እታ ኩልና ንፈልጣ ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ኣይኮነትን
ውዮ ድኣ ብሰንኪ ንቁጽ ይነድድ ርሑስ ኮይኑ’ምበር፡ እታ ካብ ግዜ ጥንሲ፡ ሕርሲ፡ ዕንጋለ ጸባ ጡብ፡ ረርያን ሓዚላን ዘዕበየትን ኣብ መርዓን ደርዓን ዘብጽሐት ኤርትራዊት ኣደ፡ ንርዝነት ኣበርክቶኣ ዝገልጽ እኹል ቃላት ኣይርከቦን’ዩ። ሞያ ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ግን ኣብ

ውዮ ድኣ ብሰንኪ ንቁጽ ይነድድ ርሑስ ኮይኑ’ምበር፡ እታ ካብ ግዜ ጥንሲ፡ ሕርሲ፡ ዕንጋለ ጸባ ጡብ፡ ረርያን ሓዚላን ዘዕበየትን ኣብ መርዓን ደርዓን ዘብጽሐት ኤርትራዊት ኣደ፡ ንርዝነት ኣበርክቶኣ ዝገልጽ እኹል ቃላት ኣይርከቦን’ዩ። ሞያ ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ግን ኣብ ምሕብሓብን ምምሃርን ስድራቤታን ደቃን ጥራይ ዝሕጸር ኣይኮነን። ኣብ ታሪኽ ሕብረተሰብና’ውን ማዕረ ወዲ ተባዕታይ ተሰሪዓ ኣብ ፖለቲካዊ መዳያት፡ መደባት ዳግመ ህንጻ፡ ምውሓስ ሃገራዊ ልኡላውነት ሃገርን ልዑል እጃማ ዘበርከተት’ያ። ኣብ ታሪኽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣደ መዳርግቲ ዘይርከቦ ቅያታት ከምዝፈጸመት ዘካትዕ ኣይኮነን። እታ ኩልና ንፈልጣ ኤርትራዊት ኣደ፡ ንስድራኣን ንኤርትራን ኩሉ’ያ። ኣደ፡ ኣብ ሕሰምን ራህዋን ኣብ ቅድመ ግንባር’ያ ትስራዕ። ብኡሳት ትዓርቅ፡ ንህንዱዳት ተዝሕል፡ ንሑዙናትን ተስፋ ዝቆረጹን ተጸናንዕ። መበገሲ ጽሑፈይ ንንኡድ ኣበርክቶ ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ንምዝርዛር ዘይኮነስ እታ ንህቡብ ስም ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ኣራኺሳን ኣማራሲሓን ምስ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ወጊና፡ ብኣምዑት ደቃን ኣሕዋታን ትጻወት ዘላ ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ዓገብ ንምባል’ዩ። ዝያዳ ካልእ ኤርትራዊት ኣደን ሓፍትን ግዳይን መግረፍትን ህግደፍ ኮይና ከምዘላ ኣይዘንጋዕኩን። እዚ ብገለ ኤርትራውያን ደቂኣንስትዮ ዝፍጸም ዘሎ ዘይቅዱስ ተግባራት፡ ንእንታይነት ኤርትራዊት ጓለንስተይቲ ዝወክል ኣይኮነን ኢለ ብዕሽሽታ ክሓልፎ’ውን ፈቲነ እንተኾነ ሕልናይ ስለዘይተቀበሎ እቲ ዝርብሸኒ ጉዳይ ክጽሕፍ መሪጸ።
እተን ምስሊ ወልቀ-መላኺ ኢሳያስ ጸይረን ንእከይ ተግባራቱ ዕሽሽ ኢለን ከም መልኣኽ ዘምልኾኦን “ኢሳያስ ንዘለኣለም ንበረልና” ኢለን ዝምህለላን ዝዝምርራን ኣዴታት፡ እተን ግልብጭ ተቆኒነንን ተሓኒነንን ኣርማ ህግደፍ ተሰኪመን ኣብ በዓላትን ፈንጠዝያን ህግደፍ ኣብ መቃብር ስውኣት ከም ኣብታይን ዓላሉን ዝዕንደራ፡ በዞም ብግፍዕታት ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣደዳ ስደትን ሞትን ጥሜትን ኮይኖም ዘለዉ ኣሽሓት ኤርትራውያንን ንዓመታት ብዘይ ፍርዲ ተኣሲሮም ዘለው ዜጋታትን ጸማም እዝኒ ዝህባ፡ ኮታስ ህግደፍ ወይ ሞት ዝብላ ኤርትራውያን ደቂ ኣንስትዮ፡ እተን ኩልና ንፈልጠን ኤርትራውያን ደቂኣንስትዮ ክትብለን የጸግም፡፡ ኣበይ ኣትያ እታ ወረጃን ዋልታ ደቃን ኤርትራዊት ኣደ? ስለምንታይ ብደም ደቃን ኣሕዋታን ተሽካዕልል ኣላ? ብጽንዓትክን ሰናይ ኣበርክቶኽን ትፍለጢ ኣደ፡ ኣብዚ ሎሚ ሃገርና ኣብ ጎደና ጸልማት ትጓዓዘሉ ዘላ እዋን፡ ኣበርክቶኺ ከም ቀደሙ፡ ብክንፍኺ ንደቅኺ ካብ ኣባይ ተኸላኸሊ፡ ብለውሃትኪ ጥሙያት ዓንግሊ፡ ብልቦናኺ ንእከይ ተግባራት ህግደፍ ፎእ በሊ፡ ብንጹህ ልብኺ ኣብ ገዳማትን ቅዱስ ቦታታትን ዓይኒ ኣባይና ይደፈን መዓትና ኣቁርረልና ኢልኪ ተማህለሊ፡ ሞትን ሕየትን ናይቶም ብስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝተሰወሩ ደቅኽን ኣሕዋትክን ክሳብ ትፈልጢ፡ ብደም ንጹሃት ምስ ዝጠልቀየ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኢድኪ ኣይትሓውሲ ምኽንያቱ ህግደፍ ቀታልን ሰዋርን ደቅኺ ስለዝኾነ ወላድ መኻን ከይትኾኒ።
ውልቀ መላኺ ህግደፍ ዕድመ ስልጣኑ ንኸናውሕ ኣብ ዘዳለዎ ጽምብላትን በዓላትን ኮበሮ ተሓንጊጥክን ተዃሒልክን ትዘልዮን ትሳተፍዮን ዘለኺ ውራያት፡ ሕሰም ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝውስኽ እምበር መግለጺ ሓጎስ፡ ሃገራውነትን ናጽነትን ኣይኮነን። ኣሓ ምስ ሓራዲአን ማይ ይሰትያ ከምዝብሃል፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ 25 ዓመታት ዘመነ ስልጣኑ፡ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝፈጸሞን ገና ዝቅጽሎ ዘሎን ገበን ጸብጺብካ ዝውዳእ ኣይኮነን። ህግደፍ፡ ዝወለድክዮም ደቅኺ፡ ኣሕዋትክን ኣሓትክን ካብ ሕቁፎኺ መንጢሉ እናኣጥፍኦምን ሓሪስክን ነጊድክን ከይትዕንገሊ ብኢድክን እግርኽን ጸሚዱ ሒዙኪ ከምዘሎን ተግባራቱ ምስ ግዝኣት ቱርኪ እናኣውዳደርኪ ለይትን መዓልትን ትነብዒ ወይ ትቁዝሚ ከምዘለኺ ፍሉጥ’ዩ። ኤርትራዊት ኣደ፡ ሓደ ክፋል ኣካላትኪ ኣብ ስቃይ፡ ኣብ ስደት፡ ኣብ ማእሰርቲ ኣብ ጸልማት ስለዝርከብ፡ ደስታኽን ፍቅርኽን ኣብ ግንቦት 1991 ውልዕ ኢሉ ቅሂሙ’ዩ። ኣብ 1991 ብኽቡር መስዋእቲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝተራእየ ጩራ ናጽነት፡ ከይዓምበበ’ዩ ቀምሲሉን ሓሪሩን። ስለዚ እታ ኩልና ንፈልጣ ሓርበኛዊት ኣደ፡ ከም ቀዳሞት ኣዴታታ ዘይትጸዓድ፡ ህይወት ደቃ ኣሕሊፋ ዘይትህብ፡ ቀንዴል ሰላምን ርህርህትን ክትከውን እምበር፡ ምስ ጨፍላቂ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ክትተዓራረኽን መዳመቂ ተንኮላቱ ክትከውን እንከላን፡ እምበር’ዶ እታ ኩልና ንፈልጣ ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ኢያ ኢልና ንጠራጠር ኣለና።
ጽላል፡ ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ (20 ግንቦት 2016)
Berhe Tensea May 23, 2016
This pfdj loving women are mostly the mmost stupid and ignorant of all. It is very hard to call this Satan possessed women with kolo and wokabe sickness to call them mothers.
This kind of women are out of touch with reality, and the majority of them can’t read or write, even can’t understand the language spoken where they reside.
They are only capable of understanding what ERI TV says. They are living in stone ages.
What they know most ghaylan dankeran, and BUN.
This women are forgotten by the new world technological advancement the world has seen.
Most of this crazy women need kilte shwate.
It is very hard to associate them with women who fought and bled for the liberation of Eritrea.
Death to the dictator and his puppets.
k.tewolde May 23, 2016
These are not the Eritrean mothers or sisters who fought side by side with us whose aroma has a whiff of the leaf of wilderness, these are fake personalities as their hair extension or you call them HGDEF groupies.
Rora May 24, 2016
“ውልቀ መላኺ ህግደፍ ዕድመ ስልጣኑ ንኸናውሕ ኣብ ዘዳለዎ ጽምብላትን በዓላትን ኮበሮ ተሓንጊጥክን ተዃሒልክን ትዘልዮን ትሳተፍዮን ዘለኺ ውራያት፡ ሕሰም ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝውስኽ እምበር መግለጺ ሓጎስ፡ ሃገራውነትን ናጽነትን ኣይኮነን።”
ጽላል፡ ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ
Women are the worst victims of this brutal regime. They lost their kids, husbands, brothers, sisters … etc. They should be the first to fight against it. However, Higdef uses all dirty tricks to use them against their interest. A substantial number of those working for security services are ladies. As the writer above said, they are the most visible group in Higdef organized events. The endless drum beating is their main business.
Many of them stop working for Higdef when they lose a family member, till them they don’t seem to see what is happening to others.
AHMED SALEH !!! May 24, 2016
It is difficult to blame uneducated population an easy target for
political interest exploitation . Majority of them we observed in
our surrounding have low IQ where HGDF cadres usually do not face
resistance to influence or organize followers . HGDF knows their
weak side to reward arrogance by arranging GUAYLA party for
national duty satisfaction . Do not waste your energy to save
brain washed retarded mentality . Matter of fact we better give
attention at our young generation to gain knowledge independently
with confidence than become blind followers .
We heard strange words foreign to our culture from Eritrean women
at time of Sinai and Mediterranean tragedy to say ” xegibom ” and
to those who survived the journey ” kehadti ” .
Where is mother’s Love of Rihrihti Ade – Ouma Hanina ? Too sad !
They reminded me one comedian song that fits their personalities ;
“ansti adna abiden bira lemiden”. Adetatat dima yibehala , gudamat.
death in vain May 24, 2016
Dearest Rora ,
It is easier to reform an actual slave than someone with “slave’s mentality” ,which we Eritreans suffer from ,we not only had independence but we were the most loved with our motherland Ethiopia ,but we thought Italians ,that only allowed us to school only ’till grade 4, that whipped our asses calling us bruto razza (dirty race)..we worshpped them while we demonized our Emperor Haile Sellassie that schooled us ’till University free tuition,free Dorm and board ..we fought against that ,against our own advantage ,huge amount of our motherland Ethiopia’s private riches were in the hands of Eritreans.Yet,complements of Arabs specially Egypt that wants to destabilize Ethiopia due to River Nile issue..Look at us now..Our mothers and sisters are part of our collective psyche..We can not blame them alone ,the society is sick.
AHMED SALEH !!! May 25, 2016
Rora or whatever pen name ,
You speak for elite society who enjoyed feudal system of that era
to defend mama Ethiopia . The truth is Ethiopian people suffered
enough from Amhara rule oppressive government . Tigray , Oromo and
Somali people armed struggle had it’s root problem that caused them to engage oncdeadly confrontation . Do not forget some people mainly
from kebessa including priests were worshiping King Haile Selassie
while Eritreans were challenging the authority . Slave mentality
was part of our revolution policy to address for awareness also
faced opponents within inside that paved a way for KING Issayas
reign .
And your comments do not differ from those with dependency mindset.
Hypocrites neglect human right issues for selfish interest while
principled person gives priority on his agenda platform . Even
in civilized countries we observe crooked politicians to betray
promise made for their constituents .