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ማሰ!!!! ማሰ!!! ማሰ!!!! ደሚሒት!!!!!!!

ማሰ!!!! ማሰ!!! ማሰ!!!! ደሚሒት!!!!!!! ሔዚ!!!!! ዲንቒ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ኣይተ ኢሳያስ ወዳጀ ግርማ!! ወዳጀ ዕጥቂ ንኩናትዶ!! ይስነቕ በራሚል ኣረቂ ብዘይ ሕድገትዶ! ይመጽእዩ! ዕርቂ ሓሶት እንተተደመረ!! ኣይኸውን ሓቂ ስርዓት ሸፍትነትኩም! ፈኾሰ ካብ ጨርቂ ስራሕኩም! ኮነ ሓሶት! ምስ ስርቂ ሃገርና ገበርኩማ፡ ናይ ውላድ ድርቂ።   ወዮም ዞምደሚሕት፡ እጢ መሓዛኹም እዚ ኣይተ ሞላ!

ማሰ!!!! ማሰ!!! ማሰ!!!!
ሔዚ!!!!! ዲንቒ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ኣይተ ኢሳያስ ወዳጀ ግርማ!! ወዳጀ ዕጥቂ
ንኩናትዶ!! ይስነቕ በራሚል ኣረቂ
ብዘይ ሕድገትዶ! ይመጽእዩ! ዕርቂ
ሓሶት እንተተደመረ!! ኣይኸውን ሓቂ
ስርዓት ሸፍትነትኩም! ፈኾሰ ካብ ጨርቂ
ስራሕኩም! ኮነ ሓሶት! ምስ ስርቂ
ሃገርና ገበርኩማ፡ ናይ ውላድ ድርቂ።
ወዮም ዞምደሚሕት፡ እጢ መሓዛኹም
እዚ ኣይተ ሞላ! ወዲ ኣይተ ኣስገዶም
ኣብ ኣስመራ ዝምጨን ኣብ ማእከሎም
ንጀነራላት ኤርትራ ብዓይኑዩ! ዝኾሎም
ድምብርጽ! ዘይብሎ! መርጢጡ ዘሽኖም
ዓቢ እዮም፡ ንናይ ኤርትራ! ሰብኣይ! ሰብ ኣዮም።
ኣንታ!ሞላ! ኣንታ! ቆልዓ ትግራይ
ነዚ ደፋር ትዕቢተኛ! ዓፍራ ጥራይ
ነዚ ጨካን! ጸላኢ ህዝቢ ትግራይ
ቀንጠጥካዮ ዝባኑ ዘይለብስ ዳሕራይ
ኣኪቡ ይጻረፍ ምስ  በዓል ዛህላይ ማህላይ
ከቢድ ንፋስ ኣእተኻሉ ገርካ ሕሪሕራይ።
ኣይተ ሞላ!!! ከም ወለዱ ጋቢ ተጎምጉሙ
ጥበበኛ! ናይ ኣይተ! ኣውዓሎም ዝቐደሙ
ንጣልያን ዘጽደፍዎ ብጥቕልሉ ኣቃሚሙ
ጅግንነት ትግራይ! ትግሪኚ! ዘቐድሙ
ኩናት ዓድዋ! ብራእሲ ኣሉላ ተዛዚሙ።
ወዲ በዝብዝ ካሳ!!ወዲዞም ኣሉላ
ወዲ ኣይተ! ኣስገዶም ኣንታ! ሞላ
ኣብ ኣስመራ ነበርካ! ምስዞም ሽላምላ
ምስዞም ጠለምቲ! እምነት ዝጎደላ
ኤርትራ ዘርካያ! ታሕታይ! ላዕላ
ጸለለል ኣእተኻሉ! ነዚ ከዳዕ ጙሒላ።
ጅግንነት ኢትዮጵያ ዝነበረ ካብ ጥንቲ
ምስክሩ ናይ ኣኽሱም ሓወልቲ
ንትርኩን!! ንግራኝ!!! መባረርቲ
ንግብጺ ደገምዎ ብጉራደ ዘመቲ
ንጣላያን ቀርደድዎ! ከም ሽጉርቲ
ዛንታ ዶጎዓሊን!! ዛንታ ዓድዋን ነገርቲ
ክፈልጥ ንዝደሊ ይመርምር መዛግብቲ።
ኣንታ ሞላ! ገሊህካዮ! መንድዓት ኤርትራ
መዋጣወጢ! በትሪ ትብሃል! ነበርካ ኣብ ኣስመራ
ገለን በሉ ኤርትራ! ምስ ኢትዮጵያ! ክጽምብራ
ኣብ ፍርሒ እንዳ ነበረ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ
ከሰስቲ እውን! በሉ!፡ንደቅና! ገበርወን ኣመንዝራ
ፈቐድኡ እናተቐትሉ! ቆላዑ ኤርትራ
ተዓዚብካ እንታይ ከም ዝሕሰብ ኣብ ኣስመራ
ስራሖም ዝኾነ ናይ ውድቀት! ናይ መከራ!
ብትብዓትካ!! መዓንጣኦም ተኾምቲራ
ዝቑጸር ዘይብሎም በጀካ ጉራ! ምስ ዓፍራ
ኣጸቢቖም ይስተዩ!! ኣረቂ ምስ ቢራ።
ሓላፍነት ዘይስከሙ እዞም ሸፋቱ
ኣቐዲሞም! ጀሚሮሞ! ብጊሓቱ
ህዝቢ ንኸይ ሓስብ መደንቆርቱ
ዕግርግር እምበር ሰላም ዘይፈቱ
ብጥምየትን! ብኩናት ንህዝቢ መጽነቱ
በጀካ ኣብ ቂምን! ኣብ ጽልእን ዝጸሎቱ
ተናዒቑ! ይነብር ካብ ዓለም ብሒቱ
መንእሰይ ተባሪሩ ሃገርና ጸኒቱ።
ሞላ እንተኾነ ሰሪሑ ብትብዓት
ከምቲ ዝጸንሔ ናይ ሃገሩ ጽንዓት
ኣርእዩዋ! ንዓለም ስለያዊ ጥበባት
ኣብ ከብዲ ጸላእቱ፡ ዝጥምጠም ከም ቅናት
ኣብ ሕምብርቲ ኮነ፡ ኣብ ባይቶ ኣብ ቅርዓት
ኣቐዲሙ ዝጥምት፡ ብዓል ድርብ ጸዓት
ንሃገርካ ኣድሒንካያ፡ ካብ ስዉር መዓት
ተሓወስ ምስ ህዝብኻ፡ ተኻፈል ኣብ ልምዓት።
ዉድቀት ንማፍያ! ህግደፍ
መጥፋእቲ ሃገር
ዓወት ንደልይቲ ፍትሒ!!!
ሃይለ ገብረ ትንሳኤ
ኢንድያናፖሊስ ኢንድያና
 16 መስከረም 2015

Review overview
  • Hagos Kheretit September 17, 2015

    Ayte Haile,

    Why all this praise to someone who once conspired with the dictator and was also working for the interests of Ethiopia?
    What is the relevance of Tigray-Tigrini/Ethiopian past glories to the causes of whole Eritrea?

    I think you wanted to congratulated Molla for abandoning PFDJ but you got carried away.


    • Masawa September 17, 2015

      ኣቶ ሃይለ፤ ይበል ይበል፤ከም ማይ ጽሩይ።
      ሰዶ! ሰዶ! ሰዶ!

    • ድሓን ኪዲ ኤርትራ September 17, 2015

      ኣይተ ሞላ ወደ ኣቦይ ኣስገዶም
      ጎይታ ቆረጣ ወያነ ዘልመዶም
      ንሸፋቱ ከም ሓምሊ ዝቕርድዶም
      ንደቂ ባንዳ ጌርዎም ንሓመዶም
      ሱዳን ኣተወ ብኣርፒጂ እናጎመዶም !!!

      ንግብጺ ዘበሎም____ ወላህ ወላህ
      ንቱርኪ ዘበሎም___ ሳዒደኒ ኣላህ
      ንጠረጥቲ ጣልያን ዘበላቶም ላህላህ
      ተጻወተሎም፣___እንተየበሉ ቆላሕ
      ብቐደሙ፣ወዲ ጀጋኑዶ ምስ ሸፋቱ ይጅላሕ ?

      ኣይትፈልጥዎን ዲኹም ንብዓል ስረ ሞላ
      ንካላሽን ____ከም ኩዳ ዓረዛ ዘዅልላ
      ንሲማኑፍ_____ ከም ኩዕሶ ዝጥቕልላ
      ንጥይት ኣርባ ጎራሽ ብግምባሩ ዝፍንጭላ
      ንሃሳስ ሻዕብያ_______ ልባ እናታለላ
      ኢትዮጵያ ኣተወ____ ኣዋልድ እናዓለላ
      ናተይ እንተዘይከውን ነደይ ምተቐየምኩላ።

      ሓውካ ወዲ ጓል ሰራዪት

  • habtom September 17, 2015

    Mr. Haile eritreawi dika ? We are happy he left our country but why you gave him a lot of credit? Alula wala, asgodom forget them …talk about eritrean heroes if you are real eritrean…wdket nhgdef awet nhzbi eritrea.

  • hara September 17, 2015

    …kindey reshenka abti dobat….
    Kosterkayom do menseyat
    Kulom kitefU bzey melas awyat
    Seleteka do ketenbiE adetat…
    mwesekulu…. kbur haile
    Grm gtmi

  • Teclay September 17, 2015


    Mr.Haile the great.You mad my day .It is really really wonderful Poem .All your works have been good but this one is beyond my imagination. I wanted to quote one but i didn’t know which one to chose as one is not less important than the other..
    “ንትርኩን!! ንግራኝ!!! መባረርቲ
    ንግብጺ ደገምዎ ብጉራደ ዘመቲ
    ንጣላያን ቀርደድዎ! ከም ሽጉርቲ “….ኣየ ወ ጃጋኑ ሃበሻ ፣ከምዚ ሎሚ ከይኮና መጻወቲ ፣፣ኣቶ ሃይለ ቦታ እንተ ኣኺልካ፣ኣእትዎም ኣብቲ ግጥምኻ ፣ ኣጸ ተድሮስ ፣ጅግና ዘርአያ ደረስ፣ባህታ ሰገነይቲ ወዘተ፣ ኣሕዋትዮም ምስ ኣውዓሎም ፣ኣሉላ።
    Mr. Haile you should not have to worry about some negative comments …In my opinion the negative comments come from two groups;
    1st group ,,,,the former poor so called fighters,,As they had invested their young age to Ghedli they can’t accept reality.
    2nd group,,,they are very dangerous .They are waiting the total extinction of the Habesha race ..

    Thake you very much Mr.Haile

  • ertra n ertrawyan September 17, 2015

    sedo sedo Ato Haile. Its nice poem. At least we the Eritrean people are free from one colonizer and we will be free from the dictator soon. Cheers deki Ere this is the beginning of the full light.

  • ድሓን ኪዲ ኤርትራ September 17, 2015

    ካብቶም ኣቦታተይ _____ ክቡራት ተጋሩ
    ካብ ጫፍ ሓማሴን_ ክሳዕ ዶብ ወሎ ዝሰፈሩ
    ንጣልያን ብሴፍ ዝቖርጽዎ ብበርበር ምስኣዕወሩ
    ካብ ግብጺ ከድሕኑኒ ___ክሳዕ ግብጺ ዝሰገሩ
    ጅግንነት ኣብ ደሙ እንድዩ ምዓስ ሎም ጀሚሩ
    ንሙታንታ ኣዕራብ ሻዕብያ ድፋዖም ተርቲሩ
    ሞላ ኣስገዶም፣ኢትዮጵያ ኣትዩ ከም ኣሞራ በሪሩ።

    ዩኒቨርሲታት ከለካ ኣብ ዓጋመ ዓዲግራት ዓድዋ
    ፋብሪካታት እንከልካ____ ኣብ ኦሮሚያ ሽዋ
    ኣባይ ተገዲቡልካ ፣ሃገር ኤለትሪክ ኣወቂብዋ
    ሽኮር ወንጂ ቡን ናይ ከፋ ዓዲ ምሒር በዚሑዋ
    እንታይ መኸዲኻ ፈሲኳ ዘይብሉ ሳሕል ባርካ ሳዋ ።

    ንሕናስ ባሕረነጋሽ ተሪፉ ተጠሚቕና ህዝበ ትግርኛ
    እቲ ትግራዋይ መንነትና ,ደርዒሞሞ ብቴስታ ብቡኛ
    ጅግና ኣቦና ራእሲ ኣሉላ ተባሂሉ ባዕዲ ዘይብጽሓና
    ፋሽሽትን ኣዕራብን ´ዮም ፡ ኣዝማድኩም ኢሎምና
    ሞላ ኣስገዶም ተመለስ___ ካብ ሸፋቱ ከተድሕነና።

    እምብለይ ኣይጸልእን__ ንተጋሩ ኣቦታተይ
    ክፈትዎም እየ_____፥ ነምሓሩ ኣሕዋተይ
    ከፍቅሮምየ ______ንኦሮሞ መዋስብተይ
    ጉራጌን ኣደሬን ዝተረፉ ናይ ታሪኽ ኣዝማደይ
    ንኹሎም ክፈትዎምየ__ ክሳዕ ጊዜ ሞተይ።

    ንዝተማህዘ መንነት__ ብእግረይ ረጊጸ
    ባሕረነጋሽ ምዃነይ ታሪኽ ስለ ዘረጋገጸ
    ካብ ዘሎ፣ህዝበትግርኛ፣ዝሞተ ትግራዋይ ክኸውን መሪጸ።

  • AHMED SALEH September 17, 2015

    Haile (zebihere Seraye ) , are you serious ?
    And then what ;
    Ahmed zebihere …….
    Semere zebihere …….
    Genet zebihere ……… , to act like idiots . Give
    me s break please .
    This forum expect writers to teach and inspire
    young generation with progressive ideas and
    positive influences . What a surprise !

    • Logo September 17, 2015

      selam Haile,
      This is a deserving great “Masse” to a deserving wedi Asgedom, a great grandson of the great Bashay Aw’alom.

      Tigrayans and Ethiopians are proud of their own history and identity. The have never faked their identity nor burned their languages to borrow a second hand one. They respect their history, grand fathers and grand mothers, languages and heritage. They do not forget their fathers in Saati, Massawa, Dogali, Koatit, Digsa, Godagudi, Adwa, Mekele, ‘nbaguna, Selekleka, Shire, Maychew and Alamata.

      How did we Eritreans fall from grace to follow people who never respected their own history and identity? How did we end up slaves or Abeed of aliens everywhere and “Acted Like Idiots”?

      Wedi Logo

      • Teclay September 18, 2015

        Tecle ///Logo

        Tecle thank you for your support.


        “How did we Eritreans fall from grace to follow people who never respected their own history and identity? ”
        In my opinion,your question is the principal QUESTION and the rest in thousands(how ,who ,when etc) are all sub questions of the big question …Yes ,from day one this Ghedli was against our identity and history.So so,it should have been condemned from the start.I can’t understand who is Abbyssinia if we are not ??????
        ካብ መሰረቱ ፣ኣብ ዘይጓይልና እና ክሳብ እንርህጽ ሳዕሲዕና ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ተቛጻጺና።

  • ድሓን ኪዲ ኤርትራ September 17, 2015


    Nobody is stopping you from identifying yourself as AHmed zebihere SAho .Please do not stop us from loving our nation within a nation, of SEraye.Isaias is using out Taff to finance his wars. We shall not let him exploit the nation of Seraye anymore.

    ድሓን ኪዲ ኤርትራ
    Serayo’baHre negash

    • AHMED SALEH September 17, 2015

      Sad to see myself engage on backward mentality . I am from behire Saho Eritrean son
      like every child from nine ethnicity who live and die together .
      Suspicious elements and their arrogant supporters succed to bring division among
      Hamasien verses Akeleguzay people . And now direct attention toward people
      from Seraye for their ill conceived agenda . Something wrong with this picture .
      Sorry , I refuse to betray my unsung heroes from every region or religion who sacrificed
      for the sake of our common cause .
      Thanks , no thanks . I firmly resist againt destructive thoughts .

      • ድሓን ኪዲ ኤርትራ September 17, 2015

        What the hell are you talking about ,I stated Seraye is a nation with a nation .I am not dividing anybody ,by prophesing my allegiance to my kilil seraye ,Do I have to believe according to ex.tegadeltis agenda.Is not Eritrea suppose to be a country where every religion and region can organize itself ? It is ok to say I am saho .akele .seraye Eritrean, WHY THE HELL NOT ??? You want to impose your way of Eritrea the way you planned it when you were wondering with kalashinkoves compliment of Arabs ? I do not get it..your “my way or the highway” attitude does not help our unity !

        • AHMED SALEH September 17, 2015

          Are you guys Eritreans for real obsessed with such kind narrow minded
          mind set , hatred and street wise foul languages .
          If you are yes in deed , we are unfortunate to have you around . But my
          gut feeling tells me otherwise . And it doesn’t bother me since I suspect
          the origin behind these stupid remarks because I can easily identify my
          people’s language in good or bad terms .
          Wedahankum ahwat deki sigr ruba gorebet hagherna zeyhafru KURDITAT.

          • ድሓን ኪዲ ኤርትራ September 18, 2015

            Brother AHMED SALEH,

            The problem with your gut feelings is full of emotions ,I am using my brain ,I am not against anybody wanting to develop his/her kilil,within the nation. Do you recognize the Biher Jeberti ,I do .Do you think Jebertis are trying to divide Eritreans ? I do not believe so.You need to listen to peoples’ wishes ,niot prescribe based on jEbhas Arabo-Eritrean or Abyssinian EPLF agenda.LIsten to us the people.You should have asked us ,before you left to meida to roam with Syria’s Kalashinkoves ,if that is what we wanted.PLEASE, FORMER TEGADELTI/BANDITS, WE HAVE SEEN YOUR DESTRUCTIVE AGENDA,NOW LET US THE PEOPLE SPEAK.

            Thank you
            I respect your opinion brother Ahmed ,but do not impose it.

          • Genet-orginal September 18, 2015

            AHMED SALEH
            My brother. what you see is Mr Haile’s fall from grace is attracting proud Tigray who are over the top about mola’s two timing espionage skill. We all know those people who were raised in Eritrea, but they are mentally Tigrai no matter what. The worst thing for us Eritrean is those people want for us to just disappear. As you can see, Mr Haile’s action is feeding to that frenzy.
            God bless the Eritrean people

  • Tecle September 18, 2015

    Kubur jegina haw Ato Haile anbessa, yibel, yibel tsiHufin giTimin. Bhaki wisedo, wisedo kubur haw.
    My favourite line is “teHawes mis Hizibikha, teKhafel ab limiAt”, indeed, indeed kuburin fituwun haw Haile.

  • koreri September 18, 2015

    አቶ ሀይለ ይበል ግጥሚ ይበል ማሰ። ንሞላ ዝኸውን ኮይኑ ግን አይረኸብኩዎን።

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