ድሕሪ 24 ዓመት ኣብ መዓስከር ስደተኛታት : ኤርትራዊ የማነ ተፈሪ ዓሪፉ::
የማነ ተፈሪ ኣብ ኖርወይ ሕጋዊ መንበሪ ፍቓድ ክረክብ ንኣስታት 20 ዓመት ተቓሊሱ: ሕቶኡ ከይተመለሰ ኣብ 58 ዕድሚኡ ሓሙስ 7 ጥሪ ሃንደበት ዓሪፉ ብምባል ጋዜጣታት እታ ሃገር ገሊጸን::የማነ ኣብ ኣፍልቡ ቃንዛ ተሰሚዕዎ ብሓካይም ሓገዝ ተገይሩሉ ክድሕን
የማነ ተፈሪ ኣብ ኖርወይ ሕጋዊ መንበሪ ፍቓድ ክረክብ ንኣስታት 20 ዓመት ተቓሊሱ: ሕቶኡ ከይተመለሰ ኣብ 58 ዕድሚኡ ሓሙስ 7 ጥሪ ሃንደበት ዓሪፉ ብምባል ጋዜጣታት እታ ሃገር ገሊጸን::የማነ ኣብ ኣፍልቡ ቃንዛ ተሰሚዕዎ ብሓካይም ሓገዝ ተገይሩሉ ክድሕን ከምዘይክኣለ ተፈሊጡ::
ንሱ ኣብ ሽወደን 9 ዓመት ድሕሪ ምቕማጡ ኣብ 1998 ናብ ኖርወይ ከምዝኣተወን: ብዘይካ እተን ክልተ ዓመት ኣብ ሆስፒታል ዝሰርሓለን ኣስታት 24 ዓመት ኣብ 13 ዝተፈላለየ ካምቦ ስደተኛታት ከምዘሕለፎ ጋዜጣ ቨገ ገሊጻ:: እታ ጋዜጣ ብተወሳኺ: የማነ ካብ ሃገሩ ኣብ 1974 ከምዝወጽአን ኣብቲ ንናጽነት ዝተገብረ ቃልሲ ድማ ተቓዋማይ ከም ዝነበረን: እንተኾነ ንሃገሩ ብድሌቱ ብፍጹም ክምለስ ከምዘይደልን ኣቐዲሙ ንዝሃቦ ቃለመጠይቕ ብምውካስ ኣቕሪባ::
የማነ ስድራ ቤት ክምስረት ዝነበሮ ተስፋ ጸንቂቑ: እንኮ ትምኒቱ ካብ ካምቦ ስደተኛታት ወጺኡ ሰሪሑ ክኣቱን ንቡር ሂወት ክመርሕን ምንባሩ በርግሉንድ ስቲን ጠቒሱ: ጭንቀትን ጸቕጥን ከም ዝነበሮ ሓቢሩ::
በርግሉንድ ስቲን ነዊሕ ሂወት ንዑቕባ ኣብቂዑ ድሕሪ ምባል ኣብ ጉዳይ የማነ ዝተራእየ ተሪር ኣተሓሕዛ ፖለቲካ ዑቕባ ኖርወይ ኣድላይ ኣይኮነን ኢሉ::
የማነ ተፈሪ ኣብ 2014 ንውሳነ መንግስቲ ብሕጊ ክምጉት ጠበቓ ተመዲቡሉ: ብሰብኣዊነት ሕጋዊ መንበሪ ክወሃቦ ኣብ መስርሕ ከሎ ዓለም ኣርኪባቶ::
araya-11 January 9, 2016
Amlak ab genetu ykebelo
yemane January 9, 2016
White people devils
Zeray January 12, 2016
You got it all wrong brother yemane. It is not the White’s problem. Have you ever thought how weak our communities are in each of the major cities around the world? If we had strong communities solving immigration problems and helping our people would have been simple. But every time you try to organize a non-political and non-religious local community that visits Eritreans in their daily needs, you will face PFDJites who will come to politicize, control and destroy it. So those of us who understand this we need to assert ourselves and do the right thing. Don’t spend your time trying to prove them wrong, or getting frustrated or responding tit for tat, LET’S JUST DO THE RIGHT THING. Organize and help our local neighbors no matter what. Thank you
AHMED SALEH !!! January 9, 2016
Living in exile lead the life of some unfortunate people into this kind
unpredictable endings . Many Eritrean refugees face the same uncertain
future in Sudan and other places which is sad to hear. Xelaiena yiseded.
Sidet Hayal , achenaki , felalayi nay aemuro fetene iyu .
May God rest his soul in peace .
Justice! January 10, 2016
We only live ones! so why was this all years since 1974 in refugee camps, years of denial, suffering and rejection necessary, absurd and inhuman. Where and when is justice to rule?
Duri Mohammed January 10, 2016
May God rest his soul in peace. having said that, many Eritreans are facing the same fate throughout the and world, hopefully their plight may end before they take their last breath and live like ordinary citizens.
Tesfit January 10, 2016
I have read about him before and seen videos. RIP.
Tesfit January 10, 2016
Dear Assenna,
I’ve been commenting using this name for years. Lately my comments have been put under wait. Why?
Tekle Haile January 10, 2016
ሞት የማነ ተፈሪ ብጣዕሚ ዘሰንብድን ዘሕዝዝንን እዩ ፡ ኣነ ባካል ኣብ ሚላኖ ተለልየዮ ኔረ ፡ ኣብ ሚላኖ ተመርዕዩ ሕዳር ጌሩ ኣይተዓውተን ፡ ናብ ስደት ኣምሪሑ ፡ ከም ኤርትራውያን ሰላምታ ኔሩና ባሕረኛ ኔረ እውን ይብል ኔሩ ። ሕጂ ድሕሪ ዕስራን ሓሙሽተን ዓመት ኣብ ኖርወይ ከም ስደተኛ ከይተቐበልዎ ኣብ ማእከል ስደተኛታት ዓሪፉ ምስ ሰማዕኩ ብሓቂ ሓዚነ፡ ተሰሚዑኒ ድርብ ውርደት ኤርትራውያን ። ዝኸበርኩም ኣሕዋት ኤርትራውያን ስደት እዚ ኢዩ ትርፉ ክብረትና ኣብ ሃገርና ኤርትራውያን ስለዝኾና ፡ ሰላም፡ ፍትሒ ንምምጻእ ገለ ንግበር ፡ ትርጉም ስደት እዚ ንርእዮ ሓሰረ መከራ እዩ ። ሎሚ ንዘሎ መንግስቲ ስለትቃወም ሬሳኻ ንሃገሩ ኣይኣቱን እዩ ይብሉኻ እቶም ናጽነት ዘምጽኡልካ ፡ ኣይ ናይ ኣቦታትና ኣይ ናይ ኣባሓጎታትና ፡ ዘሕፍር ታሪኽ ፡
የማነ ተፈሪ እቲ ልዑል ፈጣሪ ኣብ መንግስተ ሰማይ ይቀበልካ
ንሙሉእ ስድራቤት ድማ ጽንዓት ይሃብኩም ይብል Rest in peace- Riposi in pace
Berhe Tensea January 10, 2016
24 years in a refugee camp is not good news, Why did he fail to fight for his right to live in his country with dignity and to avoid wasting 24 years years of his life.
I am sure that the dictator and TV ere will not give a damn about yhis poor person.
Lilay January 10, 2016
May God rest hi soul in Peace. This is also a shame for the eritrean kommunity in the country because they would help him organised as a Community. This reveals our weaksness.