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The “Third Eritrean People’s Struggle (TEPS)” in Good progress – By Our Voice

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Review overview
  • ወደሞይ ሳራ August 28, 2015


    the following fronts also attended EPRDF’s Conference in mekelle.

    Democratic Movement For the Liberation of the Eritrean Kunama-DMLEK,
    Red Sea Afar Democratic Organization-RSADO,
    Eritrean Peoples Democratic Front-EPDF,
    Eritrean National Salvation Front-ENSF,
    Eritrean Liberation Front-ELF,
    Eritrean Peoples’ Party-EPP,
    Eritrean Islamic Party for Justice and Development-EIPJD,
    Eritrean People’s Congress-EPC,
    Eritrean Peoples’ Movement-EPM,
    Eritrean Nahda Party-ENP,
    Eritrean Democratic party,EDP,
    Eritrean Islamic Congress-EIC, and
    Eritrean Federal Democratic Party-EFDM.

    There is Eritrean meeting everywhere ,the only difference might be we do not know much about our boive eventhough their manifesto sounds mouth watering.

    • Dr Dawit Tsegai, Our Voice August 29, 2015

      Re: Summary replies
      1. One of the commentators here suggested that the “huge” personalities he lists will soon be meeting in Italy to save the Eritrean people. Therefore, since Our Voice is not in the list and will not be there, it is irrelevant. In our opinion, most of the personalities he lists have been in the opposition for years, but their strategies have not worked. Some of them have not even liberated themselves from the failed old EPLF oppressive and wrong headed top-down approach. Therefore, as you will see, the said meeting will be another futile circus. It will be irrelevant. But, we are not going to use the word dinosaurs in any way. We must also say that, as intellectuals, we are in no way less than any of the big tittle personalities he mentions with awe.
      2. Our Voice is not a political party, nor does it aspire for political office. Rather, it is a think tank with a political mission to come up with ideas and strategies that will work. It is only because of the failure of the political parties that we have decided to organize the people to take political power into their own hands and determine their destiny.
      3. We are not sure why some people with dubious motives are wasting their time trying to force us to announce our details in public and in full. We are private people who are trying to help. We are not aspiring to be public figures. Anyway, a Central Election Committee (CEC) will be formed soon. The members of the CEC will be announced at the earliest.
      Thank you.

      Our contact details:

      • semere 2 August 30, 2015

        Dr Dawit Tsegai
        Don’t be surprised if people are expressing reservations and suspicion.
        1. Many groups initiated similar movements and political parties but are still sterile. As you said correctly, many of them are unable to purge the EPLF poison. May be their personal interest overshadows the national interest.
        2. Many of us are suspicious because anything secretive smells “communism”. The EPLF brought independence with a secret agenda which became fatal to the nation. If we knew their agenda from the offset things would very different.
        3. You may have a reason to keep us on “suspension” with your plans and strategies. However you have to be open to take into consideration what people are writing whether they are intellectuals or not. Wisdom does not originate from books alone. You should also know that many of us who are writing are graduates of high level, even though we don’t see the need of putting titles.
        4. Lastly I wish you all the best. If you bring us lasting solution we are all part of you. As Jesus said “we shall judge you from your fruits”.

  • ወደሞይ ሳራ August 28, 2015


    our boive should be read as our voice.


  • our voice ukbe August 28, 2015


    Contact us in private, please.

    Eng. Ukbe T.

  • Ghezai August 28, 2015

    I like our voice
    No more anchewa thedefet dumu teankeft .lets do what we got to do before too late .sehabo guteto zeyblu

  • Genet-orginal August 29, 2015

    I like what I am reading.

  • merhaba August 29, 2015

    Dear Dr Dawit Tsegai, thank you for velunteering your name on behalf of “our voice”, this makes it more real. I have already mentioned my concerns why have you not responded to my genuine concerns ?. I do not want to repeat myself again. Please enlighten me what would make you any different than those, who have failed to unite the opposition as they are by their nature mirror reflection of the “faschist PFDJ” and have become unfortunately and unbeknown to them sadly ” PFDJ agents”. I can count the amount of stuff out there which was said and claimed on behalf of our libration and our people, however achieve the opposite of their intensions (see Awate’s Salim, would you not think, this guy is the perfect PFDJ agent ?, who knows he might still be?) I salute your revolutionary sentiments, please try to move a little slowly and aim again to be inclusive, we are who we are, our diversity is our beauty but also a massive challenge. We have even if it is very difficult remain committed to include all fellow Earitreans and all ethnic groups, this is simple mandatory fact and recipe for unity and success, by extension makes you revolutionary.

  • Monica salguero August 30, 2015

    Kab fetari defelfel hedat helena nkulna. Nay dmesleni hati edel zelatna eza our voice tray ya. Kemey eti kunetat bmester ente kone ab awet yebxeh. Bkeluh msti negusu zelo fleleyat ayhigzen yu. Gn ms men kemzelona kenfelet sebat ketwkulu alokum behaxer ms hezbi drakebu. Agekum amlak yehagzena.

  • Genet-orginal August 30, 2015

    Our Voice.
    You sound sincere about the suffering of our people. For 20 years, our people have been looking for a knight in shining armor to save them. This is because PFDJ did an excellent job to divide us in many levels. Therefore, instead of coming together for the sake of our survival, we resort to looking for a mystical knight in shining armor to save us. He/She hasn’t arrived yet. What we have seen so far is multiple groups popping out everywhere like weeds in a lawn. Of course, all claim they want to bring justice for Eritrean and Eritrea. Time is not on our side. Our people are being uprooted from their fathers lands systematically and there is nothing worst than that. You said, “Our Voice is not a political party nor does it aspire fro political office” Even though there is nothing wrong with seeking political office, I like your approach. If you are genuine, don’t give up on representing your people and country in any way you can.

    You Said, “We are private people who are trying to help”. But once you are out to help people, you are no longer private. Depending on what you have to offer, you become a public person. We want to know what your background is. Is your group believe in inclusiveness in the struggle to unite?.
    God bless the Eritrean people.

  • Weldegeorgis September 5, 2015

    To those who write comments,

    I think and am convinced that when we write comments, we are not competing in literary works but discussing about politics and national as well peoples affairs. I read either destructive critic or nonsense polemics. Why should we chose to act that way. There are enough destructive groups and individuals in the country and the situation cannot wait until we talk and talk or write and write without end. We have to be able, if we are wise and responsible, to contribute constructive and practical ideas instead of such useless texts.
    Do we really want to change the situation or do we want to loose every thing until we reach a point of no return?
    Those who are writing our voice are putting proper points to our overall situation. Why jock as a comment? Why nonsense polemics?

    I also want to remind our brothers from Our voice to show us a way for practical action. I know our problems is our lack of information regarding history and in particular lack of knowledge about the ELF and the EPLF. We lack the knowledge how we are affected in our thinking by this. I have read somewhere that Our voice have written about the history of the two Organisations. I am affraid, they do not have full knowledge about the ELF and might be a fictious approach which Isayas invented for his purpose. I say this because most of those who try to write about the ELF are influenced by Isayas’s invention or Phantacy in his criminal mentality.
    Could you please tell me where you have written about both the ELF and EPLF?