Some times what was said before by true visionaries come true!
When all things fail and every effort go to waste then Time and only Time will bring change. For what the Eritrean opposition failed to bring the real change – Time and just Time appears to bring the changing winds for Eritrea. Eritrea is at disarray and System is crumbling. One thing the system in Eritrea failed and still failing to understand is playing with fire (house of the Lord). The Church is a place for worship – healing and caring is found in this very institution. Many of us fail to realize until later in life the functions of the Church – specifically our “contemporary” Eritrean people which often seems to have no faith and direction. The Church is an institution of therapeutic and hope to the hopeless and strength. What is sad however is the system in Eritrea failed to realize and use this very institution, and instead seems to play with fire with the Church of Oriental Orthodox of Eritrea.
This very Church of Eritrea (Orthodox Church) has suffered beyond any time in history by its own so called Eritrean government. The bible sates all kings and powers are bestowed by the almighty God. However, when and if a system plays by this very house of the Lord then the end result is ugly. If the information flowing from Eritrea is true and the Orthodox Church is at stress, again, the end is not far. We should not simply blame just the insane man leading the Eritrean government – there are plenty that are faithless and spineless Eritrean in current position in and out of Eritrea dancing to the drumbeat as well. These very people will be the cancer of the Eritrea to be the New Eritrea.
I do not claim to be an active member of any Christian Churches in Eritrea. However, the rest faith based churches in Eritrea need to be sensitive and supportive to the suffering of the Oriental Orthodox church of Eritrea. This is the time to come out of your hiding and stand for your faith! If it is the Lutheran Church in Eritrea (find Luther in you and speak up); If it is the Protestant or Revival Church (find in you people like Charles Parham or Revival street of Azusa to stand up to and speak up for justice and Peace); If it is the Jehovah Witness (Stay on your stand your freedom is not far off). Had it not been to this very church (Oriental Orthodox Church of Eritrea) other churches and faith based Churches existence in Eritrea would have been impossible. This very church is the foundation to all offshoot faith based Christian churches in Eritrea. And Eritrean government needs to understand and leave this very church alone. This Church of Eritrea had been an instrument in many areas of Eritrean struggle – to the poor and prosecuted a shelter. At times, to the civil war, a house of bridge. You faithless Eritrean leaders – leave this Church alone. Let this Church be a Church of the Lord – healing, hope, caring.
Your time is near and every blood in your hand will be exposed. What you did in hiding will be open. Your time is relative and coming fast. Whatever efforts you are making to open the doors for peace will be fruitless for you are not honest and all done in desperation. You held the nation of Eritrea for the hate and vindictive nature you hold against Ethiopia. Rather than taking care of your people you had chosen to hold Eritrean young hostage in the name “we are still at war”. And now your are at war, again, with the house of the Lord.
If the church believes and follows the principle you sited from the Bible “The bible sates all kings and powers are bestowed by the almighty God” then we have a huge problem with the church.The dictators exploit this phrase and more give orders to the people to pray for kings like they did for late king Haile-selassie of Ethiopia.
I urge the orthodoxes and others for that matter… to read their books carefully and check wether the kings hands are there for their own benefit?
It’s good to look forward and work for better future. However, it’s not going to be easy.
Many Eritreans think the dictator will go soon. But unfortunately, he is not the only problem.
Like all mortals one day he will not be there, but it’s unrealistic to expect the regime to collapse as soon as he is gone.
If we the people are not ready to make some sacrifices to remove them, they will be there for years to come.
They will continue to bleed Eritrea by dividing people in the same way Iseyas did for more that 40 years.
After Iseyas is gone, how to deal with the brutal regime will be a big problem.
We don’t have to confused, that what has the Bible tells us about to pray to the Authority. It is for the sake of peace, of order and security in principle. Because God is a God of order for justice and peace. For this reason God advised to his church to pray to the kings and any authority.In other ways it is good to have an authority than not to have one. Then,it means the prayer is to help the authority or the king to keep clean themselves from any bad way of governing. Even they turn to their own bad way. The church should keep praying that God the higher power to give them wisdom to come back from their bad way out clean. If the authority turn from their own bad way, in case with help of the church’s prayer well and fine. God is ready to forgive them and bless them with many more days. But when they refused to listen,that the prayer made to them will turn to be their curse. In our case we seeing it all. Lets us not forget our government is against the church or any thing stands on its way. They considered themselves like God or saying no God, but them. And here is the day’s of their stress and the end of their deeds in their door step at hand. There fore, lets pray speak out and work hard to achieve our goals. Our system of government failed us to exercise our rights. By opening war against any sort even for those claim to bring peace and order and justice to the people no ear is given. In this way that the Dictatorial system exposed it self to man and God and there is no way out form the judgement day. We like it or not we are going to see it soon than we think. Only, I would dare to say, we are going to seek peace and order after that all. So lets keep working hard and pray for our good. God is watching and he is in our side. Because he is God of order and peace. The question is are we ready for peace and order in a civilized manner. Don’t forget Our God is the God of order. Those who are hiding themselves under the shadow of prayer only,they should read their book again. They need to speak out now and need to work hand in hand with others. Prayer with out work is dead.
Berhe October 19, 2014
Interesting program reminding Eritreans to focus on the timely and real issue.
Collapse of the dictator is eminent, what is perplexing is whether Eritreans are ready for change.
Mike October 19, 2014
Some times what was said before by true visionaries come true!
When all things fail and every effort go to waste then Time and only Time will bring change. For what the Eritrean opposition failed to bring the real change – Time and just Time appears to bring the changing winds for Eritrea. Eritrea is at disarray and System is crumbling. One thing the system in Eritrea failed and still failing to understand is playing with fire (house of the Lord). The Church is a place for worship – healing and caring is found in this very institution. Many of us fail to realize until later in life the functions of the Church – specifically our “contemporary” Eritrean people which often seems to have no faith and direction. The Church is an institution of therapeutic and hope to the hopeless and strength. What is sad however is the system in Eritrea failed to realize and use this very institution, and instead seems to play with fire with the Church of Oriental Orthodox of Eritrea.
This very Church of Eritrea (Orthodox Church) has suffered beyond any time in history by its own so called Eritrean government. The bible sates all kings and powers are bestowed by the almighty God. However, when and if a system plays by this very house of the Lord then the end result is ugly. If the information flowing from Eritrea is true and the Orthodox Church is at stress, again, the end is not far. We should not simply blame just the insane man leading the Eritrean government – there are plenty that are faithless and spineless Eritrean in current position in and out of Eritrea dancing to the drumbeat as well. These very people will be the cancer of the Eritrea to be the New Eritrea.
I do not claim to be an active member of any Christian Churches in Eritrea. However, the rest faith based churches in Eritrea need to be sensitive and supportive to the suffering of the Oriental Orthodox church of Eritrea. This is the time to come out of your hiding and stand for your faith! If it is the Lutheran Church in Eritrea (find Luther in you and speak up); If it is the Protestant or Revival Church (find in you people like Charles Parham or Revival street of Azusa to stand up to and speak up for justice and Peace); If it is the Jehovah Witness (Stay on your stand your freedom is not far off). Had it not been to this very church (Oriental Orthodox Church of Eritrea) other churches and faith based Churches existence in Eritrea would have been impossible. This very church is the foundation to all offshoot faith based Christian churches in Eritrea. And Eritrean government needs to understand and leave this very church alone. This Church of Eritrea had been an instrument in many areas of Eritrean struggle – to the poor and prosecuted a shelter. At times, to the civil war, a house of bridge. You faithless Eritrean leaders – leave this Church alone. Let this Church be a Church of the Lord – healing, hope, caring.
Your time is near and every blood in your hand will be exposed. What you did in hiding will be open. Your time is relative and coming fast. Whatever efforts you are making to open the doors for peace will be fruitless for you are not honest and all done in desperation. You held the nation of Eritrea for the hate and vindictive nature you hold against Ethiopia. Rather than taking care of your people you had chosen to hold Eritrean young hostage in the name “we are still at war”. And now your are at war, again, with the house of the Lord.
Assenna Team – well done. Peace to Eritrea.
aus 17 October 19, 2014
If the church believes and follows the principle you sited from the Bible “The bible sates all kings and powers are bestowed by the almighty God” then we have a huge problem with the church.The dictators exploit this phrase and more give orders to the people to pray for kings like they did for late king Haile-selassie of Ethiopia.
I urge the orthodoxes and others for that matter… to read their books carefully and check wether the kings hands are there for their own benefit?
Hope October 20, 2014
It’s good to look forward and work for better future. However, it’s not going to be easy.
Many Eritreans think the dictator will go soon. But unfortunately, he is not the only problem.
Like all mortals one day he will not be there, but it’s unrealistic to expect the regime to collapse as soon as he is gone.
If we the people are not ready to make some sacrifices to remove them, they will be there for years to come.
They will continue to bleed Eritrea by dividing people in the same way Iseyas did for more that 40 years.
After Iseyas is gone, how to deal with the brutal regime will be a big problem.
ogbai October 20, 2014
We don’t have to confused, that what has the Bible tells us about to pray to the Authority. It is for the sake of peace, of order and security in principle. Because God is a God of order for justice and peace. For this reason God advised to his church to pray to the kings and any authority.In other ways it is good to have an authority than not to have one. Then,it means the prayer is to help the authority or the king to keep clean themselves from any bad way of governing. Even they turn to their own bad way. The church should keep praying that God the higher power to give them wisdom to come back from their bad way out clean. If the authority turn from their own bad way, in case with help of the church’s prayer well and fine. God is ready to forgive them and bless them with many more days. But when they refused to listen,that the prayer made to them will turn to be their curse. In our case we seeing it all. Lets us not forget our government is against the church or any thing stands on its way. They considered themselves like God or saying no God, but them. And here is the day’s of their stress and the end of their deeds in their door step at hand. There fore, lets pray speak out and work hard to achieve our goals. Our system of government failed us to exercise our rights. By opening war against any sort even for those claim to bring peace and order and justice to the people no ear is given. In this way that the Dictatorial system exposed it self to man and God and there is no way out form the judgement day. We like it or not we are going to see it soon than we think. Only, I would dare to say, we are going to seek peace and order after that all. So lets keep working hard and pray for our good. God is watching and he is in our side. Because he is God of order and peace. The question is are we ready for peace and order in a civilized manner. Don’t forget Our God is the God of order. Those who are hiding themselves under the shadow of prayer only,they should read their book again. They need to speak out now and need to work hand in hand with others. Prayer with out work is dead.