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  • Riesom November 1, 2011

    አዚ ናይ ሲናይ ጭውያ አብ አስመራ ተሓባበርቲ አለዎም ስለምንታይ አቲ ዝሓቱኻ ገንዘብ ዝቅበለሎም ሓደ ሰብ ኣብ ኣስመራ ስለ ዘሎ። አዚ ዘበለኒ ኣብዚ ቀረባ መዓልቲ ወዳ ዝተጨወያ ዘዕለለትኒ አዩ።
    ደዊሎም ገንዘብ ክትቅርብ ሓቲቶማ አሞኽኣ ናብ ኣስመራ ንሳ ድማ ንመን አሞ ክህበልኩም አንተበለቶም ደሓን ጥራይ አቲ ገንዘብ ቀሪቢ ዝድውለልኪ ስብ ኣሎ አሎማ። ገንዘብ ምስ ቀረበት ድማ አቲ ሰብ
    መጺኡ አቲ ገንዘብ ተረኪቡዋ አሞ ኽኣ ኤርትራዊ። አቲ ወዳ ዲማ ኣቲየ አሉ ደዊሉላ። ስለዚ አዚ ጉዳይ ነዊሕ ሱር ዘለዎ ናይ ማፍያታት ስርሒት ስለ ዝኮነ ኩሉ ኤርትራዊ ክጥነቀቅ ከም ዘለዎ ምሕባር የድሊ፡

  • Mebrahtu Welday November 2, 2011

    Hi Assenna,
    On the coming Saturday on 05.11.2011 @ 8 pm or 9pm the CNN will about the fate & crimes of Refugies, pls. check the tme program in CNN & notifay every one.
    Than Q in advance.
    Urs follower

  • Asgodom Gebre November 4, 2011

    Dear Eritreans,todya you are talking about the poletical situation in Eritrea. Where you have been when innocent people were turtured and killed in Sahil from the seventies under the name of Tegentai guad and menka. Is the the situation in Eritrea new? I do not think so. Those who are now became poletical activisties were the main supporters of EPLF leadership because they thought they will benefit from it. Their regional Affilation and tendency made to happen the situation in Eritrea. Such a very tentative example is Tekie wedi Keshi living in America. He was the group leader and turturer in the Hallowa Sawra. The leader of the Hallowa Sawra was Solomon Woldemariam from Hamassien and get paid his price later in the late seventy. Time is telling us that what has been happening.

  • BK November 4, 2011

    To Asena stuff do you guys have tel numbers of Eritrans who live in in any prision of Sina or Egypt thanks.
    plus if you have the phone numbers you can give to CNN or other media, becouse CNN will air November 5th half hour special program called “freedom project:organ trafficking” thanks

  • Bejawi(Agow) November 5, 2011

    Dear Eritreans I am so deeply disturbed by the news what has been happening in the sinai desert. The tentacles are from Eritrea in Asmara. What is going on? Is there any government that is working for the safety of the people? When I hear that the human trafficers call to Asmara to collect money and get what they want is incredible. What happened to the courage of Eritreans that they can catch the human trafficers and bring them to court. Is there a system of government working properly? I does not like so. When the inhumane and terrible things have been happening that means there is no government in Eritrea that look after the people of Eritrean people. The failed system should hand the power to the people soon.

  • mili November 5, 2011

    please broad cast this crime on eritreans and other nations.

  • Y'akl November 5, 2011

    Dear Assenna,

    yes you inform the mass about the current situation of the victims in sinai. As far as I have observed you, you seem to be the elongated hand of ther regime in Asmara/Addis. What we need is solution. But your solution is only making the youth at home fear & shock and demonstrate how great the dictator is .

    Please stop finally praising the regime systematically. If the journalists can see every inch of the area where the victims suffer and the UNCHR gives a deaf ear, so did the regime in Egypt too.

    The whole campaign whose source is the EU/CIA [note that I cann’t tolerate DIA!!!) tries to calm the unbelievably suppressed Eritrean population.

    PLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEase stop your mockery and your website finally !!! Except blabla and sensations, we have see no concrete solutions at all yet! “Ethiopian : le werie yelew frie, la beba yelew geleba”

  • Bereket November 9, 2011

    Please check on tv programme from Al Jazeera on the life of African Journalist. Impressing and similar of to Eritrea’s actions.
    The timing of the televising was about 4:30 -5:00 pm today (9/11/2011).

  • Moses November 17, 2011

    Eritrea had many traitors ( KEDEAT) in its long history of struggle against many rulers, oppresors and foreign agressors, but Amanuel the owner of Assena and wedi Meharena owner of Asmrino are listed in the top list of traitors. Theire chilren, grand children to the 7th generation will be ashamed because of their parents treason and siding with the enemies of Eritrea at the testing and hardest times. Hope you and your kids will get Ethiopian citizenship in the future because you belong to Ethiopia more than to Eritrea.

  • Asgodom Gebre November 18, 2011

    Dear Eritreans:
    The highlanders tragedy in Sinai Desert is the worst history that can not be told by historians. There is no comparison in the human history of tragedy. From diginity to slavery in the so called Eritrean revolution time. What did the highlanders benefit from the Eritrean revolution? the answer is the Sinai tragedy. The so called Eritrean revolution has been serving whom? We have to revise our own stand and position from now onwards before it becomes worse.
    The tentacles of the kidnapers is strechted up to Newyork. If you do research closely there was case court in Newyork city somebody caught by undercover officer dealing of internal organs of humanbeing.