One-Day Conference on: Seeking Peace through Reconciliation
One-Day Conference on: Seeking Peace through Reconciliation Date and Time: Saturday 14 June 2014 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. (Moderated by: Takwa Zebulon Suifon, Coordinator Dr. Mesghina) Concept Note Introductory Background We live in a world full of

One-Day Conference on: Seeking Peace through Reconciliation
Date and Time: Saturday 14 June 2014 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.
(Moderated by: Takwa Zebulon Suifon, Coordinator Dr. Mesghina)
Concept Note
Introductory Background
We live in a world full of broken relations at family, clan, ethnic, national, and international levels with attendant consequences. Cleavages, differences (race, generational, religious), ideologies, perceptions, geography, and others all make us differ, disagree, or see things differently. Wars, quarrels, over centuries have resulted in broken relations. The world is seeking for ways to deal with the challenge of violence, hatred and enmity. One of such ways to address some of the ‘justified’ divisions, conflicts and strife is through reconciliation.
We may ask the provocative question: why reconciliation? According to William J. Woodruff, and from Biblical perspective, reconciliation comes from the Greek family of words that has its roots in allasso. The meaning common to this word group is “change” or “exchange.” Reconciliation thus involves a change in the relationship between God and man or man and man. It assumes there has been a breakdown in the relationship, but now there has been a change from a state of enmity and fragmentation to one of harmony and fellowship. In other words, it represents a transformation in relationship.
Objectives of the Conference
The one-day conference would seek to:
a) Deeper understanding of the principle of reconciliation as a tool for building peace and restoring broken relationships
b) Bring to the fore the virtues of reconciliation from a Christian and societal perspective, its dilemmas and power to transform the world (Mandela example)
c) Briefly discuss the relationship between reconciliation, forgiveness, justice and reconciliation and how all these relate to lasting peace.
Format/Panelists: There would be presentations by the following panelists:
– Introductory remarks (Dr. Mesghina G. Medhin, Mission & Outreach Director, IEC)
– Mr. Takwa Zebulon Suifon (Head, Post-Conflict Reconstruction & Peacebuilding, African Union Commission);
– Dr. Kwaku Asante-Darko (Senior Expert, Conflict Prevention, African Union Commission)
– A Biblical perspective of reconciliation by Mr. Negash Kebede, General Secretary of Hope Enterprises, Addis Ababa;
– Experience of Rwanda in National Reconciliation (Staff of AU Commission)
– The South African Experience in reconciliation: challenges and prospects (Ms Yvonne Kasumba tbc)
The conference would be conducted in English and it will be participatory and interactive. There would be two sessions, with a short tea/snack break.
Participation: Participation will be open to all IEC members and international community based in Addis Ababa who are interested as well as friends and members of the public.
Venue: International Evangelical Church (IEC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Sarbet, Roosevelt St. in front of kings hotel.
For more information contact the IEC office: +251 113713611
Natnael May 24, 2014
Typical Ertirean and in the name of the International Evangelical Church (IEC) too! Who is going to reconcile by the way – Eritrea with Ethiopia or Eritreans with eachother, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia … in front of kings …?. Why don’t you confere in America/Europe where many citizens (perhaps DIA too) could participate?
Sarah May 31, 2014
Why knock anyone down for their hope in effort. Because its so much easier to point the finger? Reconciliation is the greatest necessity in our world, you may have no desire for it but many do. What is typical is speaking many words while contributing nothing to the solution.
Mike May 24, 2014
Natnael – good point. First the IEC needs to know what Christ did and mean. Then the work is easily done. What does this mean “One-Day Conference on: Seeking Peace through Reconciliation” – the IEC perhaps needs to listen to the song called “By the streets of Babylon….sat down …remembering Zion” and “God Loves Uganda” then work on the reconciliation concept.
Haqi tezareb May 25, 2014
While the slaves in Eritrea are busy jailing innocent Eritreans and selling young Eritreans to aliens for hard currency;
While the ignorant slaves are celebrating foolishly a Day of Slavery, and Eritrea is busy covering up the crimes it committed on its children such as the photo journalist Seyoum Tsehaye;
However, the democratic free West have not forgotten the brave Eritreans such as Seyoum Tsehaye incarcerated in cursed Eritrea.
Here is the link:
Geja May 25, 2014
A certain Beyan Negash writes in awate website:
” The implication of that far reaching legacy [Eritrean language policy]is that, to this day, many African countries suffer from that perpetual mimicry they have learned from their colonizers by using it on their own people who happened to speak different language than them. Eritrea’s predicament has been a classic textbook case that one can easily trace its genesis…”
Who is doing the “perpetual mimicry” in Eritrean political landscape now? The answer is that the ignorant elite Arab wanabe Eritreans are burning Eritrea’s languages to walk, to pretend and to smell like their Arab masters. The ignorant elite Arab wanabes are doing this to promote Arab identity instead of their own Eritrean identity. If the European colonizers did this as you said, the ignorant elite Arab wanabes of Eritrea are merely aping the colonizers.
Who is working hard in Eritrean politics to import alien Arabic language by burning Eritrean languages in what you called “a classic textbook case that one can easily trace its genesis”?
Geja May 25, 2014
Here is what salah Gadi said or tried to lie by blaming the Kebesa people about the burning of of the Tigre language by the elite Arab wanabe slaves in Jebha:
The burning of Tigre books – Saleh Ghadi’s account
If there is one human being that would never be suspected of ignorance in matters big and small regarding Jebha, it would be Ghadi. So the idea that somehow he was not in the know regarding the burning of Tigre books in mieda would be a joke. Only he didn’t claim ignorance, but came up with an utterly benign version of it.
Here is the strategy the Awate duo employ in their anesthetizing mission: if any damaging evidence surfaces, deny it; but if the chances of counter-evidence seems to be real, trivialize it.
Here is how Ghadi handled the claim that I made in this article – that Jebha burned all Tigre books:
“Saay, this is sounding as if a library was burned. The ‘books’ are actually handwritten, a few pages typed, copies for use as a teaching aid–sort of a curriculum of a few pages. Some of those who wrote it didn’t even speak Tigayet and all those who were pushing Tigrayet in place of Arabic were Tigrinya speakers, including Zemehret. I am not sure but I doubt if few pages reached the duplicator stage. But exaggeration has been the hallmark on such issues.”
His first reaction was: how do I attribute the burning of the Tigre books to Kebessa elite? This is a brilliant move, because if he could do that, the Tigre elites would be absolved of that horrendous sin of burning their language – for that is what the burning of the books symbolized. First, he claimed that it was written by Tigrignas who don’t speak Tigre (or Tigayet, as he calls it)! The idea is to make it seem a preposterous idea from the very beginning. And in doing that, Ghadi found a perfect scapegoat: Zemhret Yohannes! This is a smart move since it would make many of the Kebessa zombies happy, that being part of the ongoing anesthesiology.
Ghadi’s second strategy is to trivialize the incident to an inconsequential point: that it is a matter of few handwritten pages. Think of Jebha that has been printing countless pamphlets suddenly preferring to do it the medieval way, with hand-writing scribes toiling in the candle light, when it comes to books!
Enter Amnuel Hidrat, who spoils this damage control by spilling the beans, telling the Awate duo that the burning concerns 1,500 printed books written by none other than Kerenites (which means that Gadi had heard it before over and over one thousand and one times, as a bed-time story).
Since the spilling of the beans, we have yet to hear from Gadi on this matter.
Gideon May 25, 2014
Bravo Haqi tezareb & Geja. Keep it up brothers/sisters. Eritrea is an invented ‘Bambula’ nation. The product of overlapping interests of that era : the colonial British, the Italian and the savage Muslim slave master Arabs. Remember, for savage Muslim Arabs, the highlands of Abyssinia (Ethiopia & Eritrea) are an unfinished business. And the few idiots keep shading crocodile tears for your savage muslim slave master Arabs. “aslamay adi yeblu awdi yeblu” is not going to return your empty kindness with kindness.
selamawit2 May 26, 2014
Hi brothers and sisters,
do you know my absolutley fevorite comment on Eritreans and Eritrea:
“I do care for our Eritrean people.We are Eritreans ,not because we hate & foolishly put down Amharas & Tegaru of Tigray,but because we have rich loving culture & our national identity is Eritreans….
I admit that i just borrowed it.
I am Not the author of th ecomment. The real author is the
MEHRETU HABTE PAWLOS aka SYE aka NOBLE TEACHE (nibble brains etcher)…aka…aka…(k)aka…
Just look and see – isn’t he a TWISTED multiple personality ?!!!
MEHRETU HABTE on March 2, 2013 at 11:00 pm said:
(please scroll down)
selamawit2 May 26, 2014
Hi brothers and sisters,
do you know my absolutley fevorite comment on Eritreans and Eritrea:
“I do care for our Eritrean people.We are Eritreans ,not because we hate & foolishly put down Amharas & Tegaru of Tigray,but because we have rich loving culture & our national identity is Eritreans….
I admit that i just borrowed it.
I am Not the author of the comment. The real author is the
MEHRETU HABTE PAWLOS aka SYE aka NOBLE TEACHE (nibble brains etcher)…aka…aka…(k)aka…
Just look and see – isn’t he a TWISTED multiple personality ?!!!
MEHRETU HABTE on March 2, 2013 at 11:00 pm said:
(please scroll down)
Dani May 26, 2014
Weyane propaganda hassusat weyane puppet