ማሰ!!!! ማሰ!!! ማሰ!!!! ደሚሒት!!!!!!!
ማሰ!!!! ማሰ!!! ማሰ!!!! ደሚሒት!!!!!!! ሔዚ!!!!! ዲንቒ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ኣይተ ኢሳያስ ወዳጀ ግርማ!! ወዳጀ ዕጥቂ ንኩናትዶ!! ይስነቕ በራሚል ኣረቂ ብዘይ ሕድገትዶ! ይመጽእዩ! ዕርቂ ሓሶት እንተተደመረ!! ኣይኸውን ሓቂ ስርዓት ሸፍትነትኩም! ፈኾሰ ካብ ጨርቂ ስራሕኩም! ኮነ ሓሶት! ምስ ስርቂ ሃገርና ገበርኩማ፡ ናይ ውላድ ድርቂ። ወዮም ዞምደሚሕት፡ እጢ መሓዛኹም እዚ ኣይተ ሞላ!
ማሰ!!!! ማሰ!!! ማሰ!!!!
ሔዚ!!!!! ዲንቒ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ኣይተ ኢሳያስ ወዳጀ ግርማ!! ወዳጀ ዕጥቂ
ንኩናትዶ!! ይስነቕ በራሚል ኣረቂ
ብዘይ ሕድገትዶ! ይመጽእዩ! ዕርቂ
ሓሶት እንተተደመረ!! ኣይኸውን ሓቂ
ስርዓት ሸፍትነትኩም! ፈኾሰ ካብ ጨርቂ
ስራሕኩም! ኮነ ሓሶት! ምስ ስርቂ
ሃገርና ገበርኩማ፡ ናይ ውላድ ድርቂ።
ወዮም ዞምደሚሕት፡ እጢ መሓዛኹም
እዚ ኣይተ ሞላ! ወዲ ኣይተ ኣስገዶም
ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝምጨን ኣብ ማእከሎም
ንጀነራላት ኤርትራ ብዓይኑዩ! ዝኾሎም
ድምብርጽ! ዘይብሎ! መርጢጡ ዘሽኖም
ዓቢ እዮም፡ ንናይ ኤርትራ! ሰብኣይ! ሰብ ኣዮም።
ኣንታ!ሞላ! ኣንታ! ቆልዓ ትግራይ
ነዚ ደፋር ትዕቢተኛ! ዓፍራ ጥራይ
ነዚ ጨካን! ጸላኢ ህዝቢ ትግራይ
ቀንጠጥካዮ ዝባኑ ዘይለብስ ዳሕራይ
ኣኪቡ ይጻረፍ ምስ በዓል ዛህላይ ማህላይ
ከቢድ ንፋስ ኣእተኻሉ ገርካ ሕሪሕራይ።
ኣይተ ሞላ!!! ከም ወለዱ ጋቢ ተጎምጉሙ
ጥበበኛ! ናይ ኣይተ! ኣውዓሎም ዝቐደሙ
ንጣልያን ዘጽደፍዎ ብጥቕልሉ ኣቃሚሙ
ጅግንነት ትግራይ! ትግሪኚ! ዘቐድሙ
ኩናት ዓድዋ! ብራእሲ ኣሉላ ተዛዚሙ።
ወዲ በዝብዝ ካሳ!!ወዲዞም ኣሉላ
ወዲ ኣይተ! ኣስገዶም ኣንታ! ሞላ
ኣብ ኣስመራ ነበርካ! ምስዞም ሽላምላ
ምስዞም ጠለምቲ! እምነት ዝጎደላ
ኤርትራ ዘርካያ! ታሕታይ! ላዕላ
ጸለለል ኣእተኻሉ! ነዚ ከዳዕ ጙሒላ።
ጅግንነት ኢትዮጵያ ዝነበረ ካብ ጥንቲ
ምስክሩ ናይ ኣኽሱም ሓወልቲ
ንትርኩን!! ንግራኝ!!! መባረርቲ
ንግብጺ ደገምዎ ብጉራደ ዘመቲ
ንጣላያን ቀርደድዎ! ከም ሽጉርቲ
ዛንታ ዶጎዓሊን!! ዛንታ ዓድዋን ነገርቲ
ክፈልጥ ንዝደሊ ይመርምር መዛግብቲ።
ኣንታ ሞላ! ገሊህካዮ! መንድዓት ኤርትራ
መዋጣወጢ! በትሪ ትብሃል! ነበርካ ኣብ ኣስመራ
ገለን በሉ ኤርትራ! ምስ ኢትዮጵያ! ክጽምብራ
ኣብ ፍርሒ እንዳ ነበረ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ
ከሰስቲ እውን! በሉ!፡ንደቅና! ገበርወን ኣመንዝራ
ፈቐድኡ እናተቐትሉ! ቆላዑ ኤርትራ
ተዓዚብካ እንታይ ከም ዝሕሰብ ኣብ ኣስመራ
ስራሖም ዝኾነ ናይ ውድቀት! ናይ መከራ!
ብትብዓትካ!! መዓንጣኦም ተኾምቲራ
ዝቑጸር ዘይብሎም በጀካ ጉራ! ምስ ዓፍራ
ኣጸቢቖም ይስተዩ!! ኣረቂ ምስ ቢራ።
ሓላፍነት ዘይስከሙ እዞም ሸፋቱ
ኣቐዲሞም! ጀሚሮሞ! ብጊሓቱ
ህዝቢ ንኸይ ሓስብ መደንቆርቱ
ዕግርግር እምበር ሰላም ዘይፈቱ
ብጥምየትን! ብኩናት ንህዝቢ መጽነቱ
በጀካ ኣብ ቂምን! ኣብ ጽልእን ዝጸሎቱ
ተናዒቑ! ይነብር ካብ ዓለም ብሒቱ
መንእሰይ ተባሪሩ ሃገርና ጸኒቱ።
ሞላ እንተኾነ ሰሪሑ ብትብዓት
ከምቲ ዝጸንሔ ናይ ሃገሩ ጽንዓት
ኣርእዩዋ! ንዓለም ስለያዊ ጥበባት
ኣብ ከብዲ ጸላእቱ፡ ዝጥምጠም ከም ቅናት
ኣብ ሕምብርቲ ኮነ፡ ኣብ ባይቶ ኣብ ቅርዓት
ኣቐዲሙ ዝጥምት፡ ብዓል ድርብ ጸዓት
ንሃገርካ ኣድሒንካያ፡ ካብ ስዉር መዓት
ተሓወስ ምስ ህዝብኻ፡ ተኻፈል ኣብ ልምዓት።
ዉድቀት ንማፍያ! ህግደፍ
መጥፋእቲ ሃገር
ዓወት ንደልይቲ ፍትሒ!!!
ሃይለ ገብረ ትንሳኤ
ኢንድያናፖሊስ ኢንድያና
16 መስከረም 2015
hara September 18, 2015
Wey gud!!!!
Bdemhit hizbna ydfer alo do ybahal ayneberen….
Bzwengelo ab kindi mzrabsi mase do ginEFrit …tegaru telemti ZibeliElu tsahli zisebru mqanom yngerena neyru. Enho nriho
Amlak enqaE gifitu awtsaAlna MSGANA niUU TRAH
kilkul September 18, 2015
Keynterater elka
ሃይለ ገብረ ትንሳኤ
ኢንድያናፖሊስ ኢንድያና
16 መስከረም 2015
Elka mo Eritrawi mukanka still ateratirkani nay bhaki Eritrawi tekoynka Demhit ab Eritra ztsenhatlu Meweshawesha endabelu ab godenetat kndey seb zeygeteru; zametsuwen deki anstyo ewin alewa (same ab gizie dergi znebere); ab mewedaeita dima kndey agubaz ketilomn regitsomin eyom wexiom. Silezi ab gitmka nezi gfietat zgelix aytekeskan.
Endegena n Mola zgbae aykonen mola Eilama zeyblu ab metkelu zeytsenie seb eyu. 12 amet tegadilu ab mebel 13 amet tetaeisu ezi eyu tarik Mola. Nay shaebya neger gidefo Mola n kulom zahlay mahlay akabixuwom kiwexie neyruwo mo Jgna kulu mikone Jgna Ethiopia & Eritrea. Tezeykone zserho sirah yelen Zerroooooooooooo
tewelde September 18, 2015
Great Haile wedi Adi-Quala..
a man of great abilitiy
yebio September 18, 2015
Deep, timely, and sweet. Thanks
ድሓን ኪዲ ኤርትራ September 18, 2015
When comments do not get deleted ,the tide always dominates towarsd <Habesha identity,as opposed to borrowed bedeuin Arab brotherhood identity.
Thank you Assenna for practicing real democracy .
Genet-orginal September 19, 2015
“Notice: if you are Eritrean don’t pretend to be Ethiopian state your argument in a polite respectful way and we will post your comments. If not they will be deleted automatically” Who do you think said this? Tigrai Online.
Tigrai Online is a peace of work. I went there to see Haile’s poem, after someone told me it is posted at Tigrai Online. The pure hate coming from TigraiOnline commentators at Eritrean and the nation of Eritrea is simply disgraceful.
The Tigrai Online notice is only against Eritrean.
Genet-orginal September 19, 2015
I think Assenna should learn a thing or two from Tigrai Online.
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 20, 2015
We react innocently without knowing the source or
intention of a person in question .
To involve and contribute at two opposite sites
raise uncomfortable reaction .
I visited aiga forum to find similar article from
same writers for my surprise . I think there is
sinister attempt by foreign elements Intervention
in our polical struggle for democratic reform .
We don’t Interfere at their affairs and fair enough
we expect the same to our issues .
Suleiman Salim September 18, 2015
ኣማኑኤል ጅግና ደማሲሳ
ካብ ቀይሕ ባሕሩ ዶ ክነብልዓካ ዓሳ
ብዘይቲ ዝተቐልወ ብዘይ ገለ ሳልሳ!!
ዘዝጸሓፍናዮ እንዳ ደምሰስኩም ሞኽ ኣቢልኩምና። በሉ እቲ ዲሞክራሲኹምን ሃገራውነትኩምን ርኢናዮ!! ጉድ ንኤርትራ ዝሃሲ ወረ ሰሚዕ ኢልካ ዶ ከም በራሕ ህበይ ምስርሳር ኣሎ ድዩ?
Genet-orginal September 18, 2015
Mr Haile
What went wrong?
With all do respect Mr Haile, What the hell are you doing?
Please tell me this is due to temporary insanity. Because this makes mo sense. Mr Haile, glorifying a two timing spy is beneath you. Is this because you hate dictator Isayas so much that you can’t think straight any more. In that case, I recommend you stop writing, until you are well. Let me just tell you what I think about the DIA and Woyane’s rat mola. He is a rat and he deserve NO price from Eritrean. It is just unnatural for an Eritrean to dignify the criminal mola. Didn’t you hear, what he said? in his own words. Paraphrasing, his statement, He has been working with the Ethiopian gov for a “year”. After his mission was completed, he got out of Eritrea while killing Eritreans. He called them “shabya”. Let me ask you Mr Haile, when you were writhing this garbage to glorify a Tigran/Ethiopian criminal, what exactly were you thinking? You are aware of that mola didn’t kill DIA, instead he killed young Eritrean. He told the world with his own words. Are you telling us, you are Tigany/Ethiopian now? Therefore, you are proud of mola for what he has done? When did you develop this dreadful tunnel vision? FYI, mola who is from ethnic Tigray is the head of espionage from the Ethiopian gov. He worked for the Ethiopian gov helping to gather data how to kill my brothers and sisters. At the same time he worked with dictator Isayas to terrorize my people. Can you feel my agony?
hureya September 18, 2015
off assenna have you seen what the whole comments look like? its a secondry defeat for eritria i mean as a nation we have our own identity and histroy not like what the habesha people dreaming?but as a nation we deafeted by the poor thinking and evil mind of isyas and his puppets.the sitution clearly magnifies the intlegence activity And ability of the two fronts weyana did similar thing with jabha,as an eritrian i irritated with the sitition cus we lost our resource and human life to stop molla but i am happy cus it shows the weaknes of higdef , people might learn how much the politics is dirty and need common undrestanding to come up with better solution for nation More than that the habesha people must know eritria is not a nation of only tigrigna spekears but ERitria is a country of multiculture,multiethinc and proud people with wisdom ,time is flying ERitria and her bearful people are on picture now ,long life for all eritrians DEafet for her Enamies
Masawa September 19, 2015
hureya writes, “we have our own identity and histroy not like what the habesha people dreaming”
I don’t think you know Eritrea or most likely you may not have grown in Eritrea to talk about “Habesha”. About 90% of the present of Eritrea have a clear Habesha history, ancestry, languages and traditions, just to name the ethnic Tigre and Tigrinya of the Geeze language and tradition, and the Bilen people of the Agawi descendants, even the Afar, Kunama and Saho have deep rooted Abyssinian connection who still have living Ethiopian cousins.
Where did the two early Islamic migration Hijras of the Quraishi tribe take place? It is the land of the Habeshis in the present Ethiopia and Eritrea. You need to read your own Hadith. There is one truth that I want to assure you that Eritreans are not Arabs or Arab Abeeds, unless Issaias Afewerki or few with deep inferiority complex want to volunteer.
Aida September 19, 2015
well done Haile you are the brave man, we proud of you
Genet-orginal September 19, 2015
Who is we?
selm September 20, 2015
we are old people
Genet-orginal September 20, 2015
if you are one of those old people. Got to the Nursing home.
Masawa September 19, 2015
That is a perfect ማሰ for ደሚሒት and ayte Mola asgedom for a man who refused to be a mercenary of the Arab-slave-Issaias and for rejecting to become an Egyptian Abeed against his own Ethiopian history, land and languages.
As one of the commentators said ayte Mola respects his own identity, history and languages. He respects his own ancestors who defended his land against the invading Ottomans, Arabs and the Italian Fascists.
Genet-orginal September 19, 2015
We Eritrean have only one identity and one nation. That is called Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea. The read Sea state. Eritrea, Eritrea…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Suleiman Salim September 20, 2015
ዋዕሮ ገነታ!
ሓቕኺ ኣሸንኳይ ንጓና ዋላ እውን ንወዲ ሓው-ኣቦኻ ከይተረፈ ኣነ ንስኻ እየ ኣይባሃልን እዩ። ኤርትራውያን መሬትናን ታሪኽናን ኣሎና። ኢትዮጵያውያን ድማ ከምኡ።