Very inspirational message EYSC-NA and my humble and brotherly message to the resistance groups ( be it wdb, bayto, kidan, civic mahber, mahber meni’esey or dekenstyo or any other category) is that please keep working together folks,you don’t have join each others group, or create a unified coalition or even the toothless-not-even-able-to-bark bayto; just at this juncture of our struggle please have some understanding, some unity of purpose begin by recognizing each other. Please recognize each other and stop attacking each other, don’t exaggerate the trivial differences between the groups.please cooperate and complement each other, by working together all we have to lose is PFDJ and it’s brutal system.
18 መስከረም ንቓልሲ መብጽዓና ነሐድሰላ ዕለት እያ = 18 Meskerem to struggle we ___? date is
Do you mean like this:
ከም ናብ እቲ ልሙድ፣ ከዓ እዙ ዓመት፣ እቶም ሕዝባውያ ውራያትና ይውስስኹ ሐደ መዓርግ አብ እቲ ወርሒ መስከረም
As usual, also this year, our popular commitments add grade in the month of Merskerem
እታ ቃልሲ ምእንቲ እታ ፍትሕ ትእክክብ እቲ ናቱ ሞመንቱም አብ እቲ ወርሒ መስከረም
The fight for a justice gathers its momentum in the month of Merskerem.
Please let us learn how to conjugate, as example, three and four letters verbs ረገመ and መርረቐ in present tense.
አነ —–እረግግም ———————እምርርቕ
ንስስኻ —–ትረግም ———————ትምርርቕ
ንስስኺ —–ትረግሚ ———————ትምርርቒ
ንስሱ —–ይረግም ———————ይምምርቕ
ንስሳ —–ትረግም ———————ትምምርቕ
ንሕና —–ንረግግም ———————ንምምርቕ
ንስስኻትኩም —–ትረግሙ ———————ትምርርቑ
ንስስኻትክን —–ትረግማ ———————ትምምርቓ
ንስሳቶም —–ይረግሙ ———————ይምርርቑ
ንስሳተን —–ይረግማ ———————ይምርርቓ
With this we can conjugate the rest other three (ሀረመ, በልዐ, ሰምዐ, —) and four letter verbs (ሐድደሰ, ሰልጠነ, አዝዘዘ, —).
For you cultural strength please visit
With kind regards
tarikh September 13, 2014
Very inspirational message EYSC-NA and my humble and brotherly message to the resistance groups ( be it wdb, bayto, kidan, civic mahber, mahber meni’esey or dekenstyo or any other category) is that please keep working together folks,you don’t have join each others group, or create a unified coalition or even the toothless-not-even-able-to-bark bayto; just at this juncture of our struggle please have some understanding, some unity of purpose begin by recognizing each other. Please recognize each other and stop attacking each other, don’t exaggerate the trivial differences between the groups.please cooperate and complement each other, by working together all we have to lose is PFDJ and it’s brutal system.
solomon eritrean September 15, 2014
when we stand together we break the yoke of our people.keep i unity
eyob Ghebreziabhier September 18, 2014
18 መስከረም ንቓልሲ መብጽዓና ነሐድሰላ ዕለት እያ = 18 Meskerem to struggle we ___? date is
Do you mean like this:
ከም ናብ እቲ ልሙድ፣ ከዓ እዙ ዓመት፣ እቶም ሕዝባውያ ውራያትና ይውስስኹ ሐደ መዓርግ አብ እቲ ወርሒ መስከረም
As usual, also this year, our popular commitments add grade in the month of Merskerem
እታ ቃልሲ ምእንቲ እታ ፍትሕ ትእክክብ እቲ ናቱ ሞመንቱም አብ እቲ ወርሒ መስከረም
The fight for a justice gathers its momentum in the month of Merskerem.
Please let us learn how to conjugate, as example, three and four letters verbs ረገመ and መርረቐ in present tense.
አነ —–እረግግም ———————እምርርቕ
ንስስኻ —–ትረግም ———————ትምርርቕ
ንስስኺ —–ትረግሚ ———————ትምርርቒ
ንስሱ —–ይረግም ———————ይምምርቕ
ንስሳ —–ትረግም ———————ትምምርቕ
ንሕና —–ንረግግም ———————ንምምርቕ
ንስስኻትኩም —–ትረግሙ ———————ትምርርቑ
ንስስኻትክን —–ትረግማ ———————ትምምርቓ
ንስሳቶም —–ይረግሙ ———————ይምርርቑ
ንስሳተን —–ይረግማ ———————ይምርርቓ
With this we can conjugate the rest other three (ሀረመ, በልዐ, ሰምዐ, —) and four letter verbs (ሐድደሰ, ሰልጠነ, አዝዘዘ, —).
For you cultural strength please visit
With kind regards