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Refugees welcome Angela? Italy strikes deal to begin migrant deportations to Germany

GERMANY is bracing itself for a fresh wave of refugees and migrants as EU countries strike deals to handle the crisis. By SIOBHAN MCFADYEN From next month Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed to allow migrants and refugees

GERMANY is bracing itself for a fresh wave of refugees and migrants as EU countries strike deals to handle the crisis.

From next month Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed to allow migrants and refugees to be sent back to Germany as Swiss officials strengthen the borders to clampdown on free movement.

The expulsion of illegal immigrants has become a priority for Italy as a financial crisis threatens to collapse its economy.

And in an extraordinary move they have accused a number of African nations of misappropriating the EU cash they’ve been given to prevent their citizens from leaving. 

Germany has already taken almost two million migrants and refugees last year alone after Angela Merkel said the country would not put a limit on the amount of asylum seekers it was prepared to admit.

At the time Mrs Merkel said: “As a strong, economically healthy country we have the strength to do what is necessary, and ensure every asylum seeker gets a fair hearing.”

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