ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ወረቐት ካብ ዘይብሎም ብንግስነት ስዑዲ ዓረብ ዝህደኑ ዘለዉ ኤርትራውያን ናይ ጉልበት ሰራሕተኛታት ገንዘብ ይምእርር።
እቲ ንግስነት ስዑዲ ዓረብ ቅጥዒ ብዘይብሉ መንገዲ ወረቐት ዘይብሎም ኤርትራውያን ዜጋታት ክገፍፍ ከሎ ቅንጣብ ሓልዮት ዘየርኣየ ስሱዕ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ሃድን ንግስነት ስዑዲ ገና ዘንጸላልዎም ዘሎ ወረቐት ዘይብሎም ኤርትራውያን ናይ ጉልበት ሰራሕተኛታት ዝነብሩሉ ርሑቕ ሓውሲ
እቲ ንግስነት ስዑዲ ዓረብ ቅጥዒ ብዘይብሉ መንገዲ ወረቐት ዘይብሎም ኤርትራውያን ዜጋታት ክገፍፍ ከሎ ቅንጣብ ሓልዮት ዘየርኣየ ስሱዕ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ሃድን ንግስነት ስዑዲ ገና ዘንጸላልዎም ዘሎ ወረቐት ዘይብሎም ኤርትራውያን ናይ ጉልበት ሰራሕተኛታት ዝነብሩሉ ርሑቕ ሓውሲ ከተማታትን ከባቢታትን ኣለልዩ ኣብ ኤምባሲኡ ዝሰርሑ ሃሱሳቱ ብምውፋር፣ናብ ኤርትራ ክትምለሱ Less passé ከነውጽኣልኩም ብዝብል ምኽንያት ካብ ሓደ ሰብ ካብ 300-400 ርያል ስዑዲ ይምልጥጦም ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ካብ ስዑዲ ዓረብ ሓቢሮም።
ብመሰረት’ቲ ሓበሬታ፣ እቶም ካብ መሳኪን ኤርትራውያን ገንዘብ ክምእርሩ ተላኢኾም ዘለዉ ሓሱሳት ተዋፊሮምሉ ዘለዉ ከባቢታት፣ዓሲር፣ ኣብሓ፣ ከሚስ ምሸት፣ ጀዛን ዝኣመሰሉ ከተማታትን ሓውሲ ከተማታትን እዮም።
መንግስቲ ስዑዲ ዓረብ “ዘይሕጋውያን ሰራሕተኛታት” ብዝብል ምኽንያት ግፋ ኣብ ዝጀመረሉ እዋን፣ ናብ ስዑዲ ደዊልና ብተለፎን ዘዛራረብናዮም ናይ ዓይኒ መሰኻኽር ከምዝሓበሩዎ፣ ኩሎም መንግስታት ናይቶም ታርጌት ኮይነን ዝነበራ ሃገራት ብዜጋታቶም ተገዲሶም ላዕልን ታሕትን ክብሉ ከለዉ፣ እቲ ሕጂ ገንዘብ ኣበራቢሩዎ ሃነፍነፍ ዝብል ዘሎ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ነቶም ኣብ ጀዳ፣ ተርሒል ዝብሃል ግዝያዊ መእሰሪ ተዳጕኖም ዝነበሩ ኤርትራውያን ቁሊሕ ኣይበሎምን።
simerrr2012 November 24, 2013
Ahmed Saleh,
Not all Arabs are selling , raping, killing our people or terrorizing the world community but all who do such atrocity against our people in Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Libya are Arabs. That is the reality you have to admit. individuals who pray five times a day and killing Eritreans in Sinai and Libya all are Arabs I do know all this has nothing to do with Islam. We haven’t seen such crime in Iran , Turkey or in west Africa. If they kill Ethiopians who gave the followers of Mohammed refugees in Habesha Land in first Hegira then these people can not have mercy for anyone. God save our African immigrant from these savage people and may God revenge for those victims. God already spoken and punish them with floods. The flood in a country who doesn’t get drop of water for years must tell us God doesn’t like when poor people massacre in daylight.
ahmed saleh November 26, 2013
Not only Ethiopian but also a Sudanese national died in their hand . We can interpret things which ever it
satisfy our ego but reality is different . More than 20,000 nationals from Eritrea , Ethiopia , Sudan ,
Somal , Egypt , Yemen and Far-east some with families are under the hands of Saudi officials control
waiting for their fate . Therefore , majority of them are Moslems to speak the truth .
Not to generalize and to see things in fairness is the principle I stand and believe on . Because of some
bad apples we can not displace the reputation of race , ethnics or religion in general . The worst things
is happening in Eritrea but we can not blame Eritreans in general , the same goes to everyone .
Ali November 24, 2013
Ahmed We’ll wee retrained big mistake we msled Adam Saura we think Eritrean people to feree com etiopia pat the rethalt wos ape set yes help etiopia to ferre but we Eritrean Mel etcetera to gazza strep we at not free now auor Pinole saferen in medl aest an Africa this air dolt don’t polem no body the Poole eretrian living worsen so coll coloney the pipople the hod peter life Ander my gusto or king Hayley selase now you have so coll megstena mafia or gent gad pe weth seer popole Sam day is goung this misripo mafia so coll mingistina thanks
Abdu November 24, 2013
Arabs ignorant bustard their country build based on violence from day one. So ; what do you think and expect from those bustards who forms a nation through violence; don’t forget those are who rape and kill their sisters and even rape and kill their brothers; generally those petrol drunk ignorant Arabs are they less than human and subhuman under category of worst animals. Yes; I am a Muslim but they don’t represent me so do Muslim around the world; they are pagans actually they don’t own a religion they own money and petroleum; petroleum that dug out by smart Westerners and labourer by emigrants and the funny thing they kill and rape the emigrants who build up their roods;houses;building etc.. many thing from A-z every thing its been built by emigran . they now nothing they can’t e
i and i November 25, 2013
Await.com gays will be disappointed by ur comments.
Abdu November 24, 2013
They can’t even hummer one single nail those ignorant.
It happen to be the money falls in to the wrong hand from eating tamer (temri) and ride camel to driving hummer and roserise; they can’t even manage their tsgab.a number years more and hopefully they will go back to tamer and then they will understand life.
Abdu November 24, 2013
Based in my experience I have lived there two months watched and observed I couldn’t live more than that and left I had an option I could live there until now but Allhamdulillah (thanks to God ) made me live soon and what I call it I was reborn and I wish for the rest of all the remains better place than that cage or Zoo(Arab spoken animals cage)
Keren November 24, 2013
Watch this how Arabs treat black Muslims in this day and age. Only a coward Arab slave will deny this fact:
As the West continues to train its focus on racism leveled at blacks by white people in the U.S. and recently in Europe and Israel, attention has increasingly been directed at the mistreatment of blacks by Arabs in Northern Africa and the Middle East.
For years, observers interested in probing a little more deeply in Iraqi society than the typical Western news stations found that the sizable black population in Iraq endures a form of virulent racism that African Americans haven’t seen in more than 50 years. Blacks there say they are regularly called “slave” and followed by groups of kids yelling epithets.
The Canadian academic Salim Mansur has claimed, “Blacks are viewed by Arabs as racially inferior, and Arab violence against blacks has a long, turbulent record.”
A piece broadcast on a radio station in the Netherlands took a deep look at the racism experienced by sub-Saharans Africans in Morocco, where they are viewed with such suspicion by the local Arabs that an Arab shopkeeper even warned the European reporter to stay away from the Africans because “they might eat you.”
The Africans are forced to live in a camp deep in the woods because they are unable to find jobs to make money—and when they do find work, they believe they are paid poorly because they are black. They are also frequently victimized by criminals who know the Africans can’t report it to authorities because they would face deportation.
“Arabs hate black people. And that is not from today. It is in their blood,” Aboubakr, a young man from Senegal who is hoping eventually to cross over into Europe, told the reporter for RNW (Radio Netherlands Worldwide). “Friends of mine were attacked with a knife. Bandits target us because they know we cannot go to the police, even if we are robbed and hurt. Having no papers, we will be caught instead. Blacks have no rights here.”
Aboubakr is also insulted that Moroccans “cannot believe many of us are Muslims too.” According to him, people are surprised when they see him kneeling for prayer. “They don’t think a black can be Muslim.”
Many Africans know that Arab states have not responded to atrocities in places like Darfur and Sudan because the people getting slaughtered are black Africans.
Black African guest workers in places like Egypt, Algeria and Libya have spoken about being publicly ridiculed and physically assaulted by Arabs. Egyptian writer Mona Eltahawy has written about watching a Sudanese girl being assaulted and tormented on the Cairo Metro, concluding, “We are racist people in Egypt and we are in deep denial.” She says the Arab world has ignored the suffering of Darfur because the victims are black. “We only pay attention when America and Israel behave badly.”
Meshael Alayban: Saudi Princess Accused of Enslaving Kenyan Maid
Because Europe has become more aggressive about patrolling ts borders specifically to keep the Africans in North Africa from slipping in, more migrants are stuck in places like Morocco, where they are forced to live in ghettos like the tent camp they created in the woods.
“Years ago, people had to get used to their presence, but now the relations are okay,” a shopkeeper in a mountain village near the forest told Radio Netherlands. When a tall, black man walked into the shop and purchased rice, yoghurt and other food, the shopkeeper said, “The authorities advise me not to sell to them, but I sell to anyone. We’re all the same.”
Ironically, even as the Arab countries continue to mistreat the black Africans, they also find themselves on the receiving end of racist treatment. The United Arab Emirates national soccer team just got an apology from the Asian Football Confederation for referring to them as “sand monkeys”—on the AFC website!
The “AFC apologizes for an editorial mistake in which the UAE National Team was inadvertently referred to by an inaccurate nickname on the AFC’s official website,” the organization said in a statement.
It said the comment was due to an “error, which was mainly because of referral to a popular web-based encyclopaedia” and that it “was corrected immediately after it was noticed.” The AFC said it was sorry for “any hurt this might have caused to the UAE Football Association and UAE football fans.”
The day before, the UAE federation secretary-general Yusuf Abdullah said in a statement, “We express our strong resentment over the use of this bad description by the AFC website.”
“What happened is unacceptable and shows disrespect to others. It is proof of racist attitudes that are starting to surface,” he said, demanding “a quick official apology.”
Keren November 24, 2013
Here is a good history lesson about Arab racism from a black American researcher:
This is part, watch the rest on your own: