Voice of Assenna: MEWAEL MEHANSHO, Former Cyclist & Member of the National Service Speaks about the New Wave of Eritrean Refugees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-XsJEcSUFo&feature=youtu.be October 30, 2014 4:33 amassenna1305916Views SHARE
silehaki October 30, 2014
Indrias ISEPA tray zeykones abal sleya Derg ewun iyu neyru.
mewael mehansho November 4, 2014
nkulukum wehabti comment degime degagime yemesghinekum. ab srahkum asalto ab tiyinakum dma gesgas rkebu. once again thanks very much.
sinciorly yours mewael mehansho
yuel eyob November 4, 2014
anta mehmem seb. kisab hji ke ab eritrea tsenika dika. nsika daa melhaska ay tikeb dfretka deret zeybilu. ktfelit nskila ika wexika. abo kddm bishkleta anta wedi bel enkuae bdehan wexaeka. enkuae ab maeserti aybeleka.