Action speaks louder to send a real message
to HGDF authority . Our people need someone
who give them courage to stand up for their
right . HGDF agents enjoyed to inflict fear
and your effort for action can’t be under
estimated and I admire the task taken .
AHMED SALEH !!! January 3, 2015
Action speaks louder to send a real message
to HGDF authority . Our people need someone
who give them courage to stand up for their
right . HGDF agents enjoyed to inflict fear
and your effort for action can’t be under
estimated and I admire the task taken .
maik January 4, 2015
aye nsikin ab 5 ketematat metkaeti fenina wey kea tekotsatsirna dea keytbla wereket betinna kemnay sebeyti asebeut dea ab botuom alewu zbetenkeo wereket chamuom yinegfulu kisera elikin ember siltan wey sirki emo yelen ayterekben kikikiki……..
baduri himedin January 5, 2015
good start in new year! the most important thing is to raise the awareness of the civic society.