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  • rahwa November 29, 2014

    Well Done sisters! we all know that very little if at all gets done without women’s engagement. generally, it is always good to consult women if you intend to get results that benefits a society in its entirety. but an initiative taken by women, led and guided by them, benefits and empowers women first, encourages male participation yet does not fall prey to the evils of the dominant (male) gender (be it as a result of their direct participation in any way or the male part in us playing their dirty games) would do miracles. women folks, instead of acting like men let’s be the best women (woman=human) we can be. there are lots of good men out there guys. only i am talking about the dominant traits here. and to those few who are going to say, “oh here goes a feminist”, i have something for you, too. i am just a woman who knows women are oppressed not only by their men or dictatorships but we lag behind because we lack awareness and we are timid when we need to be bold. ejege yisebseb gual ansteyti!!!!! lomi wn kem kedem bzeybaki meret ayweghn yu waero gual waero. be yourself sister!

  • Mehret November 30, 2014

    Finally we will come together! Thank you sisters for organizing this! Let us stand for ourselves and for our people.

  • Medber December 4, 2014

    Ajoken zenyhwatey tesfa Hagerna bezaybaken qontu eu rinayom ezom sisuat taqwmti bahalti men ytsykalo menke yeblashw nedhrit yemeles alo menke beknena yeserhalo kulu yemzgebu zelo maltu mesakele dema keklaeu
    keklae eu Dictator zelalem aynbern eu .
    Jensen ajokin zenyhwatey.

  • Medber December 4, 2014

    Hejwen ajokin Zenyhwatey.

  • Debasse December 5, 2014

    U need to get grant for travel for those who live outside london. Or organize meetings in z major cities. Do not allow hgdf members to participate if u do. Ur organisations will last short. Remember this word. Invite and broadcast it. Wish you success.