Very strange: the pfdj regime signed a charter to discontinue torture! The same regime that has been torturing its citizens almost in public will suddenly stop its inhumane practices. Incredible!
It is ridiculous to even speak about signing such lofty documents when the same regime is exterminating its citizens systematically. There is no law or process of law, no constitution, no assembly, no right for an adult to build a family, no right to lead normal life, no hope. This is a regime which separates parents from their kids, it detains citizens incommunicado, it treats people in the most cruel and ruthless manner. The regime is determined to destroy the Eritrean society completely.
Eritreans and all concerned should take the Eritrean predicament seriously and see it as fatal that it is. If Eritrea is to survive this regime should either be replaced immediately or its unbridled behaviors curtailed demonstrably.
The Eritrean people deserve a civilized and law abiding government.
Thank you those representatives for urging the Eritrean regime to treat its own citizens with dignity. However, this regime’s behavior, practices and intentions does not seem to be adequately understood or expressed by all speakers. That is unfortunate omission.
Selamawi March 17, 2015
Very strange: the pfdj regime signed a charter to discontinue torture! The same regime that has been torturing its citizens almost in public will suddenly stop its inhumane practices. Incredible!
It is ridiculous to even speak about signing such lofty documents when the same regime is exterminating its citizens systematically. There is no law or process of law, no constitution, no assembly, no right for an adult to build a family, no right to lead normal life, no hope. This is a regime which separates parents from their kids, it detains citizens incommunicado, it treats people in the most cruel and ruthless manner. The regime is determined to destroy the Eritrean society completely.
Eritreans and all concerned should take the Eritrean predicament seriously and see it as fatal that it is. If Eritrea is to survive this regime should either be replaced immediately or its unbridled behaviors curtailed demonstrably.
The Eritrean people deserve a civilized and law abiding government.
Action, action, action!
God save Eritrea
Selamawi March 17, 2015
Thank you those representatives for urging the Eritrean regime to treat its own citizens with dignity. However, this regime’s behavior, practices and intentions does not seem to be adequately understood or expressed by all speakers. That is unfortunate omission.
Michael Woldeselassie March 17, 2015
Does the misleading false promise of 18 months of NS compromise the crimes and atrocities committed by the PFDJ regime?
Aziza March 20, 2015
Shame on you Gerahtu. You consider your self as smart, but you are the most DEHUL AND DONKORO persosn I ever known.