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Ezana Sehay 6/5/2015 Few days ago, I watched a two part documentary prepared by and aired on EBC [Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation] on the situations of Eritreans as told by Eritreans themselves. It is an informative, educational

Ezana Sehay 6/5/2015

Few days ago, I watched a two part documentary prepared by and aired on EBC [Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation] on the situations of Eritreans as told by Eritreans themselves. It is an informative, educational and heart wrenching piece of work and I recommend everyone to check it out.

It is hardly a secret, but the documentary makes it plain that Eritrea has become an abomination. In fact some describe Isayas’s fiefdom as being without a parallel in contemporary Africa.

In the early 1990s, Eritrea was a nation ushered by the West in to the group of promising countries led by new generation of far sighted leaders. All which explained why hopes were high for the people of Eritrea.

But since then, the leader of the country, Isayas Afeworki, has turned his back on everyone including his people. The euphoria that greeted independence reflected the nation’s escape from a walled-in world. But Isayas has since built anew wall and Eritreans are on the wrong side of it.

What he has done is using carnage and tyranny, established and maintained despotism in the name “self reliance and nationalism”. Thus Eritrea rapidly slid from a promising proto-democracy in to despotism. And that despotism at home became adventurism abroad with catastrophic consequences: an economy that is failing at every level, the breakdown of basic social structures and a demographic decline.

As far as its external image is concerned; Eritrea is, cut off from the world of political and financial mainstream starved for investment and treated as a pariah, hardly a fitting source of pride.

The question on everyone’s mind is how in the heck does this guy [Isayas] get away with it? Or more appropriately how is that he managed to survive this long?

According to the theory political science, the main sources of power are: force, resource and information. In Eritrea all these are the domains of PFDJ [the ruling party]. Of the three Isayas’s most valuable tool of control is information. i.e., the art of Misinformation to be precise

The culture of disinformation of events which belies the culture of deception, agitprop and paranoia are upon which Isayas relies to secure his power.

To put it another way, Isayas Afeworki, the man who perfectly personifies the despotic, twisted psyche of the architect of tyranny, depends on the very absurdity of such conceits to manage his affaires.

Some say isayas’s war on truth didn’t start after independence, but years, if not decades earlier. It is just, now he has perfected it. Isayas’s information- war like those fought by demagogues before him is fought using Machiavellian tactics that erase truth, instill paranoia, exhaust population and eradicate hope.

Isayas understands that a population that is constantly force-fed radical propaganda and dizzying special effects that inform conspiracy narratives becomes a population that succumbs   – exhausted – to that avalanche of lies, mindlessly reiterating the state’s talking points, or one so cowed by the tyranny of that messaging and its reach that believes nothing at all, and becomes paralyzed with fear.

Either way Isayas or his Moonies, the authors of such political fiction, realize the results desired – silencing what few independent thinkers may exist by implied threat, or manufacturing consent in the enervated masses.

As such the challenge faced by the Eritrean people is to expose the villainess nature of the Isayas regime, confront and arrest the scourge it has wrought on them.

Only when Eritreans fight this war on its terms, and work to ensure that the people living under isayas’s heel are afforded unfettered access to truth, encouraged and empowered to act and participate in their polity and protected from harm should they choose to do so, will they begin to win that war.

To that end it is imperative that Eritrean political and civic societies in the Diaspora and friends of Eritrea work to undermine isayas’s grip on the population at home by increasing the avail of true and credible and information inside the country using all available means.

Review overview
  • Eritra June 6, 2015

    Iseyas Afewerki is not a mad man. He is a very intelligent monster, the Pol Pot of Eritrea.
    He is not the only problem either. His absence, hopefully soon, would be only half of the solution. He built a regime made of people, who, throughout the years, were loyal to him, implemented his ideology and divisive politics. His system, although weakened a lot in recent years, still remains full in control, and will remain so for some time. No amount of public discontent or protests will remove them from power. They don’t care about what people think or say, they will continue to kill and maim whoever challenges their rule. There is no other way to remove them from power but by brute force. How do you think a criminal who kidnapped a beautiful young lady will behave, when cornered by police ?, obviously he will threat to kill her, and that is what Iseyas is doing now.
    The question is, are we ready to do more than simply talking and watching the situation ?

  • Habo Habo June 7, 2015

    Essayas Afewerki was not made to be a monster in Asmara but in medda Eritrea, so all the blame and responsibility should be with his former tegadelti and comrades. And like any politician Essayas would continue to do all the dirty things in his evil book to stay and to prolong his stay in power.
    However, despite all the atrocities committed by the Eritrean regime, there are many sick people living in the West who support this government. I wound never want to socialize with Essayas’s supporters even with matters not related to politics. I consider his supporters living in the west diabolical sub-humans not worth my timing. You can’t even stand looking at them breathing the free air.

  • Eritra June 7, 2015

    ” I consider his supporters living in the west diabolical sub-humans not worth my timing. You can’t even stand looking at them breathing the free air.”

    Habo Habo

    They are bad, but not sub-humans. They are our family members, cousins, distant relatives ..etc.
    Many of them were conditioned to believe that Iseyas is some one like God. That is how the regime’s political propaganda keeps those with low IQ permanently captive of the fascist ideology.
    In the end, they too are Eritreans, we cannot stop dealing with them. Some how, sooner or later, we have to deal with this problem.

  • Truly Truly i say to you June 7, 2015

    For the question, “how in the heck does this guy [Isayas] get away with it? Or more appropriately how is that he managed to survive this long?”

    My short answer would be, it is not because Isayas so evil or so wicked is, but his opponents S worst wicked and so evil because are. Actually to present Isyas as evil or wicked if unless we didn´t see it in Eritrean nation interest political point of view perspective, in the the mission he stands for if we dare to define him like that we totally are mistaken. Because the guy what he perfectly accomplishing is to what he believes and he stands for the hidden mission, namely to destroy Eritrea since it is. What i mostly surprised and outraged is not by Isyas action, but by so called oppositions wicked reaction i daily observing as if they opposing Isayas, though the nation´s and our people interest putting in danger while see and knowing, nonetheless compromising are. Actually those that practising, i do not think it is because of luck of knowledge , but deliberately they have similar mission like Isayas to reverse the independence and have an agenda to unite with Ethiopia it is.
    To the other main point for unsuccessfulness the oppositions, our dearest writer Amanuel Sahle under “ምልካዊ ስርዓትን ደሞክራስን he wrote article above, he described it like this, “ኣብተን ንህዝቢ ዘይሓሊ እምባገነናዊ ስርዓት ዝሰፈነን ሃገራትን ኣብተን ንህዝቢ ዝሓሊ ስርዓት ዘለወን ሃገራትን ኩሉ ግዜ ነቲ ስርዓት ወይ ነቲ ፓርቲ ዝድግፉ ሰዓብቲ ኣለዉ። ይኹንምበር ናይቲ ቀዳማይ ስርዓት ሰዓብቲ፡ ኣብቲ ዝፈስስ ደም ኢድ ስለ ዚህልዎምን ነቲ ጭቆና ንኺቕጽል ደገፍ ብምዃኖምን ካብቶም ዘምልኹዎም ኣምባገነናት ፈሊኻ ዝረኣዩ ኣይኮኑን።…”