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ዝኸበርኩም በጻሕቲ ኣሰና፡

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  • January 26, 2012

    ዝኸበርኩም ኣዳለውቲ መርበብ ሓብሬታ ኣሰና
    ኣብ ቃልሲ ኣንጻር ውልቀ መላኺ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ንዝግበር ቃልሲ ብእተበርክትዎ ዘለኹም ኣበርክቶ ካብ ልቢ አመስግነኩም። ግና ኣብ ስራሕኩም ሓደ ቅር ዝበለኒ መደብ ኣለኩም። እዚ ብ ሽም ኣለና ዝቐርብ መደብ እንተተሓስቡሉ እሞ እንተተቋርጽዎ ኣብ ቃልሲ ዘለኩም ኣበርክቶ ምደንፍዐ ነይሩ እብል። ቅድሚ ሕጊ ስርዓትን ምቛም ናብ ጸለምን ጸርፍን ምጉያይ ጽቡቕ ሰለዘይኮነ። እዚ ኻኣ ነቲ ኣብ ስልጣን ዘሎ ስርዓት ብውክልና ምግልጋል ጥራይ ኢዩ ዝመስል። ኣለና ግና ሰላማዊ ወይ ዘይዕጥቃዊ ቃልሲ እንታይ ማለት ብግቡእ ዘይርድኦ እንተኾይኑ ናይ ቱኒዝያን ግብጽን መሊሱ ብ ቪድዮ ኣብ ገዙኡ ይርኣዮ ጥራይ ክብለኩም ኢየ ዝደሊ። ብዝኾነ ዋላ ዕጥቃዊ ቃልሲ ከም ኣማራጺ ዝወስድ ኣካል ነቲ ዘይጎነጻዊ ውን ከም ኣማራጺን ክም ናይ ዋናታቱ መሰልን ገሩ እንተረኣዮ ጽቡቕ ይመስለና። ኣለna ይሃሉ ግና ብሕግን ስርዓትን ጥራይ ኢኻ ክትህሉ ዝግባኣካ በሉለይ።
    ምስናይ ምስጋና ሓዉኹም ካብ እስራኤል

  • February 2, 2012

    Hi Amanuel:

    There is big news about Senai (Amharic journalist) who fled to Ethiopia. This is big news; and you didn’t bring it so far.

    One of the paradox and how HGDEF is worse than anyone in this world, Senai was with the first Eritreans sent back by Ethiopia when the war broke out. He was sent to Eritrea. However, this is another indication that, THAT Ethiopian government who sent to Eritrea is better than the current government of Eritrea.

    I think, it is good to check it; and another good news for those of us yearning for a freedom and change in our home country.

    Your admirer.
    from the end of the world

  • February 25, 2012

    dear asena, the sitution on not alowing nizgi kuflu to rest on eritran soil resembles the old story of azmach kinfu in asmara who abused people and owned slaves of his own in the modern days of eritrea. upon his death on the 70s, his families made him rest (buried)him at inda mariam of asmara. that is when and where the trouble started for the family members of azmach kinfu.i was a 7th grader then when i heard that azmach kiflu started confecing obout his guilt at nights shouting and screaming.alas asmara become inda mariam. people started camping overnight at inda mariam church compound to hear what azmach kifu has to say out of his grave obout his misdeedings in a shame and guilty way.after seral atemts,the embareced family members of azmach kinfu and concerned autorities managed to convince the public that azmach kinfu’s remains where dug out of inda mariam of asmara and was dumped at red sea.that is how they managed to stop the floking citezens from campining overnight to listen the evil speaking out of his grave.

    dear asena i am not a writter but nizgi kiflu’ and azmach kinfu’s suitiotion is very similar please do your own edit, reaserch and publish this article on your web and radio. it
    will be very educating and entertaining.
    good luck

    seattle wa usa

    • ahmed saleh March 5, 2012

      I remeber that, we were stupid kids went all the way to the cemetry to hear
      the scream of the dead late evening. Coming back home the whole neighborhood were waiting worried and nervous about our safety but when we get home I do not
      forget how our mothers kick our a$$ good, you remember our mothers how in
      control they were with us, God bless them.

  • amuca March 5, 2012

    dear assenna, Yesterday Sunday 04/03/2012 , I sow a program in ERI TV about one place which called mekaka, it’s a big lay, first to cheat the people for propaganda they didn’t tell the location of the place, they sound it was some were in the middle of Denkel, and the message was to show that Eritrean government is working hard and delivered development even in far places, but it is a big lay, Mekaka is in Asseb between Asseb and airport Asseb, there is a lot of truth about this place it’s not far from the martyr cemetery, there is a mountain behind it, all the people assassinated in Denkel mainly after 2000 was in this place, after assassinations they buried them in the cemetery.

    Dear assenna presenters, if you want more information about these places, ras darma and in general south Denkalya, it’s my pleasure there was a lot off hidden story’s. I wish all the best
    amuca London

    • ahmed saleh March 5, 2012

      Truth will prevail, any Eritrean suffering is all of us suffering. We need courageous
      people to reveal the atrocity inflicted to our people. Time will come to the righteous
      Love, prosperity and unity to Eritreans.

  • aurora bruk March 5, 2012

    Hello Asena!
    I have done a mock interview with the dictator. do you think you could need such a thing? i find it entertaining and thought provoking. if you need it i could forward it. you could then do with it whatever you think is right.
    keep up the good work, Asena
    thank you

  • amuca March 19, 2012

    We Eritrean’s, the only thing that make us different from other’s even Ethiopians is, we are very pried people, however these ruthless PFDJ leaders they are continuing to crush our pride (Eritreawenet, Hagerawenet) in different ways (the main one is divide and rule). At the moment hagerawenet is in its knees, even same people keep saying dehri netsanet megedal eshenet.

    Now it became clear like tseahai Akurdet, no one will stop Weyane. Lebi belu in number Eritrea have more soldiers (ground forces) well trained than Ethiopia.

    And it also becomes very clear national service is just to control and torture the Eritrean people not to defend.

  • hi!
    we want to send you an aritcle. how do we do it?

  • Kiflom April 10, 2012

    Hello! All staff of assenna. I wish you all and your members and visitors of your website a HAPPY EASTER!!!! RI-HUS BE-AA-LL AFA-SI-GA YI-G-BE-RE-L-KUM!!!!!

  • Lisa sulpha April 21, 2012

    I just stumbled upon your website and would
    like to say I found it most interesting. I amnot familiar with the aEriterean conflict but am going toresearch it. I love the Ethiopian people and you have such a rich and beautiful history. You are blessed by the Lord God himeltf

  • April 21, 2012

    Peace and grace to you Amanuel, i am extrimly happy for what you have done so far with (Pilot), and please continue without editing the interview. He is our hero, everyone has the same experience but nothing done, this is making him hero. If you remember i told you last time over the phone for what he said is true. I know everything is true. I am one of the EPLF’s fighter and i have seen a lot of things which is bag for our people and our country. We never deserve this thing but its hapen. Well done Assena foundetion serving the truth. May God bless you Aman and your fellow.

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