HERE AND THERE By Fetsum Abraham Eritrean Press Statement Tuesday, 14 May 2013 07:13 | PDF Print E-mail Press Release - Press Release shabait Eritrea Rejects Amnesty International's Wild Accusations “Eritrea rejects in the clearest of terms Amnesty International's wild accusations that it

By Fetsum Abraham
Eritrean Press Statement
Tuesday, 14 May 2013 07:13 | PDF Print E-mail
Press Release – Press Release shabait
Eritrea Rejects Amnesty International’s Wild Accusations
“Eritrea rejects in the clearest of terms Amnesty International’s wild accusations that it has “jailed at least 10,000 political prisoners.” Amnesty’s transparently political assault on Eritrea is totally unsubstantiated, with the organization unable to back its claims with facts. It is hardly surprising that it admits that it does not “know the exact figure.”
There is no doubt that there exist prisoners without due trial in Eritrea, immaterial how many because one innocent prisoner is one too many injustice in view of human rights violations. Numbers don’t even matter here as much as lives do: one unjustly lost life is too significant for the international community, especially Amnesty to be concerned.
How can the extremely secretive and tightly closed regime expect a proof from Amnesty without allowing it to investigate the matter inside the country? Even Ali Abdu, did not know where Dawit Isacc was placed for heavens sake!! Wouldn’t the government let the world research on this inside Eritrea if it were confident on this testimony and should not it do this first before accusing Amnesty for being unable to substantiate its claims? What a commonsense!!
“Amnesty International knows full well that Eritrea was born in a remarkable thirty year struggle for human rights. The consolidation of the human rights of the people of Eritrea in their diversity- ethnic and cultural groups, women, youth, children, the disabled- remains an overriding priority for the government and people of Eritrea.”
It is hard to comment on this statement knowing that the regime has no concept of human rights let alone to practice it in Eritrea. What surprises me is its audacity to mention “human rights” with the worst record on the subject. The hell must have turned to heaven for Eritrea to claim “a defender of human rights” but the leaders did it here without any shame and concern about international opinion.
“Stepping boldly into the political, Amnesty International claims that “Twenty years on from the euphoric celebrations of independence, Eritrea is one of the most repressive, secretive and inaccessible countries in the world.” Eritreans and the thousands of foreigners from all over the world who work and live in Eritrea cannot but wonder how far off the mark Amnesty chooses to be, as the sordid picture it paints resembles little to the reality.”
Of course the whole world including said Eritreans and the thousands of foreigners from all over the world that work and live in Eritrea cannot help wondering on the regime’s compulsion of denial. Amnesty did not choose to be off the mark from reality but the Eritrean regime certainly is in this regard because Eritrea is not only one of the most repressive, secretive and inaccessible countries in the world but is the worst of them all.
“Undeterred, Eritreans and their friends, not just in Eritrea, but all over the world will be participating this month “in euphoric celebrations of independence.” Of course, Amnesty International will take no notice of these indicators of the Eritrean people’s stance, smug in its self¬ righteous belief that it can, with impunity, attack and denigrate a young nation, which despite many odds, manages to progress and improve the lives of its citizens.”
Can you believe this government officially releasing this garbage for the laughter of the world? The majority of Eritreans in the Diaspora was against the government all over the place and this contradictory reality is what Amnesty observed like any other person there was. What nonsense!! The Eritrean government as we know it today is the most rejected government in Africa and probably the most illusional in politics as well. Other governments such as Syria may be suffering today because of civil war and foreign involvement caused by the refusal of Assad to step down in the face of the on going catastrophe. International involvement was necessary in such countries where conflicts are causing the death and displacement of thousands of innocent people similar to our situation during the Badme war with Ethiopia. But, I have never come across a country so antagonized with the whole world (UN, EU, AU, and many humanitarian organizations and NGO’s) in peacetime like Eritrea has been during the last 12 years. Simply speaking, no one is seriously taking the Afwerki regime for anything any longer because of its consistent patterns of deception, denial, rigidity, vigilance, absolute dictatorship, corruption, illegal and violent activities and irresponsible actions for devil’s advocacy.
Recent problems
As we all know, the international community is watching the Eritrean government like the Police looking for a thief in a neighborhood. There is always something about Eritrea against justice and freedom. Recently, the following activities took place in this regard:
CBC News, Last Updated: May 27, 2013: “A United Nations report last year indicated that state threats and intimidation were commonly used against families in Eritrea to get their relatives living in Canada and other countries to pay up.”
“TORONTO — Canada is expelling an Eritrean diplomat after he was caught using his consulate in Toronto as a fundraising front for the repressive African regime and its military in violation of international sanctions.
Consul Semere Ghebremariam O. Micael was ordered home Wednesday after a government investigation confirmed his office was soliciting money from expatriates — some of it explicitly for the Eritrean armed forces.
The expulsion comes after Foreign Affairs had repeatedly warned Eritrea in diplomatic notes to stop. But the consul continued anyway and last week the National Post revealed that as recently as two weeks ago he was still using his office to pressure Canadians to hand over 2% of their wages to the regime, as well as an additional $300 to $500 for the country’s military.”
Comment: It was the Eritrean Ambassador’s (in the US) deportation for breaking instructions few years ago and this comes on today proving the fact that the Eritrean government is incapable of handling civilized diplomatic relationships with other nations. It is too addicted to criminal and illegal activities to be civilized: the only solution has so far been sanctioning the regime and deporting its useless diplomats in humiliating fashion, yet in vain!
To your information, the Eritrean government has invented a new method of exploiting the Diaspora making it impossible for it to give the people a break. Eritreans who live in countries that no longer allow the government’s 2% taxation must pay it inside Eritrea in foreign currency. There is simply no way out for Eritreans from the dirty games of the government.
Here is another international voice against Eritrea:
“Eritrea: Letter Regarding the Renewal of the Mandate of the Special Reporter on Human Rights in Eritrea:
To Permanent Representatives to the UN Human Rights Council, on Behalf of 15 NGOs
May 31, 2013
We are writing to call on members of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) to take action during the current 23rdsession of the HRC to renew the mandate of the Special Reporter on the situation of human rights in Eritrea, in response to the continued appalling situation of widespread and systematic human rights violations in Eritrea and the lack of cooperation demonstrated by the Eritrean government towards international and regional human rights mechanisms.
We noted with appreciation the adoption by consensus of resolution A/HRC/RES/20/20, presented by Djibouti, Nigeria and Somalia, on the human rights situation in Eritrea at the 20th session of the UN Human Rights Council in July 2012. The UN Special Rapporteur on Eritrea, will present a report highlighting the human rights situation in Eritrea to the 23rdsession of the Council in June 2013.
We therefore call on your delegation to support the adoption by the HRC of a resolution that:
* Condemns abuses documented by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea and urges the Government of Eritrea to implement the recommendations contained in her report;
* Renews the mandate of the Special Rapporteur;
* Urges the Government of Eritrea to allow access to the country for the special mechanisms of UN Human Rights Council and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
We thank you for your attention to these concerns. We remain available to provide further information as may be useful.
Comment: The initiative was taken by three African countries including Somalia which has become one of the best democracies in Africa after the sanction stopped Afwerki’s destructive role in the country with Al-Shabab. The following 15 organizations were represented in this activity.
African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, Amnesty International, Article 19, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, CIVICUS
East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, Human Rights Concern – Eritrea, Human Rights House Foundation, Human Rights Watch, International Service for Human Rights, Reporters Without Border, Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa, West African Human Rights Defenders Network
Conclusion: All of the above cannot go wrong on Eritrea and nor were they influenced by the CIA. In fact most of the organizations above are anti-CIA by socio-political philosophy because they are composed of humanist activists. Most countries in the world are coexisting peacefully and here is a government in Eritrea that has become the talk of civilized nations for its bizzar political behavior internally and externally. No nation respects this government and all of them want it to leave: the international atmosphere is for change in Eritrea and ready to support a popular group to replace the regime in Asmara. The only problem that is delaying change is our failure to work under a united front for transitional government. We therefore need to concentrate on unconditional unity as the priority of our resistance against the absolute dictatorship.
The issue of unity will continue to dominate our work and see you soon with a follow up to the last article.
Haile Belay June 6, 2013
Selam Aboy Keshi Mehretab,
When we were in Mendefera, we were always talking about Dr. Berhe Habtegiorghis, Dr Gideon and Dr. Sofia how they could not see our problems. We could not go to school, we could not work to help our families and were not allowed to leave the country. Now I am one of the very few lucky people who managed to scape to Sudan and then after few years to St. Louis. When I came to the US, I am happy to hear that the Doctors were not traveling like what we used to read on Dehai when we were in Mendefera. That is very good news because probably they understood that they were wrong.
But my problem is with the mothers in this country. They send their kids to schools but when they talk about the youth in Eritrea, they say they have to be in Eritrea to help build the country.
Last year, I went to Chicago to visit friends and I met adey Azieb and adey Marta. I think they have been in America many years and they brought their whole family to the US. All of their brothers and sisters are here. No body is in Eritrea to help the country to develop. I was mad at this mothers but I know this country has law and could not say any thing.
My question to Aboy Keshi Mihretab is, what do you say to this mothers? How can you help either send their kids and brothers to Eritrea to help the country develop or make them understand that the kids in Eritrea has the same needs as their family?
After all, we all are Eritreans.
Thank you very much
Reply ↓
Genet June 10, 2013
Dear Haile
I understand your frustration. I have been very disappointed with the reaction of many, many, many Eritrean mothers in diaspora, to the dictator in Eritrea. They lost their identity. They lost the essence of being the Eritrean mothers. The Eritrean mothers were a forceful engines during our struggle for independent Eritrea. They gave everything they had. including their beloved children. They never hide their childern from their duty. They told their children that they have to do their part. Now, we have pseudo-Eritrean mothers who are self centered maniacs. Their only concern is their children; on the expense of the Eritrean children in Eritrea. They are becoming opportunistic parasites. They blindly, push their children to be used by PFDJ operatives. Unlike, the real Eritrean mothers, they lack common sense. They spend their days waching ER-TV (zombie maker). Even when they go and Visit Eritrea, they lie about the real situation of our people. They are not aware of their power. They could make all the horrible things happeing to our people, go away by just speaking against it. They are not aware of the consequence of their silent. They are not aware of that they are inableing a dictator to harm their own people. It is a very sad time for us.
mohammed negash June 6, 2013
we eritreans have many unresolved greviences.
alihiya June 7, 2013
Let us unite together Eritrea will be free sooner or later. I have not ever and never stupid regime seen. How the whole world are speaking not the ruth while the regime is speaking the truth. uses lies to stay longer. Like history time will tell. you will be removed like Gedafi, Ben ali, Mubarek and others. thamks for your essays
Genet June 11, 2013
Excelant summary of information. As usual.
I want to add an info. why the PFDJ regime doesn’t know the exact figure of Eritrean prisoners is because has no control of any thing, exept its power. There are many, many, many control frecks PFDJ’S operatives running wild in Eritrea. Those control frecks are putting our people young and old in prisone for nothing. Once they put them in prisone, they don’t even remeber to check on them. Some of our ordinary people are in prisone for months even years, no body knows why. Most of the time, their families don’t know what happen to them. The lucky one do come home broke and depressd; the unlucky one disappear without a trace. Some of them are let out just because there is no room for a new comers. This is the reason, because they have no control of the our country. I am glad the world is keeping eye on this lunatic dictator and his supporters.
I agree with your point that UNCONDITIONAL UNITY IS THE WAY TO GO, IF WE WANT TO STOP THE MADDNESS. WE ALL HAVE TO COME TO TERMS THAT THE LONGER WE TAKE TO BE UNITED, THE WORST IT IS GOING TO GET FOR OUR PEOPLE. WE ARE BEING UPROOTED FROM OUR FATHERS AND MOTHERS’ LANDS. SYSTEMATICALLY THE ERITREAN SOCIETY IS BEING CHANGED TO UNRECOGNIZED GROUP OF PEOPLE. WE ARE LOSING OUR CULTURE AND VALUES. Have any one noticd some of the wedding party in diaspora? Some Eritrean wedding party is a copy of ErTV’s program of drama wedding patry. In a normal socity, TV’s programs copy the real world; In our current socity, the real world is copying PFDJ’s TV programS. THIS REVERSAL OF REALITY IS FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG.
fetsum abraham June 12, 2013
Thanks Genni; it is people like u that keep the momentum of resistance going. I love to see u in the forum and I learn a lot from u my dear. Keep ur presence intact, u are very important