ጋዜጣዊ መግለጺ: ብኣወሃሃዲት ኮሚተ ደንበ ተቃውሞ ንደሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ኣብ ኤርትራ/ ስዊደን
ትማሊ ቀዳም ዕለት 29 ሰነ 2013 ካብ ፖሊቲካውን ብርገሳውን ውልቀስባትን ዝተሳትፍዎ ሰፊሕ አኼባ ኣብ ከተማ ስቶክሆልም ተሰላሲሉ፣እቲ አኼባ ኣገደስቲ እዋናውያን ሕቶታት ብኩነታት ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ብሓፈሻ፣ ብፍላይ ድማ በቲ ኣብ ከተማ ስቶክሆልም ካብ 25-28 ሓምለ 2013

ትማሊ ቀዳም ዕለት 29 ሰነ 2013 ካብ ፖሊቲካውን ብርገሳውን ውልቀስባትን ዝተሳትፍዎ ሰፊሕ አኼባ ኣብ ከተማ ስቶክሆልም ተሰላሲሉ፣እቲ አኼባ ኣገደስቲ እዋናውያን ሕቶታት ብኩነታት ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ብሓፈሻ፣ ብፍላይ ድማ በቲ ኣብ ከተማ ስቶክሆልም ካብ 25-28 ሓምለ 2013 ክግበር ተወሲኑ ንዘሎ ፈስቲቫል እንታይነቱን ዕላማኡን ንመንግስቲ ሽዊደን ንምግላጽን፣ ነቲ በዚ ብኣፍልጦ ወይ ብዘይ ኣፍልጦ ኣብዚ ፈስቲቫል ዝሳተፍ ኤርትራዊ-ስዊደናዊ ድማ ኣብዚ ፈስቲቫልዚ ምስታፍ ረሳታት ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ምርጋጽን፣ንዕቀት ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ምዃኑን፣ በቲ ስርዓት ዝካየድ ዘሎ ናይ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ምጽናትን ስቅያትን እውን ተሓተቲ ምዃኖም ንምግላጽ፣ ሓደ ዓቢይን ሰፊሕን ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ፣ ከካይድን፣ ነቶም ነዚ ፈስቲቫል ቦታ ዘካርዩ ሰበ ስልጣን ስዊደን ድማ እዚ ፈስቲቫል እዚ ብመሰረት እቲ ብሕቡራት ሃገራት- ጸጥታ በት ምኽሪ ውሳነታት 1907/2009ን 2023/2011 ክቅየዱን፣ ነዚ ከምዚ ዓይነት ፈስቲቫላት ምስቲ ግብረ-ሽበራ ናይ ምምዋል ዝተኣሳሰረ እምበር ንዕብየት ባህልን ልምድን ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ከምዘይኮነ፣ ብኩሉ ሕጋውን ፖሊቲካውን ሸነኻቱ ተራእዩ፣ ኣብ ሃገረ ስዊደን እውን ደው ከምዝብል ንምግባሩ ክሰርሕ ምዃኑ እቲ ኣኼባ ወሲኑ።
አኼባ ነዚ ውሳነታት ኣብ ግብሪ ተውዕል ብ8 ኣባላት ዝቆመት ኮሚተ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍታትን፣ እማመታት ናብ መንግስቲ ስዊደን ተቅርብን ትከታትልን መሪጹ። ንስራሓታን መደባትን ድማ ምምርሒ ኣውጺኡ።
ኣዋሃሃዲት ኮሚተ /ጽላል ፖሊቲካውን ብርገሳውን ማሕበራት ኣብ ከተማ ስቶክሆልም
Tes July 1, 2013
Good job Deki Ere! keep the rope on HGDEF neck tight! It is real wonderful to see action and that is the language HGDEF understand. HGDEF stooge are going to do every thing. Be aware and out smart them. They are crooks same as their master in Asmara. As usual the will cover their hidden agenda as cultural gathering and nothing to do with the repressive regime in Eritrea. The fight won’t be ease but it is good fight and I assure you are the winners. because you are in the right side of history fighting for justice and rule of law. God bless and help you!
ahmed saleh July 1, 2013
It is time to free ourselves from outside political pressure and influence on our issues . It is our
spiritual power not back down on what we believe as usual since our patriotic elders .
Independent ideas , progressive approach and most important freedom of speech are where Eritreans had
missed for long time from HGDF authority’s indirectly sign of warning to cause fear .
Sweden Eritreans took the step to represent themselves independently out of political interests to show
solidarity with their people . I commend them for their effort .
Zaul July 1, 2013
I think it’s a misstake to oppose in this way. The arranging of festivals is something that is inherited from the independence struggle and a way for the diaspora to meet their compatriots, most of the participants are not political.
Burning their community centers and disrupting their festivals will only alienate them further. We want to persuade them to join us.
It would be much better to organize our own festivals and raise awareness and funds for a united popular opposition. We would need less financial support from outsiders and we would awaken the silent majority.
Nahom July 1, 2013
Ya Zaul
The burning of the community centers is the work of the mafia regime, as the secretly mobilized Jihadists of DIA in the ninetieth to gain the sympathy of the population and general opinion of the world. These people are the ones that put poison (MeQelatfi) in food and drinks of potential dissents.
Zaul July 1, 2013
يا رجل (Ya Ragl)
I don’t like conspiracy theories, the culprits were most probably Ethiopian agents. give me evidence.
here’s mine:
“Recently released Wikileaks Ethiopia files expose how Ethiopian security forces planted 3 bombs that went off in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on September 16, 2006 and then blamed Eritrea and the Oromo resistance for the blasts in a case that raises serious questions about the claims made about the bombing attempt against the African Union summit earlier this year in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.”
Now and When (not If) Eritrea becomes a democratic nation.
We’ll still need to keep our organizational infrastructure in Diaspora intact. The Ethiopian government has learned that lesson and they are trying to engage the Ethiopian diaspora to invest and use their know-how in their country.
What the Ethiopian government is doing via cyber space and elsewhere is exploiting and demoralizing Eritreans at our weakest moment.
– The opposition needs to build similar structures and attract PFDJ-supporters. It’s possible. Most of them are just patriots like anyone opposed to the government.
– Make our own community centers, open to all Eritreans to bequeath our histor, yculture and language to the younger generation.
Dawit Meconen July 1, 2013
Opposing Festivals is a misguided proposition. It did not work before and it will never work in the future. It is a fertile soil for the destructive activitiies of the agents of woyane, and it gives, as the tragic burning down of the Eritreans Community Centers in Sweden did, the Eritrean people a reason to stick with the impostor, Isaias Afewerqi.
Unity is the only action that kills the twin enemies, Isaias Afewrqi, with one weapon. Rather than opposing the festivals, therefore, we must join and work our way from within. Do not prejudge them negatively but open communication with them and convince them thatwe are not woyane agents but Eritrean patriotics that want the survival of our country, people and heritage. In their meetings, ask questions with respect and dignity. Oppose the hoodlums. Besides, the institution, Democracy, that we are trying to build in our country presupposes divesrsities of ideas, and if we do not learn and practice now, it will b very difficutly to build consensus later.
Tes July 1, 2013
” It did not work before and it will never work in the future”
wowooo can you tell us when was tried and failed. Just because you feel like that you are trying your best to justify without any prove or facts. It is just at empiric stage and i am sure it will engulf the whole world wherever HGDEF carry out its so called festival. Yes it will be difficult some of you HGDEF sympathizers to see action against the evil junta. You come with a load of excuse with kind words but you sole aim is to distract and to spread fear to those who stand to act. we know every trick and deceit.
Nahom July 1, 2013
They are in need for Psychotherapist not for communication because most of them gained an asylum by telling the true nature of the regime. Once they were approved, the second day you will find them on Mekhete and guayla being die hard supporters of DIA not Eritrea so they are in need for very qualified Psychotherapist.
Dawit Meconen July 1, 2013
Let me tell you what works against the tigrai impostor: Incapacitate EriTv, where Isaias afewerqi’s disinformation propangada is shackling the minds of many Eritreans.
ahmed saleh July 3, 2013
Now after man years fear has gone among Eritreans to take action to reclaim their right by any means
necessary and some with out shame preach for hollow unity . Tell them it is too late .
Zaul July 3, 2013
Love has nothing to do with this. Everyone/group is motivated by their self-interest. At this moment, all who want to see a democratic Eritrea should unite out of self-interest. If you want real love, I recomnend a PET.
abu sami July 1, 2013
ኣጆኹም ዞም ደቀይ ኣብ ጎንኹም ኣሎና። ነዚ ሽፍታ ስርዓት ብኹሉ መንገዲ ክንቃለሶ ኣሎና ።
ghezai July 1, 2013
haftka indiya emo
ida July 1, 2013
Please, Eritrean brothers and sisters don’t dance while your freedom fighters, and your journalists are suffering in jails. Please, don’t support a festival that supports a dictator to stay in power. Please, don’t worship a dictator that has cut all the buds. You will wake up tomorrow to find nothing blooming in Eritrea. Please, eritreans wake up! Please, wake up and say enough to the murderer and jailer of eritreans. Wake up and say ENOUGH to the man who sold you to be the slaves of Arabs.
Genet July 3, 2013
Thank You!
belay nega July 1, 2013
“ነዚ ከምዚ ዓይነት ፈስቲቫላት ምስቲ ግብረ-ሽበራ ናይ ምምዋል ዝተኣሳሰረ እምበር ንዕብየት ባህልን ልምድን ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ከምዘይኮነ፣ ብኩሉ ሕጋውን ፖሊቲካውን ሸነኻቱ ተራእዩ፣ ኣብ ሃገረ ስዊደን እውን ደው ከምዝብል ንምግባሩ ክሰርሕ ምዃኑ እቲ ኣኼባ ወሲኑ።”
Terrorist are those who burn community centers,and abuse the mothers who has nothing to do with your under nationalism motives.
You know what,no matter how nearer you think are to Ethiopians the cause of all this mess,you are not safe as Ethiopians have a general attitude towards us.
You like it or not either we swim together or drown together.
Zaul July 1, 2013
It makes sense for the Ethiopian government to work for their national interest, i.e control the red sea.
However the closeness some segments of Eritrea, to the the Ethiopian people is undeniable. We have to make a distinction there. Just like we have to a distinction between the Sudanese people and government.
Basing our nationalism on hating the Ethiopian people is a big misstake and it may limit our wiggle room in negotiations over the future trajectory of Eritrea. We should instead know all parts of Eritrea, understand that diversity and form an inpenetrable consensus unity.
belay nega July 1, 2013
I never denied the brotherhood of Eritreans and Ethiopians,my point is about those who play “WIN TO LOOSE” game, whereby day time are super Eritreans and call the president TIGRAWAY,and night time label themselves as victims of the gov due to the fact they are nearer to Ethiopians.
Zaul July 1, 2013
I understand your point :-). It is unwise to think true democratic change can come that way. But do you understand what I mean, when I say a negotiated future trajectory?
Zaul July 1, 2013
Someone asked me why I obsess over religious (Islamic) political parties, there are no christian political parties. I don’t believe in sweeping problems under the rug, for the sake of politeness, I prefer to be straightforward.
Nasib al-Akbar (Nubian poet)
“Oh Amir al-Muminin (commander of the faithful) my skin is black, my frame is deformed, and my face is ugly and I am not fit to be in this position (of being the Caliph’s drinking partner).”
When someone that I share ancestry with, tells me that he is of Arab descent and wants to indirectly eliminate our linguistic, cultural and historical bond, if he instead turns to the Sudan and Egypt for brotherhood, I feel betrayed and start to ask myself why have I sacrificed my bond with the Ethio-Tigreans? Did I make the biggest blunder in history?
Painting the government as a protector of a certain portion of the population is highly irresponsible and dangerous. We have to judge our leaders based on their competence and performance. I have not seen that the area where most of the leadership hails from has been given any special treatment or being spared from any atrocity that has befallen on the rest.
The Eritrean revolution had a worthy cause to liberate the land and to transform the people into a self-reliant progressive force that will never again work as a tool of any other nation, but its own good. The way things are going now, we are all headed in the wrong direction, both the opposition and the government.
We need to agree on some basic things:
Political System:
– Democracy
– Decentralization
– Secularism
– parliament that reflects our society’s diversity.
-Political parties with members from all parts and segments of the country.
– Civic Society can consist of :
Religious associations
Ethnic associations
Trade Unions
Youth organizations
Women’s (or men’s ) rights advocates
– Foreign Policy
Must be shaped in consensus, leave no room for outsiders to exploit religion, ethnicity, region or political ideology to divide us. We work only for our national interest!!!
– Language
As a small impoverished nation, we need to be multilingual. We have to learn English, Arabic and Amharic if we want to be able to trade with our neighbors and the world.
All of us!
But at the same time we have to protect and develop our own languages, if we are firmly rooted in our own language and identity, it’ll be easier to learn foreign languages and relate to other cultures.
If we cannot agree on these basic fundamental matters, we’ll not be able to tackle the most important (herculean) tasks, which are awaiting us; eradicate poverty, control population increase rate, halt environmental degradation. The goal is to give peace, security and a dignified life to our people. If we are going to waste another half a century squabbling, we might as well go our separate ways and try our luck.
I don’t want separation as the first alternative, but it’s high time for us to talk about our future seriously.
How do we get rid of PFDJ?
The only lasting solution is by trying to answer the hard questions and building up trust and reconciliation. Take a firm stand on the no peace no war situation and stop demonizing PFDJ-supporters, most of them are patriots (sugar catches more flies than vinegar). If we unite in diaspora, then we can co-ordinate with actors inside the country finacially and exchange ideas on a roadmap for the transitional period after PFDJ.
Just a thought…
belay nega July 2, 2013
If you explain it I would appreciate.
ida July 1, 2013
There is no Eritrean who wants to be Ethiopian. That will never happen. Ethiopians will go to ethiopia., and eritreans will go to Eritrea. That doesn’t mean people can’t respect one another as neighbors when all is settled.
belay nega July 2, 2013
That what exactly the president is trying to do.
Zaul July 2, 2013
Ida and Belay,
We should not be emotional and shortsighted. We must look at the long-term interest of our people from all angles.
ida July 2, 2013
This is what is confusing people. I think people shoud come out and say their true intentions. If you are half Eritrean and half Ethiopian, you should choose who you want to be. If you are Ethiopian, wake up and smell the coffee. Eritrea is an independent nation with her own flag.
MightyEmbasoyra July 3, 2013
Ato Belay,
What president? Someone has to elect the lunatic to call him a president.
By the way, if you worry about Ethiopia (which I believe they are not helping us at all because they are working with Isayas), how do you support the biggest Ethiopian who is running our beloved Eritrea to ground?
Say, even if you don’t believe he is Ethiopian, for just a moment, do you prefer to see is destroying by a single person (forget the puppets so called ministers/generals/colonels)? How is that possible to have dual identity. You love your country so much (I believe you do) and you are watching it diminished by a day. I am perplexed.
Are you on the opposition side or with Isayas?
Zaul July 2, 2013
Eritrea is not a done deal yet. We need to fully understand the dynamics of the region. If I didn’t love my people I wouldn’t even bother to come and read about all the misery they’re going through at the moment. I wish to see a united opposition that pulls in the same direction without any strings attached from Ethiopia. Do you know if there are any strings from Sudan?
Eritrea Super Power July 2, 2013
Belay ,
¨Community burners of Sweden also known as C.B.S¨ are terrorist group opposing the Eritrean nation ,since they are chickens to go confront our military they are doing it in countries they will be represented by a shrink as having some disorder and get leniency.
They can burn Eritrean communities ,but not Eritreans spirits .
Truly Truly i say to you July 3, 2013
This time seems the oppositions come with great functional clever logic argument, relativing with former uncivilized opposition system. To tell to Swedish responsible government officials, ” PFDJ as using festivals for terrorizing its own people,” in my view is very reasonable argument, which could be able to convince the Swedish and others governments, according the reason why Eritrea sanctioned if they specially reconsidering. I think like the opposition camp in Sweden did, such campaign it should to be done, in other Europe US; CANDA and Australia as well. Who knows like the Canada Government expelled the Eritrean diplomat, this time whole civilized nations, might also would not let PFDJ to do festival or other activities inside their territories, as far as the government of Eritrea since not ready to abide the international law, but most importantly since not its citizens rules by rule of law and since not respects its citizens basical human rights. However, i strongly oppose burning Eritrean communities and using force to attack brain washed nerving useless women.
Truly Truly i say to you July 3, 2013
Dear Estifanos Temelso in one side i can understand your frustration, however your opposition against Guwaila people it is not going with the psyche of our people, because of that it will never late you to come for ward. You like or not Guwaila and its lover will be there forever, since immigration (sidet) continuing. The reason is simple. Honestly to speak despite we sensible people it paining us our citizens suffer, who is not atleast once in a year , just be you call it from frustration or just for loving its tradition or to have fun with his relatives or friends, would like to see Guwalia? If you see in this perspective and deply analyze, you will understand the logic why the people go there. So, since you couldn´t stop this people interest, the best solution what you have to do is not all time mourning, but if you are wise, you have to do also the same, for good purpose Guwaila like PFDJ for their purpose doing, then you can prove it self, weather thousands of men specially women will follow you or not for sake of Guwaila, not for sake of politic. I wish Wedi Tekabo and alike famous musicians defects, like other artists and be able to side with truth. Both moraly and financial were be more profitable, and the PFDJ festival would also be bankrupted. By the way i heard, Wedi Tikabo as will come to US for PFDJ festival show.