Israel is unlawfully coercing almost 7,000 Eritrean and Sudanese nationals into leaving the country at great personal risk
Israel is unlawfully coercing almost 7,000 Eritrean and Sudanese nationals into leaving the country at great personal risk, Human Rights Watch says. They have been denied access to fair and efficient asylum procedures and detained unlawfully,

Israel is unlawfully coercing almost 7,000 Eritrean and Sudanese nationals into leaving the country at great personal risk, Human Rights Watch says.
They have been denied access to fair and efficient asylum procedures and detained unlawfully, a new report says.
Earlier this year, African asylum seekers in Israel staged mass protests over their treatment.
Israel says its policies on illegal immigrants and refugees comply with international law.
It insists that the Africans are not asylum seekers but economic migrants who see Israel as an attractive destination because it is the nearest developed country where they can find jobs.
‘Illegal infiltrators’
Eritreans and Sudanese began arriving in Israel through Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula in large numbers in 2006. By December 2012, about 37,000 Eritreans and 14,000 Sudanese had entered the country.
HRW says that over the past eight years, the Israeli authorities have employed various measures to encourage them to leave.
They include “indefinite detention, obstacles to accessing Israel’s asylum system, the rejection of 99.9% of Eritrean and Sudanese asylum claims, ambiguous policies on being allowed to work, and severely restricted access to healthcare”, it alleges.
In September 2013, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that a 2012 amendment to an anti-infiltration law, which allowed for the indefinite detention of people for illegal entry, was unlawful.
In response, the Israeli parliament passed another amendment to the law in December that established the Holot facility in the remote Negev desert for those considered “infiltrators”.
Hundreds of Eritreans and Sudanese have since been ordered to report to the centre, where they live in conditions that HRW says breach international law on arbitrary detention.
The Israeli authorities say they are not detained because they can leave for a few hours at a time. However, they are required to report three times a day and to be in the centre at night. The only way for them to secure their release is to be recognised as a refugee or leave the country.
In February 2013, Israel allowed Eritreans and Sudanese to lodge asylum claims in significant numbers. However, as of March 2014, the authorities had only reviewed slightly more than 450 “detainee” cases, and the rejection rate has been almost 100%, HRW says.
“Destroying people’s hope of finding protection by forcing them into a corner and then claiming they are voluntarily leaving Israel is transparently abusive,” said Gerry Simpson, senior refugee researcher at Human Rights Watch and author of the report.
“Eritreans and Sudanese in Israel are left with the choice of living in fear of spending the rest of their days locked up in desert detention centres or of risking detention and abuse back home.”
HRW says Israel is violating the international principle of “non-refoulement”, which forbids states from returning refugees and asylum seekers to places where their lives or freedom would be threatened.
In response to the report, the Israeli foreign ministry said: “Israel treats illegal migrants entering its territory in accordance with international law, including the UN treaty on refugees.
“Illegal migrants are able to file a request to be granted the status of refugees, and can also appeal the decision by the Israeli authorities regarding their status to the Israeli courts,” it said.
Migrants had not been expelled, the statement said, adding that those who had left had chosen to do so “of their own free will”.
Click on the BBC Link to watch Video Clip showing huge demonstration
ahmed saleh September 9, 2014
Well , there is no substantial solution in this case
unless we figure out to identify our root problem .
By ignoring to take responsibility this kind scenario
will not stop from occurring . I prefer to hold my
breath until the day of HGDF ending existence .
B. Michael September 10, 2014
ስለ ፍሥኮላን ሰበባቱን ቢልካ ዕላል ዶ ኣሎ፡ ቃላቱ ጽላእ፡ ናብ ንባብ ከይሓለፍኩም ዚበሃል ኣይዓንቅፍኩም፡ ሓደራ!
ኣብ ጥራይ ዶ ትመላለስ እታ “ደሃብ” እየ ትብለና፡ ደሃብ / ድሃብ ብሂሉ ወርቂ ብኣፍ ዓረብ፡ ኣብ ግእዝና ልቁሕ ቃል ኢዩ፡ እንተ ዘይተጋጊየ፡ ንግሩሃትና ከየጋጊ ትፈልጡ ሓብሩ፡ ሳግዋ “ደሃብ” ዝመረጸት ናበይ ኣበለት፡ ክውልቲ ስማ መሊሳዶ ተኀወለት፡ ሞሮገጽ ክሕሉ እየ ዶ ትብል ኣይነበረትን፡ ትወቕሶ ነገር ዶ ዘየንበበት ኮይና፡ ናብ ሣዕቢያ? ተብጽሖ እንተ ስኢና’ሞ ኣይግድን፡ ህዝበይ ተቓውሞና ኣይነቕሐን ግዲ ኣይነፋዕናን ኣብ ገስጋስ ናጽነት
ወርቂ እንተ ኆይና እባ እንታይ ከወላ፡ ኣብ ጸሓይ ጽልዋ መስ ዘይትብል ከም ዕላዊት አሪትራዊት፡ ከምቲ ኣለም ስሙ ተዋዛይ ወዲ ከረን፡ ሓደ መሳርሕቱ ብቀሊል ቅዳሕ ቅባጥ ጣልያን ከልዕሎ
ኣለሚኖ! ኣልሚኖ! እንተ በሎ
ክላእ! ወርቂ ከለኁስ ኣለሚኖ! ኣለሚኖ! ይብለኒ ዝመለሶ
ጠፊኣ፡ ኣለሚኖ ኮይና ዶ ኣይትቀላቐልን ደሃብ ምስ ዕያላ፡ እንተ ከኣልና ናብ ርትዒ ፍኖት ክንመልሳ
ከምዚ ሎሚ ደኣ ሓሰረ እምበር እቲ ኣለሚኖ ካብ ወርቂ ዝኀበረ ነበረ፡ እቲ ብሓዲሱ፡ ሎሚ ሳላ ብዙሕ ከዊ / አነርጂ እንተ ሓሰረ-ተነዓቐ እምበር ብኣገልግሎቱስ ድንቂን ተደላይን ዓይነት ሓጺን ኢዩ፡ እቲ ወርቂ ቢሣና ንደቂ አሪትራና ባርነት ምስ ተማልአ፡ ተጠቐምቱ ፈሥክዋላት ንሁራት ሕሱራት ተኣላኅቲን ዲዮም ነቲ ሃብቲ ህዝቢ ኣሕሰሩዎ፡ ደቂ አሪትራ ብገዛእ ወርቆም ባርነት ዓደጉ፡ ኣብ ገመረቶም ጸብሮም!
አሪትራና ጽፍፍቲ ሃገሮም ኣይበልዐት ኣይሰተት፡ ዘይናታ ቃጽዖ ዘይትደሊ ብጉሓሉ ምዕራብ፡ ብንጸላ እቶም ካናዳ ዚብሉዎም “ደሞክራሲያዊያን” መደላሓቕቲ ኣካ ተዘረፈት፡ ተዋረደት፡ ወይ ሣዕቢያ ዚብሉዎም ወፈርቲ ገድሊ እንታይ ኪገብሩ ኢዮም ናብ ዓዲ ዝተመለሱና፡ ኣብ መዳኦም ዝጸየቑዎ ከይኣኅሎምዶ ኣብ ከብዲ ዓዲ የዳግሙና፡ ይኆስትሮም፡ ነቶም ድሁላቶም ካብ መዓት ይሰውረልና፡ ካብ ድህለቶም እንተሓወዩልና፡ ነቶም ጎራሓት ተበለጽቶም የጥፍኣልና
ጉርሖም ድንቁር ጉርሒ ደቂ ሡቕ፡ ሕሱራት ዲፕሎማት፡ ሚኒስትራት ፍሥኮላ፡ መሕሰርቲ እቲ ኣግኣዚያዊ ህዝቢ፡ ነዚ መከራም ህዝቢ’ወ ጠመሙ፡ መሰረታዊ መሰላቱ ገፈፉ፡ ዝባኑ ዕሩቕ፡ ጽያፉ ዝኀተተ ነበረ እሞ ሕጂ ውርደት ሓፍ ዘይብል ልግብጋብ ድሩዕቶ ከደኑዎ፡ ገዝኡዎ ከም ጊልያ፡ ዓይኑ ደፈኑ፡ ኣብ ደልሃመት ከተቱ፡ ኣይካብ ምህሮ፡ ኣይካብ መስተርሆ ሕልና፡ ማሕበር ዘረጉ፡ ቅሳነት ከልኡ፡ ከመይከ ሰለጦም፡ ሮኅራኅን ርኁስን ዚግዋስዮም፡ እዚኣቶም
ኣብቲ መዳ ዚብሉዎ ቦታ ብወገንነትን ህርፋን መዚን ስስዐን ሰብ ከም ደርሆ ከጥፍኡ፡ ሓደ ርኁስ ንበይኑ ዘቲዩ ብዝኣወጀሎም ክንደይ ተቃላስ ሃገር ኮን ኣጥፍኡ፡ በጃኡ! ኣዲኡ ትደፋእ! ኣይብልን፡ እታ ኣዲኡ ኣብ ምንታይ ምስ ወዓለት፡ ውላዳ ምእንቲ ናጽነት ዘወፈየት፡ በጃ ዝጠፍኡ ንጹሓት ግሩሃት ሓለምቲ ናጻ ሃገር አሪትራ ቁልቁል ኣፎም ይደፍኡ እቶም ጉሓሉ መዳን ዓዲን ባዕላቶም፡ ዘይ ድህለትን ፈሥክዋል ሓለዋን ምቅብባልን እንታይ ጥበብ ከም ልቦና ወይ ሳይንስ ከም ኢንዱስትሪ ይፈልጡን ይተኅሉን
ርጉማት ረፋዓትን መቀባበልቲን ሓመይቲን ዝቡሓት ሓሰውቲን ዚዋስኡሉ ትያትር መዳ እቶም ንፉዓትን ውፉያትን በጃ ህዝቦም ነዲኦም ኣቦኦም ንስድራኦም ብድምር፡ ንሓለንታ ናብራኦምን ምህሮኦምን ዝጠንጠኑ፡ ህይወቶም እንኮን ክብርቲን ዝመነኑ ሓደ እቲ ከባቲት ዓዲ ዘይብሉ ከክዋልሞም፡ መሰል ከም ዘይብሎም ኣብ ሓዊ ውግእ ጸሪ ወረርቲ ኪጠብሶም ዚውዕል ዚሓድር፡ ተንኮላት ዚሠርበሎም፡ ሕልፊ ከም ዝነበሮ ዚጥምቱዎ ጉልታዊ ዶ ነበረ እቲ ተርእዮ ዓለሞም፡ ረክላም መንነትን ዓለትን ምዕባለን ሕብሪ ቆርበትን ብልጺ እንዶን ኣሎ ሓያል ደሃኂ መንነት
ገፋዒ ምስ ኣለሉዎ መዝሓል ዓረር ሠውራር ክሳዕ ዚኆኑዶ ይዝብሑ፡ እቲ ዕላማ አክዋ ንኩሉ ህዝቢ አሪትራ ካብ ኣደራዕ መግዛእቲ ኪድሕን ኢዩ ዝነበረ እምበር ብካልእ ገዛኢን ኣባሲን ኪትክእ መኣስ ነበረ፡ እሞ እዚ ከም ዘይፈልጡ ብግፍዒ ዚጠፍኡሉ ቦታን እዋን ዛንታን ከመይ በጻሕናዮ፡ እዚ ሕቶኀ እንታይ ኪዓብስ ኢዩ ሕጂ፡ ደም ምስ ፈሰሰ፡ ሕነ ምስ ከረረ፡ ፍዳ ምስ ጸውዐ፡ በየናይ ገጹ ምሕረት ዝለበሙን ሰላማዊያንን ኪፍወስ ኢዩ፡ ለባማትን ዓቃላትን ይመልሱዎ
እንተ እቶም ተጋደልቲ ዝነበሩ ነዚ ዘረባታት ሓደ ግፍታእ መልሲ ኣሎዎም፡ ከድካ ደኣ ባዕሊኃ ዘይትዋጋእ …. እሞ ሓቆም አንዲዮም፡ ብሓደ ገጹ ግን ድሕሪ’ዚ ሕቶ ዚኅወል ስንፈት ተጋደልቲ ኣሎ፡ እቲ ሰብ ክሳዕ ዚግብል ገዲፎሞ፡ ብገበሉ ኣብ ዝፋን ምስ ደየበ ሳባን ማክዳን ሰውኡለይ ኪብል እሢ ጎይታይ፡ ጅግና ናቕፋና … ኪብሉዎ እምበር በየናይ ፍሱስ ሓሞት ኪገጥሙዎ፡ ሎሚ እክዋ ገለ ፈሥክዋል … ወረገና ብሕጂ ኪገዛኩም ኢዩ ይንበየልና ኣሎ!
ርግጽ ከኣ ሓድሓዶም ኣይኣመኑን፡ ወገን ዲዩ ሃይማኖት ድዩ ዓይነት ፖሊቲካ፡ እቶም ተሓ. ኣስላም ወክርስትያን ኪኆኑ እቲ ክርስትያን ነቲ ገባር ኣስላማይ በዓል ገመል ባዕሉ እዚ ጸዓነልና ከይብሎ፡ እቲ ኣስላማይ ተጋዳላይ ነቲ ብዓል ገመል ናውቲ ገድሊ ጸዓን ኪብለሉ ዶ ይጽበ፡ እሞ እቲ ውድበ ካብዚ ዘግድዕ ግምዓት እንታይ ኪበጽሖ፡ እዚ ብ1977 ኣብ ማይዕዳጋ (ደቀምሓረ) ገጠመ፡ ውድበና ከም ዘይተማሰለን ኣስላም ዝዓበለሉዎን ጥራይ ዶ የመልክት፡ ዚከብድ ኣሎዎ
ሥዑ እዋን ኣብ ብሓውር ሊባን-ላዕላይ ዘላ ቁሠት ሓበላ ዲያ ስማ፡ ሓደ ኣቡ ዓፋን (የጠራጥረኒ ስሙ/ሳግዋኡ) ህድሞ ውሣጠ ዲዩ እቲ ኦፊሱ፡ ምድሪ በቱ መኣዲ ወዲ-ዓከር ዚቕረቦ፡ እሞ ሓላፍ ጸጥታ ሓያል መዙ ነበረ፡ ከም ጉልታዊ ገዛኢ እቲ ኣጣምታኡን ተወዝታኡን ክርኣየኒ ገድሊ ህዝቢ አሪትራ ክንደይ ኣጋገየና፡ ብማዕዶ ሓደ ገርሂ ሰብ ከም ዝበሎ “መዓት ሊቃት” ዝወፈሩዎ ይመስል ዶ ኣይነበረን፡ የሕዝን ኢዩ መዓንጣ የሕርር መንእሰይ ወለዶ አሪትራ በቲ ኩሉ ጸበባ ሓሊፉሲ ጻማኡ ከኣ ኪስእን፡ ናጽነቱ ናብ ዓዱ ምስ ኣእተዎ ባርነት ኪኆኖ፡ መፍቶት ደርጋዊ-ራስተፈራዊ-ወያኒ!
እቶም ወገናዊያን ኮራኩር “መሪሕነት” ነቶም መንካዕ ዚብሉዎም ከጥፍኡ፡ ኣብቲ በረኃ ካልኣይ ዘይብሉ ኣደራዕ ኪወርዶም፡ ህዝቢ አሪትራ ኣይፈለጠን ዶ፡ ኣንቱም ሰባት፡ ከመይ ዓይኑ ይዕምት፡ ነቲ ተምበናይ ዶ ጸሎታይ ዚብሉዎ ኣርወ ዘበና ዚምዕድን ዚግስጽን ዘስምዕን ዶ ተሰኣና ሃገር፡ ካብ “መሪሕነት” ዚኅንብሎን ዚርፍቶን ቆራጽ ዶ ኣይተወልዳን አሪትራ፡ አረ እንተ ከፍአስ ሓንቲ ጥይት ዶ ዘስቲዮ ሰኣነ፡ ሓደ ዕዉት! እታ ግዋል ሃገር ካብ ብዙሓት ክብረን ዝተጋህሳ ዚብሉወን ሓንቲ ነዚ ምኅዋንዶ ትስእኒ፡ እወ ሕነን ፍዳን እጽውዕ ኣለኁ፡ እቶም ለባማት ግን ዚሓይሥ ይምከሩ እሞ ይንገሩ፡ ክሳዕ መኣስ ፋይዳ-ኣልቦም ይጽመሙ፡ አረ መኣስከ ኢና ንሰላም ሓዳርና ነመኣዝዮ
“ትግራዋይ” ኮይኑ፡ ኮይኑ’ምበር ነቶም ኩሎም መህቡል፡ ምሁራት ዩኒቨርሲቲ ዚብሉዎም፡ ዕሉማት መረባዊያን ዘልዉዎም፡ ግዋሎም ወዶም ዶ ምተጻወተሎም፡ ካብኣቶም እኩይ መጋብሩ ዚፈልጥ ከም ዘይነበረ፡ እኩይ መጋብሩ ዘርሰኖ ዚገጥሞ ከም ዘይነበረ፡ ካብቶም ጀጋኑና፡ እክዋ እንኮ፡ ከመይ ዘበለ ጎባጢ ድንቁርናን ድህለትን ጸያቕ ወገንነትን ምሩዝ ዕልመት ምህሮን ኣደብን ኢዩ ዝሓለኆም ኣብቲ በረኃ
ሕጂ’ውን ንርእሰይ ክወቅስ፡ ውግእ-ዘይወዓለ-በሊሕ ኣነ፡ ከመይ ኣካላት ዚጉዘዩን ንስደቶም ዘምልጡን ጥራይ ኮኑ፡ ሓደ ነቲ ብሥርሒ ንመዳ ዝወፈረ ዕባይ እንዳ ስዋ ዲዩ ብህየቱ ዝፈተኖ ኣካል ገድሊ ዶ’ታ ነበረ፡ ሓደክዋ ነበረ ዚብል ኣይሰማዕኩ ኣየንበብኩ፡ ዝሞቱ ተጋለደልቲ “ተስውኡ” ዚብሉና ኣየልዕልን ኣነ፡ ስም ሰማዕት ቅድስቲ አሪትራ፡ ንዝኆነ ሰብ ዘደንጹ ነገር መዳን መዳዊያንን እቲ ዓይነት መስዋእቶም ኢዩ፡ ንዕላማ ናጽነት ሃገርዶ ነበረ፡ እሞ ከምዚ’ዶ ይዝረግ
ሓደ ወሮበላ ኣብ ማእከሎም ከላግጽ ሠለል ዚብሉ ወይ ዓይኖም ዓሚቶም ኣብ ሓዊ ውግእ ዚጥበሱ፡ ክሳዕ ብቅብጸት ዚጠፍኡ ከመይ ዝበለ ጎባጥ ዲሲፕሊን ደረኆም-ገዝኦም፡ ነቲ ሞሮ ገድሎም ዚምዝብረሎም ከመይ ጸወሩዎ፡ ከመይ ሠለልታ ሃለዋትን ንያት-ዕርበትን ጽውንውን ኣበሎም ኣንታ! ሥሖር ዲዩ ዝደፈነሎም ልፋፈ-ጽድቅ ኢዩ ዝደገመሎም ‘ዚ ከይሲ፡ ብስርቂ ጥይት ዚቐትል ከም ትማሊኡ እንተ ዘይወዓሎ፡ ሕጂ’ውን ብነውራም ስለላ ይቃለስ
እንሀ‘ወ፡ ኣብዛ ድንቂ ምህዞ ኢንተርነት ክንዲ ኪሃንጹ ዚቐንኡ፡ ንሠፈጦም ዚሓኑ አንሀዉ ሕሉፋት ውፉያት ኣለዉዎም፡ እንታይ ኢዩ ዓስቦም፡ እንታይ ኢዩ ዕላማ ሃለዋቶም፡ ክሳዕ ሰቦም ዚሠጡ፡ ኣብ ዕዮ ሓሰውቲ ዚጽመዱ፡ እንታይ ኢዩ ረብሓኦም፡ ሕጂኀ ክሳዕ መኣስ ኢዩ ፅፍራ ሓሰውቲ ኣብዚ አለትሮኒካዊ ዓውዲና ከውፍር፡ ‘ዚ ሰኅራም ዶ ኣመንዝራ ዶ ንውር ብገበናቱ ዘይሓልፈሉ ኣካልዶ ንብሎ፡ ክሳዕ መኣስ ኢዩ ማሕበር ከፋልስ፡ ስርዓት ኪምዝብር፡ ዳስ ቅለትን ገበንን ቅትለትን ኣውያትን ቆለ ፈስቲቫልን ከሳሲየልና፡ ክሳዕ መኣስ
ነቲ ራሕሲ-ግፍዒ ናብ ግዋይላ ጉዳም ዚቕልስ ኣምሰሉ ተዋሳኢ ዶ ኣኀላ ሃገር፡ ይመስል እወ፡ እሩም ወንገል እንተ ኣንበብኩ፡ አወ ፍካርየኡ እንተ ዘይተዛናበለኒ እቲ ክርስቶስ ካብ ኩሎም ጸየቕቲ ነቶም ፈሪሳዊያን ጸልአ፡ ኮነነ፡ ብዘይ ምኅንያት ኣይኮነን፡ ኣምሰሉ፡ ዚገብሮ ዶ ይፈልጥ፡ ሕሙም ንሰብ ዘሕምም፡ ንካልእ ይጽነሓዮ ንርሸኡ ኪሕድሕን ዓቕሚ ይህሉዎ፡ ቀሊል ሠፋጢ ጻድቕ ነቲ ሰናይ ግናይ ከም ዋዛ ነቲ ግናይ ሰናይ ዲዩ ዚገብሮ እዚ ፈንጣሒ ኣተና-ሰብና
ደቀደይ አሪትራ፡ ዘሕምም ክነግር ኣይበሃግኩን፡ እቲ ባህለት ነቓጽ እንተ መሰለ ይቕረ በሉ፡ ክርስትያን ክመስል ከኣ ኣይኮንኩን ወይ ክውርዚ፡ ኣበይ ኮይነ ኣነ ኣብ ስደት፡ ነስላማይ ክመስል እውን ኣይኮንኩን፡ አሪትራዊ ክኀውን እየ ዝፍትን፡ ኣይ ክኢለዮ ኣይሲነዮ ኪኆነለይ እሞ ፍጹም ኣይደልን፡ ሓቂ ዝመሰለኒ ነበብቲ ክትመዝኑዎ እሞ ክትፈርዱዎ ዚብል ሓሳብ ሓደረኒ፡ ከመይ ሓባር ናብራና ከነዕሪ ርእሲና ምፍላጥ የድለየና እወ ዓቢ ዕማም ይጽበየና
በሉ እስከ ንሕሰብ፡ ብእንኮ ጸይቂ ውሑድ ኣይተንከላበትናን፡ ደቂ ሃገር እስከ ዕላማ ህዝቢ ንተኩር ኣይንስሓት
Tamrat Tamrat September 10, 2014
Happy to Ethiopian (Geez)New year!
On the eve of this New year i want to immitate the great America dreamer, Martin Luhter King.
I want to shout at the top of my voice ‘ I have a dream that ethiopians and eritreasn Brothers and sisters live in Peace!
I have a dream that the soldeiers With Draw to their camps and the border will be open.
I have a dream trucks, busses and private cars go crossing the border in winning their day to day activities.
I have a dream like eritreans wellcome in Ethiopia and Ethiopians will be welcome to Eritrea too regardless their political or religion views.
I have a dream as we ethiopians say Eritrea is Ours and eritreans also say ethiopia are Ours.
I have a dream same ethnic Groups dont fight one another!
I have a dream eritreans businessmen cross the border in Ethiopia and ethiopians in Eritrea.
I have a dream to go to Eritrea whenever i want to.
I have a dream eritreans singer a tour in ethiopia and the same ethiopians do tour in Eritrea.
I have a dream the 23 years nonesens changed to some productive activities for the NeXT generation.
I have a dream Our priests and imams pray together.
I have a dream hundred thousands eritreans visit the religous Places in Ethiopia and ethiopians do the same.
I have a dream Our tv stations show Our success form both sides.
I have a dream Our footballers maches untill their are running out of sweats and thier funs shout till their throat bursted.
I have a dream the ports become too busiy, noisy, and full of workers and businessmen.
I have a dream Our economy decides which Development we wished than Our leadrs do.
I have a dream that we give shelter like in Our father time than we do run for shelter.
Most of all i have a dream that Our respected culture restored again.
I have a dream ethiopians New year festivals broadcasted live to Eritrea and eritreans New year broadcasted live to Ethiopia.
I have a dream!
selamawit2 September 10, 2014
Hi Tamrat,
thank you for your kind new year wishes – a happy and blessed (Geez) new year also to you and to your loved ones!!!
All in all your dreams sound wonderful! If Ethiopia and Eritrea would live in peace with each other, there would be an renaissance in whole Africa!!! We have been already near to that – till Iseyas provoked the war between Eritrea and Ethiopia etc..
And our peoples are not far from that as most of us don’t hate each other – the problem is somwhere else as you know.
(But there are two little points you should consider:
– You say “I have a dream as we ethiopians say Eritrea is Ours and eritreans also say ethiopia are Ours.”
that could be misunderstood by some people as somthing like anti eritrean sovereignity…
– The Tewahdo church in Eritrea (normally) is as important as the Tewahdo church in Ethiopia. And Geez is historical and relevant
for both peoples…
So, as a sister i allow myself to tell you frankly, you need also to say “Happy to Eritrean (Geez)New year!” 😉
Wedi Erey September 10, 2014
Hi Tamrat;
I agree with almost all of your good wishes for the Peoples of Eritrea and Ethiopia. Except for the ‘wish’ that Eritreans claim Ethiopia as theirs, and Ethiopians claim Eritrea is theirs. Because both of us have our own countries, and we should not wish on other’s country for us. There will only be respect between us if we agree to respect each other’s sovereignty.
Otherwise I fully respect your good wishes for a brotherly neighborhood, not only between Eritreans and Ethiopians, but also between all the Peoples of the Horn of Africa.
ርሑስ ኣውደኣመት ንኹልኹም ኣመንቲ ክርስትና!!
m September 10, 2014
okey Tamrat Tamrat, we Eritrean we dont have any proplem with our neighboures,the proplem is the Evil dictator Isias i hope one day he will disapear to hell, and the whole rigion it will be peace and free
sogum smerr September 10, 2014
If Equality and Justice prevailed in nations it will lead to peace and economic development which spontaneously lead to unification of those nations. In the contrary when inequality, injustice, backwardness and prejudice are the master of the situation then the result is war and instability. When equality and justice and economic development prevail in all Africa, it is not impossible to see United States of Africa ASU in French.
ahmed saleh September 10, 2014
Happy new year .
That is a beautiful dream where we hope to see
in our life time, thanks .
Wedi Erey September 10, 2014
ኪድ ኣይትበሎ፡ ከም ዝኸይድ ግበሮ!
እዚ መንግስቲ እስራኤል ዝኽተሎ ዘሎ ፖሊሲ ኣብ ልዕሊ ስደተኞታት ኤርትራውያንን ሱዳናውያንን ከምዚ ኪድ ኣይትበሎ ከም ዝኸይድ ግን ግበሮ ዝብል ኣዘራርባ ክግለጽ ይከኣል።
እቲ ንዓይ ገሪሙኒ ዘሎ ኣብዚ ጉዳይ እዚ፡ እቲ ናይ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ጉዳይ ስደተኞታት ኣበይ ኣሎ፧ እዞም ሰባት ዚኣቶም፡ ኣብ ሃገሮም ሓሲሙዎም ዑቕባ ዝሓተቱ ደኣ ምበር ገበናውያን ኣይኮኑን። ኣብ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ክዳጎኑ ዘይሕጋዊ ኢዩ። መንግስቲ እስራአል ዑቕባ ክህቦም ዘይክእል እንተኾይኑ፡ ጉዳይ ስደተኞታት ኣብ ካላኦት ከዕቁበኦም ዝኽእላ ሃገራት ከብጽሖም ይግባእ።
YBERIHALLO September 11, 2014