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Fetsum: Yemane Monkey’s crocodile tears in defense of his criminal regime II

As you know, the Ethiopian and Eritrean people have been victims of reckless and destructive wars that only serve the interests of their leaders at the dire expense of their destruction. War has been a

As you know, the Ethiopian and Eritrean people have been victims of reckless and destructive wars that only serve the interests of their leaders at the dire expense of their destruction. War has been a mechanism of staying in power that the two countries religiously used through the years to divert attention and the realities on the ground. They ignite it when they feel insecure about their leadership despite the people’s death in both sides. Simply, the two countries have made war their signature profile more than any other nations in the world and specially the Africans making it impossible for the brotherly peoples to peacefully coexist helping each other, overcoming their most devastating enemies, ignorance and poverty.

Once again, they did it in the recent Tserona violence that ended up killing hundreds of people from both sides, yet to divert public attention immediately after the UN Commission found the Eritrean regime guilty of crimes against humanity. Then they met as usual for no tangible result except exchanging pretentious wrath against each other to confuse the people.

To this effect, the news in “Eritrean and Ethiopian Ambassadors to Kenya quarrel in KTN news room” June 17,2015, posts; “Who started the war this time around over the weekend? Eritrea says Ethiopia launched attack and that Eritrea was drawn to it so as to defend itself. On the other hand, Ethiopia claims that it is Eritrea who started the war. Some sources refer to Ethiopia’s government statements locally to suggest that it was in fact Ethiopia that started the war.

Kenyan Television Network, KTN, invited Beyene Ree’som, Eritrean ambassador to Kenya and Dina Mufti, Ethiopian ambassador to Kenya, to share their stories over the recent clash. Their appearance in the news room was rather tense; they almost fought. They are over emotional and barely addressed the questions.”

It seems to me like they do it by agreement to take maximum advantage of the conflict for the obvious reasons of controlling their respective peoples. They appear faking it in public as if they had something better to talk about to only separate without any tangible solution blaming each other for public consumption as usual in this cyclic abuse of humanity where the two peoples have been used and overused as if they were gambling commodities or political cards destined to endless deception.

I found Beyene Ree’som educated enough to at least communicate with proper English but too unseasoned and emotional to be considered a politician. I am not sure if he was drunk but most probably on hangover; as he was angry for the most part needless to say ridiculously accusing the Ethiopian government and the Europeans for the refugee crisis in Eritrea. The two Ambasadors did not get to the point arguing instead about irrelevant things to the point the Kenyan Journalist could not help showing her disappointment in that out of control infantile encounter. The debate ended with the main agenda untouched and the Eritrean Ambassador shamelessly stating that “the number of Eritrean refugees escaping the country was not 4000 per month but rather 800 and the so called refugees that were interviewed by the UN Commission were of unknown identity selectively prepared by the Ethiopian government”.  He said the countless refugees entering Europe were not Eritreans but Ethiopians in Eritrean mask. He also accused the United States for creating the recent fight in Tserona forgetting that it would not take a day for the Djibouti stationed US army to dislodge the dictator out of post had the accusation been true.

What a shame it had been to see the low aptitude Eritrean Ambassador representing the Eritrean people in Kenya and how ridiculous feeling such idiots running the country since the time of independence! The question is what the people should do to protect themselves from the two evil regimes and how they should react to the latest episode purposely ignited to cover something in the midst of the Commission’s foundation on crimes of the Eritrean regime?  We should of course condemn it without hesitation but logic and experience say that they will continue their modus operandi and the people cannot stop their demonic actions. I am not sure what the Ethiopians will do about it but we Eritreans should ignore their Satanic means of survival as such and rigorously focus on disposing the causes of our suffering once and for all.

Quote of the moment: We Eritreans struggled to secure our country that we consolidated through unanimous vote in the referendum, we shall now consolidate our freedom through the Global Initiative using the successful closure of our humanitarian case on the dictator’s crimes against humanity without diverting attention on whatever the two evil regimes do.

In the last article, I discussed the six points Yemane Monkey brought to the international podium to save his criminal clique from the anticipated verdict of the ICC. I will now discuss the remaining issues he talked about to complete the project. Yemane concluded his press conference stating the following remarks.

“The commission’s reflection that the regime violated the rights of the Eritreans since the time of independence in 1991 was laughable in the face of 99.8% citizens voting for independence in the referendum few years later following by the country’s engagement on drafting the constitution.”

Comment: We fought for our independence winning the war against Ethiopian colonialism and further asserted it through unanimous vote in the referendum. The fact that we the people unanimously voted for independence has nothing to do with the regime’s crimes against humanity. This historical account belongs to the people and the leaders of the time (Isaias et al) that Isaias alone cannot monopolize as the Monkey tried to imply in the podium. What is demonstrated here in contrast to the unjust elimination of the main actors of the event from the angle of EPLF leadership was the mentality of the absolute dictator that he alone brought independence while the chronicle clearly demonstrates that we collectively made a country out of the struggle which was supposed to have been the preliminary ground for our freedom and justice. We then went on making the constitution with the collective brain power of native and international Lawyers to only be shelved forever after ratified by the regime that obliterated its implementation through the Badme war conspiracy it ignited without provocation. Therefore, Yemane Monkey’s attempt to steal credit in this account is contradicted by his regime’s failure to implement the constitution at the fake Badme excuse that consumed our kids in tens of thousands and the elimination of the leaders of the time that orchestrated the process of independence at equal importance level of the relationship in this pretext.

 “The commission ignored the Eritrean people’s continuous celebration of the Independence Day that the regime brought 25 years ago winning the war with the Ethiopians.”

Comment: Celebrating the Independence Day of the country is a collective duty of our people that dearly paid for in terms of social, material, human and opportunity destruction. We are not celebrating the regime’s achievement in human rights but the independence we achieved by our blood and sweat. Our people will celebrate the day for eternity not because the regime achieved it but that they did through unparalleled sacrifice that the dictator cannot shield its massive violation of human rights with. The regime’s crimes against humanity is therefore irrelevant to our celebration of the Independence Day that will continue for eternity after its inevitable downfall.

“The commission ignored to consider Ethiopia’s violation of the Algers agreement and its threat to Eritrea as proposed by the Prime Minster’s declaration of “full fledged war against the country in 2015”. Its assertion that the national service was slavery rather than defense against the threat was therefore fallacious and a misplaced reality”

Comment: The commission did not ignore Ethiopia’s violation of the agreement nor did it, the international community and the Eritrean people oppose the significance of the national service for the UN would not have repeatedly advised the regime to limit it to 18 months. The antagonistic relationship between the two countries is strictly between the leaders and not between the people. They chose to use the conflict for excuse to indefinitely dominate their people. The main cause of the proxy war in my opinion is the dictator’s drastic failure in leadership, extreme rigidity and refusal to resolve the problem through dialog and civilized diplomacy at both ends of the pendulum: with the Eritrean people and the Ethiopia regime. He took the maximum advantage of it to arrest the constitution and justify his crimes against the people, the cause of said Prime Minister’s declaration of war being Afwerki’s flirtation with the useless Ethiopian opposition forces and Ginbot 7’s terrorism in Begemidir dispatched from the Eritrean territory in 2015.

No one opposed the national service except its abnormal and extreme nature; its permanent time-limit which translates to forced captivity where the kids were condemned to rape, servitude for the officers and labor camp slavery all over the country and at the mining sites that only benefit the powerful individuals in the regime and the foreign investors as proven by the recently exposed $700 million stolen money in Swiss Bank accounts in the name of closely associated picks of the regime. In short, Eritrea practices modern day slavery in the name of the unique national service alien to the contemporary history of humankind. Once again, the Monkey failed to rationally defend his regime in this account.

In conclusion, the regime put itself in this situation by ignoring the entire Eritreans’ call for peace, freedom and justice and the world’s repeated recommendation for reform in all aspects of national policy. There is nothing it can do now to save itself from the wrath of the dehumanized people and international verdict for its crimes against humanity. Nothing and no excuse will save it from confronting justice in this too late situation where even genuine reform cannot help in contrast to the many criminal counts registered against our people. The issue boils down to two alternatives the regime must chose from:  leaving the country with the stolen money or facing death at the hands of the people like the fate of Kaddafi and Saddam Hussein.

To wrap it up, whatever the dying regime will do from now on immaterial, our responsibility is to focus on salvaging our society through the best strategy on the ground. I want to happily inform our people that the Global Initiative has completed transmitting its objective to the people currently working extremely hard on its ACTION PLAN that will be public shortly. I congratulate the team for completing the first phase of its duty (sharing the strategy with the people) and entering the most important stage of implementing it with the help of the Eritrean people world wide. We can swiftly end our misery together and God bless the Eritrean people’s struggle for freedom and justice!! Please stay tuned for the GI’s ACTION PLAN with keen interest to carry your individual responsibility in making it successful so we can soon own our destiny in democratic and peaceful motherland!!!

Review overview
  • concerned June 20, 2016

    Good work in exposing these depots’ thinly veiled fig leaf.

  • Abel June 21, 2016

    “As you know, the Ethiopian and Eritrean people have been victims of reckless and destructive wars that only serve the interests of their leaders at the dire expense of their destruction. War has been a mechanism of staying in power that the two countries religiously used through the years to divert attention and the realities on the ground. They ignite it when they feel insecure about their leadership despite the people’s death in both sides. Simply, the two countries have made war their signature profile more than any other nations in the world and specially the Africans making it impossible for the brotherly peoples to peacefully coexist helping each other, overcoming their most devastating enemies, ignorance and poverty.”

    At a time the people of Eritrea are at a crossroad to replace the tyrant, I found Fitsum’s description of Ethiopia and its policies disingenuous and duplicitous as it equates EPRDF’s overall governing policies to that of PFDJ.
    In the first three paragraph, Fitsum brushed HGDF and EPRDF with invariable color. This shows some Eritreans who claim to aspire for the removal of HGDF have the temerity to become officious and intrusive on Ethiopia and its governances. I call it HGDF virus. They forget Eritrea is a sovereign nation, EPRDF respected that and HGDF is the product of the Eritrean societies, and certainly not Ethiopia’s making. Instead of dealing directly with the very problem and stick to it, they have the proclivity to go semi-circle invoking tangential issues or making trifling claims. This is disservice to the people of Eritrea. It is troublesome to observe such sentiments and gossip like claims are deliberately and noticeably subscribed to reinforce imagined stories by people who fight the culprit. It dares the scrupulous mind to inquire the disposition, depth of understanding and temperament of such people, and what differs them than the status que if they attain power.

  • Elsa June 21, 2016

    “As you know, the Ethiopian and Eritrean people have been victims of reckless and destructive wars that only serve the interests of their leaders at the dire expense of their destruction. War has been a mechanism of staying in power that the two countries religiously used through the years to divert attention and the realities on the ground. They ignite it when they feel insecure about their leadership despite the people’s death in both sides. Simply, the two countries have made war their signature profile more than any other nations in the world and specially the Africans making it impossible for the brotherly peoples to peacefully coexist helping each other, overcoming their most devastating enemies, ignorance and poverty”

  • AHMED SALEH !!! June 21, 2016

    Culture of cowardice produce lies , deceit and dishonesty
    Does your comments belong to Abel or Elsa because obviously one person posted
    the same writing . No wonder you criticize Fetsum for expressing his point of view .
    He clearly stated the problem has nothing to do with people on both side but on
    the conflicts between the two ruling party regimes . So if it is HGDF virus , believe
    me your brain looks infected with that disease .
    Any time commentators advocate for tolerance and understanding among Eritrean
    and Ethiopian people they cry foul . And any time violence occurs they bit the drum
    to escalate further . I don’t get it .