ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ኣብ ከተማ ከለን
29.12.2013 ኣገዳሲ ሓበሬታ ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ኣብ ከተማ ከለን ንዕለት 11.01.2014 ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ብዛዕባ ህሉው ኹነታት ኤርትራን ዝምድናና ምስ ጎረባብቲ ሃገራትን መግለጺ ክህብ ስለዝኮነ ንኹሉ ግዱስ ኤርትራዊ ንዘተን ኽትዕን ንዕድም፡፡ አኼባ ዝግበረሉ ቦታን ሰዓትን፣ ኣብ ከተማ ከለን
ኣገዳሲ ሓበሬታ
ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ኣብ ከተማ ከለን
ንዕለት 11.01.2014 ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ብዛዕባ ህሉው ኹነታት ኤርትራን ዝምድናና ምስ ጎረባብቲ ሃገራትን መግለጺ ክህብ ስለዝኮነ ንኹሉ ግዱስ ኤርትራዊ ንዘተን ኽትዕን ንዕድም፡፡
አኼባ ዝግበረሉ ቦታን ሰዓትን፣
ኣብ ከተማ ከለን (ጀርመን)
ሰዓት 16፡30
Turmstr 3
ተስፋይ ተምነዎ
petros December 29, 2013
In my opinion, Tegadalay Tesfay is a hero like Idris Awate. Awate started the armed struggle and Tesfay broke the silence which has been our political culture. He spoke the truth about our struggle and opened a venue for others to do the same. He exposed the evil deeds of DIA at the onset of our revolution. I believe his interview together with the Lampadusa incident have played a role in unifying our people.
We should respect and thank him for what he has done.
Wishing him good health.
DAVID December 30, 2013
Andu December 30, 2013
husur tibahal niskha
concerned Eritrawi December 31, 2013
David whatever your name is!
Tesfay temnewo is An Eirtrean I know ten generations of his family line because I am! He clearly stated where he is from and you are just a liar or you are misinformed. Stop the non sense he are not helping Eritrea or any real issue pertaining Eritrea. You are either non Eritrean or someone who is used by others
Semmere December 30, 2013
Selam Petros
I agree only partially to your opinion TT wright he broke the silence even moor,but how you compare with Awate, Awate was a shifta but he can be loyal,loyal to Italians even after Mosolini,loyal to his tribe, loyal to ELF and loyalty also worth as a character.Brother Petros for your information ELF starts in Cairo.Awate shot the first bullet but that does not make him hero any one can shot
Negash December 30, 2013
Wedi Ali is the one who broke the silence who demanded the implementation of constitution and etc. As concerns Tesfay Temenow, he is only story teller and nothing more.
hanti Ertra December 31, 2013
Habte December 29, 2013
Tesfay Temenwo is a great man!! Please grow up!
I’m not sure what you would like to convey to the forum?
Unfortunately, there are too many stone head individuals like yourself don’t have any commonsense.
“… he was disappeared for more than 2 decades what ‘ new things you expect from him.” If he came out before 20 years to tell us and expose the dictator’s evil action no one would care to listen him. Even after 2 decades still you are wondering to differentiate the eye opener detailed information he has given us in regards to the atrocities taking place by this blood stained dictator.
Negash December 30, 2013
Habte, if TT had have come 20 years back and informed the people, then I would figured him as Jigna and really he should have enlightened our people long time ago, but people like you who are stone headed, have been praising DIA till yesterday and now after the removal of the veil, you started to praise TT who is your sole Abat Nefsi. The information you got from TT has been told long time ago by so many people ‘, but you were not ready to listen because DIA was your savior (medhen).
Dawit Meconen December 29, 2013
Genuine Eritreans,
Tesfai Temnewo fled away from Meda in 1978, at a very crucial hour when the defunct Soviet Union joined Dergi with all of its might. Ever since he has been utterly and disgracefully a defeated person, in his gut, spirit and mind.
However, Tesfai Temnewo must not be measured by his cowardly act of desertion but by the gate he left widely opened for the enemy to enter and feast on the gallant EPLFs in particular and the people of Eritrea in general.
Tesfai Temnewo owes Eritreans a huge blood-debt, and therefore, those who idolize people like him must be the vain people who love to see us fall into the bottomless pit.
If you recall the extent and purpose the wedo-gebas were glamorized by Mengistu Haile Mariam, then you understand the reason the villain woyane has brought people such as Tesfai Temnewo into the current limelight. We must reject it.
Genuine Eritreans,
As we struggle to put the impostor, Isaias Afewerqi, behind bars, we must not lose sight of the veiled enemies embedded within our midst, who are trying to sidetrack us into the abyss.
In the course of our struggle,we must always observe this cardinal sign:
Woyane and the Impostor, Isaias Afewerqi, are one and the same; let no one tell us otherwise.
If you are in doubt, ask yourself why the impostor threw to his dungeon genuine Eritreans and surrounded himself with deqi-arbaA tegaru, such as, Yemane monkey, Hagos Kisha, Yemane Geberemesqel, Asmelash, Abraha Kasa,Wedi qeshi Libetrso etc. ?
Add to this his private tegaru soldiers, Demhit, veiled as tigrai democratic liberators, whom he has let loose to impregnate our girls.
Please understand, the impostor is committing Genocide on our people through different methods. As immaculate liar as he is, he evades all his genocidal deeds with fake patriotic jargons.
Giffa of the youngsters , for example, is being regularly undertaken by Demhit, but have you asked yourself why? He cannot justify with state of war because there is none……. Among the many genocidal reasons are : to scare the young to leave their country, and to create a situation where the Demhits can frighten the girls into sleeping with them.
MightyEmbasoyra December 29, 2013
Please stop writing after drinking. You are mixing up many unrelated items. You are not qualified to degrade the hero Ato Tesfay T. Who are you to write such demeaning articles to people who are very respected by the Eritrean communities?
You look like that you are dumped by a girl/woman from Tigray and you are wasting your time talking about Tigray instead of contributing any valuable ideas to fix Eritrean issues. Your articles seem personal rather than Eritrean issues.
BTW, some of the people you have mentioned above are Eritreans – unless you consider Eritrea is of a specific location?
If I had to put my money, I would say you are very active HGDF.
Andu December 30, 2013
your writing is very well wrapped with sweet words. But for your knowledge YARRET fighters like Tesfay had Escaped early from that monster our freedom could have taken anther and better rout . Could you imagine how many superiors to Tesfay are decaying for no crime except been ERITREAN! TESFAY is our nest Egg to learn what had happened to our fathers. Mellas Awyat eyu Jigna Tesfay
ahmed saleh December 29, 2013
Instead we waste time on pointing finger of blame, don’t
you think to concentrate on solution for this present crisis of our country help those people back home ?
And I have a problem on why we involve Weyane at our
internal political affairs discussions . Have confidence no
need to give them much attention.
belay nega December 30, 2013
ahmed saleh
Do not forget that Tesfay added fuel to the already burning fire.
Mahtem_Mariam December 29, 2013
Dawit Meconnen,
Are you telling me TT fled the meda at the crucial point in time because he simply chose to? I am sure many heard his story and could understand how justified he was to do so.
Also, it seems you are concerned by the success of TT after his interview went viral and shed light to the dark crime history of IA. If you were not, how is that you are labeling him a spy implanted by woyane? Can you prove it?
Either you do not make any sense or you are a concerned pfdj insider.
wifero December 30, 2013
For heaven’s what did your beloved ‘hero’said except the two words – disinformation and misinformation- he started with the first one and finished with second one or the other way.Please have common sense.
wifero December 30, 2013
For heavens sake what did your beloved “hero” Adhanom Gebremariam said except the two words -disinformation and misinformation- he started with the first one and finished with the other one or the other way. Please your common sense.
wifero December 30, 2013
For heavens sake what did your beloved “hero” Adhanom Gebremariam said except the two english words -disinformation and misinformation- he started with the first one and finished with the second one or the other way. Please common sense.
belay nega December 31, 2013
አደሓኖም አንበሳ እዩ::ሚእቲ ግዜ ወዲቈ ሚእቲ ግዜ ዝትንስእ::
MightyEmbasoyra December 31, 2013
Ato Belay,
You said “አደሓኖም አንበሳ እዩ::ሚእቲ ግዜ ወዲቈ ሚእቲ ግዜ ዝትንስእ::”
Does this mean his grand sum is zero?
belay nega December 31, 2013
Dear Mighty
you know what I mean.
Meretse Asmelash January 1, 2014
Dear Mighty,
Ato Belay,
You said “አደሓኖም አንበሳ እዩ::ሚእቲ ግዜ ወዲቈ ሚእቲ ግዜ ዝትንስእ::”
Does this mean his grand sum is zero?
What a mighty response!
Teclay December 30, 2013
The great Temnewo^s answer to Adhanom G.M ” we all,those who were in the 2nd group of EPLF were victims including you and i”
His narration was like EPLF history for Dummies.from his interview we have learned a lot even for our day to day life to stay compact and strong in dark times.But what surprised me is how so far we did not have nay clue,what was really gone behind the screen in the in Sahel desert,even though Eritrea is very small,and 23 years after
Kokhob selam December 30, 2013
He is one among few who said the truth.
Wedi Meret December 30, 2013
hi All
there is two side of TT, 1. he is a great story or you can call it history teller whether it is true or part true that we have to leave it to history, 2. he has some sort of coward behavior in his blood what I meant is that he started his movement in a high spirit or caliber and I am one of many that I adore him. but….
his last visit to USA destroyed the whole things. I don’t believe anything he said. in his story he did say Mesfin Hagos sentenced me to death but now what I see in him is all lies he is like tom and Gerry with M.H
Truly Truly i say to you December 30, 2013
I do not think Dawit Mekonen frustration is without reason. In relation of Isayas and some woyanes altitude what he talking all time has absolute truth. But he terribly mistaken in case of Tesfay Temenowo. Actually if Dawit was be listen to what Tesfay Temnowo has said regarding woyane in one of his interview, he might like him. Tesfay in one of his interview blaming woyane for not doing enough to support the opposition struggle, rather as they following only their interest by instrumentalizing some of the Eritrean oppositiopns like Afar and Kunamas, because of that i think he heard when said,” Ethiopia as not a trust worthy battle ground for Eritreans. I mention this point not because i totally agree with both Tesfay and Dawit. I have my own differences. In my view Dawit is mistaken when generallite all woyanes as evil, as well i don´t think Wodi Temenwo total rejection is right, “to declare the Ethiopian ground as if not a truth worthy battle ground for Eritreans. His critic might be right, because after self experienced and observed whole altitude because has talked, however without their help and good will, i do not think it will be easy to change the evil regime. But that doesn´t mean a single courageous Eritrean like wodi Ali if did can bring change. Indeed it is possible a single courageous person as can change everything, That person code be Wodi vacaro in his smart way as he started,or any other courageous like Wodi Ali. Finally for respect Dawit Mekonnen as reliable citizen i advice him a little intelligence to use in his remarkable excellent English writing talent when writing , because i do not think this guy is evil as many of you thinking, but he is an open direct minded person.