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Voices of Assenna: Voices of Torture from Sinai – Kasko, Mulgeta 21, Yasin 23, Habtom 14, Fiyhawit 18

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  • qategna May 8, 2013

    It is sad to see Eritreans being treated far below an arab dog by the bastard savage Arabs in Sinai Egypt, Sudan and human mine sweepers in Libya.
    it is sad to see the so called Eritrean political opposition are silent and trying to buy the favour of the bastard arab regimes by keeping silent.

    what is the fate of eritrea? We hated ourselves and languages to appear like the arabs raping us and still the savages keep on abusing us. How did we get into this arab mess.
    An Arab comes to your home only to enslave you, yopur mother and daughter or to loot your land, cattle and property or to burn down you identity and history.
    Go and ask the people of Darfur, south Sudan and Nubia.

    • hamassien May 9, 2013

      Trafiking will move to asmara soon

  • Kabbire May 9, 2013

    መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ኣብ እርጋኑን ስደቱን ናይ ዚምባብወ ወይ ኣብ ዘለዎ ሃልዩ ፣ ብዙሕ ይስሕቕ ይህሉ ይኸውን። ምኽንያቱስ እቲ ቐደም ኣብ መደርኡ ኣንጻር ጀብሃን ሻዕብያን ክጻረፍ እንከሎ
    ከደምቲ ናይ ዓረብ ፣ ባራዩ ናይ ግብጺ ፣ ኮራኩር ዓረብ ፣ ሽዩጣት ፔትሮ ዶላር
    ይብል ኔሩ።
    ኤርትራውያን ውን በቲ ዕሸል ዘይበሰለ ኣእምሮና ንስሕቆን ንጻረፎን ነበርና።
    ሕጂ ኾይኑ ግና ኣዋልድናን ኣወዳትናን በቶም ጨካናት ዓረብ ናይ ግብጽን ሱዳንን ይዕመጻን ይግፍዓን ኣለዋ። ከም ጤል በጊዕ ይሽየጡ ፣ ብዝረሰነ ሓዊ ብዝመኸኸ ፕላስቲክ ይትኮሱ፣ ኣጻብዖም ይቑረጽ ፣ ኤርትራውያን ደቓሉ ዓረብ ይወልዳ ። ኤርትራውያን ወለዲ ድማ ደቆም ኣሕዋቶም ከም ገለ ኢሎም ብሂወት እንተተርፉ ኢሎም፣ ካብ ዘይብሎም ዓሰርተታት ኣሽሓት ዶላር ክእክቡ ሓሰረ መከራ ይጸግቡ።
    ኣየ መንግስቱ ዕደ ለካ ሓደ ሓደ ግዜስ ካባና ይሓይሽን የስተውዕልን ኔሩ እዩ።

  • ማሊሻ May 9, 2013

    at the end of the day, any history that starts by burning its own past history and by murdering its own people as Shifta Awate did to the ethnic Kunama of Eritrea and by killing any of its dissenting elements as they did in sryet addis, Falul, Menkae … and by burning Eritrean own languages to spread foreign language like arabic is worthless history with very shallow base to have any deep roots to with stand any stormy waves.

    This is the reason everything is crumbling in front of our eyes, from the slavery in eritrea and in the Arab world as in Libya and Egypt.

    What Adhanom is trying to do as mesfin Hagos and Issaias did before him, and as the worthless former Jebhas did, is that defending his own history.
    No one should expect these people to come out and say “we are sorry and we made a mess of Erit

  • spadeISspade May 9, 2013

    It is true no one destroyed our history, our value, our traditions as that of shabiya. for it is a systemic destruction of everything we upheld for centuries. Mengistu, Hailesellassie did harm us but in sole reaction to the war launched by the shifta Awate. For Awate and Co were criminal war lords who tried their best to please their Italian master than to their brothers in the Gash Barka region. Ask any Kunama, there you will find the attrocities still flashing back in their minds. in the course of the Ghedli era, they were telling us we are more Arab looking than Habesha..I am not sure how that worked out..and thats why they put arabic into our carricula..why not Italian, French, etc etc then? unless shabiya was bidding the cause of arabs,and simulating itself as an arab organisation? yet, it turned out that those arabs we dearly wanted to get close with turned out abusing us. when they rape our daughters, they see no arab in her but pure habesha..that they deeply abhor.when they send our sons to clean the land mines in Libya, its because they do not care to the it eritrean or any – color is enough!! shabiya was fighting to blend water with oil,and when it fails (naturally)it spills it out..what is interesting is, it tries it all over again.Arabs supported us when we fought with ourselves – the habesha civil war.