“Ethiopian intervention in Eritrean Internal Affairs”: A Scapegoat for Power Struggle
In any struggle of any society, getting support from neighboring countries is natural. If we take our case, without the support of the Sudanese people and government it would have been difficult to achieve independence,
In any struggle of any society, getting support from neighboring countries is natural. If we take our case, without the support of the Sudanese people and government it would have been difficult to achieve independence, if not impossible. Similarly with the support of the Ethiopian people we were able to struggle against the late Ethiopian governments of Haile Sellassie and the DERG..
In fact the Eritrean people had got support from the Ethiopian people through their democratic forces, the TPLF, OLF and other organizations during their struggle for independence. I think many Eritreans miss this fact. Before and after the independence, the present Ethiopian government has contributed a lot to the Eritrean cause. During the armed struggle the TPLF had recognized the Eritrean cause. After the end of the armed struggle the EPRDF government had supported and recognized Eritrea as a sovereign state. Even after the Badme war, the present Ethiopian government has taken a firm stand towards the sovereignty of Eritrea.
Therefore, what is the so called negative attitude of the Ethiopian government towards Eritrean sovereignty? Where is the Ethiopian intervention in the Eritrean internal affairs?
It is known that the Eritrean regime uses this technique of misinformation to isolate the Eritrean opposition organizations and parties from getting support from the Ethiopian government. It knows that the main country which supports the Eritrean struggle for democracy at this time is Ethiopia. So, one cannot be surprised when one hears such propaganda from the despotic regime in Asmara.
However, it is very surprising when we hear an Eritrean opposition organization (party) or individual blaming the Ethiopian government for its “meddling in the Eritrean internal affairs”. My intention is not to defend the Ethiopian government against this baseless accusation. Nor is my intention to offend any body for that matter. But I cannot understand at this juncture of time to hear members of opposition organizations raising this issue, instead of trying by any means to rescue the Eritrean people and country.
What the Ethiopian government is doing is trying to help the Eritrean people to solve their own problems. It advises and encourages the opposition to unite and get rid of the totalitarian regime, rather than to disunite. The Ethiopian government allows tens of thousands refugees and gives the youngsters the chance to continue their education. Recenetly, I had participated in the National Conference for Democratic Change and the seminar of Eritrean intellectuals and professionals held in Addis Ababa. Issues about the Eritrean nationalities were raised in those meetings. The Ethiopian political view on those issues was very clear. They believe the solution for the Eritrean issues cannot be the same to those of Ethiopian solutions. Eritrea must have its own solution according to its context, they say.
Why do some Eritrean opposition organizations or parties complain about “the intervention of the Ethiopian government in the Eritrean internal affairs”?
This complaint is a scapegoat for their failure in the power struggle. When I write an article, it is not my habit to offend anybody. But as a matter of fact, when the EPDP had a conflict in the issue of the National Conference for a Democratic Change and left the EDA, it began to complain about the “Ethiopian intervention in the internal Eritrean affairs”. Before that time, it did not show any sign of that thinking. In my view such complaint never had a basis.
Recently, I read an article with a title“National Dialogue with partners for a common strategy “ written by Fesseha Nair posted on Rubansaba.com. I praise Fesseha Nair for his contribution as a writer in the struggle for democracy and I respect him. However, I strongly disagree on his article in general, paricularly when he said:
“Ownership- without ownership, there is no sustainability and thus no long-term effects. The ongoing discussions among Eritrean political and civic organizations for democratic change how much their organization of dialogues and conferences are owned by them is not clear. A congress without this perspective is not a congress. Many are recommending that how much do we own this congress? It is not only that we conducted a congress but who cares- that the congress should lead us to practical and sustainable results. A congress conducted by intervention of supporting countries is not sustainable.( See Darfur, Somalian………. And many others)”
Read the last sentence of his paragraph. Which country is he referring to? It is obvious he meant Ethiopia. But Nair is an Executive member of Eritrean Federal Democratic Movement “EFDM”. His organization is enjoying the support from the Ethiopian government equally as the other opposition organizations and parties. I would like to ask Nair where the intervention of Ethiopia is? Does he mean that supporting oppressed people is considered intervention? More importantly, I think it is appropriate for EFDM to give a statement on this article, since Nair is an executive member of the organization. Otherwise, silence is acceptance.
In a similar manner, I heard that more opposition organizations or parties within the EDA are sounding such complaints. This is happening on the eve of National Congress for Democratic Change. Again, this is scapegoat for their failure not to move forward in the ongoing struggle. They have to blame themselves rather someone which tries to help the Eritrean people. This kind of allegation serves the PFDJ regime and websites like Meskerem. It is amazing, on the other hand such organizations and parties know very well that if Ethiopia does not support the ongoing struggle, it will be a simple submission to the PFDJ regime. Since Sudan had already closed its doors. There is limited alternative.
Weakness is not a crime by itself. But a false propaganda to weaken the struggle is a crime. One of the weaknesses of such organizations or parties is not being able to organize and bring to their side the many young Eritreans who are leaving their country for exile. In almost all the parties and organizations we do not see the young generation replacing the old leadership. The young generation is not encouraged to participate in the struggle. This is a serious matter. Without the participation of the young generation we cannot defeat the PFDJ regime. I heard as one of the complains is that Ethiopia is helping to organize the Eritrean youngsters to participate in the ongoing struggle. Ethiopia should in fact be praised for such wonderful job. But some opposition organizations and parties have other interests. In my opinion their main aim is not regime change, but who comes in power after the fall of PFDJ?
When I bitterly criticized the opposition organizations and parties in the seminar of the Eritrean Intellectuals and professionals, a participant from one of the organizations asked me: “Adhanom! Why do you put us all in one basket?” It is true some organizations are better than the others. But generally there must be a change within the whole opposition organizations and parties.
At present the date of National Congress for Democratic Change is extended for one month. I myself would preferit to be held at the initial date, assuming that the commission hsd finished its preparation. I believe also that the one month prolonging can bring little difference for those demanding extension. However, whatever their motive , I support the commission for being flexible and its compromise for the success of the national congress. And I appeal to every freedom loving Eritrean to stand behind and support the commission to do the job.
In a just cause it is right to be confident.
There is no success without hardship
What is to be done? How can we overcome the vicious circle of power struggle among the opposition parties and organizations? How do we get rid off a party-interest-based struggle?
I think such questions should be addressed properly. The mechanism to solve such problems is to organize a national congress for a democratic change. This congress brings all the stakeholders together who have interest in a regime change in the country. The representatives from every section of the society must discuss and debate the ways and means of first and foremost how to bring a regime change in Eritrea. We have to overcome the party-interest-based struggle. For the sake of salvation of the nation, all organizations and parties should suspend their organizational or party activities at this stage. All of them should work under one organ(umbrella). All political, military financial and diplomatic activities should be run by one leadership. The individual tasks of organizations and parties will be done in the second stage, after the fall of PFDJ era. I am not an expert in this area but there must be a platform somehow in which all the opposition forces must function collectively under one umbrella, call it parliament in exile or any transitional organ in which its main objective is to topple the PFDJ regime and transfer the power to the people. And I believe if we are united in the coming congress we can do this and the majority of the Eritrean people will support us.
Victory to the Eritrean National Congress for Democratic Change
Down with the PFDJ regime
Glory to our martyrs
Adhanom Fitiwi
Comments: Fitiwi@planet.nl
aderosso October 17, 2011
No Ethiopian help is needed to solve our internal issue, if we can not defeat our own brothers with out Ethiopian help, they deserve to rule. Imagine if Ethiopia was not landlocked, it would have cornered the opposition on behalf of it former ally. The issue is accessing the port the cover is helping opposition.
ahmed Saleh October 17, 2011
I think it is easier to confront and fight your external enemy than your internal.
the political process for democrization requests our willingness to work together
in good faith. We have to trust & understand each other, then identify who is
who within our circle. We don’t have to be disappointed because of those try to
hold us back. They are minority, accept the reality it is the nature of political game.
Focus, concentrate and ingage in discussion by following the development on the
issues. Be mature, responsible, openminded and united. That is our strength.
Temesgen October 17, 2011
YOU HAVE HIT THE NAIL ON ITS HEAD!!! Party politcs belongs to the 2nd, the post-Isaias, stage.
It would appear as unwise, if not absurd, to be embroiled in party politics before the stage is set by the necessary legislation or guidelines to regulate party formation and politics. Party formation and politics is arrived at after Eritrea is returned to democratic governance, a thing that is wanting now! We need to bring Eritrea to democratic governance to form parties and play party politics.
And there shall be no good or democratic governance in Eritrea as long as the dictator is IN CONTROL! This stage is no stage, therefore, for party politcs but for confronting the dictator with all the might we can master!We need to save our resources and energy, and focus our attention on the SOLE task at hand – REMOVING THE DICTATOR!
abdi October 19, 2011
Mechem zetzarebwon Tel zertTaTmon yelen,ezi tblo zelekha ente zgebru qdme Hmsa amet Eritrea netsa mkhonet neyra,berket rebuE fah chengrah yetewom,tenkoln ekeyen n Eritrea enda hasebula kea mewaelom aysaneyun eyom.kendey asheybom eyom n’eshtey entekhonka Edmekha aytebakhn,beziom zmetse AWET yelon.wodekanka
Temesgen Medhanie October 17, 2011
Part I.
I read your article with an ample interest. I must say, I agree pretty much with the highlights of your stands and forced assertions. If the age old Chinese curse is to find a niche, it is in the Eritrean Opposition parties where it says, “May you live in an interesting time.” As you have aptly cut right into the matter of the vicious cycle, it sure is a power struggle on their part that is hindering them from taking a bold step and make things right. Your assertion actually seems to resonate with Dr. Bereket’s line of thinking where he said, the Opposition parties are more concerned on who replaces Isaias instead of focusing on the urgency of our time. Moreover, as much as Nair entertains and subscribes to the idea of Federalism a la Ethiopia’s modus operandi, it seems an oxymoron as he seems to implicitly chastise Ethiopia for its meddling in the Eritrean affairs.
Temesgen Medhanie October 17, 2011
Part II.
The whole picture reminds one a head-less chicken roaming around in a random jump here and there. In my opinion, the imperatives of Ethiopia at times seems to be misplaced where Ethiopia is at times over rated. That is, when the conspiracy theorists scatter their ideas, they tend to believe that, Ethiopia would like to see a weaker Eritrea as if Ethiopia is a giant power house that could afford to have a basket case vassal state. I say, this kind of bizarre mind set is unrealistic to say the least. As much as Ethiopia is struggling to get out of age old spectre of poverty, it can not afford to micro-manage Eritrea to say the least. To be more precise, Ethiopia’s approach to Eritrea’s political reality is measured in the sense that, Ethiopia’s interest does not revolve on the idea of having a democratic Eritrea per se, their platform is based on a reality where a peaceful Eritrea exists with out recking havoc in the region.
Temesgen Medhanie October 17, 2011
Part III.
It is prudent to bear in mind that, should Isaias opts to make peace with the nations in the region, the Ethiopian government would drop the Opposition parties and puts its hands together with Isaias in a heart beat. That is, in the jargon of politics, it is called Realism and Realpolitik. In a midst the otherwise gloomy scenario however, we tend to see a light on the horizon. That is, when the ‘archaic’ elements of the Opposition are fixated on the Jebha-ShaEbia divide and grudges towards Isaias, the younger generation’s political impetus seems to emanate from the cruel reality and a dire strait the Eritrean people are going through. And I say, if anything, they are the true custodians and owners of a promising and hopeful Eritrea.
abdi October 17, 2011
For more than 50 yrs Eritreans experienced genocides,imprisionments, rapes,tortures from ethiopians and still we are, yes we had mutual interests and one target however the bad deeds by far outweigh the good deed and should not be put as an example of support but rather mutual interests only and can’t compared to the support the sudanese people offered/ing.
When ethiopians invaded Eritrea and killed many civilians including childerns was burnt, houses was looted and robbed,even martyrs cemeteries was destroyed , dug and bones was thrown out of the graves,and its still fresh in our mind to remember the 80000+ eritreans who had their properties looted,robbed, imprisoned, tortured and kicked out from Ethiopia with what they were wearing,for only being eritreans and ethiopians disliked their eye color,
incidents can’t not be forgotten nor forgiven easily,and yet our so called oppositions ignored these all facts and put their hands on ethiopians hand,and want all the eritrean people to forget these, support them and expect peace to come from Ethiopia,No way
i ain’t happy with the situation in Eritrea however, putting my hands on the hands of the people who abused and killed my fellow eritreans is
rather disgrace.
Eritrea’s problem should be solved by eritreans only and out of ethiopian lands or ethiopian interference.tell them to shove their help and crocodile tears of theirs.
Tsahaye October 18, 2011
The more I read your comments, the more I am convinced that you are a realistic individual. As you have superbly said it, we cannot trust a regime that caused more damage to Eritrea and Eritreans in a period of two years than what its predecessors (Haile-silassie and Mengistu Hailemariam) had done to Eritrea and Eritreans in 30 years. Think of the Jews asking the Germans to help them solve their problems after what Hitler’s had done to the Jews. The woyane regime is pure evil, and to wheedle and play with this regime is absolutely insane.
Tsahaye October 18, 2011
As you have said it, the Eritrea’s problem can only be solved by Eritreans without any external interference. Those in the so-called opposition groupings, however, have no interest in a sustainable and long lasting solution in Eritrea. Their view points are as varied as their numbers. Some are fighting to gain the right to ethnic secessionism; others are fighting to establish their version of Islamic laws (sheria law) and the rest are for power and prestige. However, what unites all of these devils is their sole dependency on Eritrea’s worst enemy (the woyane regime) and their blind wishes to achieve it overnight.
You and I, however, know that they are nothing more than talk-show actors. Let them live in their fairy-land and enjoy their fantasy. Those of us who oppose the politics of prostitution as it is often exhibited by the warlords, their supporters and the tragic OOSUB should do our best to establish democracy and the rule of law in Eritrea while keeping an eye on the woyane barbarians who are sleepless to make Eritrea a failed state.
Dawit Tsehaye October 18, 2011
bwaga hagher, bwaga lulawnet,bwaga asseb grum hagez.
Kalig October 18, 2011
It’s good to be always on alert when it comes to strategic issues such as national sovereignty, specially when a landlocked big neighbor seem to have every thing it needs to shape the future of your country. But we are in a situation that does not allow us to reject their help. We need them to get rid of the brutal regime at home. If you cannot do it yourself some one else will do it for you or rather for their own interest. The solution will be tailored to serve their interests too. We need to have good neighborly relations with Ethiopia, join hands to eradicate poverty, which is the biggest enemy of all. Having said that, we should not allow any foreign power to decide for us, in this respect it’s better not to trust anyone. We desperately need their help to remove Higdef, however, what will be done after that should be left to us. It would be a big miscalculation on the part of Ethiopia to think it can achieve its interests better by dividing us along sectarian or ethnic lines as it did before. Destabilization does not stop at the borders, it’s easy for those who ignite fire to be on the receiving end. All neighbors have similar problems, should join hands to solve them together.
Eritrean Against the weakest link off-positions October 18, 2011
Sometimes some awkward people write for the sake of writing and not because they are knowlegeable individuals. You better keep quiet in your gloomy corner instead of writing some really clap-trap and intellectually and politically starving articles. Sudanese people were never the enemy of Eritrea and its people, they were people who supported us and never wished to destabilse, humiliate,colonise, oppress or depress the Eritrean people in any way. I remind you that the actual run-down and living evil gov in Ethiopia have digged out the Eritrean brave hero/heroines’ graves and exposed them on the streets of Eritrea, a serious human right abuse that mother earth has never witnessed in its existence! Furthermore these filthy weyanes have raped and seriously abused many of our women and men within Eritrea and in Ethiopia. Hence for me this cannot help any eritrean to get freedom and liberty, as criminals like these weyanes should first and foremost liberate themselves from their beggar, criminal and slave mentalities. They are Eritrean’s worst enemies and whoever be it Eritrean or of any other nationalities associates with them become a potential evil enemy of the respectable Eritrean people.