ጻውዕት ንሓባራዊ ዝኽረ ሰማዕታት 20 ሰኔ 2013 ኣብ ከተማ ኦስሎ፣ ኖርወይ
ግዝያዊት ኣሰናዳኢት ሽማገለ 20 ሰኔ 2013፣ ኩላትና ኣብ ኦስሎን ከባቢ ኦስሎን እንርከብ ኤርትራውያን ንሰማዕታትና ሓሙስ 20 ሰኔ ኣብ ሓደ ቦታ ተረኺብና ብሓባር ሸምዓ ብምውላዕ ክንዝክሮም ጻውዕት ተቅርብ:: ብዚ ኣጋጣሚ ኣሰናዳኢት ሽማገለ ናይዛ ፍልይቲ ዕለት እዚኣ፣

ግዝያዊት ኣሰናዳኢት ሽማገለ 20 ሰኔ 2013፣ ኩላትና ኣብ ኦስሎን ከባቢ ኦስሎን እንርከብ ኤርትራውያን ንሰማዕታትና ሓሙስ 20 ሰኔ ኣብ ሓደ ቦታ ተረኺብና ብሓባር ሸምዓ ብምውላዕ ክንዝክሮም ጻውዕት ተቅርብ:: ብዚ ኣጋጣሚ ኣሰናዳኢት ሽማገለ ናይዛ ፍልይቲ ዕለት እዚኣ፣ ንኹሉ ዜጋ ነዚ ዝስዕብ ምሕጽንታ ተቅርብ::
- ኩሉ ዜጋ ተሳታፊ ናይዛ ዕለት እዚኣ ክ(ት)ኸውን:
- መደባት ዝኽረ ሰማዕታትና ብሓባር ጀሚርና ብሓባር ክንውድእ ብናይ ምጅማር ግዜ ቅዩዳት ክንከውን:
- ኩሉ ዓቅምን ተውህቦን ዘለዎ ዜጋ ንዕለተ ዝኽረ ሰማዕታት ከድምቅን ከማዕርግን ዝኽእል ስርሓት ወይ ፍርያት ሒዙ ክቀርብ:
ኣብዛ ፍልይቲ ዕለት እዚኣ ንሰማዕታትና ብሓባር ንምዝካር ክግበሩን ክቀርቡን ኣለዎም ኢላ ኣሰናዳኢት ሽማገለ ካብ እተዳልዎምን ካብ ተሳተፍቲ እትጽበዮምን ነገራት ገለ፣ ብሓብር ሽምዓ ምውላዕ፣ ጸሎ/ዶዓ ሙታን ምድጋም፣ ሃገራዊ መዝሙርን ናይ ሰማዕታት መዝሙራትን፣ ግጥምታት፣ ጽሑፋውን ዘይጽሑፋውን መደረታትን እዩ:
ስነ ስርዓት ዝኽረ ሰማዕታት ዝካየደሉ ዕለትን ሰዓትን ቦታን ከምዚ ዝስዕብ ይኸውን
ዕለት. ሰኔ 20 2013
ሰዓት፣ ልክዕ ሰዓት 6 ድሕሪ ቀትሪ ወይ ሰዓት 18 ብናይ በርሊን ኣቆጻጽራ ጀሚሩ ሰዓት 9 ናይ ምሸት ይውድእ
ቦታ፣ ኣብ ከባቢ ጉነሩስ ጥቓ ረድ ሲ
EBBELS GATE 1, 3. etg
ንዝኾነ ሕቶን ሓበረታን ብዚ ስዒቡ ዘሎ ቁጽሪ ተለፎናት ተወከሱ
1፣ 96886017
ብደሓን ምጹ!!!
ዘለዕለማዊ ዝኽሪ ንሰማዕታትና!!!
ራሕስን ጠልን ሰማዕትነቶም ድማ ንህዝብና ኣብ ሃገርና!!!
ግዝያዊት ኣሰናዳኢት ሽማገለ 20 ሰኔ 2013
Kombishtato June 12, 2013
Anguish for Eritrean refugee over daughters’ Sinai fate
Deutche Welle, June 11, 2013
Eritrean refugee who calls himself Mulugeta is speaking out for the first time since he arrived in Tel Aviv after surviving a torture camp in Sinai – one of hundreds of refugees who managed to pay his way out.
Mulugeta is a quiet man. His voice is low and his eyes are sad, but he is pleasant as he forces a smile under his thin mustache. He works from dawn until dusk as a janitor. He lives in a men’s shelter in Petach Tikva, just a short distance from Tel Aviv, and he prays for the safety of his daughters.
It had taken nearly two weeks for Mulugeta to come forward but now he is ready. He is one of hundreds of refugees who managed to get out of a Bedouin torture camp in Sinai.
The African Refugee Development Center (ARDC) in Tel Aviv reports that tens of thousands of refugees have come to Israel from Eritrea and Sudan. Those coming from torture camps in Sinai are more difficult to calculate. Arriving outside the compound where Mulugeta lives, Wuldu, a translator, leads us to a nearby bench where we can sit and talk.
Mulugeta is from Eritrea. In 1987, at the age of 15, he entered the army and would go on to fight for freedom and for his country. Eritrea gained dependence from Ethiopia in 1991. He is 40-years old now, and last year, in July, when his daughters turned 15 and 17, he decided he wanted to take them out of the country. He hoped for a better life and education for his girls; he had hoped to take them to Europe.
For full article:
Kabbire June 12, 2013
Thank you for the link,
What a horror. The pain many Eritreans are going through in the land of the bastard Arab Egyptians has never been recorded in the modern Eritrean history.
You read this and you wonder, what the hell were the bastard Arab politicians saying on live TV last week in Cairo, when they said “we have to employ the Eritreans …” against Ethiopia? The bastard Arabs said this while the most heinous crime is taking place in an Arab Egyptian sovereign land against young Eritreans.
Mengistu once said “nqewnal” ንቀውናል ንዕቕ ኣቢሎምና . We, the “proud” Eritreans laughed at him. Whose turn is it to laugh or cry now for the Arabs are ንቀውናል ንዕቕ ኣቢሎምና.
Never in the history of my fore fathers have the bastard Arabs treated my great grand parents the way the Arabs are treating Eritreans now.
How did Eritreans get into this mess of Arab slavery? How did we end as slaves and Arab slaves everywhere.
I wrote this after reading this Deutche Welle report, read and judge:
Look the crimes committed by the Sudanese police on Eritreans who kidnapped an entire family and handed them to the Egyptian Arab Bedouins:
Harrowing stories
Captives were often left lying in the dirt for days or weeks, he said. The traffickers used stones, chains, or branches from a tree to beat victims on their legs, back and even his head, Mulugeta explained. The pain was excruciating, but after a while, he admitted, he didn’t even feel it, his body was numb and it all became a blur. He often went in and out of consciousness. Then I asked him, as tenderly as possible: “Were you ever raped?” Wuldu struggled translating the question. Mulugeta stared at the city lights for what seemed to be hours, though it was only a couple of minutes. Finally Wuldu turns to me exasperated. “How can he talk about these things? What can he say? His concern is not for him. He worries for his daughters.” Mulugeta pulls out a tissue and begins to dab his eyes.
His upper body bent over, he stumbles when he tries to speak. Wuldu continued waving his hands in the air. “What could he do? He doesn’t remember much about the beatings.” Mulugeta said if wanted to see his daughters, the traffickers would bring the girls to him and rape them in front of him. There was nothing he could do. They cried for him, but he was forced to watch as they screamed and were violated, stripped and beaten.
The traffickers demanded $30,000 for each of them. The translator explained that many people in Mulugeta’s community in Eritrea raised the funds and gave them to his wife. When she sent money, the traffickers told him: “If we let one of the girls go, we don’t know if she will make it out, she might get taken by someone else, so you go – and send us the money. Your daughters will be safe here.”
Mulugeta arrived in Tel Aviv in November last year – forced to abandon his daughters. He was released after three months along with four others and brought to Israel where they were left out on the street. He says he is comfortable at the shelter. There are many men there who have gone through similar experiences. Wuldu expresses his admiration for Mulugeta. He often seeks his advice, his comfort and they pray. Mulugeta is grateful to the Israelis for giving him somewhere to say. “I want to give thanks,” he said.
Hzbi June 13, 2013
The only solution is to fight against Eyptain, in the land of the Earth, we Eritraens have no enemies but only Eyptain.
whenever i meet Eyptain, i feel sad and feel uncontrolable anger. Eyptain the only Enemies of Eritrean people.
just be aware, meet some Eyptain and look they looks about you or movement. They are awful bastards. They need to learn, we need to teach them. This is the only solution we can do to return out digity.
weygud June 15, 2013
Hzbi, I think you missed the root cause of these human trajedies. The Amharic provetb is suit to jump in here ” Lahyawn ferto Ledawlaw” Rough meaning…instead of squarely looking for to the root cause of the problems, emphasis is given to the effect.
The brutal regime is blessing the evil acts of the traffickers, on one hand and encouraging Eyptian politicians to wage war on Ethiopia. The belligerant regime is ill advising the Sudan to open an other front. On his side, the already sent some rebels and its security agent agents to Ethiopia, but they were crushed as you haved heard in tge news. Believe it or not, if something happens, it will be a devastating result to the bandits in Asmara. Why are they unknowingly digging their grave yards?