ኤርትራውያን ኣሜሪካን ኮሚዩኒቲ ላስቬጋስ፡ ሳንዲያጎ ፡ሂስቶን፡ ቤይ ኤርያ ብምኽንያት መበል 25 ዓመት ናጽነት ተኸታታሊ ጽምብላት ኣዳልዩ ከምዘሎ የበስረኩም።
ኤርትራውያን ኣሜሪካን ኮሚዩኒቲ ላስቬጋስ፡ ሳንዲያጎ ፡ሂስቶን፡ ቤይ ኤርያ ብምኽንያት 25 ዓመት መዓልቲ ነጻነት ንብምልኦም ደለይቲ ፍትሕን ጽቡቕን ኤርትራውያን ምስቲ ተባዕ ስነ ጥበባዊ ወዲ ትኻቦ የውሃንስ ትካቦን ሙዚቐኛታት ጊዶውን፡ቴድሮስ፡ኣሮን ምስ ዝተፈላልዩ መደባት ተዳልዩ ከምዘሎ እንዳገለጽና ኣብዚ
ኤርትራውያን ኣሜሪካን ኮሚዩኒቲ ላስቬጋስ፡ ሳንዲያጎ ፡ሂስቶን፡ ቤይ ኤርያ ብምኽንያት 25 ዓመት መዓልቲ ነጻነት ንብምልኦም ደለይቲ ፍትሕን ጽቡቕን ኤርትራውያን ምስቲ ተባዕ ስነ ጥበባዊ ወዲ ትኻቦ የውሃንስ ትካቦን ሙዚቐኛታት ጊዶውን፡ቴድሮስ፡ኣሮን ምስ ዝተፈላልዩ መደባት ተዳልዩ ከምዘሎ እንዳገለጽና ኣብዚ መሪርን ተኣፋፍን ህሞት ሓድነትና ብምትራርን ፍልልይና ብምጽባብን ብዝለዓለ ክንሳተፎ ንጽውዕ ።ምኽንያቱ እዚ መዓልቲ ናጽነት እዚ ህግደፍ ዘይኾነስ ከብዕሎ ዝግባእ ደላይ ጽቡቕ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እዩ ከብዕሎ ዝግባእ’ሞ እዚ ተርዲእና ሓላፍነትና ክንዋጻእ ነዘካክር።
Mike May 11, 2016
ወይለከ ንዓኩም ደኣ ኣየናይ መዓልቲ ናጽነት ኮይኑ ።መዓልቲ ባርነት እንዳበልኩም ዶ እንዳበልኩም ክትድብሉ ቀኒኩም ።ኣብ ሓዲኡ እባ ርግጹ ስለ ዘይምልከተኩም ከኣ ብዛዕባ ናይ ናጽነት በዓላት ንኤርትራውያን ይምልከት ።ንሕና ኤርትርያውን ኣብ ሃገርና ምስ ህዝብናን ምስ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ከነብዕሎ ተዳሊና ኣለና ።ክደግማዶ ምስ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ከምኡውን ምስ ክቡር ፕረዚደንት ሃገረ ኤርትራ ኢሰያስ ኣፈወርቂ ተዳሊና ኣልውና።ናትኩ እንድዒ ምስ ወያነ ክክክክክክክክክክ
k.tewolde May 11, 2016
Mike,enjoy buddy.You should have been there already, and don’t forget to kiss the tyrant’s saggy ass while you there.Just remember, if you are a true Eritrean, you will be his next victim in line.He is a primate who eats his own young.He doesn’t venture far, his meal in close proximity.
Mussie May 11, 2016
Bzegnetu zeyteamamen ms Eseyas kmexadeqn kkhdmn bhasot endameskere haki keytmolko enda xeleye ynebr !
Eseyas ktbl ekha ember beyenay tbatka dea kale ktbl nmada nay adikha werki u elka bhasot enda mehalkas Eseyas mbal dea keyfetekha kedami kkkkkkkkkkkkkk !
AHMED SALEH !!! May 11, 2016
Netom zihalefu jeghanuna ajokhum ita hidri ab botea iya zela
Etta guday dima ab wanatata deki hager kitirikeb iya
Eritrawian deleyti fithi das tekhilom kibri NAXENET waga-idaga
kem zeybla yihiburukha alewu.
Semere Mike May 12, 2016
Hakika Mussei abEritrea kone ab dege zelewo eritrawoan nezi zelo sirat zidigifu 30% nay meninet xegem zelwomin wolkawi rebha zesdiomin iyom. 70% gin teweledti Hamassen iyom. Hizbi Eritrea libi aibiyu bigahdi kizarebelu aydelin iyu.
Simon G. May 12, 2016
እሞ ‘ትዝዓበየ ወያነ ደኣ ባባኻ ኢሳያስ ኳ ‘ዩ።
Douche Bag May 12, 2016
ልክዕ ኣለኻ፣ኣነ ንብዙሕ ዓመታት ኢለዮ እየ፣ ኣነ ንባዕለይ ባርነት ስለ ዝኾነ ኣየብዕሎን፣ተቓወምቲ ግን ግልባጥ ናይ ሻዕብያ ርሳስ ምስ መደምሰሳ ስለ ዝኾኑ ባዕሎም ጀምርቲ ጓይላ ባዕሎም ፈንጣሕቲ ጓይላ እዮም።እንድሕር ህግደፍ ናይ ባባ ኢሳያስ ሽፍታ ኮይኑ ህዝባዊ ግንባር እውን ናይ ሸፋቱ እዩ ኔሩ፣እቶም ተቓለስቱ እውን ትእዛዝ ናይ ሽፍታ ከይሓተቱ ዝፍጽሙ ዝነበሩ ኮራኹር ሸፋቱ እዮም ኔሮም።እዞም ናይ ሎም ዘበን ተቓወምቲ ግን እታ ላም ብ-AIDS ሕምምቲ ትኹን እምበር ጸብኣ ጥዑይ እዩ ይብሉና ነቲ ዕላማ ዘይነበሮ ቃልሶም መታን ከካብሩ፣ ብኡ ክኣ እዩ እቲ መንእሰይ ገዲፍዎም ኣብ ፓልቶክ ነቲ ሽፍትነት ዝነበረ ገድሊ ናይ ሸፋቱ ዝብሎ ዘሎ።
lemlem May 11, 2016
It is true when President Albeshir said that “the dancing people” to Eritreans. Is it time to celebrate the empty independence, for thousands imprisoned, patriotic people being abused in the name of national service, and even the latest killed at center city of Asmara! I understand what does mean to celebrate independence, but it is meaningless after 25 years with no achievements except misery.This year the sum of all misery I prefer to refrain from what they call Independence.
AHMED SALEH !!! May 11, 2016
True patriots recognize the difficult process our people endured for
thirty yeas to gain independence and they try to engage on fulfilling
the unfinished responsibilities .
Only hypocrite people whose self interest flashed down in drain began
to question the sovereignty of their nation . If you are Eritrean , I
am sure at good times you were proud supporter of the leader . Now to
cry like a baby will not change already done damages .
Douche Bag May 12, 2016
Brava Lemlem,
What is the difference between the dancing in Bologna by higdef and the one in San Diego..maybe we shall weep while celebrating..It is like Jewish people dancing for Nazis birthday !
AHMED SALEH !!! May 12, 2016
It is understandable reaction to see some people irritated to hear about
Eritrean justice seekers preparation for independence day celebration .
For too long HGDF hijacked that momentum for partisan interest . Time
changed in favor of power for people to reclaim our right to engage on social and political issues independently from outside pressure .
So far DELEYTI FITHI showed great deal of accomplishment and they deserve
recognition for job well done .
PH May 13, 2016
ኣንቱም ኢሕዋተይ፡ ክኽበራ ዘለወን መዓልታት ፍሉጣት ኢየን ። ኢታ ቀዳመይቲ 1 መስከረም ምጅማር ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ንምርዋይ ሑቶ አሪትራውነት፡ ካሊኣይቲ 24 ጉንቦት ዕለተ-ናጽነት መርየትን ህዝብን፡ ሳልሰይቲ 20 ሰን ንምዝካር ስውኣትናን ሕድሮም ምኽባርን።ኣክባብረኤን ወይ ኣበዓዕለአን ግን ወግዒ ዘድልየን ስለ ዝመስለኒ ብህግደፋውያን ዘይኮነ በቲ ዋንኤን ዝኾነ ደላይ ፍትሒ ክብዓላ ይግባእ።
ደርፍን ሳዕሳዒትን is, I beleave patriotism !
Yohannes May 16, 2016
However one chooses to celebrate or mourn it MUST be respected, so long as he/she doesn’t celebrate it in the tyrant’s camp. Condemnation/rejection/insulting/despising behavior among peace/freedom loving people in diaspora can only prolong the tyrant’s life expectancy.The most important common bonding principle among opposition parties is that they all condemn/fight against the tyrant and its apparatus of oppression and dictatorship. Thanks
Abrham May 18, 2016
Atum sebat kemey dina koina kilte melhas an hanti saeat.ezi barnetyu endabelnas nibarnet do guayla tekilka tisiesaluka?bejakum seb- seb nhyno.Bael wedi tikabo kasi final zeykones hiji eko eka ms higdef koyinka merzam melhas tiwirwir tsenihka.derfitatkamo degimka reayom.Seb kab eko sebyu.yitref an hade sefih nay areaeya flliy zelewo nay poletica guday seb an wishti bhade tesanyom hade ainet mahberawi hiwet zelwo hizbi nay hade adi keman kabhade nabti hade haymanot nikikyir newihnai hangol rebesh malet mikrabin mirhakin gizie yedlio.Silezis nikikiyir newih ametat kiwesdelu eyu.Eti keltifu zikiyir gin beti haimanot emnet zeykones Kali zerbho wilkawi hatyat alewo msletyu.Wedi tikabo kani kabten kekidmi mwtsaka kurub awrih ziderefkayen derfitat zigeltseo simit nabzi hiji zelekayo dereja nikitsegirsi biwihid 10amet medleyeka.Abahilai minalbash wishtawi Emmet zeykones newih zitemeramerkalu nay rebha guday keykewin ember haki entekoynus kab an mierabawi alem koyinka an zeimilketuna balat migar an berekatat Eritrea niharinet etistiwei krar medleyet mesleni.AYTIHAZULEY TSERFI ZEYKONE MIKRI TSELEI ZEYKONE KAA KINEE SLEZELONIYE