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Review overview
  • Genet-orginal September 18, 2014

    I read the article, about Elsa is a bad person.

    The writer actually end up pointing more questions at himself and his motives, than what Elsa churum is doing or not doing. No body is perfect. Every Eritrean with an average brain knows, we are not even 50% of the time perfect. However, Eritreans like Amanuel and Elsa churum are doing more than their shares. If the rest of us try to do half of what they are doing,in no time we could stop the hemorrhaging of our people and country. I don’t see the point of the article. If the writer is honestly concerned about issues that primarily concerns the Eritrean people, he can try to engage Miss Elsa Churum in many ways. Honest people don’t try to engage other people by calling them names.

    The worst part of this article is it attracted the cadavers’ flies without wings of PFDJ zombies and of curse the rotten regionalists. The zombies are programed to attack anybody who is not the PFDJ/DIA’s cult member. The sick people with the cancer of regionalism are labeling Miss Elsa churum as regionalist who hate “Aklguzaye”. The Eritreans who are suffering from the cancer of regionalism are the worst enemy of the Eritrean people than PFDJ system and DIA. Regionalism is the number one destruction of the Eritrean peoples’ fight for true freedom. The cancer of Regionalism is the core enemy of our people. Regionalists are holding our freedom hostage. For 15 to 20 years, their priority has been dominate and control of power, exclusively within their group. They are the stupidest group of people to exits in Eritrea. I say, they are stupid, because they are unable to understand their effort to dominate other Eritreans will never work. After DIA, no group is going to be allowed to dominate anything in Eritrea. It is all about thrust. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”. DIA used the cancer of regionalism successfully to divide Eritreans among other means of Divide and Conquer methods, to gain and maintain power. Eye witness accounts are now coming out, how DIA used power, as you dangle meat in front of dogs or cats to make them do what you want them to do. I lost hope, for any Eritrean who is suffering from the cancer of regionalism to be cured. Or to see himself or herself as any Eritrean and capable of caring for all Eritreans. All the old regionlaists will die soon. The young who are poisoned by the old are going to live miserably. It is the Eritrean tragic.

    God forgive our people!

    • Simon G. September 19, 2014

      Wow, Genet-o. What happened?

    • Observer September 21, 2014

      Excellent post Genet!

  • Wedi Habrom September 18, 2014

    Elsa or shall we call you lady dictator (nuishitey hafti DIA), you are sadly trying to run before you can even walk properly. You are a complete and utter disgrace to our proud Eritrean community, your distasteful decisions and actions are a complete shambles. If you have any dignity and identity left then you should come out straight away to put the record straight otherwise you are a shame to your family and community for ever with corruptive reputation for life.

  • wed eri September 18, 2014

    I think you should speak for yourself how average an person you are. You are trying to downsize Elsa Churm corruption activity. I don’t where you live? Where I’m from mismanaging people money is a serious crime. You will be prosecuted to the fullest. To me you sound like those Elsa groupies defend her no matter what she does. May be you are one of those people eating piece of pie.

    • Genet-orginal September 18, 2014

      Wed eri
      Your comments shows, you are not talking from a neutral position. On your previous post, you accused Miss Elsa Churum being hateful toward Aklaguzaye. Now you are talking about how you care about mismanaging peoples’ money. Which is it? All I know is Esla Churum is an Eritrean woman who is doing her part. It seems your concern is about an Eritrean woman who is doing excellent, but you don’t identify with her. Most likely, Her only fault according to you is she is not from your village. You injected the “she hate Aklaguzaye” message. and then you cry foul “mismanaging peoples’ money”. How do you know where Miss Elsa Churum is from. As far as I am concern, she is a hard working Eritrean woman who is doing her best. I don’t care which tiny village in Eritrea her family belong too. I am sure she is proud who she is. Wed eri, If you love Eritrea and Eritreans, you can’t keep categorizing people according to their village and go on character assassination, not because of their deed, but because of their origin.

      Don’t hate me because I am telling you the truth. There will never be room in future Eritrea for rotten regionalism. No Eritrean is going to tolerate regionalism in any form or shape. “kem kedme yemslake wiehege ywosdakee” Be proud of who you are and the village you came from.
      Death to Regionalism!

      PS. I wish I was Miss Elsa’s close friend.

      • Iskinder (Alex) September 18, 2014

        This is a case where your wishful thinking is running away with you. You are deliberately choosing to be “blind and deaf” and to be one sided and focusing only on one-box of the sisterhood stand. As Plato once said, “Truth always flows towards those with one celled brain”. However, Elsa definitely is NOT with the truth or honesty at all. The way I see or judge Elsa would be towards the optimistic point of view that THE GLASS IS HALF-FULL – NOT EMPTY, in other word, her stolen money(from the poor victims & refugees) is still half full and should be redistributed to the needy ones urgently. I also believe in “there are two sides to a story, but in the case of Elsa the opportunist, it has been so far only my side of story attitude”. Elsa has brought a shame and disgrace to our Eritrean community in the UK in particular and to all Eritreans in general. Genet-O if you are asking or wishing to be Miss Elsa’s close friend in order to share a piece of the cake then you may be a little late for the big slice but you may still be in time for left overs. And once you become her friend just remind her politely NOT to mess or degrade the great & proud people of deki AkeleGuzay. She can’t still a camel and then hide in her tiny room. Time to come out and tell the truth if she still has any dignity and truth to tell!

        • Iskinder (Alex) September 18, 2014

          correction : She can’t “steal” and not still.

        • Genet-orginal September 21, 2014

          Iskinder (Alex)

          Dear Iskinder, I am not sure where you are coming from. You may be have some personal beef with Miss Elsa. However, What ever personal problem you have with her, don’t to try to make it, as it is also Akeleguzay’s problem. You seem to be someone with some educational background. Hint, quoting Plato, but you lack common sense. You are accusing Miss Elsa with a very serious crime. For your own sake, you better have some evidence. On the other hand, you may not have any personal knowledge or beef with Miss Elsa, because I see, you are quick to accuse people of wrong doing, if they disagree with you or you consider them as not part of the “great & proud people of deki AkeleGuzay”.

          I may not be 100% Akele, but I can relate. You Iskinder, want us, the Eritrean people unequivocally to believe Miss Elsa is against all Deki Akeleguzay. Why would one Eritrean woman, regardless of where she came from be against Akeleguzay? WHY??? That is for you to answer to your self. See Mr Iskinder, there is no Akeleguzay without the rest of Eritrean regions. And that is the big and fat fact. People like you give Akeleguzay bad name by pretending to be the defender of Akeleguzay. You called Miss Elsa many names, including “opportunist, thief who is stealing peoples’ money and so on… I am sure, you know someone from Akeleguzay who could do the same act. But, because you are one of those people from Akeleguzay who is a notorious bias, you would not say a word. A word of advice, this is not all about Miss Elsa. It is about the majority Eritrean people who are suffering under an insane dictator. Our father and grand-father may had the luxury and the discretion to discriminate one anther, but we don’t. What ever we say, even under a pen names it will be traced to which ever group we place ourselves. Approximately, close to 50 years, many Eritreans have been subjected to discrimination from their own people. But never severe as the present time. For example, some young Eritreans were stranded and put endanger in Sudan, after they were asked by oppositions’ representatives which part of Eritrea they came from. Eventually, those young Eritreans made their way to America and vowed not to follow or trust any opposition group.

          The monster of regionalism is being displayed out in the open. No body should be surprised to see stiff challenges. You can’t mix an entire region to win a personal dispute. The monster of regionalism which has been hidden for many years is now shown its presence. How?? Evidence of individuals pretending to be defenders of a particular region are seen often ganging up on other Eritreans they think are successful and hard working to advocate for our people. I would say for the past five years, I can pick out topics that attracted pure regionalism comments. For example, if they are two PFDJ’s officials who are equally criminals, one would be attacked to no end than the other,based on his/her region. It has been so many obvious trend of regionalism, we can’t ignore it any longer. Because ignoring it is ignoring our problem. It is a problem that affects all us. Regionalism is one of the worst problem that is hindering our progress for justice and liberty for our people. We need to solve it, sooner than later.

          God bless our people and country.

          • Simon G. September 22, 2014

            I agree with you regionalism is a huge problem but don’t you think that you are blaming one region – Akeleguzay as the main regionalists? Anyone can read between the lines.
            Let’s assume Akelguzay are the regionalists, for the sake of arguments. Don’t you think they react to the action of HGDF, which is dominated by one region- which is Hamassien. Take a look around you for most of the HGDF supporters. They are mostly from Hamassien. However, the HGDF region is destroying Hamassien as equal as Akeleguzay. What do say to that?
            The way I see it is, the one with the authority creates all this separation of regions, blames the others and his followers blame the other regions. When those regions complained, then they are labelled as regionalists. This is a double standard, from my point of view.
            So, my view, the oppressed people are complaining and a group of complainers come together. Then what happened? You (we) call them regionalists. Not fair, not fair at all.

  • Hailu September 18, 2014

    My senses from this article are a little bit confusing, the person may or may not have facts i do not want to point on that. But Elsa chrum was one of those who showed with her hard work and persistent patience to tackle a lot of hardships and has also enabled this commission to be due in effect.
    This type of blackmailing does not help us we Eritreans rather to cooperate and work together and also encourage like Elsa chrum to hit the target.
    if the article/person is genuine he would have tried to show that he contacted her and had facts working with her otherwise it looks or seems the person is envious of her progress and her popularity.
    Elsa is not taking this popularity and this huge task simply or by gossiping she paid a huge price she expressed her genuine fight for human rights day and night and she deserves and she also deserves to finish this huge task.

    Please think twice brother Daniel mehari before you write this huge message without any evidence and that discourages many people for the justice to be done on the abusers.
    if we and you Daniel continued to work against Elsa chrum and others like her we will never see any peace and justice in Eritrea and the country will be plugged again into the conditions of Syria and Iraq and Libya.

  • bussinesman September 18, 2014

    Daniel is a well known trouble maker, aggressive, selfish and manipulator. Not surprisingly, he is accusing this woman who has been knowingly working with him for so long. She is less selfish than him though. Their work lacked transparency from the very beginning. Why is he now barking like a dog? Why now? There is a lot to the story than what has been stated.

  • MightyEmbasoyra September 18, 2014

    ወገናዊ ኢሉ ዝጸርፍ፣ ንነብሱ ወገናዊ ዩ። ከመይ በሉኒ። ኢልኩምዶ? ሕራይ
    ንኣብነት: ን ኣብነት ‘የ ድማ ዝብለኩም ዘለኹ። ኣይትታሃወኹን’ዶ። ሕራይ?
    ንኣብነት: ኣብ ደገ ዘለዉ ሰዓብቲ ህግደፍ መንዮም ኢልኩም ድሕሪ ሓቲትኩምኒ, መልሰይ ዝበዝሑ ካብ ሓማሴን, ደሓር ሰራየ, ቁርብ ድማ ኣከለጉዛይ መለስኩልኩም። ወገናዊ’ዶ ምበልኩምኒ? መልስኹም እወ ‘ተልኩም, ኣነ ድማ ወገናውያን ምበልኩኹም። ስለመንታይ? ግደፉኒ, ቡነይ ክሰቲ። ኣብዛ ኣወል ቡነይ ዘዕገርግረኒ ‘ኳ ኣይፈቱን።
    ጥዑም ቡን! ጥዑም!

    ይቕሬታ: ዘምጸኣኒ ጉዳይ ረሲዐ ኔረ ፡ ኤልሳ ጭሩም ኣንበሳ ‘የ ዝገብራ ኔረ። ኣይኮነትን ድያ?
    ግደፉና በጃኹም! ግደፉና። ‘ዛ መርዘን ግዲ ክትጅምረኒ ደልያ
    ኣወል ጥራይ ዲና ሰቲና, ዝማመይ?

    • ERITRAWIT September 19, 2014

      Eta bone kaleytey eya nera kkkkk mrda do abeka.
      By writing this articles it is like given a satisfaction to Sofia af testey.
      But then lisining to Elsa SBS interview accusing Amanule is a double satisfaction to HGDEFAWYAN.
      We have to tell all it is not acceptable.

      • MightyEmbasoyra September 19, 2014

        I guess they had little powwow between them?

    • sandro September 19, 2014

      once wegenawi always wegenawi, mighty. so what else is new? keep changing your nick and destroying our province you moron. what is Akeloguzay to you?

    • Kube September 19, 2014

      wow you are so out there man!

    • ከመይ ኢሉ ክሓልፈላ ሃገር? September 21, 2014

      ስለዚ ብናትካ ኣተሓሳስባ እቲ ደጋፊ ህግደፍ ካብ ሓማሴንን ሰራየን ዝበዝሐ ተሳታፍነት ስለዘለዎ ወገናዊ ምኽዋንካ ገበን የብሉን ማለት አዩ። ግርም። ካብቶም ኣብ ቃልሲ ከም በዓል ኤልሳ ዘበላ ኸ ክንደይ ካብ ሓማሴንን ሰራየን ኣለዉ?

      • Mightyembasoyra September 21, 2014

        You missing the point, please re-read it.

    • Genet-orginal September 21, 2014

      Hi Mighty
      Good to hear from you brother.

      My take on your question will be where is the study result roughly, showing how many people are supporting PFDJ and from where? The second question will be who is benefiting by doing business with PFDJ? If you are in the middle of your coffee/Boon time, take your time. I know how you feel.


  • Selam Berhe September 18, 2014

    The motive for this Article can be hatred, animosity, jealousy ext…but the H/R Commission, not having board members, fund and transparency issues must be addressed soon if we are talking and working about Eritrea and Eritrean people then there should not be any private affairs. Regardless of the motive the issues are valid.

  • 2pac September 19, 2014

    Ane zgermeni nayzom btsuhuf ab hadhdkum tbasu sebat eu.. hade hasab aleni buzuh gize nay minbab limdin delyetin aleni kem kulu seb articles.. sne tshufat yenbib eye darga ab kulu website ditshafu.. to the point .. anbibe zedlyeni temhaire zeydleni dima gedife egreyn edeyn hize suq ybil slemintay ab suq zelo message abi kindizkone.. ab mewedata nezia comment kitshif segededeni mkinyat newih gize ztazebkuwo ab nenhdihdika zeymkibibar eritrawi hibreteseb eu.. slezi kab b dhri computer gizeka wtfika abzeyteqim neger miskitbas kab miwail zeydlyeka wey teqami koynu zrayeka neger ente koynu migdafu temeratsie eu bibzhi ab nay facebook besi b bzhi zizwteru agtamitat eyom.. slezi kab abzeytamnelu zeyteqmeka gizeka ab miqtsal neti zeyrebih neger niqayo ab senay zebele snemigbar testebhil ybilkum.. have a great weekend to you all.

  • 2pac September 19, 2014

    Ane zgermeni nayzom btsuhuf ab hadhdkum tbasu sebat eu.. hade hasab aleni buzuh gize nay minbab limdin delyetin aleni kem kulu seb articles.. sine tshufat yenbib eye darga ab kulu website ditshafu.. to the point .. anbibe zedlyeni temhaire zeydleni dima gedife egreyn edeyn hize suq ybil slemintay ab suq zelo message abi kindizkone.. ab mewedata nezia comment kitshif zegededeni mkinyat ente neyru..newih gize ztazebkuwo ab nenhdihdika zeymkibibar Eritrawi hibreteseb eu.. slezi kab b dhri computer gizeka awenzifka abzeyteqim neger mis sebat kitbas kab miwail zeydlyeka wey teqami koynu zrayeka neger ente koynu migdafu temeratsie eu.. bibzhi ab nay facebook b bzhi zizwteru agtamitat eyom.. slezi kab abzeytamnelu zeyteqmeka gizeka ab miqtsal neti zeyrebih neger neiqayo ab senay zebele snemigbar ab hidhidhidna zmhirena ente nestebhil ybilkum.. have a great weekend to you all.