I was very sad to hear of Abraham Ghebregiorgis’s passing.
In the late sixties, we were both scholarship students from Eritrea at the General Wingate Secondary School in Addis Ababa, although he was a year ahead of me in grade. He was extremely bright in school and scored the highest grade possible in his 12th grade matriculation exam and was awarded the Haile Selassie I Prize Trust.
In 1970, we both won scholarships and came to the U.S. on the same plane. He attended MIT, thus his nickname, while I attended Yale. Having no family in the U.S., I used to get lonely as a student, and so boarded a train to Boston on several occasions, to visit my friend Abraham. Even though he was not that much older than me, I used to look up to him and he was supportive of me. We remained close friends during our student days, but lost touch as we raised our respective families in opposite parts of the country.
I have a lot of fond memories of Abraham and he will be missed. I extend my deepest condolences to his family.
Tesfay September 12, 2014
R.I.P ato Abraham. Sad news.
petros September 12, 2014
Very sad news. RIP abrham
Temesgen Desta September 12, 2014
RIP beloved brother, it’s bad news
Moges.G September 12, 2014
XnaAt yhabkum sdran fetewtn. RIP Kbur haw Abraham G/giorgis.
May the Almighty God rests his soul in peace. God bless you all.
Mesinas September 13, 2014
ንመዋቲ መንግስተ ሰማያት፡ ንስድራቤት ድማ ጽንዓት ይሃብ ልዑል ፈጣሪ!
Tesfay Abraham September 13, 2014
My condolence to his family and friends, it is a great loss may his soul rest in peace.
Hagos Tekeste September 14, 2014
I was very sad to hear of Abraham Ghebregiorgis’s passing.
In the late sixties, we were both scholarship students from Eritrea at the General Wingate Secondary School in Addis Ababa, although he was a year ahead of me in grade. He was extremely bright in school and scored the highest grade possible in his 12th grade matriculation exam and was awarded the Haile Selassie I Prize Trust.
In 1970, we both won scholarships and came to the U.S. on the same plane. He attended MIT, thus his nickname, while I attended Yale. Having no family in the U.S., I used to get lonely as a student, and so boarded a train to Boston on several occasions, to visit my friend Abraham. Even though he was not that much older than me, I used to look up to him and he was supportive of me. We remained close friends during our student days, but lost touch as we raised our respective families in opposite parts of the country.
I have a lot of fond memories of Abraham and he will be missed. I extend my deepest condolences to his family.
Harnet September 15, 2014
Andom Ghebreghiorgis September 16, 2014
On behalf of the Ghebreghiorgis family, thank you for the kind words in remembrance of an amazing Eritrean and even more amazing father.
Please continue to post comments/stories/testimonials of Abraham “MIT” Ghebreghiorgis on his dedication page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Abraham-Ghebreghiorgis-MIT/317891791728410
With love,
Andom Ghebreghiorgis