ዳግማይ ጅር ገደላ።
ዳግማይ ጅር ገደላ። 14.06.15፡ ኣብ ዝሓለፈት ሰሙን “ዳስ ሓውያ” ኣብ ትብል ኣርእስትና ኣብ ዝቐረበ ጽሑፍ፡ ታሪኽ ብሉይ ጅር ገደላ ቆናጢርናዮ’ኳ እን ተነበርና እቶም መፈጸምታ ሂወት ናይ ሽዑ ጅር ገደላ ክትፈልጡ ዝደለኹም ኣይትተሃወኹ። ብዛዕባኡ’ሞ ብዙሓት ተወለድ ቲ

ዳግማይ ጅር ገደላ። 14.06.15፡
ኣብ ዝሓለፈት ሰሙን “ዳስ ሓውያ” ኣብ ትብል ኣርእስትና ኣብ ዝቐረበ ጽሑፍ፡ ታሪኽ ብሉይ ጅር ገደላ ቆናጢርናዮ’ኳ እን ተነበርና እቶም መፈጸምታ ሂወት ናይ ሽዑ ጅር ገደላ ክትፈልጡ ዝደለኹም ኣይትተሃወኹ። ብዛዕባኡ’ሞ ብዙሓት ተወለድ ቲ ኮኑ ካልኦት ለባማት ስለዘለዉና ጸሓይና መሊኣ ምስ በረቐት ብዝበለጸ ክትርኹልና ኢዮም። ንሎሚ ግና ናብዚ ንዘመናዊ ጅር ገደላና ዝወለደ ኩነትን ናይ ምምሳል ብቕዓት ፕረሲደንትናን ክንእንፍት።
ኣብ 60ታት ዓለም በቲ ሽዑ ልዑል ተስፋ ዝተነብረሉ ሓድሽ ሰውራታት ትስፍውቲ ነበ ረት። ኣብ ብዙሓት ሃገራት ድሮ ተዓዊቱን ኣብ ዝበዝሓ ድማ ገና ኣብ መስርሕ’ዩ ነይሩ። ሓድሽ ስርዓት ሰውራ ሸቃሎን ገባሮን ክበሃል እንከሎ ድማ ብዛዕባ ናይ ጽባሕ ማዕርነታ ዊ ሂወት’ምበር ንሽዑዑ ጥራይ ዝሓስብ ብዘይምንባሩ ትምኒት ራህዋን ቅሳነትን ኣንጻር ዓመጽን ግዝኣትን ብምብድሁ ክልተ ዓለማዊ ደንበ ተፈጥረ። ብገጥሚ ምዝዛም 2ይ ኲ ናት ዓለም፡ በቲ ሓደ ኣመሪካን እንግሊዝን ዝመርሓኦ ርእሰ-ማላዊ ወገን፡ በቲ ካልእ ሩ ስያን ቻይናን ዝድርኽኦ ሓድሽ ማሕበርነታዊ ደምበን ነበረ’ሞ ዓብላልነት ናይዚ ዳሕረዋይ ድማ ውሑስ መሰለ።
ኣመሪካ ነቲ ሓድሽ ግንባር ክትገጥም ኣብ ውሽጣ ለውጢ ከተተኣታቱ ተገደደት። ጸረ-ዓሌትነት ንዝዓላማኦም ፍሉጣት ሰባት ብምቕንጻል ክትዕወተሉ ብዝወጠነቶ ሜላ ድሮ ከምእኒ ዶክተር ማርቲን ሉተር ኪንግ፡ ፕረሲደንት ከነዲን ብዙሓትን ከተላእ ም’ኳ እንተኸኣለት ዘዋጽኣ ኣይነበረን። ጸኒሓ’ሞ ኣብ ግምባር ቬትናምን ኣብ ብዙሓት ካልኦትን ብዘሕፍር ተሳዒራ ወጸት። እ ሞ ኣብ ግምባር ምክርፋስ ካብዘይተኻእላ “ካብ ጉይይ ምውዓልሲ ክሳድ ምሓዝ” ናብ ዝብል ዝረቐቐ ብልሓት ተሰጋገረት። ከፋፊልካ ምግዛእ ገለ ካብቲ ውሕሉል ጥበባ ብምንባሩ ምስገሊአን ከም ኩባ ዝኣመሰላ ዝግርጫኣ እናተኾራተተት ምስ ከም እኒ ሃገረ ቻይና ዝኣመሰላ ብመትከል ዘይቃደዋኣ ግና ጥቡቕ ዝምድና ክትምስርት በቕዐት።
ብዛዕባ ናይ ሽዑ ውሽጣዊ ድኽመታትን ናይ ሓዋሩ መደብን ሃገረ ቻይና ክዛረብ’ኳ እንተዘይከኣልኩ ንሳ’ውን ብፍላይ ድሕሪ ሞት ዴሳዊ መራሒኣ ማኦ ጸቱንግ ምስ ኣመሪካ ከተሕገብግብ ተራእየት። ጸኒሓ’ሞ ዓለም ብዝፈልጦን ብዘገርም ለውጥን ሃገ ራዊ ረብሓኣ ብምቕዳም ንዓለማዊ ዴስነት ጠሊማ ሓድሽ ውዕላታ ከምዝፈረመት ኩሉ ዝተዓዘቦ ፍጻመ ኮነ። ብወገነይ እንታ ይ’ዩ’ቲ ምስጢሩ ኣወንዚፈ (ገሊኦም ሰብ ብባህሩ ብረብሓ ከምዝሰድዕ ይምስክሩ) ኣብ ዝበዝሓ ሃገራት ሰውራ ሽቃሎ ቀዳም ነት ብመራሕቱ ከምዝተጠልመ ግና ዓለማዊ ሓቂ ኢዩ። ኣብዚኣ ኢሳይያስ’ውን ብዛዕባ ቅዋምን ሕጋውነትን ክጠቅስ እንከሎ ከይሕተት ምእንቲ ከምወዝቢ ኣምሲሉ “ደሞክራሲ ኣበይ ርኢኹም”? ምባሉ ከይኣክል ህዝባዊ ግንባር ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ መብ ጽዓ ከምዘይኣተወሉ ብድሎ ክሒዱ ንጥልመት መብጽዓታቱ ሕጋውነት ከምዘልበሶ ባዕሉ ምስክር ምዃኑ ኣይትዘንግዑ።
እቲ ውዕል ኣመሪካን ቻይናን እንታይ ይመስል? ብሓጺሩ ብናይ ገሊኦም ጠመተ ጥልመት ሃገረ ቻይና መዘና የብሉን። ንሳ ነ ቲ ዓለማዊ ናይ ሸቃሎ ሰውራ ዝኣተወቶ መብጻዓኣ ጠንጢና ምስታ ብመትከል ሃጸይነት ትውንጅላ ዝነበረት ኣመሪካ ከቢድ ውዕል ተፈራረመት። እቲ ዝዓበየ ጥልመት ንሳ ኣብ ብዓለሙ ተካይዶ ንጥፈት ብዘይካ ቁጠባዊ ወፍሪ፡ ኣብ ፖለቲካ ዓለም (ብፍላይ ዴስነት ከተስፋሕፍሕ) ከምዘይትነጥፍ ፈረመት። ኣመሪካ ብወገና ቻይና ቁጠባኣ ከተህጥር ንትገብሮ ወፍሪ ከምዘ ይትዕንቅፍ ምፍራማ ውዕል “ሕኸኸኒ ክሓከካ” ምዃኑ ኣይሕባእን። ብተወሳኺ ኣመሪካ ኣብ ዓለም ብዘለዋ ጸብለልታ ንዘይ ተበርሃኣ ሃገራትብጉልባብ ቁጠባዊ እገዳ እናሓነቐት መሓልፎ ርእሰ-ማላ ናብ ቻይና ኣውሓዘት። ቻይና’ውን ከምኡ ካብ ዝደ ቐቐ ክሳብ ዝረቐቐ ምህርታ ናብ ኣመሪካ ኣቕንዐቶ። ክሳብ ክልቲአን ዝናቖታድማ እቶም ብፍላይ ንሰሜናዊ ምዕራብ ኣመሪካ ትፈልጡ ኣብ ገሊኡ ከተማታት ቋንቋ ቻይና ከም ካልኣይ ዘረባ ኣመሪካ ክጸሓፍን ክዝረብን ከምዝራአኹም ርግጸኛ ኢየ።
“ጉልቡብ ምርቓ” ይብል ጎብየ እንተረኸበ፡ ኣመሪካ ንፖለቲካዊ ግስጋሰ ቻይና ከምዘደስከለቶ ምስኣረጋገጸት ኣብ ርእሲ መ ቓብር ሰውራ ሸቃሎ፡ ናይ ባዕላ “ሰውራ ሓንቲ ዓለም” ዝብል ግምባር መስረተት። ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገራትን ሰውራታትን ብዘስ ለኾቶ ሃይማኖታውን ማሕበራውን ውዳበታት ድማ ሓያል ረጽሚ ብርሰት ዴስነት ተጎሃሃረ። እናበለ እናሰጎመ፡ ሰውራ ሓንቲ ዓለም ነዚ ሎሚ ዝርአ ዘሎ ዓለማዊ ሕንፍሽፍሽ ከምዝፈጠረ ትግምቱ ትህልዉ። ኣመሪካ ከም መሪሕ መጠን ንዝህልዋ ውጥ ን ደረት ብዝሒ ህዝቢ ዓለም (ሓንቲ ካብተን ምስ ቺና ዝተሰማምዓትሉ ምጣነ ወሊድ ምቁጽጻር ምዃኑ ይግለጽ) ምስቲ ዓለ ማዊ ቁጠባዊ ቀረብ ክመዛዘን እንተኾይኑ’ቲ ዝድለ ብካልእ ብልሓት ክሳለጥ ስለዝከኣል፡ ወዮ’ቲ ብዝርዕሙዎ ዝቐርብ ምኽኒ ት (ከም ምጽልጻል ገረብ) ጠንቂ ስዉር ዓለማዊ ህውከት፡ ዕንወትን ሞትን ስለዝኾነ ንብውልቀይ ኣገዳስነቱ ኣይረኣየንን።
ኣመሪካዊ ሰውራ ሓንቲ ዓለም ምስ ሰውራ ውጹዓትን ሃገራውነትን ክራጸም ባህሪያዊ ነበረ። ሃገራውን ሰውራውን ቃልስታት ንምብርዓን ካብተደለየ ዝከኣለሉ ቀንዲ ጥበብ ድማ ኣንፈቱን ዓቕሚ ሰቡን ምቁጽጻር ነበረ። እቲ ሰውራዊ ግስጋሰ ኣንጻር ረ ብሓ ኣመሪካ ምስዝኸውን ብእዋኑ ሓይሊሰቡ ክመክን፡ እንተድኣ ንሓዋሩ ንረብሓ ኣመሪካ ዝሰርሕ ኮይኑ ድማ ንርጉጽ ዋሕ ስነት ሓያል ናይ ምምስሳል ተኽእሎ ዘለዎም ብደረጃ መሪሕነት ዝሰርሑ ምልሙላት ኣስሊኾም ክረባረቡ ተራእዩ። ኣብ ከም ዚ ዝኣመሰለ ሰውራ፡ ተጋደልቲ መሰል ሕንፉጻት’ውን ብብዝሒ ከምዝዞረቑ ዘርከብናሉ ታሪኽ ኢዩ። እንተ ንምስላፍ’ሞ ሓደ ካብቶም ናይ ሽዑ ናብ ሰውራ ዝተጸንበሩ ህቡባት መንእሰያት ተጋደልቲ እዚ ናይ ሎሚ ቀዳማይ ፕረሲደንትና፡ ‘ንጉስናን ፈ ጣሪናን’ ኣቶ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ኣብራሃም ኢዩ።
ሃገራዊ ቃልስና ብእዋኑ ዝጀመረ’ኳ እንተነበረ ኣይከም 60ታትን 70ታትን። መንእሰይና ከምዚ ናይሎሚ ብሕልኮ ኣገልግሎት ከይተቐፈደ ሽዑስ ልክዕ ከምቶም ደቂ ወተሃደራት፡ ኩሉ ዕባይ ከተማታትና’ውን (ብፍላይ’ቶም መተዓብይትና ደቂ ኣስመራ) ብዘይካ ጠመተ ሃገር ካልእ ዝኸፋፍሎም ከም ኣውራጃ፡ ብሄር ን ሃይማኖትን ዝኣመሰለ መዳኸምያ ስምዒት ኣይነበረን። ክሳ ብሎሚ ከምኡ ክህሉ እናተመነኹ በቲግዜ’ቲ ኣብዛሓኡ መንእሰይ ኣስመራ በቲ ናይ ቃኘው ሓጺር ማዕበል ዝፍኖ ዝነበረ ሙ ዚቓ ውሉፍ ነበረ። መደበር ቃኘውን መሰሉን ከዳኽርሉ ዝውዕሉ መንእሰያት ስለዝነበሩ ክሳብ ወደስመራ ነቶም ሊቃውንቲ ወተሃደራት ኣመሪካ ብከመይ ይጻወቱሎም ከምዝነበሩ ዝዝክሮ ኣለኒ። ንኣብነት ሓደ እዋን ወተሃደራት ኣመሪካ ጸሊም ድሙ ከምተፈጥረን ከምዘይተፈጥረን ተኻትዑ’ሞ ንገለ ደቂ ቃኘው ውጹእ ጸሊም ከምጽእሎም ምስናይ ክፍሊቱ ሓበርዎም። እቶ ም ትፈልጡ እኒ ብዓል ስዉእ መኮነን ቢቲቢቶ ከመይ ገይሮም ነቶም ወተሃደራት ከምተጻወቱሎም እንተውጊዕኩሙና ነገር ምመቀረ። ካልኦት ከምእኒ የማነ ፍሻለ ዝኣመሰሉ’ውን ኣብኡ ይመላለሱ ከምዝነበሩ ምዝካር ስኢነዮ ከይመስለኩም።
ብሓጺሩ ዋላ’ዃ ሃገራዊ ብድሆ እንተዓመረ ብዘይካ ምስ ገዛኢት ኢቲዮጲያ ኣንጻር ኣመሪካ ዘድሃበ ሰብና ከምዘይነበረ ግዳ እፈልጥ ኢየ። ኣመሪካ ኣብ ሃገርና ምስ ረብሓኣ ብዝተተሓሓዘ ሰፊሕ ናይ ስራሕ ዕድል ከፊታን ንሓዋሩ’ውን ተስፋ ኮይናን ነበረት። ስለኡ ግደፍ መንእሰይሲ፡ ህዝቢ’ውን ብዙሕ ትጽቢታት ነበሮ። ንኣብነት ሓንቲ ከዘኻኽረኩምሲ፡ ወተሃደራት ከም ቲ ካብ ጸሊም ዒላታትን መሰሉን ‘ንሰይጣን ሓሓኒቖም ዝዘቁዎን ዝኣስርዎ ዝነበሩ’፡ ንኣእዱግ ድማ ክስእሉወን ድዮም ካልእ ብልሓት ነይርዎም ምስአን ክጓየዩ ንዝረኣዮም ህዝብና ከምዚ’ሉ ደረፈሎም።
“ኣቲ ዒሉ ዘመንኪ ተላዒሉ፡ ኣመሪካ ክደልየኪ ውዒሉ”። ዋዛ ጥራይ ይመስለኩም እንተኣልዩ ኣይፋሉን። ኣመሪካ ንናጽነትና ምጽባኣ እንተ ዘይኮይኑ ምስኣ ምንቛት ዝሓስብ ኣይነበረናን። “እዚ ናይ ሎሚ ጽርድነት ድኣ ካበይ ዝመንጨወ ኢዩ? ንምንታ ይከ ድሕሪ ናጽነትና ኣመሪካ ከምቀታሊትና ዝጉስጎሰላ”? ክትፈልጡ እንተደሊኹም እዚ ’ሞ እኒ ኢሳይያስ ቻይና በበጺሖም ንዴሳዊ ሓሳባት ሓፊዞማ ምስ መጹ ዝተፈጥረ ነበረ። ክሳብ ሎሚ ድማ ኣመሪካ ከም ቀንዲ ጸላኢትና፡ ከም ንህዝብናስ በተን ናይ መንግስትና ብዶላርን ብውሕስነትን ዝንቀሳቐሳ ምቹኣት መካይን ሓለፍትና ገይራ ህዝብና ተባድም ከምዘላ ይምህሩና እኒ ኢሳይያስን መሰልቱን። እዚ ጎስጓስ’ዚ ሓቂ ዲዩ? ሓቂ እንተዘይኮይኑ ስለምንታይ ተደልዩ?
ነገር ኣብ መፈጸምታኡ’ምበር ገና ኣብ ምጅማሩ ከምዘይፍረድ ተመኩሮ ይዛረብ ኢዩ። ወዲ ኣፎም ብሪ’ውን ሎሚ ነዛ ሃገር ቅላጣ ከይተረፈ ገሃሂጹ ምስኣድረቓ ገና ካብ ገዝኡ ከይወጸ ብቅርጫት ብዝተቐረበሉ መብጽዓ ስልጣን ዓባይ ኢቲዮጲያ ትስ ፉው ከምዝነበረ ካብቲ ናይ 1993 ቃለ-መሕትት ውጥን ኮንፈደረሽኑ ጥራይ’ኳ ዝትንትኑ ኣለዉ። ኣይተፈለጠን ኮይኑ’ምበር እቲ ቀንዲ ህዝብን ሃገራውነትን ክሓክኽ ዘሕረዮ ምኽንያት መንነቱ ከምዝኸውን ክግመት ይከኣል። ዓለም’ኮ ኩሉግዜ “ናየባ ንመን ንሃባ” ኢያ። ኣብ ሰውራ’ውን ኣብ እግሪ ተኽሉ ‘ክመስል’ ብዘካየዶ ጥበብ ተኣሚኑ (ምናልባሽ’ውን ካልእ ጉዝጓዝ ይነ ብሮ) ንወጻኢ ስለዝተላእከ ቁንጹባት ቻይናውያን ኣጋንንቲ ተዀልኲሉ ኢዩ ዝተመልሰ። ደጊሙ ድማ ቃኘው ብምድርጋም ናይታ ካልእ ዓለም ብልሓታት ሽማሚቱን ውዕላቱ ፈራሪሙን ዓላኡ ተደርገመ። ከምኡ እንተዘይኸውን ከመይቢሉ’ቲ ምዙዝ መንግስቲ ኢቲዮጲያ ኣመሓዳሪ ደቀምሓረ ዝነበረ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ምስ ወያነ ተሰማሚዖም ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዝቐተልዎ ተስፋሚ ካኤል ጆርጆ ንጽረ-ኢቲዮጲያ ኢሳይያስ ሓቝፉ ቃኘው ኣእትዩ ነበረኻኡ ክመልሶ ዝኻአለ? ዝኾነ ኮይኑ ንሱ ኣብ ናይ ቃልሲ ዓለሙ ገና ብእግሪ ተኽሉ ወናኒ ሰለስተ ዓይነት መዓርግ ፖለቲካውን ዲፕሎማሲያውን ምሕደራታት ክጭብጥ በቕዐ። ሕጂ’ ውን ምሕደራ ካብ ዘከርኩ ሰባውን ባህርያውን ሃብቲ ሃገር ማለተይ ምዃኑ ተረድኡለይ። ስለኡ ብዝሓደሮ መንፈሳዊ ጽንዓት ንዝተማህሮ ሰለስቲኡ በትረ-መግዛእቲ ብሰለሙናዊ ጥበባት ሸራሪቡ ክምርሽ ከምዘይዕንቀፍ ኣመነ። ንሱ ክኸውን ዓቕሚ ሰ ቡ ብጉቡእ ተቖጻጺሩ ብእዋኑ ገዝኡ ከጽሪ ስለዝነበሮ ድማ ቀዳመይቲ ወስታ በትሩ ኣብ ልዕሊ’ቲ ቀንዲ መራሕን ምስጢር ኢሳይያስ ዝፈልጥን ናይቶም ወገን ዓላ ዝተፈልዩ ገዛእ ብጾቱ ኣንጠባ። እንተኾነ በቲ እዋን’ቲ ‘ተጋዳላይ’ ንተጋዳላይ ከምዝቐ ትል እናተፈለጠ ምእማኑ ከቢድ ነበረ።
ኣብቲ ሰውራዊ ጉዕዞ ኢሳይያስ ካብ ዝስለፍ ኣትሒዙ ክሳብ ዝሓልፍ ኣብ ዝለዓለ ደረጃ ኮይኑ ክሰርሕ ዘኽኣሎ ዕድል ወይ ካ ልእ መለኮት ምህላዉ ገዲፍና ብዛዕባ ብቕዓቱ ግና ከምርኢቶይ ነታ ዝሓሰባ ክፍጽም “መን ከምኡ” ክበሃለሉ ክኢሉ ኣሎ። ባ ህሪ ሰውራ ንርእሱ ኣገልጋሊኡ ነበረ። ምኽንያቱ እቲ ብሃገሩ ዘዝተሓለቐ ናይቲ ግዜ መንእሰይ ወለዶ ሓንሳብ ኣብቲ ሜዳ ም ስ ተሰለፈ ንብረቱን ሂወቱን ይህገር’ሞ ብድሕሪኡ ናይ ነብሱ ጎይታ ምዃኑ የብቅዕ። ሽዑ ከም ሞያኡን ብቕዓቱን ተወዳዲሩ፡ ወይ ከም ምርጫኡን ዊንታኡን ተመንዩ ዝኣትዎን ዝገድፎን መደብ ስራሕ ኣይነበረን። ስለ’ታ ሃገር ክበሃል ከክንድኡ ትምህር ትን ዓቕምን፡ ከክንድኡ ናይ ናብራ ምርጫን ዕድልን፡ ከክንድኡ ብራቕ ጸሓይ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ዘዛሕዚሑን ተዀልኲሉን ናብ መስርዕ ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት ምውሓዝ ጥራይ ነበረ ምርጫኡ።
ድሕሪ ውዕል ሕድር እቲ ክሰምዕ ዝበቕዐ ተጋዳላይ ከይተረፈ ሓደ ግዜ ከምዝጥለም እናፈለጠ ኣብታ ዝተመደባ ተማእዚዙ መንኮርኮር ሰውራ ንምቅልጣፍ ሂወቱ ንሃገሩ ምውፋዩ ክሳራኡ ከም ዝነበረ ዘመናውያን ዕዉታት ባሕተውቲ ብኣፍ ተጣበቕ ቶም “ገግዜኻ ኣለዎ” ብዝብል ዜማዊ ብልሓት ክድርዕዎ ተራእዮም ኣለዉ። እንተ ሽዑ ደላይ ናጽነትን ፍትሕን ንሃገሩ ክብል ኩሉ ዝውንኖ ክህብ እንከሎ መራሒ ሰውራ ወዲኣፎም ብሪ ድማ ወናኒ ኩሉ ዝተወፈየ ሃብቲ ሃገር ክኸውን ዋላ’ዃ ኣይተጸገ መን። ንሱ ብስም ረብሓ ሃገር ኩሉ ነገር ክግብት ምእንቲ ናብ ወሳኒት ነገር ጥራይ ኣተኮረ። ናብ ስልጣን ባቃ! ንርእሱ ንሰባ ት ብናይ ስልጣን ሕማም እናጠቀነን እናቓሕለለን ብሕማም ስልጣን ኣብ ዝተደነሰሉ እዋን ተጋዳላይ ከይተቓጸጾ ኣኣብ ዝተ መደበሉ ኴይኑ ክስዋእ እናተጓየየ ወዲ ኣፎም ብልሂ ግና መመሊሱ ክመርሕ ሰለጦ። ሎሚ ናይ ሂወቱ ዋሕስነት ህዝቡ ከምዝ ኾነ ከምስል ዘረባ ዝሰትኮ መራሒ ኩሉሳዕን ብሕቡእን ግና እኪት ተልእኾኡ ክፍጽም ነብሱ ንምክልኻል ኣቐዲሙ ብስም “ ሓለዋ ሰውራ” ድሒሩ ድማ ብስም “ሃገራዊ ድሕነት” እናተመኽነየ ንመንነቱ ዘዝፈለጥዎ ብሓሶት ጠቓቒኑ ክውግን ብዝፈጸ ሞ ጽንተት ንጹሃት ዜጋታትን ኣውያቱ ዘይተሰምዐ ናይ በረኻ ቀብርን ታሪኽ ከእውየሎም ክነብር ኢዩ። መቸም ጽባሕ ኣብ ምድሪ ኤርትራ ዘይተገብረ ዓይነት እኪት ስለዘይህሉ ዘይስማዕ ዓይነት ጉድን ድርብ መርድእን ኣውያትን ከምዘይህሉ’ውን ካ ብ ሕጂ ክንዳለወሉ ኣለና። እንተ’ተን ዝኸፍኣ ገበነኛታት ኢደቤዛኡ ድማ ወየን ንሓለዋኡ ጥራይ ዝቖማ ብደም ዝጨቀዋ ሰራ ማት ዘይሃገራውያን ሰልፍታቱ ከምዝነበራ ናይ ታሪኽ ጉሉሕ ሓቂ ኢዩ። ጎይታ እምባኣር ካብ ጥንቱ ክሳብ’ታ ናይ ኮነ መዓል ቱ ኣብተን ብደማዊ ማሕላ ዝተነድቃ ገበነኛታት ሰልፍታቱ ተወሽቡ ብምስዋሩ ብገበናዊ ውዲቱ ሓይሊ ሰብና እናብረሰ የሽካ ዕልል ኣሎ።
ዘልኣለማዊ ዝኽሪ ንስዉኣትና!
ናብ “ይድንጒ’ምበር ኣድግስ ናይ ዝብኢ ኢያ” ዝብል ኣርእስቲ ቀጽሉ።
Eritra June 14, 2015
“ብጉቡእ ተቖጻጺሩ ብእዋኑ ገዝኡ ከጽሪ ስለዝነበሮ ድማ ቀዳመይቲ ወስታ በትሩ ኣብ ልዕሊ’ቲ ቀንዲ መራሕን ምስጢር ኢሳይያስ ዝፈልጥን ናይቶም ወገን ዓላ ዝተፈልዩ ገዛእ ብጾቱ ኣንጠባ። እንተኾነ በቲ እዋን’ቲ ‘ተጋዳላይ’ ንተጋዳላይ ከምዝቐ ትል እናተፈለጠ ምእማኑ ከቢድ ነበረ።”
The crime you are talking about is mentioned in one the books written by Haggi Erlich (an Israeli adviser on counter insurgency to Ethiopian government during sixties). The head of Fifth Region, was not happy about ELF leadership, but was sure difference among comrades could be solved.
Iseyas appears to have received orders from Asmara to kill him, which he did, thorough poisoning. After that, Iseyas asked a visiting Ethiopian government delegation to supply his group with arms and medicine. The delegation was made of three top government officials from Asmara. Because they all happened to be Eritreans, they told him “we don’t want our people to kill each other”.
This is one of the darkest chapters of Eritrean history. Tesfanchiel Giorgio knew too much about Iseyas and his connections with Asrate Kasa. He was killed in Addis Abeba in early nineties, were he was living since early eighties.
tewelde g/mariam June 14, 2015
Just because we have a hiccup now does not mean the past was all wrong. Isaias afewerki might have met CIA officials in Asmera but cannot invalidate our struggle. the fact that the Tesfankeil Georgio gave his hands to Ethiopia casts doubt to his testimony; he could have been purposely misinforming ELF to gain fair treatment. I think he succeeded. Such adverse propaganda could have also been purposely dessiminate by Ethiopian intelligence service to create discord among tegadelti
Ethiopian troops might rape some of our females but to say every Eritrean child is Ethiopian is preposterous.
The most important thing at present is the fact the Isaias Afewerki is very close to be charged for Crimes Against Humanity. Therefore, we must take advantage of that by strengthing our unity instead of dwelling on past trivialities.
Genet-orginal June 15, 2015
Tewelde g/mariam
Did you say, “just because we have a hiccup now……”
You call the past 24 years of abomination of the Eritrean people and its nation “just a hiccup” Unless this is your poor choice of words, based on your statement, you are part of this dictator. Mr Tewelde, don’t express your thought process like you are back in the 1970s or 1960s.
Destroying a young nation and its people is beyond “hiccup”
Betraying our Martyrs hope and aspiration is not “hiccup” it is a crime
Treating our people like slaves is not just “hiccup” it is a crime against humanity
Shooting and killing young Eritreans is not just a “hiccup” it crime against humanity
TO use young Eritrean girls as Military sex slaves is not just “hiccup” it is a crime against humanity.
Not having rule of law in our country is not just “hiccup” it is an atrocity.
Taking a nation and its people to war without the consent of the people and have its young killed in the thousands is no just a “hiccup” it is unforgivable crime.
To destroy the fabric of our society by systematically, dismantling the Eritrean nuclear family is not just a “hiccup” it is unforgivable crime against a society who loved you and others like you.
Mr tewelde, you and others have done so much damage to our nation and our people. So, let the Eritrean people be the judge about what was wrong and what is wrong now. You and a like put ELF/EPLF/PFDJ above the dear people of Eritrea and its nation. Now, we are the one who is paying for your stupidity.
Let the Eritrean people be the judge, about what they are going through is hiccup or not.
tewelde g/mariam June 15, 2015
If I were to reply to you in kind, I would say you are superficial because you could not grasp my response in the context it was made; you got a clue that seemed to feed your prejudice and you jumped to your conclusion.
Isaias Afewerki is finally cornered and his end is insight. We must finish him. But we must also save our country. However, if we act the way you are acting, he will achieve his goal,decimating our country and people. We must, therefore, put our emotions under control and use our intelligence to build consensus among ourselves and finish him off once and for all .
Simon G. June 15, 2015
So, would share with us on what your solution is. Since my view and the majority of Eritrean people (excluding those who are owned by isayas) seem to be aligned with Genet G.’s comment, let’s hear your proposal.
Genet-orginal June 16, 2015
Mr tewelde
From your statement, You don’t seem to have good common sense or humanity in you. You called the past 24 years of fear and terror in Eritrea Just a “hiccup”. Hiccup is when a particular project, isn’t completed on time. Pointing out the fact on the ground is not being “superficial”. Mr tewelde, one has to be disgust enough by the past 24 years of PFDJ/DIA’s crimes to actually do something about it. Your statement and Tesfankeil Georgio and “Isaias afewerki might have met CIA officials in the Asmera, but cannot invalidate our struggle” is very odd. No Eritrean invalidates our peoples struggle for self determination, but Can we infer, Isayas’s actions from the get go was to use the Eritrean people as means to an end. Our prove is the current state of our people and country.
Mr tewelde, Since you take yourself as such a deep thinker, can you tell us the number ONE thing that went horribly wrong back in the struggle time, to get the Eritrean people where we are now? Don’t get stuck in the mindset of struggle time. The none struggle Eritrean generations are not conditioned or intermediated into accepting something that is not right. FYI, I am not a mind reader. I read what people are writhing. I found your writhing and message, about the current issue to be superficial. Back at you! Cheers! On anther thought, you could be a closeted HIGDEFan.
Eritra June 15, 2015
“Just because we have a hiccup now does not mean the past was all wrong. Isaias afewerki might have met CIA officials in Asmera but cannot invalidate our struggle. the fact that the Tesfankeil Georgio gave his hands to Ethiopia casts doubt to his testimony; he could have been purposely misinforming ELF to gain fair treatment. I think he succeeded. Such adverse propaganda could have also been purposely dessiminate by Ethiopian intelligence service to create discord among tegadelti”
tewelde g/mariam
Much of our current problems are rooted in the past. This is not to say, our struggle for independence was wrong. It was perfectly legitimate for Eritreans to fight an occupation army and seek freedom and independence from foreign domination. That said, the liberation movement was affected by suspicious activities of irresponsible elements and that caused so much damage.
Iseyas was and still remains a controversial figure. His attempt to hide his secret relation with Hailesellasies’ Ethiopian has costed a lot of people their precious life.
tewelde g/mariam June 15, 2015
when you set out for something, it is difficult to get all that you wanted in perfection. Such thing does not happen in nature. In this respect, Our old adage, Kab Busul Tre, is a lesson to be drawn.
The fact that Eritrea is independent now bears the testimony that our past was not in vain. Notwistanding the the negative forces, be it the international saboteurs, such as Isaias Afewerki, or the external, such as the Soviet Union, the result we have in our hand amply demonstrates that the patriotic forces had overwhelming superiority.
Nevertheless, the past is past, we cannot fix it now whatever mistake was committed. What we must do now is analyze the objective situation and fashion the right key to unlock it. And luckily,we have the international community at our side, of which we must take advantage.
As might have noticed, Isaias afewerki, is working hard to turn the situation to his favor, at least to preempt the indictment for Crime Against Humanity. To that effect, he has abandoned Iran and is courting the United State and other Western countries. It is even rumoured that he has allowed Port Assab to be used by United States allies in the war in Yemen. He has also his supporters demonstrate in the western countries capitals calling him to reduce the so called National Service to 18 months.
Needless to say, the right key for us now is to forge united front with commitment to implement the People’s Constitution which was ratified in 1997. Unfortunately,
That does not however seem possible because those under woyane wing have no gut to do it. They are woyane’s time bomb to be exploded at Eritrea’s weakest time.
tewelde g/mariam June 15, 2015
Please read internal saboteurs instead of international saboteurs…
Eritra June 15, 2015
“That does not however seem possible because those under woyane wing have no gut to do it. They are woyane’s time bomb to be exploded at Eritrea’s weakest time.”
tewelde g/mariam
You speak as if those in Ethiopia are there because they fall in love with Weyane.
Your solution seem to be Higdef minus Iseyas. It’s naive to think our problems will be solved when:
– you will get rid of Iseyas
– keep this regime in place
– implement a constitution tailored for one party rule
Brother, the regime has to go, and the constitution has to be redrafted and approved by representatives of all Eritreans. Anything else is just waste of time.
simon June 15, 2015
every body of E_L_F nowen issajas was a man of cia but why eritrean liberation front dont take any reaction againste him beacause e-l-f was fear from eritreanes highlanders it will not truseted.this was de problem . not he is wise tan the other eritreanes but our poeple the dont now realey the aim of this man.even 1973 when he killed a lot of comerade buy the name of MANKA what are waiting eplf the dont take any action aganest this brutal man.
Tezareb June 15, 2015
There is nothing new here. Jebha was hunting Issaias and his followers, in that dire situation he may had done everything to survive, be it by relating to CIA or any. This helped Issais to survive at a later time and hunt down down Jebha to oblivion as a salt in a lake. This is a commendable strategy. Many of the disgruntled and good for nothing Eritrean opposition have been begging Ethiopia for any support in the last 15 years.
The elite leaders of the Jebha minions were also spying and passing secure information to many secrete agents of the Arab world, such Egypt, Sudan and Syria. Some of them even handed over innocent Italian-Jews that they kidnapped to Syria that were used in exchange of captured Syrian officers in Israel. There were more worthless leaders in Eritrea than the present dictator Issaias Afewerki in Jebha who chose to be Arab servants and burned and hated Eritrean languages and values to fake Arabs. What do the Arabs say when they see Eritrean children in Arab territory? They see not an “Arab” but an Aswad Abeed.
Eritra June 15, 2015
Please name the names of the Italian-Jews that were kidnapped and handed over to Syria, if there is any truth is what you are saying. Unless you are cooking up stories, as usual, you should have no problem telling us their names and when did kidnapping happen.
Zemuy June 15, 2015
I really wonder about the so called politicians and ex-fighters when they say Isayas Afewerki has betrayed EPLF and the Eritrean people after independence. Since the cessation from ELF – his immediate plan was to promote himself as a leader of everything. The main problem which gave opportunity for him to be a dictator was the so called Tegadelti of EPLF. They never uttered a single word that EPLF leadership should be elected democratically. He created “wahio” which was the main party that was attending the conferences and that has upper hand to elect him.
Almost every Tegadalay was leaving under terror at that time and was doing whatever was told to do. Otherwise would be killed in the name of awraja etc. Therefore, the problem came during struggle for independence since Tegadelti were working with directives of Isayas and not with the directives of Executive Committee.
One person rule since 1971 in EPLF. Everyone is scared of him including the Generals because he uses the divide and rule system and cannot talk to one another.
The Tegadelti which they tell us they brought Independence brought us the worst dictator in the world. And now Eritrea is falling appart. Its people are migrating and dying everywhere. In fact Isayas is not working for the better of Eritrea. He is the destroying Eritrea. And everyone is not opposing this.
hagos June 16, 2015
Every word in your comment above strikes at the heart of our wound and lt is true. We are wounded people (for now) but we are not finished by a long shot!