ድንቁርና`ውን ኣብኡ ነይሩ`ዩ
ብኣወልኼር ዓ/ሓፊዝ "ኣንታ እንታይ ወረደና " ጥራሕ ዘኮነስ “ ገለ ዝፈጸምናዮ ናብዚ ሃለዋትና`ዚ ዘብጸሔ ዘንቢ/ሓጥያት ደኣ ከይህሉ?! " እናበሉ ዝሓስቡን ዝዛረቡን ውሑዳት ኣይኮኑን።ዝኾነ ኾይኑ ክሳድ ሒዝና ንምጽናሕ ዝኣክል፤ ክፉእ እናረኣኻ ሕማቅ እናሰማዕካ ዓገብ ዘይምባል ንባዕሉ ዓቢ

ብኣወልኼር ዓ/ሓፊዝ
“ኣንታ እንታይ ወረደና ” ጥራሕ ዘኮነስ “ ገለ ዝፈጸምናዮ ናብዚ ሃለዋትና`ዚ ዘብጸሔ ዘንቢ/ሓጥያት ደኣ ከይህሉ?! ” እናበሉ ዝሓስቡን ዝዛረቡን ውሑዳት ኣይኮኑን።ዝኾነ ኾይኑ ክሳድ ሒዝና ንምጽናሕ ዝኣክል፤ ክፉእ እናረኣኻ ሕማቅ እናሰማዕካ ዓገብ ዘይምባል ንባዕሉ ዓቢ ሓጥያት ምዃኑ ርዱእ ክኸውን ኣለዎ።
ካብቲ ዓገብ ዘይተባህሎ ናብዚ ሃለዋት ዘብጸሔ ኣብ “ኣሕሊፍኩም ሂብኩሞም” ዝብል ሓተታ ጠቂሰዮ ዝነበርኩ ገለ ነጥብታት ክጠቅስ`የ።
“……….. ኣንቱም ዓገብ ምባል ዘይትፈልጡ፤ መሻረውቲ፡ መጣቃዕቲ፡ ፈራሃት፡ ተመሳሰልቲ፤ ነዚ ሓድሽ ወለዶ ጉጉይ ኣፈታትሓ ሽግራት ክመርጽ፤ ጌጋ መንገዲ ክሕዝ ጌርኩም ኢኹም ……………. እወ ! ንባሕርን ምድረበዳን ሸፋቱን ኣዛብእ ዘቤትን ኣሕሊፍኩም ሂብኩሞም !!!
እወ ! ንስኻትኩም ፡-
1 – ነቲ ካልኣይ ገጽ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊትን ጎኑን መማልእቱን ዝነበረ ሰራዊት ሓርነት፤ ኣብ 2ይ መፋርቅ 70ታት ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት ንኸረን ደቀምሓረ ….. ናጻ ከውጽእ እንከሎ ንመንደፈራ ዓዲዃላ ኣቁርደት ተሰነ ….. ናጻ ዘውጸኤ ሰራዊት ሓርነት፤ መሪሕነት ህግ ምስ ወያነ ሓርነት ትግራይ ተመሓዝዩ ክድምስሶ እንከሎ (ንደቅኹምን ኣሕዋትኩም ዝኾኑ ሰራዊት ሓርነት ክወቅዕ እንከሎ) ዓገብ ብዘይምባልኩም፡
2 – ድሕሪ ነጻነት እቶም ካለኦት ደቅና/ኣሕዋትኩም ኸ ኣበይ ኣለዉ? ኢልኩም ብዘይምሕታትኩም፤ መራሒ ህግደፍ ኣፉ መሊኡ ኣብ ሜዳ ንግስቲ ሳቫ ናይ ካለኦት ህላዌ ከም ዘይኣምንን ከም ዘየፍቅድን ምስ ተዛረበ፤ ካብ እሺ ሓሊፍኩም ” ሓቁ ! ኣበይ ዝነበሩ`ዮም …… እንታይ ዝገበሩ`ዮም” ብምባል ንዘይ መሳትኹም ብምንእኣስኩም
3 – ኣይ ካብ ሃይማኖት (ፍርሃት ፈጣሪ) ኣይ ካብ ስልጣኔ (ስፍሓት ኣእምሮ) ሓዲግ ዝኾኑ ሰበ-ስልጣን ብስቅታኹም ቅልጽሞም እናዓበዬ ጅቦኦም እናመለኤ ክኸይድ እንኮሎ ክመጽእ ዝኽእል ሓደጋ ብዘይምርዳእኩም
4 – ባንደራ ሃገር ንሃገራውያን ከይተወከስካ ንተዘክሮታቱ ኣብ ግምት ከየእተኻ ክቅየር እንከሎ ከም ምቅያር ጃከት ስለ ዝረኣኹሞ
5 – “ትንፋስ ዘለዎ ሓወልቲ ስዉኣትና “ ( ኣካሎም ዝጎደለ ኣሕዋትና ) ንጉዳይ መነባብሮኦም ምምሓሽ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ገይሮም ናይ ጠያይት መልሲ ክወሃቦም እንኮሎ እቲ ወትሩ ሩጉእ ደምኩም ሰለ ዘይፈለሔ
6 – ብስም “ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት” ባርነት እናተኻየደ፤ “ደቅና ኣሰብኡት ክኾኑልና” እናበልኩም፤ ነቲ መጻኢ መንእሰያት ዝውሕጥ፤ ሳዋ ስለ ዝዋጠኹም
7 – መኮነናት ኢትዮጳያ ዘይገበርዎ ድፍረት “መጋቢተይ`ዶ ኣላይተይ” እናበልካ ጸጽቡቃተን እናሓረኻ ብባህልን ንቡርን ዘይፈልጡ ዓናጅል ክድፈራ እንከለዋ ከምዘይረኣኹምን ዘይሰማዕኩምን ክትመስሉ ስለ ዝጸዓርኩም
እምበኣር ናብዚ ስቅታ`ዝን ውጽኢታቱን ዘብጸሔና ድንቁርና ህዝብናን ድንቁርና ናይቶም ብኣነ-ሕራይ ዝደንቆሩ ምሁራትናን`ዩ።ድንቁርና ኩሉ ግዜ ኣብ ሕማቅና ኣሎን ነይሩን`ዩ።
ሸኽ ዓብደልቃድር ከቢረ ድንቁርናን ነጻነትን ከምዘይቃደዉ፤ ብዘስምዕ ቃና ኣብቲ ንህዝቢ ኣስመራ ቅድሚ መስዋእቶም ዘስምዑዎ ኣገዳሲ መደረ ትምህርቲ ምስ ነጻነት ዘለዎ ምትእስሳር ደጋጊሞም ብምግላጽ ” …… በሉ ! ዘይትማሃሩ እንተኾንኩም ነጻነት`ውን ኣየድልየኩምን`ዩ ! “ ክብሉ ቁሩብ ዝተረፎም`ዮም ዝመስሉ ነይሮም።
ን መልእኽቲ ከቢረ ካብቲ ዝምልከቶ ሓፋሽ ህዝቢ ንላዕሊ መራሕቲ ሻዕብያ ፡-
- ኣብ ውሽጢ ውድቦም ኣንጻር ምሁራት ዝገበርዎ ጎስጓስ ብምዕዋት
- ንርእሱ ዘልዓለ ምሁር ብምድቋስ
- ብኣነ-ሕራይ ደናቁር ክኾኑ ዝደልዩ ምሁራት ብምጥራይ ዝተረድእዎ ይመስሉ።
ክሳብ ነቲ ኣብ ኩሉ ሕማቅና ዝነበረን ዘሎን ድንቁርና ሓግሒግና ብፍልጠት ንትክኦ ሞይቁና ክንሓድር ማለት ዘይከውን`ዩ።
AAHafiz (191)14/09/2015
Lemlem Habte September 15, 2015
Hi my friend AAHafiz, I am sorry you felt that way, don’t point fingers on others, you were also equally responsible for the wrong deeds. You should have stood for your right, I am not sure if you had said no for the wrong flag if you thought it was wrong, and about any any wrong doing in the past. We all are responsible. It was in the past and is history now, but we have to learn from that and try to do our part to shorten the suffering of the Eritreans, it will not help anyone to blaime each other about the past wrong deeds
YERHWO September 15, 2015
good job lemlem!
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 15, 2015
“Belu zeytimaharu intekhoynkum naxenet ewn
ayedliyekumn iyu ” surprising speech from
martyred forefathers in Eritrean history .
After more than six decades we are still at
same confused position fighting against our
common interest .
We brought NAXENET but we missed to implimented
the Joy it brings .
I know we do not see eye to eye, but I can sense your sincerity.So,I will give you one unsolicited advice…Follow the situation ,do not set agenda and then search to support your belief. While your principle is in it’s place, let situations lead you to the actual situation ,so you maybe able to correct your approach.DO NOT PUT THINGS IN BLACK & WHITE..Or if you do ,like I do..explain why ..do not label people, nor put them in a andnet camp or other.IF YOU HAVE A CONVINCING POINT PLEASE EXPRESS ,YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A SPEECH OR EXPRESSION TRAFFIC.
This advice is free next time I will charge…just brotherly humor..
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 16, 2015
Saving young Eritrean. we
You seem offended to hear the truth we brought into ourselves . And
nobody mentioned ANDNET or try to label people on Black and White .
Again I repeat , we as people are responsible to convoy wrong deeds
at it’s worst stage where entire present generation crippled .
Now , if you have different opinion , bring it on respectively but
no need to charge emotionally. For those in denial , Truth might
hurt . For open minded it sends a learning lesson .
k.tewolde September 15, 2015
Eternal peace and glory to the pioneers of our political cause. Beautiful souls. they can not be duplicated.
One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 16, 2015
What do you mean ; another man’s terrorist SHIFTA ?
That is how you charge to provoke commentators ?
I see your side of contradicted brotherly humor .
mm September 16, 2015
Excellent article. You have summerized the demize of Eritrea.
Bizen September 16, 2015
It is hard to believe these are the same people who fought of what they perceived to be
an alien language “Amharic” yet they are trying to sell “Arabic” as a native language of Eritrea.
It is all identity crisis that has wrecked our region (Eritrea in particular) for so many decades and it sadly looks like there is no end in sight for the identity crisis.
We have also all waited until ghedli produced some tangible results other than just a flag but all ghedli and its generation produces is refugees, criminal Bedouins and prisons for its unfortunate citizens. Unfortunately, it can’t get any worse in Eritrea, can it?
k.tewolde September 16, 2015
Bizen,It depends who you referring as ghedli. You have a captulationist mentality.You said ‘we have also all waited until ghedli produced..’, wait for what, a bowl of macaroni? is this a history of a waiter and waited? what was your role in all of this? You are the one with identity crisis.Ethiopian or Eritrean.I agree with your final statement though, this is the lowest point of an Eritrean.
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 16, 2015
I don’t understand why some people advocate for
past foreign occupiers policy of division . Any
society has right to choose common language as
desired . Foreign Amharic language implimented by force upon Eritrean society drove people to resist
for the sake of integrity .
People couldn’t live in lasting peace if right of
choice us not respected . That is why people fight
for democratic reforms .
If sects of our society prefer Arabic language ,
it is their choice we should tolerate for common
good like we normally comminicate with foreign
languages unless hatred on certain society is
the motive of this argument .
Kombishtato September 16, 2015
Does burning and suppressing of native Eritrean languages such as Tigre by the ignorant elites in Jebha a of love of Eritrean values and history to import and worship alien foreign language?
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 16, 2015
Please , leave Eritrean issue to Eritreans .
KHELINA YA-AKHI says asmarino Boy .
Simon G. September 17, 2015
Do I dare to answer your question, Ahmed S.?
My theory (it can be as bad as…) is, these could be a generation who were born in Eritrea but deported to Ethiopia, during the Badme war. They have more in common with Eritreans than with Ethiopians, but we have abandoned them.
That could be the reason for those kind of comments. You know what I mean?
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 17, 2015
Simon G.
The message of this commentators goes beyond the
argument you tried to be bring as an excuse.
Do we have to fool ourselves by ignoring what
they brought to the table . Nothing wrong to
compromises but not at price of National interest.
Simon G. September 17, 2015
Ahmed S,
I think you misunderstood my comment. It could be my basic English skill. No excuse here at all. On the contrary, what I meant to say is the comments you see from some people that doubts our independence is that there is a possibility these people have been born and grew in Eritrea. Now that they have deported to Ethiopia, their ideology seem to differ from most of us.
So, the question is why they hang out here at Assenna. Well, I think they have more in common with us than with Ethiopians. Imagine immigrant family’s kids who grew up in the USA have more in common with their classmates than with their own people.
ogbai September 16, 2015
Where is my comment that I send it while ago
berie haqi September 21, 2015
ኣታ ሎምስ እዞም ምኣዝን ዘይብሎም : ኣኻብዶም ዝዘመዶም ኮተቴ ጀሚሮም : ወስ ኣሰና ዘሳሰና መኤዳ ዓዋሉ :