“Ethiopian intervention in Eritrean Internal Affairs”: A Scapegoat for Power Struggle
In any struggle of any society, getting support from neighboring countries is natural. If we take our case, without the support of the Sudanese people and government it would have been difficult to achieve independence,

In any struggle of any society, getting support from neighboring countries is natural. If we take our case, without the support of the Sudanese people and government it would have been difficult to achieve independence, if not impossible. Similarly with the support of the Ethiopian people we were able to struggle against the late Ethiopian governments of Haile Sellassie and the DERG..
In fact the Eritrean people had got support from the Ethiopian people through their democratic forces, the TPLF, OLF and other organizations during their struggle for independence. I think many Eritreans miss this fact. Before and after the independence, the present Ethiopian government has contributed a lot to the Eritrean cause. During the armed struggle the TPLF had recognized the Eritrean cause. After the end of the armed struggle the EPRDF government had supported and recognized Eritrea as a sovereign state. Even after the Badme war, the present Ethiopian government has taken a firm stand towards the sovereignty of Eritrea.
Therefore, what is the so called negative attitude of the Ethiopian government towards Eritrean sovereignty? Where is the Ethiopian intervention in the Eritrean internal affairs?
It is known that the Eritrean regime uses this technique of misinformation to isolate the Eritrean opposition organizations and parties from getting support from the Ethiopian government. It knows that the main country which supports the Eritrean struggle for democracy at this time is Ethiopia. So, one cannot be surprised when one hears such propaganda from the despotic regime in Asmara.
However, it is very surprising when we hear an Eritrean opposition organization (party) or individual blaming the Ethiopian government for its “meddling in the Eritrean internal affairs”. My intention is not to defend the Ethiopian government against this baseless accusation. Nor is my intention to offend any body for that matter. But I cannot understand at this juncture of time to hear members of opposition organizations raising this issue, instead of trying by any means to rescue the Eritrean people and country.
What the Ethiopian government is doing is trying to help the Eritrean people to solve their own problems. It advises and encourages the opposition to unite and get rid of the totalitarian regime, rather than to disunite. The Ethiopian government allows tens of thousands refugees and gives the youngsters the chance to continue their education. Recenetly, I had participated in the National Conference for Democratic Change and the seminar of Eritrean intellectuals and professionals held in Addis Ababa. Issues about the Eritrean nationalities were raised in those meetings. The Ethiopian political view on those issues was very clear. They believe the solution for the Eritrean issues cannot be the same to those of Ethiopian solutions. Eritrea must have its own solution according to its context, they say.
Why do some Eritrean opposition organizations or parties complain about “the intervention of the Ethiopian government in the Eritrean internal affairs”?
This complaint is a scapegoat for their failure in the power struggle. When I write an article, it is not my habit to offend anybody. But as a matter of fact, when the EPDP had a conflict in the issue of the National Conference for a Democratic Change and left the EDA, it began to complain about the “Ethiopian intervention in the internal Eritrean affairs”. Before that time, it did not show any sign of that thinking. In my view such complaint never had a basis.
Recently, I read an article with a title“National Dialogue with partners for a common strategy “ written by Fesseha Nair posted on Rubansaba.com. I praise Fesseha Nair for his contribution as a writer in the struggle for democracy and I respect him. However, I strongly disagree on his article in general, paricularly when he said:
“Ownership- without ownership, there is no sustainability and thus no long-term effects. The ongoing discussions among Eritrean political and civic organizations for democratic change how much their organization of dialogues and conferences are owned by them is not clear. A congress without this perspective is not a congress. Many are recommending that how much do we own this congress? It is not only that we conducted a congress but who cares- that the congress should lead us to practical and sustainable results. A congress conducted by intervention of supporting countries is not sustainable.( See Darfur, Somalian………. And many others)”
Read the last sentence of his paragraph. Which country is he referring to? It is obvious he meant Ethiopia. But Nair is an Executive member of Eritrean Federal Democratic Movement “EFDM”. His organization is enjoying the support from the Ethiopian government equally as the other opposition organizations and parties. I would like to ask Nair where the intervention of Ethiopia is? Does he mean that supporting oppressed people is considered intervention? More importantly, I think it is appropriate for EFDM to give a statement on this article, since Nair is an executive member of the organization. Otherwise, silence is acceptance.
In a similar manner, I heard that more opposition organizations or parties within the EDA are sounding such complaints. This is happening on the eve of National Congress for Democratic Change. Again, this is scapegoat for their failure not to move forward in the ongoing struggle. They have to blame themselves rather someone which tries to help the Eritrean people. This kind of allegation serves the PFDJ regime and websites like Meskerem. It is amazing, on the other hand such organizations and parties know very well that if Ethiopia does not support the ongoing struggle, it will be a simple submission to the PFDJ regime. Since Sudan had already closed its doors. There is limited alternative.
Weakness is not a crime by itself. But a false propaganda to weaken the struggle is a crime. One of the weaknesses of such organizations or parties is not being able to organize and bring to their side the many young Eritreans who are leaving their country for exile. In almost all the parties and organizations we do not see the young generation replacing the old leadership. The young generation is not encouraged to participate in the struggle. This is a serious matter. Without the participation of the young generation we cannot defeat the PFDJ regime. I heard as one of the complains is that Ethiopia is helping to organize the Eritrean youngsters to participate in the ongoing struggle. Ethiopia should in fact be praised for such wonderful job. But some opposition organizations and parties have other interests. In my opinion their main aim is not regime change, but who comes in power after the fall of PFDJ?
When I bitterly criticized the opposition organizations and parties in the seminar of the Eritrean Intellectuals and professionals, a participant from one of the organizations asked me: “Adhanom! Why do you put us all in one basket?” It is true some organizations are better than the others. But generally there must be a change within the whole opposition organizations and parties.
At present the date of National Congress for Democratic Change is extended for one month. I myself would preferit to be held at the initial date, assuming that the commission hsd finished its preparation. I believe also that the one month prolonging can bring little difference for those demanding extension. However, whatever their motive , I support the commission for being flexible and its compromise for the success of the national congress. And I appeal to every freedom loving Eritrean to stand behind and support the commission to do the job.
In a just cause it is right to be confident.
There is no success without hardship
What is to be done? How can we overcome the vicious circle of power struggle among the opposition parties and organizations? How do we get rid off a party-interest-based struggle?
I think such questions should be addressed properly. The mechanism to solve such problems is to organize a national congress for a democratic change. This congress brings all the stakeholders together who have interest in a regime change in the country. The representatives from every section of the society must discuss and debate the ways and means of first and foremost how to bring a regime change in Eritrea. We have to overcome the party-interest-based struggle. For the sake of salvation of the nation, all organizations and parties should suspend their organizational or party activities at this stage. All of them should work under one organ(umbrella). All political, military financial and diplomatic activities should be run by one leadership. The individual tasks of organizations and parties will be done in the second stage, after the fall of PFDJ era. I am not an expert in this area but there must be a platform somehow in which all the opposition forces must function collectively under one umbrella, call it parliament in exile or any transitional organ in which its main objective is to topple the PFDJ regime and transfer the power to the people. And I believe if we are united in the coming congress we can do this and the majority of the Eritrean people will support us.
Victory to the Eritrean National Congress for Democratic Change
Down with the PFDJ regime
Glory to our martyrs
Adhanom Fitiwi
Comments: Fitiwi@planet.nl
abdi October 18, 2011
We can not and will not accept an offer from our worst enemy which costs us our hard earned independence,sovereignty just to get rid of hgdf or ISAYAS,its a bitter poisonous pill coated with honey that the opportunist oppositions lick the upper part and leave the poison for eritreans to suffer.
The word “help” has no existence in our dictionary and we never have used it in rather harder situations,if we can’t do it our selves we deserve living it and die independents.
me October 18, 2011
It is HGDF that interferes in Weyane’s affairs. ERI-TV and Radio started broadcasting in almost all major Ethiopian languages for this purpose costing an arm and a leg of Eritreans. They have been annoying the people with none-stope anti-Weyane propagandas to hide their failure and now its backfiring, haunting HGDF where ever they go. To make things worst, ERI-TV has recently started broadcasting in somalian languages for Somalia while more than 64% of Eritreans are living in EXTREMELY ALARMING HUNGER, according to the 2011 Global Hunger Index released this week. http://www.ifpri.org/tools/2011-ghi-map
abdi October 19, 2011
Eritv broadcasting against woyane so do woyanes plus websites,we are, i personally not against media war,but woyanes interference is much further organizing meeting preparing agendas not only but pretending to act like the career of the eritreans and decides eritreans Destiny, and these kind of interference which we against,
reading the hunger if they can’t afford to feed themselves they wouldn’t have offered to others.we do believe on what is on the ground not on pictures which has been taken from space,thanks God this was confirmed by NGOs from German,i though the hunger file was folded.But still the Agames are useing it now and then.tell them pls it’s gone forever.
denden October 18, 2011
Plis you guys don’t be full. You have to read history. Look what Alula made to Rasi weldenekiel and what Hileselasie made to Blatien Geta Lorenzo Taezaz etc. To get help is one thing to get help from somebody who is your historic enemy is another thing. The writer tried to express what TPLF offered for our independence. But TPLF has committed against his country to come to power i.e. made his country land locked. If TPLF was a strong organization he should choose an independent path and save his country or perish like EPRP and others who believe in one Ethiopia. But TPLF chose the easy way to power. The same also if the Eri opposition choose the easy way being propped up by TPLF you will commit historic mistake against the future of Eritrea. Yemane Baria has said ASHA Eritrawi zerebay simani Afra keytiregits mesilika emni.
denden October 18, 2011
Try to read any Ethiopian mind around you they still love to unite with Eritrea. Which we don’t even think. If the mentality of the Ethiopian people is like this don’t be illogical to think the Ethiopian leadership is also free of this mentality. Haile Dirue has said we did the referendum not only to be safe from future mad governments in Ethiopia but even to be safe in case the current government got crazy. It is undeniable that the current government in Ethiopia supported our independence but he regret for the easy way he chose to come to power. The same thing will happen in Eritrea if the opposition comes to power by the help of TPLF, they will celebrate for a while but they will start to regret the moment the TPLF deny them freedom in administering their new Eritrea.
abdi October 19, 2011
LOL,you are over estimating those opportunist,they can’t do nothing other than akhebatat,and bela belw.