[gview file="http://archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/BBE_FLYER-EN.compressed.pdf"]
[gview file="http://archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/BBE_FLYER-EN.compressed.pdf"]
ብዑቕባይ ገብረመድህን (ከምብሪጅ፡ ማሳቹሰትስ፡ ሰ.ኣ.) ጥቅምቲ (October) 1: 2016 እዚ ትርእዩዎ ባህሪያዊ ስእሊ ምድሪ መሬት ኤርትራ ኣይኮነን! ግዳይ ውዲት ፋሺስታዊ ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳያስን ባህሪያዊ ጸጋታት ሃገራት ሳልሳይ ዓለም ግሒጡ ምስ ወድኤ፡ ብዘይ ሓላፍነት የዕኒዩ ዝሃድም ባዕዳዊ ኩባንያን ዘስዕቦ ናይ ዘሎ ዕንወት ስእሊ`ዩ። መሬት ኩሉ ኢያ! ህዝባ ምስ ዝሕልዋን ዝከናኸናን፡
PFDJ affiliate “National Council of Eritrean Americans” expressed its outrage after the US State Department cancelled PFDJ’s public meeting which was scheduled to be held in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, October 2, 2016, with senior PFDJ officials, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Osman Saleh and Yemane
Network of Eritrean Women (NEW) conducted its third Symposium in Rome Italy from 16 – 18 September 2016. The Symposium lasted for three days and Eritrean women from across Europe attended the event. The first day looked at the challenges on Eritrean refugees especially those
“It’s not at war, but up to 3% of its people have fled. What is going on in Eritrea?” The Guardian, September 29. The answer is because Eritrean activists have been scratching the regime in segmentation instead of removing it with unified punch. As you know,
Dozens have been killed and injured in Ethiopia's Oromia region after security forces confronted protesters at a festival, witnesses say. Some people died in a panicked stampede after police employed tear gas and baton charges, they said. Thousands had gathered for a religious festival in Bishoftu, 40km
ሽሞን ፐረዝ፤ እዛ ሎሚ ብሰንኪ ረጋጺ ስርዓት ግህደፍ፤ ካብ ሃገረይ ተባሪረ፤ ብግዝያዊ ታዓቂበላ (ዋላ’ካ እቲ ኣታሓሕዛ ስደተኛ ናይታ ሃገር ኣዝዩ ዝማረር አንተኾነ) ዘለኹ፤ ሓንቲ ካብተን ናይ ዓለምና ናይ ተክኖሎጂን ኣጽዋርን ተርናዓት፤ ወናኒት ኒኪሎራዊ ኣጽዋር፤ ኣዝያ ሞዕብልቲን ደሞክራሲ ናይ ማአከላይ ምብራቅ ካብ ዝመስረቱ ካብቶም ቀዳሞት ኣቦታት
ኣብ ኤርትራ ኣብ ከባቢ ቋሓይንን ደምበላስን ጀሚሩ ዝቐነየ ኣሻቓሊ ተላባዒ ሕማም ሸሮኽ ብቐጻሊ ናብ ዞባ ጋሽ ባርካ ይላባዕ ምህላዉ ምንጭታት ካብ ኤርትራ ሓቢሮም። እቲ ሕማም ኣብ ዝላብዓሉ ዘሎ ከባቢታት ዝርከቡ ምንጭታት እቲ ተኸሲቱ ዘሎ ድሮ ሓያለ ሰባት ብምልካፍ ናብ ሞት ኣብጺሑ ዘሎ ናይ ጥዕና ቅልውላው