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ጉዕዞ ኣልራቢጣ ኣልእስላሚያን፥ ኣንድነትን – ብ ረዘነ ሃብተ

[gview file="ሃይማኖት_ክፋል_ሓደ.pdf"]

Review overview
  • Yassin Omer September 10, 2015

    ክቡር ሓው ረዘነ፡

    ኣብ ጽሑፍካ፡ ነቲ ኣብ ገለ መራሕቲ ተቓወምቲ ውድባት ንዝተዓዘብካዮ ውልቃዊ ጕድለታትን ድኽመታትን ምስ ናይ ኣብዓታት ናይ ኣድነትን ራቢጣን ምንቅስቓስ ኣዛምድካ፡

  • Merhawi September 10, 2015

    The analyses of ms. Rezene should be read thoroughly and thoughtfully. For it presents an old-new perspective or you can call it a renewed thought.

    He takes us in fast phased journey to the past of several morally wrong events that took place in our country. Simultaneously, he raises an issue yet to be fully comprehended and that is the issue of diversity of religion and ethnicity. This is an issue not only worrisome in our country, the whole continent is living it and in addition to other countries. How can we manage our diversity and differences?

    In my view, the fundamental issue here is poverty and ignorance. Solve them and you have given prosperity to a society that needs it the most. Religion and ethnicity is a scape goat many use. Dictators need it, religious separatists need it, ignorant need it to blame others of their failure.

    I thank ms. Rezene for brings up this issue for a discussion and Radio Assenna for giving room for such a discussion to take place. The article is a thought provocative one, I mean it in a positive way. But I am not sure the timing is right given the maturity of people in dealing with such sensitive issue. Are people ready to discuss? And I ask myself: what defines a right timing? And how can we determine right timing? The only way to know is when it is tried. Rezene did just that.

    Let us discuss and not be sentimental.

    When there is a question of nationhood, that means there is a problem that needs to be solved. Rezene is not sentimental, he have courage to share his views with clarity; at the same time logically and historically agreeable analyses. His thought is shared by many and lived by many.

    In fact, I miss the fact that there is no enough or even at all studies done on the diversity of Eritrean society that is scholarly. Because of that, we are always going to have a difficulty in formulating our thought.

    Here are some questions I would leave you with to think for a while:

    1. Is our rhetoric of our peaceful diversity the same in ground as we say and is the same rhetoric shared by all ethnic groups.

    2. What kind of government we want to see in Eritrea? Take into consideration our diversity in consideration: very important.
    Honestly, we need to invent the wheel of politics to find the solution to this question, because the wheel has not been invented before.

    3. What is the cause of division? When you get answer, make questions out of the answer you found, then try to answer it, continue the process until you reach a point in which you cannot continue questioning.

    In conclusion, the question of diversity is a difficult one, only in a collective thinking of the source cause of the issue can we come to find a common solution that can help to invite prosperity to our nation and to our continent. I respect ms. Rezene for his honest view, and Radio Assenna for their courage of deciding to be free platform of discussion. I will eagerly wait for part two. As for now, I refrain from having any conclusive thought about the article, and I love differences of view when it is built on respect and understanding of others.

    Have a great day all of you.

  • michael September 10, 2015

    Rezene Habte, your knowledge is rich and your ideas are very heavy. Your person is honest and your judgement is very true. Hundreds of veterans and intellectuals among Eritreans at home and in the diaspora had already arrived at the point you are saying now long ago. Is it not an anecdote that they have been termed as “…,the silent majority ..”? You have succeeded to get your article published and I congratulate you. Trust me, your ideas will bear fruit. God bless you.

  • NATSINETHarnet September 10, 2015

    Looking at the historical perspective of 1940s and 50s vis-a-vis the two blocks,you will learn why Rabita sided with independence block.Firstly,With the fanatic Christian culture in Ethiopian highlands, Muslim are historically hated and despised.Moreover,they were persecuted from the Tigray highlands and settle in tolerant Christian highlanders of Eritrea…..The reason for Abdulkadir Kebire, a Jeberti Muslim,stressed with his Muslim counter parts in Metahit to refuse Ethiopian union adamantly…….Hakom Melisika Sidetin Mekeran.But to make their goal sugar coated they were portraying themselves as Pro-independent blocks. Secondly,the Metahit Muslim were under the direction of Egyptians and Arabs to loose away from Ethiopia, as they had a hard historical lesson by Ethiopian highlanders defending their religion from Ahmed Gragn. Therefore,they wanted to have Eritrea as an easy target to bring it to the Arab community. Otherwise,this rubbish rhetoric that says” no they were Pro-independece”……most lowlanders were verrrrrrrrrryyyyyy uneducated and didn’t have a caliber of understanding Independence ,Statehood,nation ,nationhood or otherwise.

  • Bizen September 10, 2015

    Yibel Yibel tsiHuf kibur haw Rezene Habte. Bihaki wisedo wisedo dear brother and let’s have the second part as soon as possible please. Don’t be intimidated or put off by some negative comments or by some one sided extremes and fanatics. We should get all the truths out without any fears or hesitations. Thank you again brother Rezene and God bless you with more wisdom and knowledge.

  • Jemal September 10, 2015

    Well ; the author of the article isn’t really smart enough to bring people together. Reason number one why I said that was; do we really really need to bring back the sensitive & inflammatory ignition to strike at the moment; when we have other priority issue. did he forgot or doesn’t know what happening the low landers who are forgotten in Sudan start from 60s; 70s 80;90; and now by the Issias Regime. I mean no one is happy either low lander or high lander every one is violated by the present regime and every one is sad and angry @ what’s happening what u mentioned on violence against Eritrean in Desert; in the sea or killing by Reshida we condemned the violence not only against Eritrean even against any human kind. So; I think to write some thing like this for only one part of Eritrean society it’s not wise; nor to the new group who are trying infiltrate problems in the country with their Kebesa brothers for their own hidden agenda.

  • Teclay September 11, 2015

    ጓሳ ሕብረተሰብ
    ኽማቕ ጓሳ ወይውን ጓሳ ዘይብለን ኣባጊዕ እንታይ የጋጥመን ድራር ዝብኢ እየን ዝኾና፣
    ሕብረተሰብ በሊሕን ተባዕን ጓሳ( ኣላዪ )የድልዮ ፣ሓፋሽ ተርኡ ኣዝዩ ውሱን እዩ፣ቅተል እንተበልካዮ ይቐትል ፣ከበሮ እንተሂብካዮ ድማ ምሉእ ለይቲ ይስዕስዕ።
    ናብዚ ኹሉ ኣቲናዮ ዘሎና መዋጥርን ምጽናትን ቐዳሞት ተሓተቲ ዓበይቲ ሙሁራት እዮም፣ንበላዒ ደርብዮሙና እዮም።
    ናይቲ 50 ዓመት ዕብዳን ፍረ ሕጂ ንሪኦ ኣሎና።ኣብ ዓዲ ብኣልኮል ፣ኣብ ስደት ብሽኮርያን ፣ሕማም ልብን ፣ኩላ ትኸይድ ኣላ።
    ናይ መንእሰያት ሕስረትን ውርደትን ብበደዊን ዓረብ ራሻይዳ ፣ ኣብ ትሕቲ ባሕሪ ሕርሲ ኸ፣መን ዩ ሓላፍነት ዝወስድ ???ብዘይካ ተበለጽቲ ዓበይቲ ሙሁራት፣ካብ 58-60 ዓመት ንላዕሊ ዝኾንኮም ሙሁራት ኣበይ ኣለኹም??? ብውሕዱ ንህዝብኹም ይቕሬታ ሕተቱ።

  • negash September 12, 2015

    Rezene Habte the case you brought to light is commendable. Regarding Salih Juhar and friends you are correct they are the real snakes. But when one raises this issue has to be careful not to harm the majority muslim brothers. I would also like to underline if one wants to isolate and hit these group it is important to first listen the majority muslim brothers discuss and create understanding.

  • Semhar September 12, 2015

    ዜይጡዑያት ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ኢና
    ባንደራና ደርቢና ባንደራ ኢሳያስ ነንበብል
    ኣውራጃታትና ገዲፍና ዞባ ኢሳያስ ኒኣሚን
    ኢሰያስ በዓል ዕላማን ነቲ ዝደልዮ ብደም ንጹሃት ኤርትራውያን: እሞኸኣ ጸረ
    ኤርትራዊ ዕላማ: ብዜይ ዝኾነ ኤርትራዊ ዕንቅፋት ንቕድሚት ይግስግስ ምህላው :
    ክንፈልጦ ዜይምኽኣልናን ነዊሕ ዓመታት ከዳናግረና ምጽኑሑን ኣክንዲ ምስኡ
    ነንሕድሕድና ንበላላዕ ምዃንና; ዜይጡዑያት ይገበረና::
    The only way to victory is to untie all our original provinces and raise our original flag, (SEMAYAWIT BANDERANA).
We did it in our struggle for independence and we succeeded.
We will do it again!
Our victory is certain!

    The only way to victory is to untie all our original provinces and raise our original flag, (SEMAYAWIT BANDERANA).
We did it in our struggle for independence and we succeeded.
We will do it again!
Our victory is certain!

  • Semhar September 12, 2015

    As long as ድያብሎስ!Isayas and HIGDEF are in Eritrea,
    Misery, despair, depression, grief, sorrow and death will continue.

    The only solution is to get rid of crazy mad dog ድያብሎስ Isayas wedi Medhin Berad, his son, and his blind followers HIGDEF just like the Libyans did to Gadafi, his sons and his followers.

    We must unite and liberate our land and our people!

    Let freedom ring in Senhit, Keren!
    Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay, Adi keyih!
    Let freedom ring in Denkel, Asseb!
    Let freedom ring in Barka, akurdet!
    Let freedom ring in Sahil Nakfa!
    Let freedom ring in Seraye, Adi Ugri!
    Let freedom ring in Hamassien, Asmera!
    Let freedom ring in Semhar, Massawa!

    Let freedom ring in allover ERITREA!