ምረት መነባብሮ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብዘሰንብድ ኩነታት መሊሱ እናኸፍአ ይኸይድ ኣሎ።
ስርዓት ህግደፍ በቲ አብ 21 ጥሪ 2013 ብዘጋጠሞ ህዝባዊ ናይለውሃልሃልታ ሰንቢዱ፡ ከም ኣመሉ ንሰራዊት ብብብብብናይ ሓሶት መብጽዓታት ንምትላል ነቲ ዝርካቡ ቁጠባዊ ትሕዝትኡ መእመኒ ናይ ሓሶት ፕሮፖጋንዳኡ ክጥቀመሉ ናብ ሰራዊት ስለዘዝበሎ ፡ እቲ ድሮ ብክብርን ምረትን መነባብሮ ክሳቐ ዝጸንሐ ህዝቢ
ስርዓት ህግደፍ በቲ አብ 21 ጥሪ 2013 ብዘጋጠሞ ህዝባዊ ናይለውሃልሃልታ ሰንቢዱ፡ ከም ኣመሉ ንሰራዊት ብብብብብናይ ሓሶት መብጽዓታት ንምትላል ነቲ ዝርካቡ ቁጠባዊ ትሕዝትኡ መእመኒ ናይ ሓሶት ፕሮፖጋንዳኡ ክጥቀመሉ ናብ ሰራዊት ስለዘዝበሎ ፡ እቲ ድሮ ብክብርን ምረትን መነባብሮ ክሳቐ ዝጸንሐ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ መዓልታዊ መነባብሮኡ ኣዝዩ ሓሲሙ ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ካብ ኤርትራ ሓቢሮም።
ብሰንኪ’ዚ ኣብ ዕዳጋታት ተራእዩ ዘሎ ናህሪ ዋጋታት ከምዚ ይመስል፡
ዕንጸይቲ ብኣከፋፈልቲ ምምሕዳር 1300 ናቕፋ ንኹንታል፡ መሸላ 2500 – 3000፡ ሽኮር ስጋብ 80 ናቕፋ ንኪሎ ወዘተ ይሽየጥ አሎ። ንህጻናት ዝኸውን ጸባ ዳርጋ አብ ዕዳጋ የለን። ከምዚ ኣብ ስእሊ እትርእዩዎ ዘለኹም ከምቆልዑ ትምህርቶም ገዲፎም አብ ዋንነተን ናይ መንግስቲ ዝኹና ዱካናት ‘ሕድሪ’ አብ መስርዕ ይውዑሉ አለው። ቀረብ ሓይሊ ኤለትሪክ ካብቲ ዝነበሮ ስለዝገደደ አብ አብያተ ሕክምና ከቢድ ጸገም የጋጥም አሎ።
ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ረድኤት ካብ ወጻኢ ንኸይረክብ ንናይ ረድኤት ትካላት ንዝሓለፈ 5 ዓመት ጀሚሩ ከልኪሉ ምህላው ይፍለጥ።
ኣብዚ ህዝቢ ካብ ዕለት ናብ ዕለት ምስጋር ተጻጊሙሉ ዘሎ እዋን፡ አብ ኤርትራ ንህዝቢ ተሓታትነት ዘለዎ ስርዓት ስለዘየልቦ ብልሽውና ሳዕሪሩ ሳአብ ዝለዓለ ጠርዚ በጺሑ ይርከብ።
ኣብ ከምዚ ኩነታት፡ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ንህዝቢ ብባዶ ተስፋ ንምዝንጋዕ በቲ ኣብ ፎርቶ ዝተወስደ ተባዕ ናይ ለውጢ ተበግሶ ንዝሓደሮ ውዕዉዕ ናይ ለውጢ መንፈስ ንምጥምዛዝን፡ “ሓያለ ማሺነሪታት ኣብምጺእና ኣለና ውሕስነት መግቢ ክረጋገጽ እዩ” ዝብል ናይ ምትላል ዘመተ ይቕጽል ኣሎ።
Abadula February 25, 2013
Eritrean Awakening is coming soon// Talking a lot is nothing except wastage of time and energy, we have to learn from Arab uprising.
Henok February 26, 2013
Arab uprising is for courageous ONLY! And the time has passed foe Eritrea to witness the MetaHit spring last month! No change will come soon!
Zemeneakahida February 25, 2013
Unless you go all-out to squarely hit the central security apparatus of the regime, the sufferings of the Eritrean people will go on for certain period of time and the impact of the plight won’t be easily curable in the new generation. Deliberate starvation of the entire population is the worst crime againt humanity. Why are innocent children punished by such brutalit? Children have the right to live and they are the future of the Nation. May God save them to see a better day!
sara February 25, 2013
ስርዓት ህግደፍ በቲ አብ 21 ጥሪ 2013 ብዘጋጠሞ ህዝባዊ ሃልሃልታ ሰንቢዱ፡ ከም ኣመሉ ንሰራዊት ብናይ ሓሶት መብጽዓታት ንምትላል ነቲ ዝርካቡ ቁጠባዊ ትሕዝትኡ መእመኒ ናይ ሓሶት ፕሮፖጋንዳኡ ክጥቀመሉ ስለዘዝበሎ ፡ እቲ ድሮ ብክብርን ምረትን መነባብሮ ክሳቐ ዝጸንሐ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ መዓልታዊ መነባብሮኡ ኣዝዩ ሓሲሙ ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ካብ ኤርትራ ሓቢሮም።
ብሰንኪ’ዚ ኣብ ዕዳጋታት ተራእዩ ዘሎ ናህሪ ዋጋታት ከምዚ ይመስል፡
ዕንጸይቲ ብኣከፋፈልቲ ምምሕዳር 1300 ናቕፋ ንኹንታል፡ መሸላ 2500 – 3000፡ ሽኮር ስጋብ 80 ናቕፋ ንኪሎ ወዘተ ይሽየጥ አሎ። ንህጻናት ዝኸውን ጸባ ዳርጋ አብ ዕዳጋ የለን። ከምዚ ኣብ ስእሊ እትርእዩዎ ዘለኹም ቆልዑ ትምህርቶም ገዲፎም አብ ዋንነተን ናይ መንግስቲ ዝኹና ዱካናት ’ሕድሪ’ አብ መስርዕ ይውዑሉ አለው። ቀረብ ሓይሊ ኤለትሪክ ካብቲ ዝነበሮ ስለዝገደደ አብ አብያተ ሕክምና ከቢድ ጸገም የጋጥም አሎ።
ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ረድኤት ካብ ወጻኢ ንኸይረክብ ንናይ ረድኤት ትካላት ንዝሓለፈ 5 ዓመት ጀሚሩ ከልኪሉ ምህላው ይፍለጥ።
ኣብዚ ህዝቢ ካብ ዕለት ናብ ዕለት ምስጋር ተጻጊሙሉ ዘሎ እዋን፡ አብ ኤርትራ ንህዝቢ ተሓታትነት ዘለዎ ስርዓት ስለዘየልቦ ብልሽውና ሳዕሪሩ ሳአብ ዝለዓለ ጠርዚ በጺሑ ይርከብ።
ኣብ ከምዚ ኩነታት፡ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ንህዝቢ ብባዶ ተስፋ ንምዝንጋዕ በቲ ኣብ ፎርቶ ዝተወስደ ተባዕ ናይ ለውጢ ተበግሶ ንዝሓደሮ ውዕዉዕ ናይ ለውጢ መንፈስ ንምጥምዛዝን፡ “ሓያለ ማሺነሪታት ኣምጺእና ኣለና ውሕስነት መግቢ ክረጋገጽ እዩ” ዝብል ናይ ምትላል ዘመተ ይቕጽል ኣሎ።
rora eskindir February 25, 2013
pfdj is so desperate!
Gual_Kehawta February 25, 2013
Everything the PFDJ hands lay upon, it turns out into fiasco. Why? it is due to absolute INCOMPETENCE. Worse, and top on it, there is this mind boggling hypocrisy that originats from the incompetent leadership and runs deep to the goons of PFDJ supporters. In the end, Eritrea became a myth going down the stairs. Just remember the dreams/slogans – demorcatic eritrea, singapore eritrea, self reliant eritea, peaceful eritrea,etc etc never materialised. Imagine eritrea as a company, if the CEO and its advisors fail to vision and produce growth for that company then they JUST GET FIRED.Thats a simple logic, you do well, then you keep the job, you can’t, then someone will.
abzi photo zera’e zelo, naiti nai kedem ab gizie dergi zinebere kunetat yezekireni.Kulatna texawirnayo hailfnayo, miknyatuus we had hope once the derg is forced to leave the scene, things should improve. Twenty two years later, we are back to the same point. This is purly the lack of vision – the CEO has no vision – so he should be replaced by someone else.
Eritrea February 25, 2013
To eliminate the ruthless dictator and the PFDJ system is for Eritrean to be united unconditionally for the sake of our people and our country’s future. Each of us has to contribute to the death of this dictator and his system. The dictator and his system (PFDJ) are feeding on the hopelessly divided Eritrean. How many of us know a family or our own family how divided we are about facts how our people are being treated; How the future of our country is in grave danger.When the facts of the incompetence of this dictator to govern, he is an excuse for a leader who failed to take responsibility for his action. the enormous cruelty he has shown toward the Eritrean people, Eritrean people are still divided. How is it possible that one Eritrean can clearly see the facts and morally can’t support it any more. Another Eritrean can easily ignore the nicked act of wickedness staring at his/her face is beyond me. The failure of concern Eritreans to be united is disappointing. Yet, there is hope. In our history, miraculously we tend to beat the odds. Although, no Eritrean imagined that after 30 years of suffering and dying, we end up fighting the worst kind of wicked enemy a DICTATOR. My idea of killing the dictator and dismantling the weak PFDJ system is not with violence but with peace full demonstration. Calling out those Eritrean who are in diaspora actively supporting the enemy in side our country. In my opinion, the diaspora Eritrean are single- handedly protecting the dictator and his power. With the recent operation FORTO 2013. the dictator and his system have shown the cracks they will never fixed. if we united as we did when we won our Independence, we can beat the dictator and his system and free our people from the humiliation and heinous crime they are subjected by the dictator. We have to start from our won family. We need to educate our people,we need to use though love. Otherwise we divide we lose. Thank You Assenna! Death to the dictator!Death to PFDJ!! Eritrea
berhe February 25, 2013
People that tolerate being abused deserve nothing except hunger and agonizing death.
hinok February 26, 2013
we have seen a lot of machinery this are again.But they are all for sudan government.hahaha.HGDF everyone knows you try something else.
ahmed saleh February 26, 2013
You can run but you can not hide from reality . The government stuck in their head under the ground
like ostrich not to face the reality of life . Sahel mentality breed officials with ego who refuse
to come out of extremism and political fantacy from same factoid filled delusion . So what good do
we expect except failures either it be social , economical and political affairs of the country .
For reason I couldn’t understand our people also prefer to run away from truth like morons too .