቲ ሃብቱ ኣባና ኣብ ደቂ ክፍለሃገር ኤርትራ ዝነበረ ኢትዮጵያ ድኣ እንታይ ዘሔስም ኔሩና ???
…መልሱ ነዚ ኣብ ላዕሊ ዘሎ ሓተታ ይምልስ፣ “መራሒ ጥራይ ኣይኮነን ንሓደ ሕብረተ ሰብ ዝጎድኦ እንታይ ድኣ ናይ ባርያ ኣተሓሳባ ዘለዎ ካብ ጃንሆይ ፖኬት ማኒ እናሃበ ክሳዕ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ዘምህሮን ,ትግራዋይ ወላዲኡ ኣብ ርእሱ ዘቐምጦ፣.. ነቲ ዝዕምጾ በደዊንን ነቲ ካልቾ እናወቕዔ ካብ ራብዓይ ክፍሊ ከይሓልፍ ዘሕሰሮ ፋሽሽቲ ጣልያንን ዘምልኽ ዓይነት (quuality) ዘይብሉ ህዝቢ ስለ ዘሎ እዩ።
ክብረት ይሃበለይ
ናይ ኤርትራ መለስ ዜናዊ ዝኾነ
ተባዕ ድምበዛናይ
PH September 4, 2016
ሱቅ ኢልካ ካብ ምግዓር ኩነታት ትግራይ ግዳ ዘይትሓስብ።
ተባዕ ድምበዛናይ September 5, 2016
ክልተ ሰሙን ሃቦ እሞ እንታይ ክብል ከም ዝደለኹ ክርድኣካ እዩ።
እምባሕ ጥራይ በል ወዲ ኤረ፣ምሕሳብ ንዓጋመን ኣምሓሩን ግደፈሎም ርእስኻ ከየሕምመካ እዚ ንፉዕ
PH September 6, 2016
ክልተ ሰሙን ሂበ ኣለኹ ግን “ትደልየኦ’ሞ ይዝንግዓክን” ዲኣ ክይኮውን?ዶ’ወላስ፡ኒኦሮሞን ኣምሓሩን ምስ ጨፍለቅና ናባኹም ገጽና ኢና ትብል ዘልኻ ትመስል።
ነገሩ “ኢነይ ሰበነ ዝመትክን ዓሚ ሰነ ንሕና ልሰማዕና ላማ ቅነ ክይከውን ኢምበር።
Berhe Tensea September 5, 2016
Excellent analysis, thank you.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 5, 2016
” Dangerous leader doesn’t tolerate criticism and to feel secured he needs darkness ” .
Simply defined information which is typical reflection of reality inside Eritrea under wrongly picked leader . Hand picked with lies , superficial information , fear of unknown and so on ,
Issayas and his cronies share the same blame for putting the country in to this mess . But it is not
late to forgive if they showed courage to fix the broken promises and bring justice for innocent
victims . But for years too many file and rank hands spoiled with blood bring uneasy feeling .
I have no idea what the future holds at this stage where fear reigned to take full control .
ተባዕ ድምበዛናይ September 5, 2016
ኣነ ዝገርመኒ ንምንታይ እዮም እዞም ንኢሳያስ ንቃወም ኢና ዝብሉ ,ጸገሞም ምስ ሕብረት ክልቲኡ ትግራዋይ (ትግርኛ ኤርትራን ትግራዋይ ናይ ትግራይን)ኣሕዋት ኢና ንዝበለን መንነቱ ንዘይጸልኤን ትግራይ ትግርኚ ዝብል “መፋራርሒ” ቅብኣት ዝቐብእዎ።ነቲ ዓፋር ክሳዕ ጅቡቲ ኣሕዋት ኣለዉኒ እንተበለ ግን ንስኻ “ዓፋር ዓፋርኚ” ኢኻ ኤርትራዊ ኣይኮናካን ወይ ኩናማ ኩናምኚ ኢኻ ኢሎም ነቲ ዝተረፈ ቀቢላ ኤርትራ ዘየፋራርሕዎ???ነቲ ሃረንዳዋ ናይ ኤርትራ ክፍለ ሃገርን ናይ ሃገረ ሱዳንን ኣሕዋት እየ እንተበለ “ሃረንዳዋ ሃረንድውኚ” ኢሎም ከባህርርዎ ኣይፍትኑን።ምኽንያቱ ጸላኢኦም እቲ መንነቶም ዝኾነ ትግራውነት እዩ።ካብ ኤርትራ ኣፍቃሪቶም ጠሊማቶም ይኹን ማሕረስ ጸሊኦም ወይ ቅጫ ረቒቕዎም በረኻ ክወጹ ኸለዉ ንሕና ከምዘን ዓጋመን ኣምሓሩን ኣይኮንናን, ስልጡናት ኢና ፣ኣቦታትና ካልቾ ጣልያን እናተወቕዑ ካብ ጕሓፍ ታልያን ስፓጌቲ ኣውጺኦም ስለ ዝበልዑ ብሉጻት ኢና ኣይንልምንን ኢና ክብሉ …”ወዮም እቲ ናይ ኮንትሮባንዶ ነጸነቶም ብፌርማ ዓጋመ ዝተቶዅበ ፣እቲ ሕሱር እኽሊ ናይ ጎጃምን ሽራሮን ፣እቲ ሽኮር ናይ ወንጂ (ኢትዮጵያ)እቲ ቡን ናይ ከፋ (ኢትዮጵያ)እቲ ማሸላን ሰሊጥን ናይ ሕሞራ (ትግራይ ኢትዮጵያ)ክጎድሎም ከሎ ግን ጻዕና ነጸላ ተጎልቢቦምን ተወንዚፈንን ዝልምኑ ኤርትራውያን ኣዲኦም ትቝጸሮም !!! እዞም ጣልያን ኣብ መቐመጫ ኣቦታቶም ብካልቾ ሸሊሕ ጫማ ዝሰኵዓሎም , ንደቆም ድማ ኣዕራብ ኣብ ሓንጎሎም ረሳሕ ኣጀንዳኦም ዝወተፉሎም,ኣብ በረኻ ነቲ ዘሐበን ቋንቋ ትግርኛን ትግረን ብሌንን ገዲፎም ብቛንቋ በደዊን “ሸሚን ዙር, የሚን ዙር, ኣስትሓምል, ኣንሳሕብ etc” እናበሉ ዝዕለሙ ዝነበሩ ናይ ታሪኽ ወራዳታት ሸፋቱ ጀብሃ ነበር ንኢሳያስ ሓራዲ ስለ ዝኾነ ዘይኮነ ዝጸልእዎስ ከም ኩላትና ትግርኛ ብሕልፊ ድማ ደቂ ሓማሴን “ካብ ትግራይን ጎንደርን” ስለ ዝቦቖለ እዩ።ነታ ብፈውስን ብፊትወራርን ክርስትያን ኢላ ዝወድኣቶም ጂሃዳዊት ጀብሃ ክሕለቑላ ከለዉ ነቲ መጽዋት ነጻነት ኤርትራን መዕቆቢ ደቅናን ዝኾነ ትግራዋይ (ዓጋመ)ግን ክሳዕ ሕጂ ጸላኢኦም ጌሮም መንእሰይ ኤርትራ እናሓደረ ዝነጽጎም ዘሎ ከም ቀልቀል እናሓደሩ ዝጨንዉ ብዌልፌር ናይ ኣሜሪካን ካናዳን ጀርመንን ነንስቶም ቀዲሞመን ዝጠነሱ ሽዩጣት ራቢጣ ኢስላሚያ (ክርስትያን ታሊባናት) ሕሱር ፖለቲካኦም ንመንእሰይ ኤርትራ ኣወዲእዎ እዩ።
ብሕልፊ እቲ ሕሱር ኣተሓሳስብ ኦም ኣብ 1998 ሻዕብያ ህግደፍ ፣ወያነ ንመሬትና ባድመ ወሪርዎ ኢላ ሓስያ መንእሰይ ኣብ ሓዊ ከትእቱ ከላ እዞም ሙታንታ ግብጽን ስዑድን ዝኾኑ ወጻኢ ዝርከቡ ሸፋቱ ጀብሃ ዝነበሩ፣ሓሶት መንግስቲ ሻዕብያ ከወድኣኩም ደልዩ እዩ እምበር ባዕሉ ኣብ 1981 ወዚዑ ንወያነ ሓዝዎ ኢሉ ክሳዕ ባዕሉ ሻዕብያ ንወያነ ወሪሩ ዘውጽኦም (1998) ኣብ ኢድ ወያነ እዩ ኔሩ ኣይበሉን።ንምንታይ፣ምኽንያቱ ትምክሕተኛን ጓንጓ ባዶ ክሻ ዝኾነት ጀብሃ ብትምክሕቲ ክሳዕ ኣድያቦ ንወያነ ብገዛእ ዓዶም ምእታው ዝኸልኤት ሙታንታ ኣዕራብ ስለ ዝነበረት እዩ።ትግራዋይ ናይ ከበሳ ኤርትራን ናይ ትግራይን ክጻላእ ግብጺ ዝልኣኸቶም ዕላምኦም ስለ ዝኾነ መዝሙር ሻዕብያ ድኣ ዘመሩ። ንመንእሰይ ብገንዘቦም ኣወድኡ።እቶም ዘፍቅርዎም በደዊን መንእሰያትና ጓሎም ወዶም ከባላሹ ከለዉ ግን ሕጂ እውን ጽልኦም ምስቲ ዘዕቍቦም ዘሎ ህዝቢ ትግራይ እዩ።እዞም ወራዳታት እዚኦም ኣብዚ ድረ ገጽ/wbsite እውን ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ሓውና እዩ ንዝበለ (ዋላ ኤርትራውነቱ እናኣመነ)ትግራይ ትግርኚ ይብልዎ።ወዲ መዝሙር ተምቤን ዓብዪ ዓድን ክትከውን ኣለካ ይብሉና፣ምኽንያቱ እዞን ሕሱራት ትግራዋይ መንነቶም ጸላኢኦም, በደዊንን የመንን ስዑድን ግን ዘምልኽዎም ጎይተቶም እዮም።
ስለዚ መንእሰያት ኤርትራ, ትግራይ ትግርኚ እንተበሉኹም ስኽፍ ኣይበልኩም።ኤርትራውነትኩም እውን እንተኣመንኩም ብቐቢላ ተጋሩ ኢኹም።ተጋሩ ኣብ ትግራይ ጥራይ ኣይኮኑን ዝነብሩ።ተገንጸልቲ ሸፋቱ ጀብሃ ነበር ጸላኢኦም እቲ ዘዅርዕ ትግራውነትና ስለ ዝኾነ ፣ነቲ ትግራውነትና ኣብ ናይ ሓሶት ምህዞ ህዝበ ትግርኛ ኢሎምና፣ምኽንያቱ ጽልኢቶም እቲ ዘዅርዕ መንነትና መንነት ትግርኛ (ተጋሩ)እዩ።እቲ ትግራውነትና ዝወሰድዎም ከይኣክል ድማ በውራጃናን ቁሸትናን እውን ከይንኾርዕን ከይንፍሳህን ፣ዓደይ ገሽናሽም ድምበዛን እዩ, ወዲ ጉራዕ እየ, ወዲ መራጉዝ እየ ኢልና ከይወዳእና ከለና እዚ ወገንነት እንዶ ግደፎ ይብሉና፣ነቲ ብሌን ትግረ ራሻይዳ ግን ከምኡ ኣይብልዎን እዮም፣ምኽንያቱ ጸላእቲ መንነቶም, ዉሽማታት በደዊንን ግብጽን ስለ ዝኾኑ እዩ።
ስለዚ ኣብታ ኣርእስቲ ንምምላስ መሪሕነት ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ሕቡንን ወራዳን ህዝብን እውን ኣሎ፣ ኣብ ምወሪሕነት ጥራይ ኣይውሰንን ክብል ነዚ ዘደንቕ ርእይቶ እድምድም።
ብትግራዋይ መንነቱ ዝኾርዕ
ንውሽማታት በደዊን ኣፎም ዘትሕዝ
ተባዕ ድምበዛናይ ፣ዓደቆ ቶዅላን መረታ ሰበነን
Hazhaz September 5, 2016
To understand the mental slavery we suffer in Eritrea, I urge you to read the full article from:- Disowning Eritrea: Owning the Regal Disease
To grasp the severity of this disowning phenomenon, try to imagine this impossible scenario: a Tigre-speaking Muslim elite loudly entertaining of having Tigre (alongside Tigrigna) as a national language. He would be immediately branded as a traitor to the Eritrean cause, as the Muslim elite saw it then and see it now, for it would derail their colonial aspiration (under its Arab grab). That means that he had to disown his mother tongue if he was to be accepted as a true Eritrean by his fellow elite. Or, if we put it in the language of the culture of martyrdom, he had to be willing to “sacrifice” his mother tongue if he wanted to see the kind of alien “Eritrean identity” that the Muslim elite wanted to construct come into fruition.
In fact, there is a vivid example from Jebha’s past that depicts how far the Muslim elite were willing to disown their own in order to embrace the “Arab heritage”: they burned all books written in Tigre at mieda! If this evokes the image of the medieval world where books of “heresy” were burned, it is because the very idea of writing books in Tigre was taken as heretic to the Arab project! The fear was that if Tigre-speaking masses began to read and write in their language, they might not be willing to give it up for an alien language, thus derailing the Arab colonial aspiration of their elite. Even the idea of Tigre as a written language coexisting with Arabic was too threatening to the Arabists; they thought that this coexistence would only come at the expense of the hegemony of Arabic. According to them, talking in their mother tongues won’t take them far enough from the habesha world they wanted to distance themselves from; that is, languages like Tigre (for the Tigre-speaking Muslim elite) and Tigrigna (for the Tigrigna-speaking Muslims) were and still are too close for comfort. That this linguistic disowning also afflicts the Kebessa elite can be seen from asking this question: why is it seeking such blatantly alien language as Arabic is not seen as un-Eritrean, while a Tigrigna spoken with an accent becomes an immediate suspect among them?
Now, to this linguistic distancing, if we include all the Arab elements mentioned above, we can see why Jebha’s authenticity as a genuine Eritrean movement was never put into doubt. To the contrary, the more it sought its colonial “Arab heritage”, the more Eritrean it became, simply because by doing that it was traversing the longest distance possible from the dreaded point of departure.”
ተባዕ ድምበዛናይ September 5, 2016
ክቡር Hazhaz,
ወዲ ቀይሕ ሓመድን ወርቂ ዝኾነ ሓንጎልን፣ናትካ ጽሑፍ ከየንበብኩ ከለኹ ንዕኣ ትመስል ብቛንቋ ትግርኛ ኣቐሚጠያ ኣለኹ፣…”ትግርኛ ኣሕኒኹኒ ብቛንቋ በደዊን ክጽሕፋ እናተገብኣኒ ትግራውነተይ ኣሚነ ምሕንጣጠይ ነቶም ሕብረት ተጋሩ ኤርትራን ትግራይን ደም ዝጥዕመኩም ደቂ ዓስከር ፋሽሽቲ ጣልያንን, ሙታንታ ግብጺ ዝኾኑ ራቢጣ ኢስላሚያን ሸፋቱ “ቅያዳ ኣል በደዊን ዓማ” ይቕሬታ እናሓተትኩ በቲ ባዕዲ ዝኾነ ትግርኛ ምጽሓፈይ ደጊመ ይቕሬታ እሓትት።
በቲ ቋንቋ ኣግኣዝያን ናይ ኣብ Syria ትርከብ ሃዘጋ ዝተባህለት ዓዱ ዘርኣይ ደረስ፣ በቲ ኣብ Egypt ዝርከባ ሓማሴንን ኣከለጉዛይን ዝብሃላ ዝተወልዱ ሞጎስ ኣስገዶምን ኣብርሃ ደቦጭን፣በቲ ኣብ Yemen ትርከብ ከባቢ ሰገነይቲ ትርከብ ዓዲ ዝተወልደ ራእሲ ተሰማን ፣ኣብ Iraq ትርከብ ተምቤን ትብሃል ዓዲ ዝተወልዱ ሃጸይ ዮውሃንስን ኣሉላ ኣባነጋን ዝብሃሉ “ኣዕራብ” ኣቦታትና ኩሩዕ ምዃነይ ይትኣመነለይ።
ፎእ አደድ,ተገንጸልቲ ታሪኽ ሸፋቱ ጀብሃ ነበር ካብ ዓለባ ሳሬት ንላዕሊ ፈዅሹ !!!
ዕንወት ንሽዩጥ ሓሳብ ተገንጸልቲ ሸፋቱ
ዓወት ንመንእሰይ ኤርትራ
k.tewolde September 6, 2016
Hazhaz and dimbezanay, I don’t know what you are trying to accomplish? Let me tell you something,I was raised by a live in house maid from tembien a’abiyi adi goes by the name Amete which I loved to death and looked up as a mother, growing up she use to tell me stories about her village and her family and one day I asked my mom if I can go with her for the annual NIGDET to Axum which she nicely declined because I was to young for the trip at that time.The point is I grew up with tigrawot,agame,some of my closest friends and classmates were from Adwa and Indirta,I have nothing against the proud people of Tgrai, but a lot against people who are shrine desecrating,divisive,hate mongering,Islamophobic,slanderous,character assassinating like you.Stop accusing and name calling the dead,save the ones that are dying if you can.