ጽምብል ናጽነት ኤርትራ፡ መርዚ ቀሪብካ መዓር ብላዕ ማለት’ዩ
ከም ግቡእ፡ እቲ ልዑል መስዋእቲ ከፊሉን ሓሳረ መከራ ተጻዊሩን ንባዕዳዊ መግዛእቲ ስዒሩ ልኡላውነት ኤርትራ ዘረጋገጸ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ጽምብል ናጽነት ሃገሩ’ውን ብሓደ ልቢ፡ ብፍቅሪ፡ ኣብ ሓደ ኣዳራሽ ከብዕሎ ነይሩዎ። እንተኾነ ዘራጊ እንከሎ ጽሩይ ማይ ነይስተ ከም

ከም ግቡእ፡ እቲ ልዑል መስዋእቲ ከፊሉን ሓሳረ መከራ ተጻዊሩን ንባዕዳዊ መግዛእቲ ስዒሩ ልኡላውነት ኤርትራ ዘረጋገጸ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ጽምብል ናጽነት ሃገሩ’ውን ብሓደ ልቢ፡ ብፍቅሪ፡ ኣብ ሓደ ኣዳራሽ ከብዕሎ ነይሩዎ። እንተኾነ ዘራጊ እንከሎ ጽሩይ ማይ ነይስተ ከም ዝብሃል፡ ብሰንኪ ጨፍላቂ ፖሊሲታት ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ እዚ ዕድል’ዚ ክገብር ኣይተዓደለን፡፡ ኤርትራዊ፡ ኣብ ክንዲ ነቲ ነቀዝ ህዝብና ኮይኑ ዘሎ ስርዓት ሓቢሩ ዝምክትን ሕሰሙ መኸተምታ ዝገብረሉን፡ ብንሕናን ንስኹምን፡ ደጋፍን ተቃዋምን መንግስቲ ኮይኑ። እታ ክቡር ናጽነት ዝተኸፍላ ኤርትራ፡ ኣብ ኢድ ስሱዓትን ጠላማትን ስለዝወደቀት፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ክንዲ ጻማን ፍረን ስዉኣት ደቂ ዘስተማቅር፡ ንቡር ህይወቱ ብሰላም ዝመርሕ፡ ብኩናት ዝዓነወ ማሕበራዊ ትካላቱ ዝሃንጽ፡ ንዓመታት ዝተሰደ ዜጋ ኣብ ክንዲ ናብ ሃገሩ ዝምለስ፡ ግዳይ ማእሰርቲ፡ ቅንጸላ፡ ዳግማይ ናብ ስደት ክበታተን ተፈሪዱ። ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ኤርትራ፡ ውሑዳት ዝዕንደሩላ ብዙሓት ርእሶም ዘድኑኑላ፡ ውሑዳት ሚልዮናት ሃብቲ ዝድልቡላ ኣሽሓት ጸሞም ዝሓድሩላ፡ ፍትሒ ዝጉዕጸጸላ ተበዲልካ ሰማዒ ዘይትረኽበላ፡ ደቂ መሬት ዘኽቲሞም ጓኖት ዝኸብሩላ፡ ንፍትሒ ኣፎም ዝኸፈቱ ከድዓት ተባሂሎም ዝህደኑላ በደለኛታት ዝሽየሙላ፡ ኣሽሓት ዜጋታት ሃገሮም ገዲፎም ኣብ ስደት ከርፋሕ ናብራ ከሕልፉ ዝቅሰቡላን ተስፋ ዘይብላን ናይ መሬት ገሃነብ እሳት ኮይና’ላ።
ብርግጽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ናተይ ዝብሎ፡ ሕሰሙን ጠለቡን ብዝግባእ ዝርዳእን ኢሂን ምሂን ዝብል ስርዓት እንተዝህልዎ “ጠምየ ጸሚአ ኣዕንግለኒ፡ ዓሪቀ ክደነኒ፡ ሓሚመ ፈውሰኒ፡ ደኺመ ኣዕርፈኒ” ኢሉ ኣይመማረረን። ኣብ ዝሓለፈ 26 ዓመታት፡ ዋላኳ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ጠንቂ ፍሽለታቱ ንምጉልባብ ናይ ቀሚሽ ኣደይ ዓንቂፉኑ ምስምሳት ይፍጠርን ኣሃዛት ብምድርዳር ኣብ ኤርትራ ልምዓታዊ መደባት ከምዝተሰላሰለ፡ ማሕበራዊ ኣገልግሎት ከምዝተዘርግሐን ፍትሒ ከምዘሎን የዋሃት ከደናግር ይለፍልፍ፡ ኤርትራ፡ ብስደት፡ ብጉቦ፡ ሰባት ብምጭዋይ፡ ብሞት፡ ብማእሰርቲ፡ ብምግሃስ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት፡ ብተናኻሲት ምስ ጎረባብቲ ሃገራት፡ ብሎጓሚት ኣፍ ሰብ፡ ብውልቀ መላኽነት’ያ ትፍለጥ። ኣብ ትሕቲ ውልቀ-መላኺ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ኣብ መዋእሉ ዋላ’ውን ኣብ ትሕቲ ባዕዳውያንን ጓኖትን እንከሎ ኣጋጢምዎ ዘይፈልጥ፡ መሰላቱን ክብሩን ተገፊፉ ኣሰቃቂ ህይወትን ኣደራዕን ዝመልኦ ናብራ የሕልፍ ኣሎ። ህዝቢ ብዘይ ስክፍታ ብዝኣምኖ ሃይማኖት ጸለቱ ከይፍጽም፡ ባህላዊ ልምድታቱ ከየዘውትር ብሰለይቲ “እዚ ግበር እዚ ኣይትግበር” ተባሂሉ መምርሒ እናተዋህቦ ፡ መራሕቲ ሃይማኖት እናተኣስሩን እናተሃድኑን፡ ንዋያት ኣብያተ ጸሎትን ቅዱሳን ቦታታትን መንግስቲ እናሃገሮን እናኣማሓደሮን፡ ህዝቢ ሓሳቡ ብነጻ ከይገልጽን ወከልቱ ከይመርጽን ተሓሪሙን እንከሎ ስማዊ ናጽነት ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ እንታይ ትርጉም ኣለዎ? ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ በቶም ናተይ ዝብሎም ደቁ ልዕሊ’ቶም ባዕዳውያን ገዛእቲ ዝፈጸምዎ በደላት፡ እናተጨፍጨፈን እናተረግጸን እንከሎ፡ ስለ ናጽነት ምውርዛይ፡ ኣብ መቃብር ስውኣት ምስዕሳዕን ብስውኣት ምልጋጽን’ዩ ዝቁጸር።
መራኸቢ ብዙሓንን ስርዓት ህግደፍን ጠላማት ወከልቱን፡ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ 26 ዓመታት ናጽነት፡ ተኣምር ከምዝተሰርሐን ገስጋስ ከምዝተራእየን’ዮም ንህዝቢ ኤርትራን ማሕበረ ሰብ ዓለምን፡ ኣብ ጎደናታት ኣስመራ ሚልዮናት ዶላር ዝተዋቦ ዘብለጭልጭ ስልማትን ርሽታትን ብምድላው፡ ብጭርሖታን ጓይላታትን መን ኣሎ ከማና ኢሎም ዝገልጽሉ ዘለዉ። ይኹን እምበር፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ እቶም ኣብ ዝሓለፈ 26 ዓመታት ብዘይ ፍርዲ ዝቀንጸሎምን ዝኣሰሮምን፡ ዝራሰዮ ንብረት፡ ብሰንኪ ገደብ ዘይብሉ ግዱድ ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎትን ስእነትን ናብ ስደት ሃጽ ዝበሉን ኣብ ማእከላይ ባሕርን ምድረበዳ ሳህራን ዝሃለቁ ኤርትራውያን፡ ኣብ መዓስከራት ስደተናታት፡ ብፍላይ ድማ ኣብ ሃገራት ሱዳን፡ እስራኤል፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ሊብያን ኢጣልያን ዋና ስኢኖም ዝከላበቱን ኣብ ጭንቀትን ዘለዉ ኣማኢት ኣሽሓት ኤርትራውያን ግን ብጩቕ ኢሉ ኣይዛረብ’ዩ። ሕሉፍ ሓሊፉ፡ ህግደፍ ዋላ እቶም በብእዋኑ ኣብ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ ዝጥሕሉ ዘለዉ ኣማኢት ኤርትራውያን ክደናገጽ ይረፍ፡ ካልኦት ሃገራት ባንዴራታተን ኣብ ፍርቂ ዓንዲ ብምውራድ መዓልቲ ሓዘን እናገለጻን ሰብኣዊ ሓገዛት እናለገሳን እንከለዋ፡ ፍጥረት ሰብ ዘይብሉ ህግደፍ ግን ሬሳታት ናብ ኤርትራ ንኸይኣቱን ስድራቤታት ግዳያት ንቡር ሓዘን ከይፍጽሙን’ዩ ዕንቅፋታት ዝፈጥር። እቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ 26 ዓመታት ተሃኒጹ ዝብሃል ዘሎ ትሕተ ቅርጺ ይኹን ካልእ መደባት ልምዓት፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ሓታቲ ዘይብሉን ክሳራን መኽሰብን ናይተን ባዕሉ ዝቆጻጸረን ቁጠባዊ ትካላት ህግደፍ፡ ብናጻ ጉልበት ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎትን ካብ ኤርትራ ዝጉሕጓሕ ዘሎ ማዕድናት ዝተረኽበ ቢልዮናት ኣታዊ ገይሩ፡ ጥማዓዊ መደባት ልምዓት እንተፈጸመ ዘነይት ኣይኮነን። ወዮ ድኣ ስርዓት ህግደፍ እዚ ገይረ ጥራይ ምባል ዝሰልጦ ኮይኑ እምበር፡ ማዕረ ማዕሪኡ ፍሽለታቱን ብልሹው ምምሕዳሩን ብቅንዕና ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጸብጻብ እንተዘቅርብ፡ እቶም ኣብ ክሊ ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስ ዘለዉ ገበርትን ሓደግትን ካብ ማእሰርቲ ገበንን ብልሽውናን ኮቶ ኣይመምለጡን ነይሮም።
ኣብ ኤርትራ፡ ኣእምሮ፡ መልሓስ፡ ኣእዳውን ኣዒንትን ኤርትራውያን ብስርዓት ህግደፍ ስለዝውነን፡ እቲ ንሱ ዝህቦ ዝምቡዕ ሓበሬታ፡ ብኻልእ ነጻ ኣካል ከተረጋግጾን ሓቂ ክትፈልጥን ኣይከኣልን’ዩ። እቲ እንኮ ኣማራጺ፡ ነቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ዓለምን ንምሽሓጥን ንምድንጋርን ዕድመ ስልጣኑ ንምንዋሕን ዘቅርቦ ዝተጋነነን ግጉይን ጸብጻባት ምቅባል ወይ ድማ ነቲ ካብ ዝተፈላለየ ምንጭታት ዝርከብ ዘይምሉእ ከፊላዊ ሓበሬታን ህግደፍ ባዕሉ እንተ ብገርሁ እንተስ ንፖለቲካዊ ሃልኪ በጨቅ ዘብሎ መግለጺታት ምቅራብ’ዩ። ንኣብነት ኣብ ዝሓለፈ 26 ዓመታት ኣብ መዳይ ትምህርቲ፡ ብዝሒ ተማሃሮ ብዓሰርተታት ኣሽሓት ከምዝወሰኸን ኮሎጃት ከምዝተሃንጸን ዝከሓድ ኣይኮነን። ምኽንያቱ ብዝሒ ህዝቢ እናወሰኸ ምስዝኸይድ ኣብ መኣዲ ትምህርቲ ዝሳተፉ ዜጋታት ከምዝተዓጻጸፍ ርዱእ’ዩ። ዝተደርደሩ ኣሃዛት ምቅራብ ግን፡ ብቁዓት መምዘኒ ምዕባለን ለውጥን ክኾኑ ኣይክእሉን’ዮም። እቶም ብዝተፈላለየ ሞያ ተመሪቆም ዝበሃሉ ዘለዉ ዜጋታት፡ ስራሕ ረኺቦም ናብሮኦም ከማሓይሹን ስድራቤቶም ክሕግዙን ክኢሎም’ዶ፡ ካልኣይ ደረጃ ምስወድኡ ናብ ላዕለዋይ ደረጃ ዝተሰጋገሩ ክንደይ’ዮም? ብዙሓት ክኢላታት ኤርትራ ስለምንታይ ሃገሮም ገዲፎም ናብ ስደት የምርሑ ኣለዉ? መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ብቁዓት ክኢላታት ኣፍርየ ኢሉ ዝምካሕ እንተኾይኑ፡ ስለምንታይ ካብ ግዳም ዶላር ከፊሉ መምሃራንን ካልኦት ሞያውያንን ይቆጽር ኣሎ ኢልና ምስእንሓትት፡ እንረኽቦ መልስታትን ሓቅታትን ምስቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣመዝጊበዮ ዝብሎ ዓወታትን ግስጋሰን ዝቃረን’ዩ። ኣብ ኤርትራ ብሕጊ ዝምእዘዝ ዲሞክራስያዊ ስርዓት እንተዝህሉን ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ኩርናዓት ዓለም ዘለዉ ምሁራትን ክኢላታትን ኤርትራውያን ሃገሮም ከማዕብሉን ክሃንጹን ቅኑዕ ማዕጾ እንተዝኽፈተሎምን ዕድላት እንተዝወሃቦምን፡ ኣብ ኤርትራ ሕጽረት መሃንድሳት፡ ሰብ ሞያ ጥዕና፡ መምሃራን፡ ክኢላታት ሕጊ፡ ተመራመርቲ ስነኪነትን ቁጠባን ኣይምሃለወን። እቲ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘሎ ዓቅሚ ሰብ ብዝግባእ ኣብ ዘድምዓሉ ዓውድታት ስራሕ እንትዝምደብን ምሉእ ናጽነት እንተዝወሃቦን’ውን ኤርትራ ግዳማዊ ሓገዝ ኣይመማዕደወትን። ኣብ መዋእል ህግደፍ፡ ክእለትካን ሞያዊ ብቅዓትካን ኣይኮነን ሓላፍነት ዘውህበካ። ንስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ እሙን፡ ጉምብሕ ጥልዕ ትብልን ዝወሃበካ መምርሒታት እሺ ኢልካ ትትግብርን ክትክውን ኣለካ።
ኤርትራውያን፡ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ኣብ ምህናጽ ብኩናት ዝዓነወት ሀገሮም ንምስታፍ፡ ብትግሃት ተዋሲኦም ጥራይ ዘይኮነ፡ ናጻ ጉልበቶምን ንብረቶምን ወፍዮም ወጻእተኛታት ኣብ ኤርትራ ርእሰማሎም ከዋፍሩን ሓገዞም ክልግሱን ኣምባሳደራት ኮይኖም ሰሪሖም። ሎሚ’ውን እቲ ኒሕን ሃገራዊ ፍቅርን ኣብ ቦታኡ’ኳ እንተሎ፡ ህግደፍ ካብ ሕሙም ፍልስፍናኡ ክሳብ ዘይተናገፈ፡ ክእለትን ጸጋታትን ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ረብሓ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣይክውዕልን’ዩ። ኤርትራዊ ብክፍወስ ዝኽእል ሕማም ህይወቱ ኣይምሓለፈትን ናብ ጎረባብቲ ሃገራት ክፍወስ ገንዘቡን ግዚኡን ኣይምኸሰረን ነይሩ። ኣሰራርሓ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ግን፡ ቁስሊ እንከለካ መድሃኒትካ ምሕባእ ስለዝኾነ፡ ንህዝቢ ዘሳትፍ ፖሊስታት ስለዘይብሉን ኣነ ጥራሕ’የ ንኤርትራ ዝሰርሓላ ዝብል ኣተሓሳስባ ስለዘለዎም፡ መሰረታዊ ለውጢ ክመጽእ ኣይክእልን’ዩ። ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ዝተማህረ ይኹን ዘይተማህረ ኤርትራዊ፡ ከመይ ኣቢለ ካብ ኤርትራ ይውጽእ እምበር፡ ተማሂረን ሰሪሐን ኣብ ኤርትራ ሰላማዊ ህይወተይ ክመርሕ ይኽእል’የ ዝብል ባህጊ የለን። ብሰሪ ሰንካም ሜላታት ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ኤርትራዊ ንሃገሩ ከም ንብረቱን ናቱን ኣብ ዘይቆጽረላ ደረጃ በጹሑ’ሎ። ከምቲ ኣብ እዋን ገዛእቲ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንመሰሉ ክቃለስ እንከሎ፡ “ተገንጸልቲ፡ ዕሱባት ዓረብ፡ ሸፋቱ” ዝብሉ ኣስማት ዘጠመቅዎ፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣብ ክንዲ መኣዲ ዘተን ዕርቅን ዝዕድም፡ ጥርዓናት ህዝቢ ዝሰምዕን ምብትታንን ስደትን ኤርትራውያን ክገትእ ዝፍትንን፡ “ኣብ ኤርትራ ፍትሒ ይንገስ፡ ሕድሪ ስውኣትናን መሰል ሰብን ይከበር” ንዝበሉ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ፡ ብህግደፍ “ከደምቲ ስርዓት ወያነ፡ መሳርሒ ስለያ ኣመሪካ፡ ከድዓት” ዝብል ስም ተዋሂብዎም። ዘዝተወልደ መንእሰይ ናብ ውትህድርና ተበገስ ዝበሃል እንተኾይኑ፡ ይብዛሕ ይሓድ ቁጠባዊ ንጥፈታት ብህግደፍ ኣብ ዝተገበተሉ፡ መዓልታዊ ህይወትካ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዘዋፈሮም ሰለይትን ብረት ዝዓጠቁን ዝጽሎ እንተኾይኑ፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዓመት -ዓመት ብኣጋጣሚ መዓልቲ ናኣጽነት ዘስምዖ መደረን ዘቅርቦ ዘቁጸልጽል ጸብጻባትን፡ መርዚ ቀሪብካ መዓር ብላዕ ማለት’ዩ። ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ድማ ሳእኒ የብለይን ኢለ እንተበኸኹ እግሪ ዘይብሉ ርኣኹ’ዩ።
ጽላል፡ ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ፡ 21 ግንቦት 2017
Gezae May 22, 2017
ezae May 22, 2017
It is my prayer and my vision
the sun of righteousness shall high arise
every face will gleam and shine bright
every man, woman and child will have peace and right
The fortune of prosperity and tranquility to come again
the barns would be full grain
water and bread will not fail.
No father, mother and her baby go in bed hungry the great country will become full of food, milk and honey
yes, in the land where I was born and raised would soon be of great joy and lively.
Independence-day is a good time to examine who we are and how we got here. Today we celebrate 26th anniversary of our independence; thanks to those who came before.
Those brave men and women who fought and lost their lives their future generation could stay in peace in each and every war. Freedom always comes at a price. Thus while we celebrate with various flag-hoisting ceremonies, cultural programs, parades we should never forget our great heroes sacrifices who made this blessed country great.
I wish you all a very happy Independence Day!
Thank to the gallant EPLF fighters and the great leadership of IA and the people of Eritrea as a whole
Nahon May 23, 2017
” …. the great leadership of IA … ”
Because of him Eritrea lost an entire generation of its young in wars and exile.
Because of him Eritrea is at the bottom of every development benchmark.
Because of him the elders have no one to look after them.
Because of him now the army buries civilians in villages.
Because of him 26 years after independence almost all cities have no electricity and water.
Because of him people go to Sudan to get proper medical service.
Because of him the economy of the country is based on contraband activity.
Because of him Eritrea is isolated from international community.
Because of him Eritrea is facing internal risks that threaten its very existence.
This list can grow to fill pages .. so, where is the ‘leadership’ quality of the brute ?
Gezae May 24, 2017
A good leader has many particular characteristics. No one can develop a mutual consensus as leadership carries a different meaning for each individual. Some people may consider a person as their leader who is capable of taking them away from hardships, some people may consider one as their leader who is quite charismatic and can show them dreams of a bright future or some people may consider a person as a leader who can make them progress by devising wise strategies for them etc.
Hence, a person can be a great leader in one setting or situation and not successful in another because a leadership is not simply defined by a cookie cutter design of traits. Any how, in order to assess leadership one must consider the situation, the leader’s behaviors and the followers. There is, somehow, something very common in all the perspectives, which is related to choosing the best person as your leader.
Here in choosing I understand many people look at PIA and bad thoughts come to their mind. Yes, in some ways he has a bad influence on some people. But for the most part he is a leader both for good and bad; because as we all know leadership is about influence. It is the ability to obtain followers, provide vision and inspiration, and confidently give direction for success. And thus why of his great leadership we are celebrating the 26th independence day now bro.
Nahon May 25, 2017
“Here in choosing I understand many people look at PIA and bad thoughts come to their mind. Yes, in some ways he has a bad influence on some people.”
No amount of spin doctoring will rehabilitate DIA, his monstrosity is close to that of Nazi leaders.
More than 20 thousand of our young people are killed in a war he started without consulting any one. He did it purposely, to remain in power till he meets his maker. Is that what makes him a ‘leader’ ?
If I were in your shoes I would feel shame to mention his name in any discussion about leadership, because he is nothing but a rascal, a street smart like many of his close associates.
k.tewolde May 23, 2017
Keep trying G. little do you know those gallant EPLF fighters who gave it all,the dead their soul whimpers at night with agony and the living are all scattered around the globe some working 2,3 jobs for a minimum wage,some disabled with no social support,some hustling the passersby in a street corner for a cigarette and a few change….watching helplessly their kids drown in high seas and disappear in the desert dunes from a distance.Ya,’……..thanks to….the great leadership of IA….’,The above post is purposely jotted down to dilute Tsilal’s magnificent message,so he thinks.
Gezae May 28, 2017
I know better than you do. I know you do not have any respect for them. I read you day to day blaming, treat them badly, labeled them as conspirators, and give craps. Here I’m not just placing the blame only on you, but also to your nonsense so called justice seekers [DELAYTI FITHI] too. All the crap you give for General Mesfun Hagos, Mehammed Birhan Bilata, Amb. Andebrhan Woldegiorgis and others, when they didn’t even do anything wrong is that your respect.
Those people fought most of their life time to bring you freedom to call out them as conspirators or traitors not only wrong, but ill-considered and reckless. I differentiate some people from your groups frankly are idiots. Distrust of government and discontent with notwithstanding, with these attitudes are near. Distrust of government is not fostering a disregard for eroding patriotism or discouraging their service for their people.
I understand the no war no peace situation bearing so large a burden in Eritreans’, the delaying of constitution and justice appear to strike at the heart of trust in government. I know the basic views of Eritreans disciplined to constitution generally, and to the imprisonment of G 15 and journalist specifically are not easily moved. But trust should be only modestly or in a modest manner follow-up.
Gezae May 28, 2017
I know better than you do. I know you do not have any respect for them. I read you day to day blaming, treat them badly, labeled them as conspirators, and give craps. Here I’m not just placing the blame only on you, but also to your nonsense so called justice seeker [DELAYTI FITHI] too. All the crap you give for General Mesfun Hagos, Mehammed Birhan Bilata, Amb. Andebrhan Woldegiorgis and others, when they didn’t even do anything wrong.
Those people fought most of their life time to bring you freedom to call out them as conspirators or traitors not wrong, but ill-considered and reckless. I differentiate some people from your groups frankly are fatheads or ridiculous persons. Distrust of government and discontent with the country notwithstanding, with these attitudes are near. Distrust of government is not fostering a disregard for eroding patriotism or discouraging their service for their people.
I understand the no war no peace situation bearing so large a burden in Eritreans’, the delaying of constitution and justice appear to strike at the heart of trust in government. The basic views of Eritreans disciplined to constitution generally, and to imprisonment of the so called G 15 and journalist specifically are not easily moved. But trust should be only modestly or in a modest manner follow-up.
amanuel May 22, 2017
Very true and very moving.tnx xilal.
Sol May 23, 2017
ቀንዲ ሽግር ናይ ኤርትራ እቶም ዕረ እንዳሰተዩ እዋይ ክጥዕም ዝብሉ ኮራኹር ውልቀ መላኺ እዩም