ግጥሚ ሞሳ ንተሓላቂት ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ሓብትና፡ ጓልናን ኣደ ውጽዓትን ወ/ሮ ኤልሳቤጥ ጭሩም
እስከ ክገጥመላ፡ ንኤልሳቤጥ ጭሩም ታ’ነሕዋታ ተውጽኦም፡ ስሒባ ካብ ህጉም ንአሓታ ተናግፈን፡ ካብቲ ጨካን ሕሱም መልእኽታ ጸላዊ’ዩ፡ ልሳና’ውን እሩም ኤልሳ! ዋዕሮ ዶ ክብለኪ፡ ዛግራ ጎይያ ዘይትደክም፡ ሕልኽላኽ ዘየብኩራ ክሳዳ ትመዝዝ፡ ትጥምት ኣዚራ ዘይትቐስን ከይገበረት፡ ኣመት ቁም-ነገራ ምጽሓፍ ዘይስልክያ፡ ዘይነጽፍ ብርዓ ትምሕጸን ተስምዕ፡ ክንደይ’ኳ ‘ድሚዓ ቁልዒ

እስከ ክገጥመላ፡ ንኤልሳቤጥ ጭሩም
ታ’ነሕዋታ ተውጽኦም፡ ስሒባ ካብ ህጉም
ንአሓታ ተናግፈን፡ ካብቲ ጨካን ሕሱም
መልእኽታ ጸላዊ’ዩ፡ ልሳና’ውን እሩም
ኤልሳ! ዋዕሮ ዶ ክብለኪ፡ ዛግራ
ጎይያ ዘይትደክም፡ ሕልኽላኽ ዘየብኩራ
ክሳዳ ትመዝዝ፡ ትጥምት ኣዚራ
ዘይትቐስን ከይገበረት፡ ኣመት ቁም-ነገራ
ምጽሓፍ ዘይስልክያ፡ ዘይነጽፍ ብርዓ
ትምሕጸን ተስምዕ፡ ክንደይ’ኳ ‘ድሚዓ
ቁልዒ መሰል ግዳያት መላኺ፡ ወሊዓ
ንመጋረጃ ፍርሒ፡ ቐንጢጣ በታቲዓ
ኣብነታዊት ዜጋ፡ ንኣሕዋት ንኣሓት
ጓል መትከል’ያ ንሳ፡ ‘ታ ወናኒት ጽንዓት
ዝተሃንደደ ተተሃንደ፡ ተምሰሎ ምጽኣት
ምዕይ ኣየብላን፡ በዚስ የሎን ምዕጋት
ዘፍረየቶ እልቢ’ዩ፡ ዘርዚርካ ኣይዉዳእን
ሞሳኣ ብዙሕ’ዩ ኩሉ ‘ይጽብጸብን
ገንዘባ፡ ጊዚኣ፡ ሞያኣ ኣይተረፈን
ንያታ ፈልፋሊ’ዩ፡ ሕልናኣ ኣይዓረበን
ኣየናይ ኣልዒለ’ሞ፡ ክገድፍ ነየናይ
ስቕያት ዜጋታትና፡ ኣብ በረኻ ሲናይ
የእዊያትሎም ‘ያ ‘ምበር፡ ዘይከም ከማይ
ኮይኖም ከይተርፉ፡ ሓዲግ ምድረ-ሰማይ
ግዳያት ኣብ ምስሪ፡ ከምኡ’ውን ኣብ ሱዳን
ማእሰርትን ማህረምትን፡ ዘበሎም ዛንዛን
ኣቓሊሓቶ’ያ፡ ናቶም ጓሂን ቓንዛን
ዘሕለፍዎ መስገደል፡ ኪኖ ስድራን ገዛን
ይመስክሩ ስደተኛታትና ኣብ ሊብያ ኣብ ማልታ
ጠሪዓ ተማጉታ፡ ኮይናትሎም ዋልታ
ኣድሓነቶም’ካ፡ ካብ ሓዊ ሃልሃልታ
ክጥረዙ ዝተበየነሎም፡ ኣየወ! ብሃታ ሃታ
ሰሪሓ፡ ምስ ትካላት መሰላት ደቒ-ሰብ
ንእከይ ተግባር መላኺ፡ ንኽብሉላ ዓገብ
ብዝሓለፈ ተጣዒሱ፡ ንኽገብር ኣደብ
ነዚ ምስ ዝሕሰም፡ ክሕተት ብመደብ
ንምኽባር መሰላት ዜጋታት፡ እትሕለቕ
ተቓልዕ ሰብ ስስዐ፡ ሰብ መለቕለቕ
ዝጽዕቱ ዘይድቕሱ፡ ንሓቒ ንምሕቓቕ
ኤልሳ ኣይእግማን፡ ሓቒ ንምብርቛቕ
መስኪሮምላ፡ እሱራት ዜጋታት ‘ብ ሱዕዲያ
ኣሚኖምላ ሓተትቲ ዑቕባ፡ ኣብ ኢጣልያ
ካብ ደቡብ ኣፍሪቓ ዚምባብወ፡ ክሳብ ኢትዮጵያ
ካብ ሱዳን ምስሪ ማልታ፡ ክሳብ ሊብያ
ካብ ደንማርክ ሽወደን፡ ክሳብ ቱኒዝያ
ካብ ሆላንድ ፈረንሳይ፡ ክሳብ ኦውስትረልያ
ካብ ሮማንያ እስራኤል፡ ክሳብ ዓባይ ብሪጣንያ
ካብ ካናዳ ኣሜሪካ፡ ክሳብ ኮሎምቢያ
ኣብ ባሕሪ ዝጠሓሉ፡ ዝተረፉ ምድረ-በዳ
ግፍዕታት መላኺ፡ ጽሒፋ ሰኒዳ
ንግዳያቱ ዓንጊላ፡ ንዘጉሃዮም ኣቢዳ
ዘይዉዳእ ይሃባ፡ ይባርኸላ ኢዳ
መኻልፍ ይእለየላ፡ ካብ ሰናይ መገዳ
ንህዝባ ኣብሊጻ፡ ሓዳራ ኣመንጉያ
ቖልዓኣ ገዲፋ፡ ራሕሪሓ ናታ ሞያ
ኩለንትናኣ ሂባ፡ ዓቲባ ተወፍያ
ክንዲ ዕሽራ እባ ግበራ፡ በዓል ሶፍያ
ኣሰራ ዝስዕባ’ውን፡ ኣለዋና ብጾት
ዝኾኖኦ ንመላኺ፡ ዕለታዊ ምጾት
ሰርኪ ነኽብረን፡ ንኣሓትና ረጋቢት
ሓደራ ኣይነዕብራ፡ ንሸሞንተ መጋቢት
28 መጋቢት 2012
ቢንያም የማነ
ዙሪክ – ስዊዘርላንድ
Baraee March 29, 2012
I thank you so much for taking time out and it is not gitmi…It is AWLO in our culture…a moment of recognition to those who we hold in owe and admire for they do so much to their sistern, brethern and community…..Elsa gual Chirum is a pride for all us but she has stayed true to that Grit filled courage yet compassionate, bravery decored by serene humility….Elsa will have huge chapter in generations to come of Eritrea. Keep it up Elsa haftey and stay safe!! We will need for some time to come.
Binyam March 29, 2012
Dear Baraee,
Thank you very much for your prompt feedback and for indicating the correct usage of the word ‘Awlo’, instead of ‘Gitmi’. In the future, I will use your suggested word for a text of a similar content. Recognising Elsa’s important contribution is, I think, the least that we can do for her.
Kind regards,
Samar March 29, 2012
Thank you Biniam for honoring sister Elsa Cherum by this poem. A nationalist indeed is a nationalist in need. Elsa has imposed herself upon us to respect and love her by her deeds before her words. Elsa resembles the true spirit of our culture that lost from many who pompously claim to be nationalists.
Really, Elsa has gained the love and respect of all Eritreans. Elsa has already engraved her name in the history of Eritrea with a golden color. Congratulations, Elsa.
Senait March 29, 2012
Can any one tell us how much the us government and the English pay this woman called Elsa church. We all know in the name of human Right she is working for the western country as a SPY shamefull people
X TEGADALAYE March 29, 2012
Baraee March 30, 2012
I have an answer for your. They paid Elsa Chirum by NOT ARRESTING the BUTCHER now dead Naizghi Kiflu. Instead they treated him until he could not survive his ailing kidney.
You must disgrace that raised you because lieing seems to be your ethos.
Baraee March 30, 2012
zeikeni ayweled yiblu indaba…Are you jealous or envious of Heroic Elsa? do you understand the difference….I bet it is the former.
kibrom March 29, 2012
you are very ignorant. for sure you don’t have sis, brothers or close family suffered by the jungle gov of eritrea and by bedouwin (sinay ). she is fighting for them and you called her spy for the western. I am sorry to call you denkoro but I choose that word because it is belongs to you. may be Issayas(wedi mebrat tsemakuti swa temben tigray) is ur uncle you will see him when they put the stick in his ass like his friend gedaffi. sooner or later he will go and die shemfully.
ahmed saleh March 30, 2012
ANTI WERDETEGNA ASHA WAHED Why don’t respect your self like other sisters
in this forum. Always acting stupid and foolish to get disrespected by readers.
Learn to honor yourself from Elsa with noble deeds, XEMAM.
ahmed saleh March 30, 2012
TEZAREBELU” . At this moment we can only praise her, I give you
credit for doing that representing all freedom loving Eritreans, Thanks.
Wedi-Hhilo March 29, 2012
Weldone Bni
yes we are proud of Elsa Chirum.
Kokhob Selam April 11, 2012
she represents the cultured mothers sisters and wives all over Eritrea. and she deserve the appreciation from all. some women who are serving PFDJ should learn from her. kindness is the nature of all mother. it is against nature to see the tragedy the world see in our children and still dance with PFDJ.
you also deserve for writing such a wonderful poem.
ኤልሳ! ዋዕሮ ዶ ክብለኪ፡ ዛግራ
ጎይያ ዘይትደክም፡ ሕልኽላኽ ዘየብኩራ
ክሳዳ ትመዝዝ፡ ትጥምት ኣዚራ
ዘይትቐስን ከይገበረት፡ ኣመት ቁም-ነገራ
What a poem man? what a great ability, please write more in other subject also.
ብርኽቲ ጓል መንደፈራ April 11, 2012
በዓል ቢንያም የማነ, በዓል Kokhob Selam. ነቶም ብደዎም ዝሞቱ ከተልቅሱሎም ምጅማርኩም ዝናኣድ ኢዩ ፡፡
X TEGADALAYE ሓውና X እውን ክውሕደካ ኢዩ፡፡ ተጋዳላይ ድኣ ኣበይ ክትረኽቦ፡፡
ሰናይት ሓውትና ጽቡቕ ኣሎኺ፡፡ በዓል ahmed saleh ኣይታሓዘሎምን’ዩ፡፡ ጽሉታት ስለ ዝኾኑ፡፡ ሓቂ ዝዛረብ እንትረኽቡ ጸላዕላዕ ዝብሎም ዓያሹን ውርደተኛታትን ንሳቶም ኢዮም፡፡
Kokhob Selam January 26, 2014
Kokhob Selam • 11 months ago −
ክትውጋእ ሪኤያ:-
……..ባዕለይ ኣልዒለያ
ሓኪመ ከሕውያ:-
……..እምብዛ ደምያ:-
ዝኸደት ተላብያ:-
……..ሓዚነ ሰንየያ:-
ምስ ቀባሮ ቀቢረያ:-
……..ምቅባጽ ስኢነያ::
ሰውእ ዶ ይመልስ እዩ ህያው ኮይኑ:-
ካልእ ስም ተዋሂቡ ዳግማይ ተኸዲኑ:-
እንደገና ተፈጢሩ በቒሉ ሰሲኑ:-
ገለ ‘ኳ ሚስጥር ኣሎ ኣሕዋተይ እመኑ:-
ምጭውተይ ሕርይቲ :-
……..ናይ ልበይ ንግስቲ:-
ዝኾነት መስዋእቲ:-
……..ንህዝቢ ንርስቲ:
ማማየ ወላዲት :-
…….. ‘ታ በጃ ሓላፊት:-
ተመሊሳ እነህት:-
……..ቀንዴል እያ በረሀት::
ሓንሳብ ሜሮን ኮይና:-
……..በዱው ሲናይ ኮኒና :-
ትበኪ ሓዚና :-
……..ግዳ ኸኣ ጀግና:-
ብሓዊ ተ ፈቲና:-
…….. በደልቲ ኣድኒና:-
ሓንሳብ ውን ኤልሳ:-
…….. ትቕየር መሊሳ:-
ሽም እያ ቀይራ:-
……..እምበር ስጋታት ለቢሳ :-
እመኑኒ ኣሕዋት ንሳ እያ ንሳ:-
……..እታ ተሰወ አት ናይ ‘ቲ ሜዳ ኣንበሳ:
ዝሓዘነ ለዋህ ልበይ ደቢሳ
……..ናይ ቃልሲ ንያተይ ሓዲሳ
ገሪሙኒ መጸት ዳግማይ ተመሊሳ::
ኮኾብ ሰላም