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ፎርቶ! ብዓልቲ ጸጸራት

ፎርቶ! ብዓልቲ ጸጸራት 04/01/2013 ረድኢ ክፍለ (ባሻይ) ፎርቶ ዓባይ ብዓልቲ ጸጸራት ትንቢት ዓወት መቓልሕ ብስራት ተስፋ ናይ መንእሰይ ወራስ ዓራት   ምስ ብጾተይ ቀደም ኣሲርክኒ ኣብ ሳልስቲ ዘይትጠቅም ባኒ ታሪኽ ተመሃራይ ትዝ ኢሉኒ   ዓውዲ ዝጸቐጥኪ ብዓንተቦ ከይንጠልም ክንኣስረልኪ ሽቦ ኣንጻር ጸላእትና ሳምቦ-ሳምቦ   ደቂ ፖሊተክኒክ ኣቱም ሸዊት ተመሃሮ ናይ

ፎርቶ! ብዓልቲ ጸጸራት

04/01/2013 ረድኢ ክፍለ (ባሻይ)

ፎርቶ ዓባይ ብዓልቲ ጸጸራት

ትንቢት ዓወት መቓልሕ ብስራት

ተስፋ ናይ መንእሰይ ወራስ ዓራት


ምስ ብጾተይ ቀደም ኣሲርክኒ

ኣብ ሳልስቲ ዘይትጠቅም ባኒ

ታሪኽ ተመሃራይ ትዝ ኢሉኒ


ዓውዲ ዝጸቐጥኪ ብዓንተቦ

ከይንጠልም ክንኣስረልኪ ሽቦ

ኣንጻር ጸላእትና ሳምቦ-ሳምቦ


ደቂ ፖሊተክኒክ ኣቱም ሸዊት

ተመሃሮ ናይ ሽዑ ሰራዊት

ባህር-ዳር ትመስክር ኢትዮጲያዊት


ንሰለሙን ዘብ-ዘብ ከነብሎ

ምኒስተር ጃንሆይ ዕንኪላሎ

ሓወብኡ ነዚ ሕጂ ዘሎ


ዝተኣስረ ጎረቤቱ ቃልሲ

ዝሓመመ መድሃኒት ፋርማሲ

ነናቱ’ኮ ለዎ ፍሉጥ ፈውሲ


ጓል ሃገረይ ሸገ መርዓት ሕድሪ

ፎርቶ ሽማ ሕንጢት ተቦኰሪ

ታሪኽ ዘለዎ ሽም ተዘካሪ


እወ ጓል ኤርትራ ስየ ለይለይ

ፎርቶ ሽሙ ዕንዱ ውለድለይ

ክዳን ልደት ክሰደልኪ ባዕለይ


ካተድራለ ቤት ጸሎት ናይ ጥንቲ

ናብ ኩሉ መኣዝን ትጥምቲ

ንሰጎምቲ ይኹን ንነፈርቲ


ግርማ ናይ’ስመራ ጽቡቕ ምስሊ

ምስ ረጋቢት ትዛረብ ኣብ ላዕሊ

እስከ በሊ ታሪኽ ኣዋህልሊ


አንቲ ምኒኮሎ ነዋሕ ዘንዶ

ብጠጠዋ ንኹሉ ትኸዶ

ብዓልቲ ጸጸራት ርኢኺዶ?


ሓመድ ድበ ደርጊ ተደብዲቡ

ህገደፍ ድማ ርጊኡ ቀሪቡ

መስክሪ’ምበር ፎርቶ ዝደየቡ


ተሓተቲ ካተድራለ ’ስመራ

ስዓት ክንደይ ነይሩ ’ቲ ወፈራ?

ደዊልኪዶ ሽዑ ኣብታ እግራ


ኣንቲ መማዕደዊት ንገርኒ

ወረር ክብሉ ርኢኺ ትዀኒ

ብዓል ወዲ ዓሊ ብተይ ግኒ


ኣንቲ ነዋሕ ክሳድ ካተድራለ

መንዩ ሕራይ ኢሉ ዘታለለ

ብዓል ኣመል ብኽሕደት ዝልለ


ኣብ ማዕዶ ዘለና ከይንጋገ

ድሕሪ ማሕላ መን’ዩ ዝባዕለገ?

ልሳን ዝቐየረ ኣብ ኣፍ ደገ


ካተድራለ ሕምብርቲ ከተማ

መዝግብዮም ብዓል ሃንጎሊማ

ሕጊ ክሓቶም’ዩ ጽባሕ ድማ


ካቲማ የብሉን ኲርኲር ሽፍታ

ድራር እሳት ልብልብ ንምሸታ

ብላዕልን ብታሕተን ከም ብርኲታ


ዕስለ ህግደፍ ስግንጢር ጠባያ

እምብለይ ትርዕም ሕራይ ኣብያ

ጒድጓድ ናይ ወኻርያ ትጽበያ


ድሕሪ ደጊም የለን ወሰን-ወሰን

መላኺ ዘብኡ ኣይተመልሰን

ረሲዕኩሞ ዲኹም ሳዳም ሑሴን


ሸለውለው ነይተርፍ ጸድፈ-ጸድፊ

ትምክሕቲ ኣመሉ ሕማቕ ወልፊ

ክንደይ ከይጠፍኣኩም ናይ ገዳፊ


ህግደፍ ከዳዕ ኣንታ ዓቢ መፍለስ

ብመንገዲ ሓጥያት ትመላለስ

ከም ሙባረክ ኣብ ዓራት ትኽሰስ


ጭራ’ለና ጭራ ሰስ መበሊ

ጅግና’ለና መንእሰይ ዘላሊ

ዘክርዎ ታሪኽ ናይ ተማሊ


ኣንብብዎ መዝገብ ናይ ስውኣት

ብርዒ ጅግና ዘይድምሰስ ፊደላት

ልሳን ተጋደልቲ ረዚን ቃላት


ብዓልቲ ጸጸራት ፎርቶ ንበል
ደቂ ሰውራ ዘይንብል ሰንከልከል

ፍረ መሮር በሊዕና ንጋደል


እልል በሊ ጓል ’ምበሳ ዋዕሮ

ንመዓስ ክኸውን ’ቲ ጎሮሮ

ምዓልቶም ኣኺሉ ብዓል ዜሮ


ማህጸን ሰውራ ሕውስዋስ ምህርቲ

ሓደ መልኣኽ ሓደ ድማ ዛርቲ

ህግደፍ’ውን ፈሪኺ ንትእምርቲ


ግዲ የለን ሃገርና ኤርትራ

ከስዐ ’ደ እንድኣሉ ጒራምራ

ተረዲኣቶ ’ላ ፎርቶ ’ስመራ


ይትረፍ ህግደፍ ናይ ውሻጠ ጋውና

የማን ጸጋም ክንደይ ዘይርኣና

ደቂ ኤረ ዓወት መገሻና።


ረድኢ ክፍለ (ባሻይ)

Review overview
  • Zerai April 1, 2013

    very very great poem Bashy Kfle.
    Victory Victory to all Eritrea, death to HGDF.

  • OROMAI ERITRA April 1, 2013

    Beautiful ,realistic poem…..meant to express the obvious in a fantastic& misterious manner. Two thumbs up.


  • Amanuel Hidrat April 1, 2013


    Those days are the best……it seems the bye gone is bye gone. Good time passes without understanding that it was good time…Every now and then we are saying “ami yehaish” what a sad “unending episode” the Eritrean people are experiencing. Good to remember those shining student lives.

  • Alazar bahta April 1, 2013

    Bizuhat jeganu reena emo ay kem Wedi Alin. Nay Jeganuna Jigna !!!!

    • Ghenet April 2, 2013

      Are You sure Alazar? Do you think after all what happened in our history whatever you read on websites is the true story? or the whole story? I think what we should learn from Wedi Alis move is that the regime is weak and vulnerable and might crumble at any time. But other than that there are more questions than answers about the move and its results? Why would such experience warriors and people who called themselves vanguars of the eritrean people not involve the eritrean young people in the move? Patronizing the people? this again takes us to questions like if patronizing them, then do you really think its success would have been to the people’s benefit or would we have ended up in the same situation but different people in the power chairs? I don’t know. But I am just saying we should be cautious about it. we have to realize that the wolves are still out there looking for the right opportunity to grab power. It is only wise not to be obsesses with something you really have very little knowledge of. Something we learned from 1991 and 2001- not to get carried away by the artificial waves. Just saying!

    • belay nega April 2, 2013

      alazar bahta

      “Bizuhat jeganu reena emo ay kem Wedi Alin. Nay Jeganuna Jigna !!!!”


      • belay nega April 2, 2013

        please read the 2012 as 2013

  • kemal April 1, 2013

    great work as usual jegna.

  • Harnetna 2013 April 2, 2013

    This is awsam great poem,
    HGDF will be wiped from the face of the Earth forever forever,
    the only way is to fight hgdef in the ground and Fight YPFDJ at any place in the world.
    They are so monster and selfish bastards.

  • MOGSO April 2, 2013

    owsome poem

  • Mesfin Bahlibi April 2, 2013

    ዓሽ ዓሽ ባሻይ ብስም ኩሎም ተማሃሮ ፖሊተክኒክ ነበር ወፊርካ እቶ ፣
    ልሳንካ የጽንዓዮ ፣ ተመሲሕካ ተደረር ።

  • Petros Teklu May 15, 2014

    ባሻይ! መወዳድርቲ ዘይብልካ ደራሲ፣ ገጣሚ፣ ቅኒት ጸሓፊ፣ ራኢ ዘሎካ ሰብ ምኻንካ ብተሞክሮይ ክምስክር ይፈቱ። ኣምላኽ ዝሃበካ ጸጋ መልእኽቱ የመሓላልፍ ከም ዘሎ ንጹር ኢዩ። ታሪኽ ዝስንዶ ስኑድ ወርቃዊ መልእኽትኻ ንዉሉድ ወለዶ ክመሓላለፍ ኢዩ። ንእተበርክቶ ዘሎኻ ናይ ስነጽሑፍ ኣስተዋጽኦኻ ብኽብሪ የመስግን። ኦ ካተድራል በዓል ኣርባዕተ ዓይኒ! ዝረኣኻዮ ኩሉስከንገረኒ፡ እስከ ንገረኒ እንታይ ሪኢኻ፧ ኣስካሕኪሕካዶ ነቢዕኻ/በኺኻ፧ ዝረኣኻዮ ኩሉ አብ ቀረባ ማዕዶ፡ ዝተገብረ ግፍዒ ኣብ ኣደራሽ ኣግዶ፡…..ከዘክረካ ምስ ዘይርሳዕ ቃላት ናይ ደም ፊደላት ተላብዮም ከይዶም ብጾት ስዉኣት……ሆሚብ1975 ቅድሚ 39 ዓመት።

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