14 Eritrean refugees kidnapped by armed Rashaida attackers in Eastern Sudan, according to Eritrean refugees in Shegerab Camp.
A group of four Rashaida attackers kidnapped 14 Eritrean refugees, including 8 women in Eastern Sudan, just 1 Km from Shegerab Refugee Camp, according to Eritrean refugees in the refugee Camp. The victims were among 70

A group of four Rashaida attackers kidnapped 14 Eritrean refugees, including 8 women in Eastern Sudan, just 1 Km from Shegerab Refugee Camp, according to Eritrean refugees in the refugee Camp.
The victims were among 70 Eritrean refugees who were being transported from Wedi Sherifey to Shegerab Refugee camp on a lorry hired by the refugee agency, UNHCR.
Two Eritrean refugees injured while trying to flee the incident are receiving treatment in Hospital.
It is a well-known fact that thousands of Eritrean refugees in Eastern Sudan, Shegerab Refugee Camp in particular have been vulnerable for the continuous Rashaida raids and kidnappings in the past. Shegrab was one of the main sources of refugee supply for the Rashaida Human Traffickers who had been engaged in the illegal human trade in conjunction with the Sinai Bedouins.
In light of this fact, the UNHCR should be investigated whether it is responsible for negligence and putting the lives of 14 poor refuges at risk.
Alemgena Taye June 5, 2015
I am very sorry to hear such sad news about Eritrean brothers and sisters! May God save you from all evils and the dictator PIA. Long live the Ethiopian and Eritrean Peoples. I hope Good days will come in the future.
AHMED SALEH June 5, 2015
What do you expect if we lost our soul for evil doers from day one . Those thugs from
Rashaida only took advantage to valnurable Eritreans because they don’t have nobody
who can claim them .
Their government condemned them and for Sudan government corrupt officials became
means of finnancial gain opportunity for wealth .
Remember the policy shoot to kill , KEHADTI HAGER , African refugees …. so on , to put
them in this kind of situation .
Do not expect to get respect if their own kinds refused to show respect and concern toward them .
Again , since the root cause couldn’t identified and resolved , bad news will keep coming .
Keren June 5, 2015
እዋይ ዉርደት! ተናዒቕና ጠይቂ ዓረብ በደዊንን ራሻይዳን ካብ ንኸውን ዓመታት ሓሊፉ እንከሎ፤ ካብ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ይኹኑ፣ ካብ ደገፍትን ቲፊዞ ስርዓት ህግደፍን፣ ካብቶም ከም ጣኦት ገለ ኤርትራውያን ዘምልኽ ዋም ጎይቶትና ዓረብን: ማሕበር ዓረብን፣ ነዚ ኩሉ ኣውያት ብኽያትን ስቅያትን ኤርትራውያን ግበረ መልሲ ይትረፍ፤ ቃል ውን ዘይምድሃዮም እዩ።
ቀደም ብደናቑርና ከለና፣ ንኻለኦት ኣሕዋትናን ጎረባብትናን ” ኣድጊ ! ቻ! ” እናበልና ንጸርፍ ኔርና፣ ንሕና ግና ጠይቂ ዓረብን ራሻይዳን ኴን ምትራፍና ኣዝዩ ስግኒጢር ናይ ዕሽነትና ግርም እዩ ዝብለኒ።
Teclay June 5, 2015
“ቀደም ብደናቑርና ከለና፣ ንኻለኦት ኣሕዋትናን ጎረባብትናን ” ኣድጊ ! ቻ! ” እናበልና ንጸርፍ ኔርና፣ ንሕና ግና ጠይቂ ዓረብን ራሻይዳን ኴን ምትራፍና ኣዝዩ ስግኒጢር ናይ ዕሽነትና ግርም እዩ ዝብለኒ።”
What do you expect.If the elite has failed to do their Job for the last 60 years and let the mad clueless students of the 60s and 70s to decide the destiny of the proud ppl and rewrite and substitute the HABESHA heroism with their myths,one of it ” the Rashayda -Arabs are our brothers “.So that is the end .
To my surprise so far no one from those elite or from the then mad students ,came and asked an apology, eventhough they knew they their terrible mistakes.
yonas June 5, 2015
The Rashaidas take advantage ofcourse, if these people keep coming crossing illegaly to sudan.even to Libya where therw is no government these people keep coming to be murdered.I don’t know if these people have information where they are going, there will be death camps waiting for them.No eritrean can do anything b/c they are too many keep coming everyday.
yohannes June 5, 2015
I am sorry what is happening for our brothers and sisters and our children hunted like animals by Rashaida.
I think it is our sin, we Eritrea a We have a lot of sin. If this happened in Ethiopia I am sure most Eritrea n’s will shoot look what this A game are doing, while it is done by Arabs I think every thing is ok. Rarly I have seen Eritrea n’s complain about serious events while we have seen Eritrea n’s complain in Ethiopia in their refuji comps.
Eritrea n’s have already lost good and bad, they are completely colonised by Arabs the Muslim community and by colonialist the high landers.
Eritrea n’s are the most backword society in Africa which make higher themselves than what they are.
They say they hard workers and more civilised than their brothers but i am not sure of this invented history by non sense Eritrea n’s.
I am sure Eritrea High landers love Rashaida be ouse they are killing them , they hate Ethiopia n’s and Tigrians because they ridpect them.
How stupid we are and I think we merit all that what is happening to us.
Genet-orginal June 5, 2015
any relation to yohannes, king of “Zion” and “King of Kings of Ethiopia”? You have so much hate toward Eritreans. Too bad.
weddi kebessa June 5, 2015
Yohannes you talking shit talking unforunately because you hiding the realities everone knows that your Ethiopia commited genocide against Eritrean people for more than 30 years in addition of Comandous Eritrean toop which trained by Israeli trainers their especialise was clean up Eritrean Muslim even before this stage we know Ra’as Allola who invite him to Eritrea to help them in cleaning up Eritrean Muslim .In this stage which is going on who is on power how many Eritrean have been killed and displaced if you or any one open his mouth with filthy and lies it is going to be faced by more and more realities please do not open our injuries and by creating stories frim yourimagine .
to Asena be part of solution not part of spreading problems between Eritreans we have more than enough .Erirean people are facing in this stage realy GENOCIDE in every corner from the world the main root of all Eritrean people’s tragedies is Eritrean regime .
Asena last time you dĺeeted my comment because the reality is rough but I hope you to be more fair please stop Weddi beggie Weddi tel.
Keren June 5, 2015
ምስኪን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ኩሉ ሃገራት ዓረብ መጻወቲ ዘይጠቕሙ ኮይኑ ተናዒቑ ተሪፉ። እዚ ተርእዮ እዚ ኣብ ሊብያ፣ ግብጺ፣ ሱዳን፣ ስዑዲ ዓረብ ኣዝዩ ግኑን ኮይኑስ፣ ንኤርትርውያን ንባርነት ዓቢድነት ምሻጥ ምልዋጥ፣ ንደቀንስትዮ ኤርትራውያን ብወሲብ ምዕማጽ፣ ኮላሊቶም መዝሒቕካ ምሻጥ፣ ንወለዶም “ሓውሉ ሳላሳን ሰልስተን ሺሕ ዶላር:” እናበልካ: ምክልባትን ምስርጣይን፣ ከይኣክል ባህ እንተበሎም ድማ ድላዮም ጌሮም ንኤትራውያን ቀቲሎም ከም ኮንዶም ምጕሓፍ ልሙድ መለለይ ኤርትራውያን ግዳያት ካብ ዝኸውን ሓጺር ኣይገበረን። እዚ ነቶም ብኢድ ጀሃዳውያን ዳዕሽ ኣይሰስ ተጨውዮም ተኣሲሮም ዘለዉ፣ ብሓይሊ ተዓሚጸን ሓዳር ክገብራ ተገዲደን ዘለዋ፣ ተሓሪዶምን ተሪሽኖምን ዘለዉ እውን ወሲኽካ እዩ።
እቲ ቀንዲ ሓላፍነት ናይዚ ዉርደትን ሕስረትን ኤርትራውያን ስርዓት ህግደፍ እኳ እንተኾነ፤ እቲ ቀንዲ ሕማም ናይዚ ኩሉ ዉርደት ግና ናይ ኩላትና ኤርትራውያን እዩ።
Eritra June 5, 2015
“No eritrean can do anything b/c they are too many keep coming everyday.”
The kidnappers are doing business with the regime. They make daily visits to Tesseni. They come with goods and take in their cars people who pay money to military officers to Sudan.
So, who should be blamed first ?: obviously the Eritrean regime !!.
If you want make it safely to Kasala or Shegherab, you should come through this Higdef-Rashaida smugglers channel, else they will wait for you on the other side of the border with loaded guns ..
yonas June 5, 2015
Eritrea on: everyone knows that, but in the first place they are willing to go to sudan which is the hub for torture, killing, rape and slavery.if there is a house burning and these youth are willing to go inside the burning house, who is going to be blamed.
Genet-orginal June 5, 2015
Just mind your business. I don’t think, you are capable of empathy to other human beings. It doesn’t even matter whether you are Eritrean or not. If you have been hurt by an Eritrean, then say so. That way we can understand where you are coming from.
Genet-orginal June 5, 2015
Get the dictator and his small group out of our country. That is the only solution. Eritrean people in diaspora have a big role to play. Never too late. All Eritreans regardless of our differences stand up and send a clear message to the dictator and his group. To have differences is human. Not to compromise for a common goal is just plain stupid.
Eritra June 6, 2015
Every time we are in trouble or a disaster happens, mainly because of a rootless dictator and his accomplices, Deki Kaleb (see who they are on facebook) a bunch of Tigrayans who hate Eritrea go into action to insult Eritrea and its people. Can’t Assena find a way to stop them ??
koreri June 6, 2015
አቱም ሰባት ንምንታይ ኢና ካብቲ አርእስቲ ወጺእና ንህውትት ዘለና ኤርትራ ብዘይካ አቶም ቃል ስውአትን በሂወት ዝለዉን መጋድልቶም ጠሊሞም አብ ዘይተፈቐደሎም መምበር ስልጣን ዝተኾደጩ መራሕቲ ኢና ብሀልቲ ጸላኢ የብላን።
ብዝተረፈ ሐላዊ ዘይብለን ማል ኩሉ ግዜ ብእንስሳ በረኻ ምስተበልዓእየን። እቲ ዝገርም ግን እዚ ኩሉ ግፍዒ እንዳተፈጸመ፤ ኤርትራ አብ ግብ ዝበለ ጸልማትን ጥምየትን እናሀለወት፡ ዓድና ሰላም እዩ፤ ብላዕ ወስተ እዩ እናበሉ ንሱ ንሕና፣ ንሕና ንሱ ክብሉ ክትሰምዕ ከለኻ ኤርትራዊነትካ የጠራጥረካ።
እቲ ካልእ ሕንቅልሕንቅሊተይ ድማ እዞም ተጨውዮም ዘለዉ ሰባት ንኽፍትሑ ዕድል እንተተረኺቡ እቲ ዝሕተት ገንዘብ ዝኽፈለሉ ቦታ አብ አስመራ ክኸውን እዩ።
ደቂ ዓደይ ካልእ እንተዘይ ከአልናስ ንኽርህዎም በብወገና ንዝቐደሙን ንዝድሐሩን ጽሎት ንግበረሎም።