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ዝኸበርኩም በጻሕቲ ኣሰና፡
ኩሉ እትልእኩልና መልእኽቲ ኣብ ክንዲ ብ PDF ብ ዎርድ ክትልእኩልና ብትሕትና ነዘኻኽረኩም።
Tumuzghi Ghebreyohannes January 16, 2014
please extend the closing date for wedi Ali family donation we are still working on it & we have got to help those family this our moral obligation.. thanks Emma & all the Team ..
yours Tumuzghi Ghebreyohannes from Canada
E R January 24, 2014
How do people who do not trust the internet contribute to the family of wedi Ali Hijay the hero ? We want to give !!!Right here in the desert state of Arizona .
Ananimous January 31, 2014
Dear Assenna Administrators:
YesterdaY I was listening to VOA. Yemane Gebreab was repeating the mantra of his Patriarchin responding to the questioned put to him by Tewolde Woldegebriel of VOA. According to their mantra the USA is to blame for the no war no peace between Eritrea and Ethiopia because the US administration does not want the border issue to be settled. I am not a fan of US foreign policy because former US administrations have been playing a big role in disturbing world peace. Unlike previous Administrations, the current Administration pursues constructive policies towards various international issues. That does not mean to say the Obama Administration does not have double standards when it comes to resolving disputes around the world completely. When it comes to the border issue between Eritrea and Ethiopia, There was a time When Yemane was labeling the US as an ally to both Eritrea and Ethiopia. What went wrong after the Algiers treaty? Why did the US turn into an enemy?
There is no independent news in Eritrea. There is no way the people of Eritrea can find what the truth is. Even if the Obama Administration is a better ally to the Ethiopian government, there is no way that his administration would force Ethiopia to comply with the treaty of Algiers, because there is no diplomatic gain out of that. For the Obama Administration, the long standing border dispute between Eritrea and Eritrea is not as mind bogging as that of Arab-Israely, North Korea, Iran,Alqaida, and ext. Please use your website to diffuse the mantra of the Patriarch’
gebrehiwet (abu Ashera) February 2, 2014
ኣብ በይ ኤርያ ሳንታ ሮዛ ካሊፎርነርያ ዝተኻየደ
ህዝብዊ ኣኼባ ሃገራዊ ሓልዮት ዝመልኦ ዕውት
ኣኼባ ጽማቕ ናይቲ ኣኼባ ከምዚ ዝስዕብ ነይሩ
ኤርትራዊ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንዲሞኩራስያዊ ለውጢ ጨንፈር በይ ኤርያ ኣብ ሳንታ ሮዞ ዝገበሮ ኣኼባ ሃገራዊ ሓልዮት ዝመልኦ ዕውት ኣኼቡኡ ከምቲ ኣብ ኣርእስቲ ተጠቂሱ ዘሎ ጽማቕ ትሕዝቱኡ ንኹሉ ደላይ ለውጢ ተቓላሳይ ህዝብና ክንሕብርን ክንገልጽን ኣገዳስነት ስለ ዘለዎ ኢልና ስለ ን’ኣምን፤ካብዚ ብምብጋስ ድማ ኩሉ ደላይ ለውጢ ታር’ኡን ጉቡን እጃሙን ከበርክት ከምዚ ኣብ በይ ኤርያ ተበግሶ ተወሲዱ ዘሎ ክወስድ ምእንቲ ዝብል መልእኽቲ ብፍላይ ንኹሉ ኣብ ዞባታት ዓለም ዝርከባ ኣካላት ጨናፍር ኤርትራዊ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንዲሞኩራስያዊ ለውጢ ሓጋዚ ኢልና ስለ ን’ኣምን በዚ ምኽንያት እዚ ዝተሰርሕን ዘይ ተሰርሔን ኣብ ዝዳህሰስናሉ ኣኼበኛ ዝቦኾረ ስራሕ እምበር ዝተሰርሔ ስራሕ ስለ ዘይ ረኸብና ዘይ ራኣናን ዘይ ሰማዕናን ድኽመታት ናይ ዝላዓለ ጽፍሒ በቢ ሸነኹ እቲ ኣኼበኛ ንጉድለታት ዝላዓለ ጽፍሒ ፈጻሚ ኣካልን፥ መሪሕነት ባይቶን ፥ብኑጹር ኣቀሚጡ።
ብድሕሪ እዚ ኣብ ላዕሊ ዝተጠቕሰ ኣኼበኛ ልቦና ዝመልኦ ዝሓለፈ ሓለፈ ኣይ ትድገመኒ ብዝተረፈ ካብ ዝብል ቴማ እዚ ኤርትራዊ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንዲሞኩራስያዊ ለውጢ ብኹሉ መለክዒ ሃገራዊ ምስሊ ንኹሉ ሞቖምያ ሕብረተሰብና ጠርኒፉን ሓቚፉን ስለ ዘሎ ባይታ መቃለሲ ጽላል ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምዃኑ ኣከበኛ ከስምረሉ ኸሎ፤እምንቱኡ ኣብ ሮድ ማፕ ሕጊ ናይ ኤርትራዊ ሃገርዊ ባይቶ ንዲሞኩራስያዊ ለውዊጢ ዘለዎ እምንቶ ኣኼበኛታት እና ገለጹ ንባይቶ ድኹም ዝገበርዋ ብሓላፍነት ተመዘዙ ድኣምበር ባይቶ ኣይ ኮነን፤ ባይቶ ንባይቶ ዝመርሕን ዝጥርንፍን ብቁዕ ኣካል ብዘይ ምርካቡ ከም ጨናፍራትን ህዝብን ንግዚኡ ተሃሲና ብዝብል መለክዒ ኣስሚሩሉ ኣኼባ።
ኣስዒቡ ኣኼባ ብወገና ኸ ጉድለት ኣለናዶ ብምባል ክንገብሮ ዝነበረና በዚ ኣብ ላዕሊ ሞራል ተተትንኪፍና ዘጉደልናዮ ሸነኻት ጠቂስና ጉድለታት ከም ህዝብን ጨነፍራትን እቲ ስራሕን ካባና ዝጥለብ ዘበለ ኣይ ኣማላእናዮን ካብ ዝብል ብኹሉ ኢቲ ተሳታፋይ ካብ ሃገራዊ ሓልዮት ተበጊሱ ጉድለታትና ሪእና ኑቑሕ ራእን ኑቑሕ ሓሳብን ኣኼባ ብህዱእ ብሓልዮት ዝመል’ኦ ኣብ ሓደ መረዳእታ በጽሑ።
ካብቲ ኣገዳሲ መርዳእታ ንምጥቃስ ዝ’ኣክል ንኻላኣይ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ኤርትራዊ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንድሞኩራስያዊ ለውጢ ንምዕዋት ናይ 2013 ብሙሉኡ ጉብእና ክንከፍል ኣኬባ ውሳኔ የሕሊፉ ኩሉ ኽኣ ተሳማሚዒሉ እዚ ከምዚ ኢሉ እንከለሎ፤ ንመሪሒነት ባይቶ ምስ ህዝቢ ዳርን ግንባርን ተራኺቡ ኣኼባታት ከካይድ ህዝባዊ ሕቶታት ክምልስ ህዝባዊ ምልዕዓል ከከይድ ዕዶት ናብ ሑቡራት ሃገራት መሪካ ከነምጻኦ ኣለና ኢሉ ናይ ወጻኢታቱ ምዝታዩ ደብዳቤ ናቡ ባይቶ ትኸይድ ኣዳልዩ ኣሎ ምስ ተሰደደት ድማ መልሲ እውን ጨንፈር በይ ኤርያ ካሊፎርነያ ካብ መሪሕነት ባይቶ ክንጽበ ኢና ።
ኣብዚ ኣጋጣሚ ከይ ጠቐስኩዎ ኽሓልፍ ዘይ ደሊካብቶም ኣብ ጉባኤ ተመርጹ ኣባላት ሃገርዊ ባይቶ 4 ኣብዚ ኣኼባዚ ተሳቲፎም ነይሮም
1. ኣብርሃም ነጋሲ
2. ወልዲሱስ ዓንደማርያም
3. ሰሚራ ሳልሕ
4. ኢሳቕ የሕደጎ
እዞም ኣርባዕተ ኣባላት ባይቶ ዝተሳተፍዎ ኣኼባ ጽቡቕ ኣጋጣሚ ገለ መብርህን ገለ ሓጋዚ ዝበሉዎ ናይ ስራሕ ምትብባዕን ድማ ኩሎም በቢ ወገኖም ሓሳባት ለጊሶም ነቲ ኣኼ።
ብኣቶ ኣብርሃ ነጋሲ ኣባል ባይቶ ካብቲ ዘቕረቦ ሓበሪታ ኣስናዳኢት ሽማግለ ቆይማ ከም ዘላ ሓቢሩ ብወገን ኣኼበኛ ዝቀርብ ዝነበረ ለቦዋታት ስክፍታን ኣሳናዳኢት ሽማግለ ሃታ ሃታ ኢላ ናብ ካላኣይ ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ዝ’ኣክል ጎስጓስ ከይ ገበረት ህዝቢ ከይ ተርነፈት ዝሓዘት ሒዛ ናብ ጉባኤ እዋን ጉባኤ ኣኬሉ አላ ህዝቢ ከይጠርነፈት ከይታቱ ዝብል ስክፍታታት እውን ብኣኼባኛታት ይቐርብ ነይሩ በዚ ኣጋታሚ ንባይቶን ንኣሳናዳኢት ሽማግለን ድማ ኣተንቢሁ እቲ ኣኼባ እናበልና ጽማቕ ኣኼባ ናይ ዕለት1/2/20014 ኣብ ሳንታ ሮዛ በይ አኤርያ ካሊፎርነያ ዝተገብር ነዚ ዝተተቕሰ ይመስል ነይሩ።
mesel February 3, 2014
ክቡራት ኣሰናዳእታ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ኣሰና
ዋላ’ኮ ብዙሕ ንክትዕ ዝኸውን ዛዕባታት ኣብ መርበብ ኣሰና ዝቐርብ እንተኾነ፥ ዝበዝሕ ኣብ ጽሑፍ ናይ ውልቀሰባት ዝግበር ምልልስ’ዩ። ሓደ ሰብ ዝኾነ ኣርእስቲ ኣልዒሉ ይጽሕፍ’ሞ ኣምበብቲ ድማ በብዝመስሎም ይካትዑሉ። ኣብ ክንዲ ከምዚ ግን ባዕላቶም ኣሰናዳእቲ ኣሰና ናብ ርሱን ክትዕ ወሲዱ ንብዙሓት ኣብ ጉዳይ ሃገሮም ደንቂሮም ዘለዉ ዜጋታት መንቀሐ ኔሩ እመስለኒ። ንኣብነት ፥ ”ፍልሰት መንእሰያት ጠንቁ፥ ሃስያኡ፥ ኣመታቱ እንታይ’ዩ?” ኣብ ዝብል ኣርእስቲ ብዙሕን ተጻራርን ኣብ መወዳእታ ድማ ኣብ ጠማሪ መልሲ ምሰብሰበና ኔሩ።
kelete March 1, 2014
When a kid my grama on my mum side, she used to cry always .One day i asked her and she told me they took her lovely brohter who was a rich farmer any way she fellow them 3 days on walking and they told her he will be back now you do not have to follow us.After she back since up to her end off her life she been crying never heard from them and i remembered she named them fthi theyblom amesti(injusts)so since i was a kid my mind is a kind off frustrated eventhough we get freedom in 1991 i know like my grandmother told i will happen now also i loss my brother who was wrking hard a slavery(national service)by lack off medication my idea is i been insilence because most of our people they trust to those dictators like their GOd now i am glad we are coming to a point but the proplem is we loss lovelly young brothers and sisters.
fikre gebremeskel April 6, 2014
First I would like to tell you that even if it has a lot of problems,i admire your effort for better Eritrea.I am not Eritrean.I am Ethiopian.But it is very important to tell you what impression you had already made on Ethiopian listeners with your some racist propaganda.On the recent briefs of your radio presenter in some meeting he said ‘Eritreans are fleeing their country and Eritrean race is disappearing because of the refugees having relations with Ethiopians.’….Haw dare you?..How dare you?
Isn’t Ethiopia which is sheltering you?…are you crazy because of observing God making marriage of Ethiopian and Eritrean?This racist behavior is not the new discovery though.You are still mortgaged by your government’s racist and fascist ideologies.National resentment and rivalry are not the newest nature which are adapted by you and your fellowmen,it has a long root.
If you are really in need of change, you need to clean yourself first.Eritrean are not far enough from total ignorance on this issue.They still exercise taboo words and chauvinist acts towards Ethiopians in a very annoying way.Refugees in Tigray involved in violence and often they ignite conflicts in towns.Let me tell you what your fellow citizen told me in recent time while he came to Addis to visit his relatives.He told me ‘Agames are responsible for their mess.Agames turned Galas and Adgis/Amharas/ against us’.
This generation of yours is not going to make Eritrea a better place unless and otherwise you build some change on it’s behavior……stay safe.
Ruth May 25, 2014
Pls I need urgent contact or phone I want to help Dejen
I cupnt transfer form dubu they are not allowed fund or donation
yakob sibhat June 3, 2014
hi amanuel asena am happy by exposing dictatorial regime. I would like to you continue interview with DEJEN ANDE HISHEL, specially about a guy who came to killing or assassination or ISAIAS AFOWORKI plzzz
thanks very much
Bereket June 13, 2014
Try to capitalize from the Bishops of the Catholic Church in Eritrea, Assenna is very quiet why?