Call for protest: Operation Occupy ”HGDFS Festival In Stockholm”
Svensk-eritreansk samarbetsorganisation För demokratiutveckling Call for protest Operation Occupy ”HGDFS Festival In Stockholm” The Swedish- Eritrean partnership for Democracy/ SESADU calls all concerned Eritreans to a huge rally protesting the” Festival” that elongates the Eritrean people’s suffering under

Svensk-eritreansk samarbetsorganisation
För demokratiutveckling
Call for protest
Operation Occupy ”HGDFS Festival In Stockholm”
The Swedish- Eritrean partnership for Democracy/ SESADU calls all concerned Eritreans to a huge rally protesting the” Festival” that elongates the Eritrean people’s suffering under the brtual regime. The PFDJs Festival that will be held from July 31st to 3rd August 2014 in the suburbs of Stockholm should be banned by all means.
Operation Occupy, HGDFs Festival aims to stop such festivals serving the dictatorship that oppresses our people at home and kill our young generation.
Come and join the protest on Saturday, 2rd August 2014.
Schedule & program of the Rally:
Date: Saturday, 2nd August 2014
Time: 11.00-20.00 Local time
Place: Eggebygård- Folkets Park – Järva fältet
Mellan Tensta och Akalla E18 turn left from Shell station.
- Speeches
- Slogans
- Petitions
Welcome All,
Wedi meret July 21, 2014
Ahwat ab Sweden zelekum
You must organize the event properly and we will be there.
Just becarful of the enemy who looks like friend eg Medrek etc.
If enemy is identified then it will be clear how to confront them but if enemy penetrates you then confusion is inebitable.
My dear brother and sisters
Hit the enemy where it hurts.
Awet nhisbi eritrea.
Sorobeti July 21, 2014
PFDJ must change its name to Poverty Festival of Destruction Jointer (DIA).
We are the problem July 21, 2014
We are wasting our time, the problem is not hgdef it’s us, instead of wasting time on the streets we need to organize and hit them where it hurts. We need to be invisible and slap them get them confuse. They can’t scare or see us, so they can’t retaliate. We have to organize secretly. We have to also enlighten our brothers because our enemies is really their ignorance. We have to try to achieve out goal with the least violence as possible. Isayas and his followers we finally coming after you, we gave you plenty of opportunity but you failed us, you choose power over your people. The GURMAG of the people is aimed on you now, you underestimated and betrayed our unconditional love and trust. What goes down must come us and it’s time for all Eritreans to rise up and put arms, the invisible hand will slap you and you will never know… Get ready the spirit revolution, God is always on the truth side and we always stand for truth and justice…
m July 22, 2014
yes because we are selfish and cowedes only we escape like ratss from our motherland we onley talk lelelele evryday we must organize and go fight like man,, how many yearess we will do meeting and daning our pepole suffering and dying evryday,, but we only talk and talk with out result
Fthi July 22, 2014
Agame Isaya Afrwerkn hgdefn mewedatom betsihu yu, hanti kale ya terifa hanti tsfeet
Kiflom July 23, 2014
I wish you all the best to teach those diehards and ignorant who still beat their KEBERO while the people on the mainland are affected by a hidden famine. If you can’t do it on the mainland at least show it outside. But, this will nowhere except to show western countries that there is at least opposition outside the country. Absence of a strong feast to punch the totalitarian dictators on them mainland still didn’t convince external democratic force.
Kiflom July 23, 2014
I wish you all the best to teach those diehards and ignorant who still beat their KEBERO while the people on the mainland are affected by a hidden famine. If you can’t do it on the mainland at least show it outside. But, this will lead nowhere except to show western countries that there is at least opposition outside the country. Absence of a strong fist to punch the totalitarian dictators on the mainland still didn’t convince external democratic force. Recently we have heard that the totalitarian dictator is to be indicted of crime against humanity. It is a step forward. Keep up your morale and do things in a disciplined way without antagonizing the laws, rules and regulations of the country. Show them that Eriterians are order and law respecting people.