ግርማ ኣስመሮም!
ግርማ ኣስመሮም! ክቡራትን ክቡራንን ኤርትራውያን፡ እትፈልጡዎ ሓቀኛ ሓበሬታ ንደሊ ስለ ዘለና ምትሕብባርኩም ብትሕትና ንሓትት? እትህቡዎ ሓበሬታ፡ ብዛዕባ’ዚ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዘሎ ወኪል፡ እቲ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ድያብሎስ’ዩ ኪኸውን። ምኽንያቱ ንሱ፡ ኣርፓፔ (ሊቀ ጳጳሳት) ወከልቲ ህግደፍ ብሙዃን፡
ግርማ ኣስመሮም!
ክቡራትን ክቡራንን ኤርትራውያን፡ እትፈልጡዎ ሓቀኛ ሓበሬታ ንደሊ ስለ ዘለና ምትሕብባርኩም ብትሕትና ንሓትት? እትህቡዎ ሓበሬታ፡ ብዛዕባ’ዚ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዘሎ ወኪል፡ እቲ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ድያብሎስ’ዩ ኪኸውን። ምኽንያቱ ንሱ፡ ኣርፓፔ (ሊቀ ጳጳሳት) ወከልቲ ህግደፍ ብሙዃን፡ ብቕዓት ጊላነቱ ንምርግጋጽን ኤርትራዊ መንነቱ ንምዕቃብን ዘይሕለል ጻዕሪ የካይድ ስለ ዘሎ፡ እንታይነትን መንነትን ናይዚ ልኡኽ መላኺ ዚኾነ ድንኪ (ኣዝዩ ሓጺር ሰብ) ኣቶ ግርማ ኣስመሮም ምፍላጥ ስለ ዘድለየና፡ ብዛዕባኡ እትፈልጡዎ ክትሕብሩና ብትሕትና ንሓትት። ኣብዚ ሎሚ እዋን እቶም ቀደም ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንኣስታት 30 ዓመት ብገዛእቲ ኢትዮጵያ ክእሰርን ክቕተልን ከሎ ኣብ ሕቚፊ’ቶም ረገጽቱ ኮይኖም፡ ኣማዕድዮም እናረኣዩ፡ ‘እዚኣቶም ከኣ ሓለምቲ’ዮም! ዘይፍተን ነገር ይፍትኑ ኣለዉ!’ ብምባል፡ ብሰውራ ኤርትራ ዘባጩው ዝነበሩ ሰባት፡ ሕጂ ልዕሊ ኤርትራውያን፡ ኤርትራውያን ብምዃን፡ ዕሱብነቶም ንመላኺ ካብ ካልኦት ብጾቶም ንላዕሊ ብዝተዓጻጸፈ ከርእዩ ይፍትኑ ስለ ዘለዉ፡ ንብዓል ሶፍያ ተስፋማርያም ወሲኽካ ኣስሎም (ዘርኦም፡ ትውልዶም) ብምንጻር መውረርያ ክግበረሎም ኣገዳሲ ኮይኑ ስለ ዝተራእየና እንታይነቶም ምንጻር እዋናዊ’ዩ ንብል።
እዚ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዘሎ ኣባብ (ሸቃላይ) ነቶም ኣብ እዋን ስርሒት ፎርቶ ኣብ ኣፍደገ ውድብ ሓድነት ኣፍሪቃ ኣንጻር ምልኪ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ዝገበሩ ኤርትራውያን፡ ‘እዚኣቶም ኤርትራውያን ኣይኮኑን!’ ብምባል መንነቶም ክሓክኽ ዝፈተነ ድንኪ’ዚ እንታይነት ናቱ ምፍላጥ የድሊ ኣሎ። ምኽንያቱ፡ ኤርትራዊ ንኤርትራዊ ‘ኤርትራዊ ኣይኮነን!’ ኪብል ዘይልሙድ ተርእዮ ስለ ዝኾነ። እቲ መላኺውን እንተኾነ ንደለይቲ ለውጢ፡ ዕሱባት’ምበር ኤርትራውያን ኣይኮኑን ስለ ዘይብሎም። እዚ ቃል’ዚ መብዛሕትኡ ግዜ ካብ ኣፍ እቶም ዘይኤርትራውያን ስለ ዝወጽእ። ስለዚ፡ ንስኻትኩም ብዛዕባ’ዚ ሰብ’ዚ ትፈልጡዎ እንተለኩም ንህዝቢ ክትሕብሩ’ዩ እቲ ሕቶና።
እዚ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዘሎ መልቲ (ሕልኩስ፡ መታለሊ) ትማሊ ወጽዓ ህዝቦም ምጻር ዝሰኣኑ ጀጋኑ ተባዓት፡ ኣብ ፎርቶ ንዝወሰዱዎ ተባዕ ስጉምቲ ‘ዝተፈጸመ ነገር የለን!’ ብምባል ምስ ከሓደ፡ ብድሕሪኡ ጎይታኡ ድሕሪ ናይ ሰለስተ ሰሙን ትንፋስ ናይ ምምላስ ግዜ፡ ኣብታ ብውልቁ ዝውንና ኣልቡሙ ተቐልቂሉ ‘እወ ስርሒት ፎርቶ ተፈጺሙ’ዩ፡ ግን ፊልም ስለ ዝነበረስ እታ ኮመድያዊት ፊልም ብሞት ሓደ ተዋሳኣይ ክሳዕ እትውዳእ ኣነ ንገለ ካብ ተላኣኣኽተይ ናብኣቶም ልኢኸ መልሶም እናተጸበኹ፡ ምስቶም ምሳይ ዝተረፉ ተላኣኣኽተይ ኴንና እናተዘናጋዕና ነታ ፊልም ተዓዚብናያ! ብሞት ሓደ ሰብ ከኣ ተወዲኣ! በቃ ኣብኣ ኣብቂዓ!’ ምስ በለ፡
ሎሚ እታ ካልአይቲ መልሓስ እዚ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዘሎ ኣሩኤል (ወኻርያ) ውጥም ኢላ፡ ዘስደምም ዘረባ ተዛሪባ ኣላ። እቲ ናይ ሓሶት ዘረባ ከምዚ ዚስዕብ’ዩ ነይሩ፥ ‘ስርሒት ፎርቶ ብናይ ዉልቆም ጥቕሚ ዝኾረዩ ዉልቀ ሰባት’ዩ ተፈጺሙ! መንግስቲ ኤርትራውን ተቃወምቲ ዝብሃል የብሉን! 95% ካብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ደጋፊኡ’ዩ! እቶም 5% እውን ብውልቃዊ ጥቕሞም ዝኾረዩ ኣዝዮም ውሑዳት’ዮም!’ ክትብል ንማዕከናት ዜና ዓለም ሓቢራ ኣላ። ዕሱብ ህግደፍ ከምዚ ምባሉ ዘገርም ነገር’ኳ እንተዘይኮነ፡ ብፍላይ እዚ ድንኪ’ዚ ግን ልዕሊ ካልኦት ዕሱባት ኪኽድም ዝግደደሉ ዘሎ ምኽንያት መርመራ ዘድልዮ እዩ። ምኽንያቱ፡ ኪኖ ውልቃዊ ጥቕሙን ረብሓኡን ይኸይድ ስለ ዘሎ። ንምትሕብባርኩም ኣቐዲምና ነመስግን። የቐንየልና።
ስቓይና ንኺድምደም፡ ውድቀት ንጉጅለ ሕሰም!
28-05-2013 ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ
Semere May 29, 2013
I don’t understand why we dwell so much ones ethnic origin. Such a mentality is backward and poisonous at the same time. Only barbaric leader use it to divide people: divide et impera. We are in the 20th century and still unable to come out it. We have intermarried with Ethiopian for centuries and they are not our enemies. Many Ethiopians don’t consider us their enemies, either. But fanatics with problems of self-esteem are there from both sides. Why don’t we say the same about the Italians and others who intermarried with us? For me it is irrelevant the origin of Ghirma Asmerom. What is I care is, like his bosses he is also a criminal and has to face justice one day. I think we are becoming a laughing stock.
wedi zbansinkey May 29, 2013
my question is how long we going to wait for this man to stay in power? every one park behand computer talking shit!! is this who we are? we are fight for 30years and we give the power to dictator and we keep our hand… park be hand computer. i am not happey!! whats going on with us? we are better than this
Tesfai eyob May 29, 2013
ኤርትራዊ ማለት ብመለክዒ ህግደፋያን ኢሰያሳዊ ማለት ምዃኑ ዝያዳ መረጋገጺ ‘ዩ
Tes May 29, 2013
Dear Mesinas,
Girma Asberom is consumed by his deeds during the war of liberation. As you mentioned on your article during the war of independence he sided with Ethiopians and he belittle the straggle as waste of time and resource. He was vocal and everyone he knew during that time has been bewilder about his characteristic. Iseyas likes people with guilty conciseness. Because the will do what ever they asked to do without any question other wise the knew what he say about them. Sophia , Gediowen are on that categories. They had not contributed a single thing to liberation of our land. They became Eritreans after independence ever a bit later time. Due to this guilty conciseness they will like to be seen more Eritreans than other eritreans.
The best thing to do now is to ignore them . Remember they are the ones who will be in the front row flag waving when the force of change comes to its destination. They are low of lows they have no sense of shame. Pease keep up the fight against HGDEF don’t waste your time against those sold out souls.
simerrr2012 May 29, 2013
This a man who was born and raised in Ethiopia (Amiche)however , who has the character of yemerkato Leba , achberbari, werbela, wushetam, ketafi, ichi getaye yemil…nitkmu.Tigrina version..naymerkato seraki, hasawi, iwala, Adenagari, goytaye intay kigebr zibil nitikmu. That is the exact character of Girma. He is not idiot like the average higdef people. I can put him in same category with Professor Asmerom, Amanuel Bidemariam and the monkey Geratu who deceive day by day our people for just to keep their position and make money. He may have joined the Eritrean struggle just before the fall of Mengistu , selected by Isayas for the new Eritrean government position to deceive people . Isayas picked the best man in who can lie day and night without being red, feels shame. He was the one who picked the poor young man who went TO IGAD meeting without being invited and who was sent to sign condolence for Melese Zenawi. He is the one who gave guarantee for the wife of Petros Solomon to return to her children but ended in ere ero. This is mouth of Isayas , the right hand of Isayas. Like all yemerkato Leba(Seraki) do he waits the best moment to run with the money. I can assure you this .
dekibat May 29, 2013
I absolutely agree with the writer . Lets spill the beans.(yetenten , yetenaten). We have been called Agame , Tiraway, Jihad , Korakur By HEGDEF and Isias and his supporters while the riverse is the actual truth. I am telling all those people calling us those names are found to be they are the ones who are not Eritreans , it has been proven several times. A true example , two brothers after the liberation of Eritrea they put isias picture on their t-shirt , some people found it insulting because our hero who died for liberation cannot be replaced by con artists. These two brothers called everybody names like agame, Amharay, tigraway. Then after the border war they were found to be Pure TEGARU and to this day they are still active with HEGDEF. These two brother first they said they are from hamasien , then they said they are from akeleguzay, then Seraye their story keep changing just like Isias Tigraway the imposter. There is nothing wrong for being tigraway but they have to leave Eritrea and Eritreans and our issues alone keep off our boundary. There was onother person who was found to be his both parent were Yemeni and he called everybody agame and Tigraway. There is one trick these con artists use They think that if Isias succeeded in tricking eritreans and make them believe him that he is Eritrean so they can do the same thing too. Most imposters con artists say they are from hamasien so nobody can touch them or enquire about their parents or heritage. sorry to say that but that’s true because when people say they are from hamasein the hamsein people jump to help anyone who say he/she hamsien with out investigating the claim vigorously about the blood line and they are often easy to trick . The Akeleguzai and Seraye people are always suspicious of people who claim to be one of them and they go into research of woledo blood line, this means no one can trick them. If any hamsien people offended by this I Sincerely apologise but i will stand corrected.
Zaul May 29, 2013
The problem is not origin or blood, it’s ideology, as many comments before you and me already explained.
Your assertion that Seraye and Akele-Guzay only help those who’s bloodline they have verified may be true, And Hamassien may not check bloodline. Is it because they’re foreigners? Not (Dekibat) Genetic Deficiency? I honestly don’t know and I doubt anyone else knows the answer to that.
What is more intersesting to know is what kind of help he wants? to do what? Would you help me someone from your bloodline, kill for example?
Rivalry and competion (Sports [Derby della Madonnina], music[Mc Wata battle Mc Krar], cuisine [timtimo vs ..] etc) between different regions is healthy if it is done with a sense of humour and love, It makes us want to perform better and our reward is bragging rights when we get together for celebration or commemoration.
The way we Eritreans do it is just embaressing and backwards. The current Prime minister of Sweden hails from Latvian, Swedish, African_american descent nobody questions his nationalism, but many question his economic policies.
Kalighe May 29, 2013
“The way we Eritreans do it is just embarrassing and backwards.”
Sir, when someone tries to show he/she is more Eritrean than others, there is something wrong with him/her. When people think if they say they are from Hamasien nobody will question their identity, and will even be able to insult others ‘agame’, then we have every right to know who really they are. Unless there is an issue there, nobody should hide from where they are coming. People should be proud of their region, their village, their food culture and whatever makes them distinct. But the moment you think you are super Eritrean then … hmmm tell me who you are ?. Let’s see if you are really Hamasienite ?
Zaul May 29, 2013
Then it would suffice to reject those attitudes. In a civilised society anyone who holds a national office should be held to a high standard. The formal qualification should be proof of Eritrean citizenship (Passport), educational level, moral integrity and elected by the citizens.
This man does not fullfill 90% of the requirements to represent Eritrea, but whether he’s Eritrean or not is not best checked by hearsay. chech his documents.
A politician that wants to rule in the name of Religion, Ethnicity, Region or Race should be automatically disqualified, if we want to co-exist peacefully.
Kalighe May 29, 2013
“A politician that wants to rule in the name of Religion, Ethnicity, Region or Race should be automatically disqualified, if we want to co-exist peacefully.”
I agree. But not all politicians are so stupid to declare they want rule in the name of religion, ethnicity …etc, but they practice it. And those who practice such policies in silence are the worst. People find it difficult to oppose those very close to them in one way or another. Just image for a while, what difference would it make if Iseyas was a Muslim ?, how different groups would react to his policies ?. What would his current diaspora supporters would be saying or doing ?. What do you think people would say, about closing the churches, banning Pentecostals and jailing His Holiness Abune Antonious ?. Do you think still people would react in the same way as they do now ?
Tamrat Tamrat May 29, 2013
So this guy isayas is ethiopian after all?
Why did he sacrifice so many eritreans and ethiopians?
ahmed saleh May 29, 2013
Those who believe in Hammasien superiority better wake up , because the reality on the ground says
different and I urge you to be honest to yourself , I am not from Hammasien but anyone at this moment
who think Hammassien people are privileged need to be refreshed . The question is not about us but of
those people we love back home , I guess real patriots understand what I mean .
Zaul May 29, 2013
The problem I see in PFDJ-Eritrea, is not the creed or the religious beliefs of the government, it’s their incoherent political Ideology, lack of rule of law (Why ratify a constitution and not implement it???) and total disrespect of Individual liberty.
You asked what it would be like if Isseyas was a Muslim. His power base would be probably depend on his ethnicity, his degree of religiosity, his leadership qualities, his policies, democrat or Dictator etc.
I want to hear your take on the matter.
Let’s talk about the people who support PFDJ in Diaspora. It’s safe to say that some ignorant people support him because they come from the same region (Just like some opposition parties support base is mainly regional) and there are also corrupt opportunists from all regions who try to gain personal benefit. But many of these people are also Patriotic Eritreans, who have very little alternative source of Information (Other than being served the truth :-)). Most of them have not lived in Post-Independence-Eritrea (don’t have first-hand experience) and they are truly worried about the territorial integrity and unity of their country.
When they see the UN-sanctions: They say “meas’ke hagizomuna yifeltu” “Btsifrina”
———-||—– Eritrean Opposition: They see traitors co-operating with the country occupying Eritrean territory.
When they see Islamists- they see what’s happening to Egypt’s copts and Somalia. Some of these people are reachable for the opposition, if the opposition accommodates some of their concerns and cleverly “steal” some of the patriotic slogans.
As to the question of who’s the beneficiary from this government’s policies. My understanding is that they declared that the state owns all land and I cannot say that any category of Eritreans has benefitted, not even the regular Tegadelti, only the people at the helm of power.
There were farmlands in Semenawi Bahri, which belonged to Hamassien that has been transformed into National park now, some of these measures are necessary to develop large scale and efficient agriculture, as long as the traditional owners get a reasonable compensation or alternative livelihood
If you have examples of discrimination on the basis of religion and ethnicity, inform me. We all know, everyone has the right to receive primary education in his/her native language and only Sunni, Orthodox, Catholic or Lutheran is permitted, so anyone belonging to any other denomination is committing a crime [the unimplemented constitution needs amendments]. The imprisoned religious/political leaders must all have their day in court.
According to Wikipedia “Eritrea is divided into six regions (zobas) and subdivided into districts (sub-zobas). The geographical extent of the regions is based on their respective hydrological properties. This has a dual intent on the part of the Eritrean government: to provide each administration with sufficient control over its agricultural capacity, and to eliminate historical intra-regional conflicts.”
As you may know from other parts of the world, people from the Capital city are always despised by the rest of the country, because of their proximity to the political and economic power. If Keren had been the capital, all fingers would be pointing at Senhit.
Our nationalism cannot be based on having defeated Ethiopia only; we must build it on things we share in common. You cannot demand of the people from the Highlands to deny they are Eritrean Tigreans just to prove that they are real Eritreans. They are both Tigreans and Eritreans, and we have deep ties by blood, customs and mentality. Not only Tigreans, but also with Amharas and other Ethiopians. Regionalism is the least of our problems in Eritrea. If we cannot make this country work fairly for all of us, it’s better to separate peacefully and find other more suitable alliances. I have always wondered why Muslim Eritreans don’t feel any affinity to Ethiopian Muslims ? But on the other hand an unquestioning love for everything Arab? Am I mistaken, Khalige? Does your name “Arabian Peninsula”?
To me personally, only Individual liberty, economic prosperity, preserving & developing our languages/cultures is sacred. As part of society (village level or national), we all have duties but we must also be able to object to those duties and be judged as Individuals, not according to what ethnicity or place of birth we have.
If you want to smoke out the Woyanes of this forum, there must be a better way.
They are just nervous about 2015.
Kalighe May 29, 2013
“” Khalige? Does your name “Arabian Peninsula”?
You have added h to it to serve your purpose. Here is the fact:
I use sanal shoes simiar to those used by the Roman Emperor Caligola.
The Romans called that type of sandals calighe. The Emperor got his name to mean the one who uses sandal shoes. I just changed the first letter to k.
You see how far is that from what you seem to have in your mind ?.
On other issues I respond later.
Kalighe May 29, 2013
Please read: sandals
Zaul May 29, 2013
Point taken in these case, sorry Kalighe.
Kalighe May 30, 2013
Zaul said: “The problem I see in PFDJ-Eritrea, is not the creed or the religious beliefs of the government, it’s their incoherent political Ideology, lack of rule of law ”
This is partly true. I said partly because Iseyas has used religion from his early days in Meda.
People who knew him for long time say, that his best topics are religion and ethnicity. He is heard saying “ezom Aslam ..” or “Izom Akeleguzai ..” and so on.
I understand that he is not religious, he is godless, but he makes “good” use of these things to achieve his goals. And then, there are those who follow him thinking he is working for their interests, including religious, ethnic and regional interests, although nowadays are becoming a minority. I remember a young lady saying: “there is a prophecy, that says, someone called Iseyas will come from sea and rule this country”. She wan’t kidding.
Dictators are created by people, or rather by myths that people believe in.
Zaul said: “Most of them have not lived in Post-Independence-Eritrea (don’t have first-hand experience) and they are truly worried about the territorial integrity and unity of their country.”
Sorry for the analogy but, this is like saying : “they can’t tell which is which from salt and sugar, unless they are given chance to taste it themselves”. I think it’s safe to say, that overwhelming majority of them know what is going on, but they want stand with “their” government for reasons that are not difficult to explain. The most important of which is personal interest, and a number of less important issues including religion and regionalism.
Zaul said: “Our nationalism cannot be based on having defeated Ethiopia only; we must build it on things we share in common. You cannot demand of the people from the Highlands to deny they are Eritrean Tigreans just to prove that they are real Eritreans. They are both Tigreans and Eritreans, and we have deep ties by blood, customs and mentality. Not only Tigreans, but also with Amharas and other Ethiopians. Regionalism is the least of our problems in Eritrea. If we cannot make this country work fairly for all of us, it’s better to separate peacefully and find other more suitable alliances. I have always wondered why Muslim Eritreans don’t feel any affinity to Ethiopian Muslims ? But on the other hand an unquestioning love for everything Arab?”
I find this paragraph to be the most interesting of all. In particular the question that says: “why Muslim Eritreans don’t feel any affinity to Ethiopian Muslims ? “. Replying to it would require a lot of academic research and a good understanding of both communities. But let me tall you one thing: simply said, they too are Ethiopians. Although Eritrean Muslims feel some sympathy for them due to historical marginalization they suffered, that doesn’t make them less Ethiopians. In a country where they make a least half of the population, they are under represented, and treated as second class citizens. In recent years, things seem to be improving a bit for them, but politically, still the Ethiopian State is insensitive to their citizenship rights. Tell me what has Ethiopian Muslims to do with Ethiopian flag and other State symbols that traditionally are associated with Orthodox church ? (the flag in Church literature is known as “knate Mariam” , the holy rainbow or “keste demena”, a symbol of peace after a castigating flood pouring down from heavens. And historically the Monarchy and the Church shared powers, headed by a King elected by God, “suyume Egziabiher”).
There is an element of YG’s Ethiopianist ideology in the above paragraph.
You said : “You cannot demand of the people from the Highlands to deny they are Eritrean Tigreans just to prove that they are real Eritreans”.
Historical relationship with Tigray is acknowledged and denied at the same time depending on context at hand. One of the reasons of mistreating or looking suspiciously at Jeberti is that because many Highlanders believe they are the only group who came from Tigray. Although we all known for a fact that not all Jebertis came from Tigray, nor they are the only ones who did so. When the Italians came to Eritrea they were there, you can refer to Italian colonial records starting with reports compiled by Ferdinado Martini, the first civilian administrator of the new colony. So, you are you saying : we have the right to call our selves “Tigrawot” and not “Tigrigna” , as suggested by Tigrayan intellectuals ?. I don’t have any problem with that, as long as all Tigrigna speakers agree to it. Eritrea shares border, culture, to some extent history, religion and many other things with Tigray and with all other neighbors for that matter. You have every right to re-claim your cultural identity and still remain Eritrean, as long as you believe in Eritrean sovereignty and work for it’s national interest.
you said: “If we cannot make this country work fairly for all of us, it’s better to separate peacefully and find other more suitable alliances”.
Well, that option was rejected in early fifties by both Eritrean Christians and Muslims. Besides, the last word on this is left to indigenous population. Despite many challenges they are facing from all sides, they know deep down, they are very much linked to each other, in a way that make any issue, including religion and ethnicity, completely irrelevant. Those who want make of Eritrea or parts of it , an enclave of Tigray like YG , have no other aim in mind other than Ethiopian strategic geopolitical interests.
Zaul said: “If you want to smoke out the Woyanes of this forum, there must be a better way.
They are just nervous about 2015.”
I didn’t get you point .. please tell me what you mean.
Zaul May 30, 2013
“Zaul said: “The problem I see in PFDJ-Eritrea, is not the creed or the religious beliefs of the government, it’s their incoherent political Ideology, lack of rule of law ”
This is partly true. I said partly because Iseyas has used religion from his early days in Meda.
People who knew him for long time say, that his best topics are religion and ethnicity. He is heard saying “ezom Aslam ..” or “Izom Akeleguzai ..” and so on.
I understand that he is not religious, he is godless, but he makes “good” use of these things to achieve his goals. And then, there are those who follow him thinking he is working for their interests, including religious, ethnic and regional interests, although nowadays are becoming a minority. I remember a young lady saying: “there is a prophecy, that says, someone called Iseyas will come from sea and rule this country”. She wan’t kidding. ( KALIGHE,2013)
We cannot have a fruitful discussion if the evidence is just anecdotal; I need to be able to follow your thread of thought. On the subject of Religion and Ethnicity; The last 600 years history of the Horn of Africa has been conflicts based on those two issues, that’s why the opposition needs to move away from them and focus on Individual Liberty and democtratic Institutions.
If you are referring to “Nehnan Elamanan” I don’t see a single racist or Anti-Muslim sentence in it (as opposed to Anti-Islamism). They felt discriminated and described their experiences.
Godless is not bad, it’s Merciless that I dislike.
Read it here [English and Tigrinya]
Every major global political development in recent centuries has influenced our region. We must burry our petty grievances, and lay a solid foundation for the future or we’ll be washed away in the next spring flood that comes to our shores.
By bringing up the 40’s and 50’s, are you suggesting we should go back to federation with Ethiopia?
Kalighe May 31, 2013
“By bringing up the 40’s and 50’s, are you suggesting we should go back to federation with Ethiopia?”
Your question is out of context. I never said anything that can give a hint to that. If possible the more we stay away from Ethiopia the better. But unfortunately, we can’t our country anywhere, geography can be changed.
As for Iseyas and his manifesto, it’s not true that “They felt discriminated and described their experiences”. It was part of the mission entrusted to him.
Zaul May 31, 2013
Selam Kalighe,
Make me walk a mile in your Sandals 🙂
I don’t know much about how it came to be or the conspiracy he had with CIA or his uncle [If it can’t be proven factually, then it’s just speculation, right?]
I took the liberty of quoting some of it’s content from this link
“It is true that almost all of us or a majority of us are Christians by birth, cultural and historical
background. Those who view our makeup superficially may regard our struggle as religiously
motivated, an assessment that we do not desire to overlook even if it may be the result of a lack of
insight into our objectives. Instead, we urge anyone who seeks to understand our position and
ideology to road all our publications.
Further, we hereby state our readiness to meet with and openly clarify our stand to those who might
entertain doubts as to what the nature of our struggle is.
Although we deeply understand the complexity of the reasons which caused us to take our stand, that
is, to separate, we are fully cognizant of the fact that some of those who look at us with interest or
concern ask themselves questions such as “Why did the Christian elements separate? How did they
separate? When did they separate? What is their goal? What do they seek? Are they religiously or
nationally motivated? Are they revolutionary fighters or Christian crusaders? Are they reactionary or
progressive? Etc…”. We also know that they may not find satisfactory answers within themselves. On
the contrary, they may get distorted information and blame or even oppose us.
Thus, it is not only questions that are asked about us, opinions are also voiced. Many have
pretended to be on our side and have been known to applaud our supposed “separation from
Moslems”. Others may similarly applaud our separation on the ground that it “has been long
overdue”. Others still merely declare that we are “religiously” inclined, and so on.
All such opinions are illusory. It seems that there are more opinions addressed to us for the purposes
of deception, praise, threat, defamation, criticism, bribery and the giving of different goals to our
struggle than we can constructively use.
We fully recognize the fact that it is our duty and ours alone to give a satisfactory answer to those
who seek to know, to discourage those who seek to deceive us, to thank those who praise us, to
assure those that are bent on bribing us that we do not compromise our aims to accept comradely
constructive criticism and to remind those who attempt to buy us that we are neither commodities nor
The nature of our struggle and its objectives is better known to us than anyone else, especially the
news-shoppers and gossip-mongers. Based on this awareness and hoping that our position will be
clearly stated, we have embarked upon this exposition”
(Introduction Nhnan Elamanan, 1971)
“As we have seen, the Eritrean society could, very broadly speaking and if the various differences are
overlooked, be divided into two major groups. Since each of these major groups has its own religion,
(Islam or Christianity), it could conceivably appear as if the social differences in Eritrea are religious.
Such an assessment appears more pointed whenever foreign oppressors and opportunistic Eritreans
exaggerate it in order to promote their own selfish interests.
The main objective of the above exposition is to clearly state that it is wrong to divide the Eritrean
people on the basis of religion and to stress the fact that Eritreans are a united people. Anyone who
denies the truth of what we have said, be he an Eritrean or an outsider, either does not know what he
is talking about, or is an opportunist or expansionist.
Let us now return to our main topic. If the situation is as we have described it, why have we
decided to separate? The reason and basis for our separation goes back to the formation of “Jebha”,
the movement for the liberation of Eritrea. This goes back to 1961 and involves many events. We
will, therefore, try to relate it as briefly as possible.
The progressive forces in the world know that a revolution that is based on a struggle without a clearly
defined political line cannot be crowned with victory. As has been made clear by the Eritrean
experience, the mere fact of roaming around with arms and sporadic shootings, if unaccompanied by
a clear political direction, is vain and futile.
That the armed struggle which started in 1961 had no political direction and did not take into account
the objective conditions in the country has been commented upon by many Eritreans. The Eritreans
who founded “Jebha’ proclaimed the advent of the armed struggle without making sufficient study and analysis of the concrete conditions of our country and society. They simply proclaimed the “revolution”
without a revolutionary line or organisation, and with no delineated program of action, nor did they
have a defined political objective or direction.
Propagation of Islam: the point cannot be missed that the reason for the absence of clearly
delineated political direction (guidelines) was the lack of sincere revolutionary leadership. Those who
started the movement felt ashamed to give the cause its true nationalist essence; they believed that
the most effective way of attaining the necessary power was by propagating Islam. They, thus, tied the
movement within the bounds of Islam and programmed their actions accordingly both within and
outside of Eritrea.
The bosses of “Jebha” assumed the responsibility to deal with foreign governments; supposedly
in execution or this responsibility, they established links with those countries and organisations
professing the faith of Islam.
They tried to solicit the help of these countries and organisations against Haileselassie, “that king of
the Habasha who is oppressing the eighty per-cent Moslem population of Eritrea”; they presented their
case as that which seeks to resist the expansion of Christianity by Haileselassie, and to that end they
asked for the sympathy and help of their “Moslem brothers”. Having wholeheartedly embraced
whatever help was extended them, the bosses gave the movement a totally Islamic base.
Likewise, their armed followers in the field told the innocent people of the Metahit that they were
engaged in a war of “Jihad”(holy war) against the “kafir” king Haileselassie, who is the grandson
of Yohannes, that king of the Habasha who had ventured to wipe out Islam and expand Christianity.
In the course of fighting the holy war (Jihad Fi Sebl Allah), they conducted vicious anti-Christian
propaganda, which was not in line with the interest of the national liberation struggle. The extent of the
propaganda was such that the Christian Eritrean was ostracized as a “kafir” (traitor) and attacked as
an enemy.
Lacking the capacity to correctly understand that the roots of its oppression were essentially of
economic and political nature and not merely religious, the Moslem population of the country
vehemently responded in favour of the “Jihad” operation designed by the leaders of “Jebha”.”
“Latter Part”
Zaul May 31, 2013
If we are candid and straightforward with each other. I believe we can build a strong nation built on the principles of Liberty and Egality for all man and woman and child.
“The problem that Eritrea faces today has its roots in the very beginning of the struggle for independence. The Eritrean people never really owned the Revolution. The wishes and opinions of the people were not taken into consideration nor did the welfare and interest of the people given precedence.
It was imposed on them by exiled activists and students of Eritrean extraction living in Cairo. These exiles were adherents of the Pan-Arabism school of thought and were supported by the Arab world. They espoused Pan-Arabism; an ideology celebrating the glories of Arab civilization, espousing the language and literature of the Arabs, and calling for rejuvenation and political union in the Arab world. The front they formed (ELF) believed that Eritrea is part of the Arab world with common linguistic, cultural, religious, and historical heritage.1
These forefathers appear not to have understood who the people of Eritrea are. They denied the centuries old history and connection of the land and people, and tried to impose their version of what Eritrea should be, by conspiring with foreign leaders who had ulterior motives. They never tried to understand or consult their own people.
These exiles, decided to start an armed struggle in 1960 in Cairo to re-create a new Eritrea. They were such a bunch of spineless cowards that none of them wanted to take up arms and launch the armed struggle themselves. From their respective comfortable abode in Egypt and Sudan, they entrusted the all important military wing to an outlaw “Shifta” named Hamid Idris Awate, who already had a small band of outlaws (Shifta) at his disposal, and was engaged in cattle rustling, plunder and highway robbery in the Western Lowlands of Eritrea.
In an interview with Omar Jaber, Mohammed Ali Idris a.k.a. Abu Rijela (1944 – 2010), one of the Disciples of Hamid Idris Awate, and one of the earliest military leaders of the ELF, credited with leading the Battle of Togoruba in 1964; had this to say about himself. “I was born near Agordat and joined the Sudanese army in April 1944 at the age of 17. I did not know the difference between Eritrea and the Sudan till 1956 when the Sudan became an independent republic. Abu Shanab, Mohammed Ali Tinay, and myself discussed about divorcing our wives and go to fight the Ethiopians. We joined Awate’s unit of 20 fighters in [the spring of] 1962.”2 These were the leaders of the revolution and so called “forefathers”, who did not even know who they are let alone understand the problems of Eritrea and the Eritrean people.
Yet later these “founding fathers” and the ELF were replaced by a new breed of revolutionaries – the EPLF. In the ‘dog eat dog’ world of both fronts, finally a victor emerged; the notorious dictator of all times, Isayas Afeworki. In an interview with Mark Corcoran of the ABC in May of 2004 he had this to say:-
“For me retirement means retiring from what you do in life from what you aspire to achieve in life in a nation and I don’t think that will ever cross my mind again any time in the future as long as I am alive.”3 Well, Isayas is implementing what he “aspired to achieve in life”; the destruction of Eritrean history, identity and its people, and create a new Eritrea.
Tragically, these are the people who led the 30 years of liberation struggle, they never had the interest of the people at heart at all, except for themselves. It is my contention that the Eritrean people never owned the revolution, and they were just used as Cannon fodder both by the former as well as the latter leaders of the fronts.”
(Ghirmay Yeibio, II “Independent Eritrea”: A Crumbling Nation and a Tragedy)
simrrrrrrret neber May 29, 2013
muler haile May 29, 2013
Those who think they are superior to other ethnic Groups are those who have an inferiority complex, becuase anyone who has self confidence does not boast about himself or his ethnicity. In brief, it is just stupidity and an unmatured trait. like that of Shepherds and nomads who only know about cows and goats. I do not mean to belittle them but to put matters in perspective, a Shepherd Accepts only his Close Family his cattle included.
Teckle May 29, 2013
I know there were two I knew well were from Tigray
aba-chegora May 29, 2013
I really don’t understand the relevance of knowing the background of any government official including Girma Asmerom. Irrespective of his ancestral background (whether his grandparents are from Ethiopia, Sudan or Nigeria) we all agree that Girma is an Eritrean, albeit an Eritrean who is serving undemocratic government of Mr. Isayas Afeworki. I really fail to understand why the so called forces desire to get all assistance from Ethiopia in their struggle to overthrow the Eritrean regime and yet they despise everybody that is Ethiopian. In Eritrea there are thousands of Eritreans with Ethiopian origin. There are also many Eritreans with Ethiopian mother or father. According to Eritrean ratified constitution a person is an Eritrean if one of his parents is an Eritrean. In addition a person can also claim Eritrean nationality just because he has lived, worked in Eritrea for several years. During the armed struggle many Eritreans of Ethiopian origin sacrificed their lives for the independence of Eritrea. Therefore what is the point of scrutinizing the origin of Girma? What do you want to prove by that ?
Nahom May 29, 2013
Hi Abba
This person has changed his name while he was in the university of Adis Ababa from Girmay to Girma in order to gain the love of Ethiopian feudal elite