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UPDATED: Dialogue on Bringing Democratic Change as We Commemorate Martyr’s Day – Public Meeting with Andebrhan Woldegiorgis

Review overview
  • Z. Hagos June 10, 2017

    To the attention of Ambassador Andebrhan Welde Giorgis,
    Since CIVIC ASSOCIATION is related to governmental services and CIVIL SOCIETY is a non-governmental or opposition related, correction should read as follows:
    Eri-Platform, an international civil society instead of Eri-Platorm, an international civic association.

    Wishing you all success

  • Solomon seyoum June 11, 2017

    What happened with medrek- that once met the Ethiopian prime mister, and had once planned this and that? And it’s radio is under maintenance for weeks?…is it freezed, and slowly disappearing, considering that one of its prime chiefs is now roaming around the world as a chief of eri-platform.
    Solomon in Belgium

    • Nahon June 13, 2017

      Medrek is against Higdef, no doubt about that, but they failed to attract the young because they work like Higdef.
      Many people feel they have a lot in common with Higdef, especially, the rigidity of the bosses.

    • Solomon seyoum June 13, 2017

      One correction: medrek radio is live and kicking 11 june..I wish andebrhan tells me or us whether medrek and eriplatorm are seperate entities..this question is enough for the time being

    • Natu June 14, 2017

      Solomon, this is also my opinion !

      As from the beginning Eri-Platform developed with so much vim und promise like roaring lion. But what we see now contradicts their goals or the way they are walking on. The expectations do not coinside with the deeds or reality on the ground. Was their project “Eri-Platform” consciously ill-conceived like many others to confuse the mass to take time?