ገለ ትዕዝብትታት ኣብ “መመዘክርና እንተ ንግንጽል” ትብል መጽሓፍ ናይ መምህር ዘርኡ ገብረየሱስ
ኣብዚ ዝሓለፈ መዓልታት መምህር ዘርኡ ገብረየሱስ ዝጽሓፋ፡ “መመዘክርና እንተ ንግንጽል” ትብል መጽሓፍ ረኺበ ኣንቢበያ። ንመምህር ዘርኡ ኣብ ናይ ቃልሲ ግዜ እፈልጦ ስለ ዝኾንኩ ነታ መጽሓፍ ዓዲገ ቀልጢፈ ኣንቢበያ። ኣብ ትሕዝቶኣ ገለ ርእይቶይ ክህበሉ ዘድሊ ነገራት

ኣብዚ ዝሓለፈ መዓልታት መምህር ዘርኡ ገብረየሱስ ዝጽሓፋ፡ “መመዘክርና እንተ ንግንጽል” ትብል መጽሓፍ ረኺበ ኣንቢበያ። ንመምህር ዘርኡ ኣብ ናይ ቃልሲ ግዜ እፈልጦ ስለ ዝኾንኩ ነታ መጽሓፍ ዓዲገ ቀልጢፈ ኣንቢበያ። ኣብ ትሕዝቶኣ ገለ ርእይቶይ ክህበሉ ዘድሊ ነገራት ስለ ዝረኽብኩ ድማ ነዛ ትስዕብ ጽሕፍቲ እልእኽ ኣለኹ። ዕላማይ ብዛዕባ ምሉእ ትሕዝቶ መጽሓፍ ንምትንታን ዘይኮነ፡ ኣብቲ ንዓይ ዝምልከትን ዘገድሰንን ጕዳያት ጥራይ ርእይቶይ ንምሃብ’ዩ።
k.tewolde April 29, 2016
It is ok, people write historical accounts for slew of reasons, bottom line you challenging some ,you criticizing some, that is what literary critic is all about. Can you do that under this suffocating current Asmara regime. I lived through this era mentioned above, and I know some of those comrades who gave it all and some who are still alive, this history belongs to all of us, nobody owns it, even the the Tyrant who claims he single handedly gave us the liberation. You can’t manufacture history, it is just there, the good, the bad and the ugly. It belongs to the Eritrean people. Let’s just focus on trashing this garbage[HGDEF] into Mai Bela.
Tang April 29, 2016
Mr mussie,
Sorry I can’t write in tigrina. I read your critique in earnest and I appreciate your discourse and explanations. However, the last paragraph was uncalled for and a cheap shot. It shows you are no better than the person you are criticizing. You are out to tarnish his image and not to mend his errors.
It’s a shame.
wediToronto April 30, 2016
Right on, Tang! The last paragraph regarding the alleged non-payment by Zeru to some author, was totally uncalled for, and a cheap shot by Mussie. neti kulu Mussie zitsahafo afrisuwo kibehal yikaal (at least in my mind).
Arre April 29, 2016
Right on Tang! It also seems that had Zeru consulted Mussie, he would probably might have not wasted a lot of time reading the book to find faults. However, Zeru has also a chance to write his book with corrections, if any,in his second edition. We have come to know something anyways because Zeru wrote the book and Mussie commented on it. Do both the book and the comment contribute to the current anti-HGDEF struggle, the answer is NO!!!
stefanos temolso April 29, 2016
ሓው ሙሴ ኣገዳሲ ዝኾነ ነቐፌታ እዩ ኣቕሪቡልና። ታሪኽ ክንጽሕፍ ከለና ነቲ ንፈልጦ ታሪኽ ይሕመቕ ይጸብቕ ከም ዝነበሮ ኢና ክነቕርቦ ዝለና። ከም ዝጥዕመናን ንነፍስና ብዝምችእን ብዘዋሕልልን መንገዲ ክንጽሕፎ እብተዄንና ካብትም ንቃወሞም ዘለና ህግደፍ ወይ ጨፍለቕቲ ዝፈልየና ነገር ኣይህሉን። ሓው ዘርኡ ድማ ካብዚ ጽሑፍዚ ተሞኪርካ ኣብ መጻኢ ዝሓሸ መጽሓፍ ሒዝካልና ክትቀርብ ንላበወካ። ሓው ሙሴ ንደራሲ ብዛዕባ ንደራሲ ዳኒኤል ሰመረ ክገብሮ ዝነበሮ ክፍሊት ብዘይምፍጻሙ ምንቃፉውን ዝጽላእ ኣይኮነን። ደራሲ ብልክዕ ክሕገዝ እዩ ዝግብኦ’ምበር ክጥለም ኣይኮነን ዘለዎ። ስለዚ፡ ታንግ ኣብ ክንዲ “ዘርኡ ከምኡ እንተ ገይሩ ተጋግዩ” ኣብ ክንዲ ምባል ንሙሴ ዘሕፍር ነገር ከም ዝጸሓፈ ጌርካ ምጥቃስ ጌጋ ኮይኑ ይስምዓኒ። ጌጋ እንተ ኣለዎ ድማ ዘርኡ እዩ ንነፍሱ ክከላኸል ዝግብኦ።
AHMED SALEH !!! April 29, 2016
Mussie criticism to set the record straight invites others knowledgeable
partners for more information . Issues in regard of our history on fallen
heroes concerned us to take it seriously .
To exercise culture of open discussion and to give additional accounts of
the event lead for constructive result contrary silence that convey less
researched misleading information .
I am not in position to judge these two gentlemen except my appreciation
for their effort to share with us . Nowadays we see the wall collapsed
to open the door on behalf ” KNOWLEDGE IS POWER ” .
AHMED SALEH !!! April 29, 2016
If you fellow tegadalay Hidray (fedaeen) interview , he told his own
experience in Asmera how a group of Eritreans were following him and
how they met in Adi Ghebray because in my understanding they belong
to different units . Secret agents mission is complicated and easy
targets for suspicion unknowingly to each other .
Those who survived can lend their first hand witness to clear the cloud
in honor their martyred comrades . The experience might look bitter but
the unforgettable memory of brotherhood and bravery still is alive .
ኣርዓዶም April 30, 2016
መጽሓፍቲ ገድሊ መብዛሕትኡ ስንዕ ኢዩ፡ ኮነ ኢሎም ታሪኽ ዝጥምዝዙ፡ ክስቶ ዶ ካብ ክስቶ በሊጹ ክርአ፡ ዝብል እንክሒራ ስራሕ ኣብ መብዛሕትኡ ጽሑፋት ይርአ ኢዩ፡ እዚ ግን ክሳብ እቶም ሰብ ታሪኽ ብቕንዕና ዘይሰነድዎ፡ ኣብ ሰብ ትኣትዩ፡ ኩሉ ግዜ ናብዘይውዓልዎ ኣካላት ክጥምዝዙ ይኽእሉ ኢዮም። ን ኣብነት፡ እታ ቕያ 15 ኣብ ሰንበል ትብል፡ መጽሓፍ ኩሉ ታሪኻ ብሓሶትን ብዘይገበርዎ ሰባትን ዝመልአት፡ ኮነ ኢልካ ነቶም ሰብ ታሪኽ ዝገፍዐት መጽሓፍ ኢያ፡ እዚ ገስረጥ ስራሕ ብጣዕሚ ክኹነን ዘለዎ ኢዩ።
ነቓፋይ ብጣዕሚ ጎበዝ ሰብኣይ ኢኻ ታሪኽ ኮሓሒሎም ገንዘብ ከኻዕብቱ ኣይትግደፍዎም፡ ተኽኢልካ ባዕልኻ ነቲ ዝነበረ ጽሓፎ ኢኻ።
Tango April 30, 2016
I understand mussie was critising the book,and
He has done so eloquently.
The comments about money is not part of the book. therefore shouldn’t have been brought at this medium. That’s my point.
AHMED SALEH !!! April 30, 2016
Are you commenting just to criticize or you mean it ? I know you understand Tigrigna better than me and the meaning of KIFLIT .
To ask memher Stefanos for tutoring make a little Sense .
nmehar April 30, 2016
Mussie as someone who has worked closely with Memhr Zeru has every right to right the wrong, the problem I see is his tone was too negative. In addition, he accused Zeru of not consulting some of the actors in his book. Well, that should be left to those individuals. May be they have no issue with that.
Dave May 2, 2016